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What amazes me is how the hel_l do they think they can get away with it. Hardly the perfect crime,

I don't follow such threads about another fahrang who spend all is money on a house that he cannot own (the land), a big car on his teerak's name, etc. , knowing all too well that displaying such a wealth in Thailand is the recipe for a short life and end-up dead after several hours of agony.

But the quote from TBWG makes the fahrang community look even dumber.

Can you name 1 case where the Thai wife and her lover/family planned such a crime and REALLY got convicted for it?

As far as I have been following the thread about the Canadian guy who was cool blooded murdered in Ranong by the "uncle", the wife cashed a lot of money and sold all his properties (his Harley Davidson) and according what I have read a few weeks ago, she is walking free on the streets. And that's where she will be forever. Not behind bars. That privilege is kept for fahrangs who does anything wrong in Thailand.

If you want to convince yourself that Thailand will do justice after the murder of a fahrang by a Thai, keep living on dreams.

But don't try to convince others who knows that you are LESS THAN NOTHING in Thailand and this will forever be that way.

The safest way to live in Thailand is simply to not display any wealth and dont spend big sums of money on something you can never own.

My condoleances to the guy who had to spnd 7 hours in agony before dying.

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Folks , some real figures just released in UK.

Costa de Sol has recorded that there are more Brits arrested there than ever before,in fact a rise of 32% over previous years.

Second Fact , there are more Brits murdered/died/killed in Thailand than any other foreign Country.

Be careful , be b---y careful


I'd be very interested to find out what happens to the house now. I also hope that nobody in her family gets their hands on it.

Sadly i think that they will. The house is in her name and so belongs to her and also foreigners by law can not own land in Thailand. Stinks does'nt it.

Sympathy to the family.

Cheers, Rick

I am not really the type of person who keeps up on the weekly murder rates in different countries, but I feel fairly safe in assuming that murder due to human greed is not in anyway unique to Thailand.


I'd be very interested to find out what happens to the house now. I also hope that nobody in her family gets their hands on it.
Well in any civilised country it would be the proceeds of crime and the proper thing would be done, here ?, well who knows,but my guess is , sweet FA,

It's a sad and undeserved end for this man... no matter what choices he made with his wife or how he may have treated her, for better or worse.

It's also a good reminder/lesson for all the farang living here:

--be darned careful how you keep your assets,

--be darned careful who you may choose to marry, and

--be darned careful in watching out for your own well-being.

Episodes like this give Thailand a stain for the outside world, and people elsewhere will tend to generalize this as indicative of Thai culture/behavior. Yes, it happens far too often... one time is too often... But it's also not the normal way of life here...either!

I am amazed at some of these posts.Hang on a minute petite who is uneducated,it certainly sounds like you,are you ugly too.

The replys are typical of sad uk ladies who do not understand Thailand and have never been to the place.

Nothing worse than a woman scorned though,thai or english.

So you're one of those ugly old guys married to a uneducated girl?

im sorry, but you don't have to be jealous because i am 22 and good looking and athletic...

just envious is enough

Being with someone that is uneducated, ugly and very poor does mean that you took the first person that finaly came to you.. nothing wrong there though.. as my mom always said.. every dirty wipe needs its dirty wipe.

im just saying, if you're a old guy with money and you marry some girl from the ghetto no matter in what country.. u'll get fuc_ked one way or an other.

I am amazed at some of these posts.Hang on a minute petite who is uneducated,it certainly sounds like you,are you ugly too.

The replys are typical of sad uk ladies who do not understand Thailand and have never been to the place.

Nothing worse than a woman scorned though,thai or english.

So you're one of those ugly old guys married to a uneducated girl?

im sorry, but you don't have to be jealous because i am 22 and good looking and athletic...

just envious is enough

Being with someone that is uneducated, ugly and very poor does mean that you took the first person that finaly came to you.. nothing wrong there though.. as my mom always said.. every dirty wipe needs its dirty wipe.

im just saying, if you're a old guy with money and you marry some girl from the ghetto no matter in what country.. u'll get fuc_ked one way or an other.



It may have been said before but the blame for this sort of thing lies 100% with the laws that stop foreign ownership of land. If foreigners could actually own the land then, it is unlikely any of these lunatic Thai women would ever think about doing something like this. It's just too easy and too tempting for people to marry then make a quick buck by making a land grab.

