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The New Lcd Display Is Up Now At The Walking Street Entrance


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Another well thought out and well placed idea. This new LCD screen had traffic backed up tonight the entire length of beach road, just about to soi 6.

I wized buy on my scooter only to get to the front to find some baht busses just stopped and watching it, blocking all traffic with no care in the world.

A few nights before I was coming down the same street when they were testing it. Only BRIGHT white light was bursting out if it. Blinding light. Made it very difficult to see anything in front of you. The car behind me lightly bumped into the back of my bike. I assume he was watching the screen. No real harm done, but it could have been a Japanese filled tour bus and a flat falang.

I will call it right now. Prepare on a LOT of accidents near the corner there as dumb or drunk drivers pay more attention to the screen than the road. It's almost unavoidable how big and bright it is.

Look out behind you when you're driving there. Chances are, there will be plenty of fender benders and flattened scooter riders in the near future. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

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When has Pattaya city council EVER thought anything through except how to skim off money more effectively.

Last week when I was there they were still commissioning it so I assume it is now operational. What does it actually show?

Certainly from it's location and your description we can expect an increase in business for the vehicle repair shops in the near future. However given the council's past record of maintaining anything in working order, street lights spring to mind, it'll be a dead duck in a couple of weeks.

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The sign is huge (I would estimate maybe 1/4 to 1/3 larger than LCD sign at Central and Sukhumvit) and bright. It's a very big ugle square thing, completely devoid of any charm and character like the old Walking Street sign...with it's portrait of the King and the neon writing. The old sign had a sense of scale to its location...the new one just completely dominates the intersection...a symptom of the Asian attitude that bigger is better.

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What is it showing???

live feed from some of the upstairs bars certainly would stop the traffic...


Every time I drive by, about 10 times now, it's showing FLOWERS!!!!

This sign won't be around long. A few drunken Thais throwing bottles at it should put an end to it.

I miss the old sign. Agreed with poster above, it had much more charm.

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The ones that annoy me most are those poxy advertising trucks with the big led displays on the back that go around beach road and 2nd road at crawling pace jamming everything up and are bound to cause accidents if they already haven't. My motorbike was slightly bumped from behind by a baht bus whose driver was too busy watching the bloody sign instead of the road.

The company that has these two trucks have now also put up a huge LED display on beach road by what is being desrcibed as the new walking street, again another huge distraction to drivers. How long before someone is run over and badly hurt or even killed because of these distractions god knows.

The dutch guy who runs this operation lives on my village and he seems a good guy but I really hope his company goes tits up.

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Guess they are another ''improvement' from the Big Banner Company.. Same as the trio of mini vans crawling up and down Pattaya's roads blaring music and reducing the traffic flow to zero... Another example of a newbie arrival farang with a ''get rich quick'' scheme that only reduces everybody else's quality of life.. Sooner he goes bust or spunks all his money on his bird the better.. last thing Pattaya needs is more ''entrepreneurs'' or potless dreamers willing to try anything to ''live the dream'' :o

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The ones that annoy me most are those poxy advertising trucks with the big led displays on the back that go around beach road and 2nd road ... also put up a huge LED display on beach road by what is being desrcibed as the new walking street...

The dutch guy who runs this operation lives on my village and he seems a good guy but I really hope his company goes tits up.

You forgot to mention, there is also one of the stationary LED displays at the top end of soi Pattaya Land 1 at 2nd Road. In addition, there is another HUGE LED display (not connected with this guy I would suspect) on a building side in the Pattaya City Walk complex. All these roving and stationary LED advertising displays really add to the visual pollution (to go along with the noise pollution and garbage pollution) in our City and detract from the quality of life.

Wonder how all the people who pay for all the silly luxury condos and houses feel about it all :o

Edited by NotNew2You
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would have to agree with the common consensus on this one.It's 11:30pm on a Saturday night and I've just arrived home

after having driven past it in my car.Of the 2 motorbikes in front of me,one driver was totally entranced by the huge,brightly

lit sign.I stayed a little bit back in my car..as he was clearly not concentrating...and just as well I did because he stopped and stuttered for about 15 metres and had I been closer I would have certainly hit him.The sign itself is ridiculously out of

proportion to its surroundings and there would have been so many other better ways to spend money.....had it been a quarter

the size I might have had a slightly more favourable feeling about it...but too big...waaaay to big!!

