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Can Anyone Clear Up These For Me


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i understand the need to clarify, heres the way i understand them.

duu, duu thoratat (to watch tv) duu nang (to watch a movie)

jer,pop and haa, question, bai nai? (where are you going?)

answer, bai pop/haa/jer puan (to meet/visit/see a friend)

hen, to see question hen mai? (do you see?)

answer mong mai hen (didnt see)

sometimes these words will be interchanged, eg hen and jer, my wife asks if i found/seen the keys on the table, she may say hen/jer mai?

others more knowlegable than i will no doubt clear up what i may have missed out of failed to explain in full.

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I just need some definative usages for these to get a grip on them..anyone??


duu = to watch, such as duu TV (watching TV).

jer = to meet, such as bai jer peuan (go see a friend).

pop = not sure about this one, if you could type it in Thai I could probably help.

haa = to look for, such as chun haa waen mai jer (I cant find my glasses)

hen = to see, such as chun hen kao keun roht may (I saw him get on the bus.)

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' pop ' is pretty well the same as ' jer ', as in the song, sabai sabai ' pop gan mai '

meaning to meet again. If you want to check in a dictionary the spellings are :

พบ pop , to meet. เจอ jer , to meet, to come across.

Which reminds me, whoever designed the layout for the Thai keyboard should be taken out and shot at dawn. No reason or system in it that I can detect.

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