It may have been said before but the blame for this sort of thing lies 100% with the laws that stop foreign ownership of land. If foreigners could actually own the land then, it is unlikely any of these lunatic Thai women would ever think about doing something like this. It's just too easy and too tempting for people to marry then make a quick buck by making a land grab.

Assuming your wife is your heir, that would seem to be even more dangerous. One never ever wants to be worth more dead than alive.


I can see what the others are trying to make/have you see. :D Is that after 9 years his behaviour in some way gives her the mitigating circumstances for your percieved stance that she may not be completely to blame and in some way he was at fault.

Not taking a pop at you, :o but, reprint your posts only this time swap genders. Then you might see from a female side what others are seeing from a male perspective??

I may be young, but not that gullible or naïve - to the point that I let everything I see or hear blinding me, without applying some common sense first. And I don’t have to swap the sex to see what I’m seeing.

I’m looking at the case from a person with some common sense. And it’s not difficult to see that there might be the causes and the effects/consequences in every actions you do in life. But by blaming “solely” on the others for your own downfall, this I have difficulty seeing eyes to eyes.

Of course 9 yrs of marriage or in any relationship still doesn’t give a person right to kill somebody and what she did was wrong,…..she may rot in prison or in hel_l or wherever, but it still won’t bring him back. And I’m sure there will be the next case and the next case……similarly to this again and again in the future, because this type of case is nothing new, it has been happening rather frequently.

It will never change for some of you, if you still "can not or won't" accept that you’re also part of the equation too and start learning to accept some of the consequences as part of your decisions/actions - whether good or bad. Only after you can see/foresee what might be some of the negative consequences of your actions, then and only then you might be able to prevent you own down fall, and others.

Nothing will happen and no one will ever learn from the tragedy like this, if everybody is just concentrating on sending “well wishes” and “condolence” cards only. Through debates and discussions "critically“, that’s when we can have the real positive effects on people’s life.

English is not my native language, so I can't put many fancy words or spin into this.

Whether right or wrong in pollitical correctness or popularity- I don't know,..... but the above is how how feel about the sitation.

I may be young, but not that gullible or naïve - to the point that I let everything I see or hear blinding me, without applying some common sense first.

I'm looking at the case from a person with some common sense.

Lots of people with lots of common sense make lots of mistakes, seems as if this guy biggest mistake was to put his trust into somebody.

When you get to 60 and are alone as this guy was maybe you'll make the same mistake.



I thought when you get older, you are suppose to be smarter/wiser - because you have been through life, and seen most of the good, bad, and ugly already.

According to you, generally, this is not the case?

And when you get to be 60 and lonely

Do you have to get married, just to be happy and not lonely?

Can you just have a good companionship without that “piece of paper“? If you still have some of those naggy feelings about your partner.

I'd be very interested to find out what happens to the house now. I also hope that nobody in her family gets their hands on it.
Well in any civilised country it would be the proceeds of crime and the proper thing would be done, here ?, well who knows,but my guess is , sweet FA,

The house may be the reason for the crime but is not the proceeds of crime, and it would be the same in any "civilised" country.

And just as in any other civilised country there are remedies available under Thai civil law if the relatives should choose to sue for compensation.


The Thai govt. should pass a law that states that farang cannot buy houses or land, at all.

This would go a long way in protecting assests when these folks get tangled in a love triangle, which seems to happen all of the time with the Thai man behind the scenes in almost every case.

So, if the farang cannot own the house and land, then pass a law that coincides with the ownership laws that states that farang can own and buy condos, but shall only be allowed to rent houses. Land purchases are out of the equation. Also, add an attachment that Farang are not allowed to buy land or houses in a Thai name. Then, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in both Thai farang marriages and murders.


Innovator, it doesnot sound very innovating what you just said.

The law that foreigners cannot buy /own land/house is already there.

Foreigners cannot buy a house in a Thai name. They can allow a Thai person to buy a house with their ( foreigners) money, but for the law it is the Thai person who bought it, the foreigners name is not even on the horizon.

So what it is that you mean? What you suggest is the present situation.

It may have been said before but the blame for this sort of thing lies 100% with the laws that stop foreign ownership of land. If foreigners could actually own the land then, it is unlikely any of these lunatic Thai women would ever think about doing something like this. It's just too easy and too tempting for people to marry then make a quick buck by making a land grab.