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The ones that annoy me most are those poxy advertising trucks with the big led displays on the back that go around beach road and 2nd road ... also put up a huge LED display on beach road by what is being desrcibed as the new walking street...

The dutch guy who runs this operation lives on my village and he seems a good guy but I really hope his company goes tits up.

You forgot to mention, there is also one of the stationary LED displays at the top end of soi Pattaya Land 1 at 2nd Road. In addition, there is another HUGE LED display (not connected with this guy I would suspect) on a building side in the Pattaya City Walk complex. All these roving and stationary LED advertising displays really add to the visual pollution (to go along with the noise pollution and garbage pollution) in our City and detract from the quality of life.

Wonder how all the people who pay for all the silly luxury condos and houses feel about it all :o

Yeah the one on the side of the building you mention is the same company, most of these big LED display's are the same company called narrowcasting. They really are too much of a distraction where driving is concerned and definately should be banned IMO but the again TIT.

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Well the ignorant *nob-end who runs ''Narrowcasting'' lives in Suwattana Gardens.. Guess he must have been bored or short of funds? he's converted part of his house into a studio and now parks one of his LCD mini trucks outside (sometimes with the display running :o ) which along with two or three of his staff's cars creates a right eyesore and nusiance.. Considering that Suwattana was a well run and reasonably tidy village it's a shame that some people are so selfish.. It's a residential housing area NOT AN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE !

Guess I would be more forgiving if the owner was a rural Thai and didn't know better.. But he's a farang (think he's German but may be wrong) and really should know better.. (TiT) Okay it's not noisy like a karaoke place.. But i get sick of seeing his advertising trucks and other <deleted> blocking the entrance road and making it look like business park.. If he's got enough spare money to start a business why not rent a shop house/office and keep his work shi*e from clogging up and defacing our neighborhood..

Just another example of the greedy/needy selfish farang who has little interest in the impact he has on others quality of life..

IMHO opinion he's just as much a scurge as the ignorant dog owners who push their beloved pets out the gate in the morning to shi* in the road and in front of other peoples houses..

Oh I forgot.. he's another one who lets his dog run around the village and shi* everywhere too..

Ignorance :D .. It seems to be becoming more and more common these days..

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Well the ignorant *nob-end who runs ''Narrowcasting'' lives in Suwattana Gardens.. Guess he must have been bored or short of funds? he's converted part of his house into a studio and now parks one of his LCD mini trucks outside (sometimes with the display running :o ) which along with two or three of his staff's cars creates a right eyesore and nusiance.. Considering that Suwattana was a well run and reasonably tidy village it's a shame that some people are so selfish.. It's a residential housing area NOT AN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE !

Guess I would be more forgiving if the owner was a rural Thai and didn't know better.. But he's a farang (think he's German but may be wrong) and really should know better.. (TiT) Okay it's not noisy like a karaoke place.. But i get sick of seeing his advertising trucks and other <deleted> blocking the entrance road and making it look like business park.. If he's got enough spare money to start a business why not rent a shop house/office and keep his work shi*e from clogging up and defacing our neighborhood..

Just another example of the greedy/needy selfish farang who has little interest in the impact he has on others quality of life..

IMHO opinion he's just as much a scurge as the ignorant dog owners who push their beloved pets out the gate in the morning to shi* in the road and in front of other peoples houses..

Oh I forgot.. he's another one who lets his dog run around the village and shi* everywhere too..

Ignorance :D .. It seems to be becoming more and more common these days..

He's dutch and you're right his trucks and employees cars are a pain in the arse and as you also say he lets his dam_n dog roam all over. I live just a couple of house's down from him and every time I see those trucks I feel like putting a brick through the display.

Like you said his business shoul hire an industrial unit somewhere and park his shit there, though preferably I'd rather if this business didn't exist at all.

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any pics of the new LCD?

pls post em here if you can. . .