Way to avoid personal responsibility for one's own life decisions.

May as well say the blame lies 100% with guys who choose to buy land over condos.


. . . problem is you will still be living in that old council house back home... :boring

Doubtless the late Mr. Ian Beeston, RIP, came to wish ferverently he'd remained living in that old council house. Me, I'd also rather be bored than dead.

I am not sure about this and we will never be able to ask Mr Beeston. Life is meant to be lived and choices need to be made. Some people like a life less ordinary and choose to travel across the world to hook up with younger women. It can often be a mistake - especially with hindsight.

On the other hand, we are all going to die and for many of us it will be a painful end. Torture comes in many forms. Greed is in no way limited to Thailand, and I have met plenty of old people in the west whose children are just waiting for them to die so they can get their grubby hands on the money - although most of them do not go to the same extreme measures as Mrs Beeston.

In this life we make our choices and pay the price. That women and her boyfriend will pay their price also.

Well, the article clearly states, "And he began selling all moveable objects in the house and restaurant piece by piece to survive until he could legally get the funds to return home." A pity he never made it.

Your view reminds me of another near murder more than a decade ago when a Thai wife imprisoned her old Brit husband in cage in the jungle and starved him. He survived only by chance when a Christian missionary found him. The wife's rationale to police? "We all have to die sometime."

I seriously doubt the price that price to be paid by the woman and boyfriend will be proportionate. In any case, her family will receive the assets.


"Your view reminds me of another near murder more than a decade ago when a Thai wife imprisoned her old Brit husband in cage in the jungle and starved him. He survived only by chance when a Christian missionary found him. The wife's rationale to police? "We all have to die sometime." "

I remember that one - ex-copper from Leicestershire.

I thought it was an American Bhuddist who the Brit slipped the help note too when he passed through the village though and I do not remember a cage but rather slowly poisoned and too weak to leave the house.

If I remember corerectly his brother and mother flew over after a call from the American

Trouble started just four months ago when Beeston, married nine years to his 42-year-old Thai wife Wacheerawan, nicknamed 'Wanna',

The nickname says it all ...............

May as well say the blame lies 100% with guys who choose to buy land over condos.

The only one to blame is the guy himself for his actions.

The biggest part of the foreigners married to a girl from upcountry which is almost 30 year younger than themselves have meet their "teerak" in a bar somewhere in Pattaya, Bangkok, etc..

Nobody with his mind in the right place spend all his money and all his savings on a "bargirl"?

No way!!!!!!!!!!

So, why do it in Thailand where you have even less rights?

Again one of these cases that prooves that most of the foreigners who travel to Thailand leave their brains in a locker and replace the empty space with their balls.

May as well say the blame lies 100% with guys who choose to buy land over condos.

The only one to blame is the guy himself for his actions.

The biggest part of the foreigners married to a girl from upcountry which is almost 30 year younger than themselves have meet their "teerak" in a bar somewhere in Pattaya, Bangkok, etc..

Nobody with his mind in the right place spend all his money and all his savings on a "bargirl"?

No way!!!!!!!!!!

So, why do it in Thailand where you have even less rights?

Again one of these cases that prooves that most of the foreigners who travel to Thailand leave their brains in a locker and replace the empty space with their balls.

The majority of your statements are probably correct except for the guy being the only one to blame - that is absolutely absurd and shows a lack of any serious thought.

blaming the victim is so easy - read the Sun down't pit did you?


So we are now blaming the victim for his murder on the basis that he was a fool?!

Anyone can be a fool from time - But you've got to be plain thick to blame the victim.

The people responsible for his death are the people who viscously murdered him - Period!

If you removed the fools from Thailand's Farang population, the place would be practically deserted for foreigners - Not all get murdered.

Why - Because very few Thais are viscous, scheming scum like the two who murdered this old man.

So we are now blaming the victim for his murder on the basis that he was a fool?!

A guy who had been working for the Ford Cy as a designer for many years is not exactly what your could

call "a dumb" person.

Yet he managed to make mostly ALL the mistakes anyone traveling abroad can make.

Marrying a (bar)girl who is almost 30 year younger as himself, spend all his money and his assets on her and burning all the bridges for his return with his actions (remember, he was trying to buy an airplamne ticket to return to the UK)

OK, lets blame the UK school system fir his stupidities.

Anyone can be a fool from time - But you've got to be plain thick to blame the victim.

Correct, anyone can be a fool from time to time.

But what this guy did surpasses the word "fool".

BTW, if he was afraid for his life and wanted to return to the UK, why didn't he contacted the UK Embassy?

The people responsible for his death are the people who viscously murdered him - Period!

According to the numbers of foreigners who died by crime in Thailand (somewhere else in this thread), dying by crime in Thailand seems to be the standard for foreigners.

And i have no figures about this, but how many of these "viscously" murderers have been convicted and are in jail?

I have read that the wife of the "viscously murdered" Canadian guy is walking happily in the streets

You are talking about Thailand, ain't you?

If you removed the fools from Thailand's Farang population, the place would be practically deserted for foreigners - Not all get murdered.


Most are waiting for their turn to be slaughtered.

Next one, please.

Why - Because very few Thais are viscous, scheming scum like the two who murdered this old man.


Are you serious??????????????

Come over to my house and I will show a lot of Thais who have gambled all their assets and their money on the lottery or in a casino (I'm talking about sums ranging form 500,000 Baht to 4 mill. Baht and more).

Gambling is almost a religion on Asia.


"Come over to my house and I will show a lot of Thais who have gambled all their assets and their money on the lottery or in a casino (I'm talking about sums ranging form 500,000 Baht to 4 mill. Baht and more)."

Welll we can see what sort of experience you are bringing to the debate - good luck as you may well need it.

It may have been said before but the blame for this sort of thing lies 100% with the laws that stop foreign ownership of land. If foreigners could actually own the land then, it is unlikely any of these lunatic Thai women would ever think about doing something like this. It's just too easy and too tempting for people to marry then make a quick buck by making a land grab.

Or maybe the fault lies with foreigners trying to circumvent the law? and in the end get screwed?

It is not your country. You cant own land. Period.

The Thai govt. should pass a law that states that farang cannot buy houses or land, at all.

This would go a long way in protecting assests when these folks get tangled in a love triangle, which seems to happen all of the time with the Thai man behind the scenes in almost every case.

So, if the farang cannot own the house and land, then pass a law that coincides with the ownership laws that states that farang can own and buy condos, but shall only be allowed to rent houses. Land purchases are out of the equation. Also, add an attachment that Farang are not allowed to buy land or houses in a Thai name. Then, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in both Thai farang marriages and murders.

In which case, the farang can also save face by saying.. I'm sorry, I cant build a house, even if I rent the land from you.

To those of you who say she was ugly, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". She may be ugly to you, but then again, I'll bet some of your sig others are considered ugly to other people. Besides you have no idea what she looked like when they married and she was still in her 30's.

As for the lenght of time they were married.. so what.. Marriage is a risk. You will never know what is in the heart of a person or their thoughts. You can only hope that you made the right choice. You might pick an illiterate, no background, person who may just be the best thing that ever happened to you and love you and respect you and fight for you, because.. they genuinely fell in love with you.

You might pick a person you consider to be gorgeous, who appears well mannered and educated, but deep down loathes the very thought of your touch, but needs you to move forward in life..

So it is a gamble.

But to some degree, he has to be blamed. He knew they were trying to kill him, yet he stayed??

IF I thought my husband was trying to kill me I would not just talk about it. I would up, move, and get my belongings from a DISTANCE! Or consider it a bad lesson learned, and return to my home country in shame but with my life.

He was due to appear in court, then move to a friends house, and attend court hearing from there! Who lets a person who is trying to kill them live in the back yard?

Then his friends whom he expressed his fears to.. well.. they OBVIOUSLY were not friends, but rather aquaintances, because I am sure not one male on this board, would let a person they consider to be a "friend" remain in a dangerous situation. Unless of course, deep down you really dont want to get involved...

What I still dont get is, why you would move to a foreign country and not leave some emergency money in the bank at home.


"What I still dont get is, why you would move to a foreign country and not leave some emergency money in the bank at home. "

A questions asked hundreds of times in the past and willbe in the future - having been skint in a country and having emergency funds back home my Mum was told never to send me was an experience - she bloody never sent them and I am glad of that now.

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