They just finished putting up the Walking Street sign yesterday afternoon. Talk about an anti-climax. It's just large white letters. Perhaps they will be lit up, but it didn't look like it to me.

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Like you said his business shoul hire an industrial unit somewhere and park his shit there, though preferably I'd rather if this business didn't exist at all.

well banging on about it on here won't do any good. I agree with your point.

Why not get a few neighbours together & aproach the guy in a polite calm manner & voice your feelings & concerns?

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I feel like putting a brick through the display.

That, or a few flat tires, should get the message through.

Like you said his business shoul hire an industrial unit somewhere and park his shit there...

The village has no rules forbidding commercial operations in a residential estate?

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I feel like putting a brick through the display.

That, or a few flat tires, should get the message through.

Like you said his business shoul hire an industrial unit somewhere and park his shit there...

The village has no rules forbidding commercial operations in a residential estate?

Unfortunately this is Thailand.. Village doesn't have a commitee, just one fella who does his best to collect the monthly maintenance fee... Despite his best efforts it's amazing just how many people with 6 million baht + houses refuse to pay for the communal light and refuse collection.. This selfish attitude also extends to blokes like the ''narrow (minded) casting'' owner.. And also to my ignorant neighbor who insists in parking his car outside my house despite the fact that it blocks my car in.. There just isn't any law to prevent this sort of stuff.. Or should I say there isn't any enforcement..even if there are bylaws.. For me i'd happily go round and torch my neighbors car and give him a hiding.... But then the law will come looking for me.. This is what many potential buyers in Thailand don't realise till it's too late... I was well aware of the risks when I moved here 20 years ago.. just one of the chances you take..just little I can do unless I take th elaw into my own hands.. being reasonable and asking politely didn't work :o

Now that I know he's Dutch guess there wouldn't be any point trying to reason with him. It ain't just their shoes that are made of wood :D

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The new Walking Street sign from a distance.

Not too bright, but that's because it had an error displayed on the screen at the time which only filled about one third of the screen.

To be fair, work is still going on with the sign.


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Not too bright, but that's because it had an error displayed on the screen at the time which only filled about one third of the screen.

On Tuesday afternoon, I chuckled because the sign was displaying a Windows error screen then, as well.

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To be fair, work is still going on with the sign.

I think the work is finished already.

Visually the left leg still needs finishing and over the past week or so I've seen engineers working on the computer stuff now and then. Wonder if they'll be some kind of speaker system installed.

Here are a few more photos with the full screen displaying media. From a distance it does look bright, but I think that's partly to do with the camera exposure and the angle one looks at the TV screen. Moving closer to the screen changes the angle you'd look at it, which changes the contrast and brightness.

Maybe once this is completed, the 'Pattaya City' sign can get their lights back on instead of randomly missing letters every few days, unless the new Walking Street TV is taking all the power ;-)




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The ones that annoy me most are those poxy advertising trucks with the big led displays on the back that go around beach road and 2nd road ... also put up a huge LED display on beach road by what is being desrcibed as the new walking street...

The dutch guy who runs this operation lives on my village and he seems a good guy but I really hope his company goes tits up.

You forgot to mention, there is also one of the stationary LED displays at the top end of soi Pattaya Land 1 at 2nd Road. In addition, there is another HUGE LED display (not connected with this guy I would suspect) on a building side in the Pattaya City Walk complex. All these roving and stationary LED advertising displays really add to the visual pollution (to go along with the noise pollution and garbage pollution) in our City and detract from the quality of life.

Wonder how all the people who pay for all the silly luxury condos and houses feel about it all :o

For those who do not know, The Pattaya City Walk Complex is supposed to be a combination of retail, dining and living space. Which sounds pretty standard. However, there is a large LED screen in the complex and I can imagine the volume levels and light levels at night affecting the future residents. I think the city is going LED display crazy and more will be set up.

Here is a night shot of the LED screen


Oh! I checked on the retail space prices... Of course the staff in the building management office had no clue about the prices and gave me the phone number of the big boss. How can the staff not know basic information? Anyway, I think the price was about 90k baht for 36 or so square meters. Another part of the complex, I think there are at least 2 different lessors, wanted about 2,200 baht per square meter. Sounds expensive...


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