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Tot Super Slowdown


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After going into the office Monday it was working that nite after 6pm for the first in a long time then again all day it was bad and tonite its back at 6pm.  I was having to wait to 12am but they must have gotten the message thats not good.  It proves that it can work but they are taking internet and giving it to someone else all day and if you don't go into the office nothing gets done.  I still want the 256/128 I had at 1600 a month back in Dec. there is no excuss to take from me at this price when giving adsl people 1mb for 490baht.  if they have to take something slow them to 750 for a few hours my god I only have 256 to start with.  :o

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The slowdown is affecting satellite systems as well, My IP Star 512kbps is slower the last 2 weeks than 256 kbps used to be.

It is a case of constant refreshing just to get pages to load.

Actual download speeds vary from 3-5 kbps now whereas 2-3 weeks ago I was getting 35 - 50 kbps.

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I use the Sat 256/128, but its not the Sat. thats the problem, and yours sounds like mine.  When I started getting the 20 to 40k 18 hours aday from ToT and nothiing from the call center helped I went into the office and scheduled the closing of the account for friday. 20 to 40 is not even close to 256.  It seems to have reduced the slowdown to 10 hours a day and I can at least get 120 sometimes 160 before midnite again, (for 1 1/2 nite so far) but thats not going to cut it at 1600baht a month.  It always worked in the past and it seems to work when they let it.  They doubled adsl speeds and not cost, then came out with 490baht 1mb adsl and now they don't have network to handle it.  I am going to have to see better then this or I will be in Friday morning with the file.  They also said they would call, but have yet to hear the cell phone ring, I gave them back the VoIP over a month ago, it only seemed to work a few months and the last 6 months I had it you get busy signal if you call in or out useless, at least that extra 109baht is not billed anymore.  ToT (Totaly out of Touch)

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I agree if I shut down on friday I am selling the farm, out of here.  Just no options that work.  Thinking about Reno, Nav looks nice 2mb that works and 500 tv station for what I pay now, real tv stations and all the sports channels.  Even has thai stations.  hel_l I might just go ether way.  :o

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Well the ToT Satellite Truck came out.  They changed parts and tested this and tested that.  Showed me the test to bogus speedtest.net and a tracecert to somewhere and claimed it was good, all the IP's in the test were intranet.  It is and always has been working between me and ToT thats not the problem. So I showed him a real traceroute to a server in Thailand. One address after another inside ToT faulting. I am glad the 45 second delay at one of them did its old trick.  45,000 is a long ping.  Then it was Oh somethings not working at ToT.  He knew where the IP's where at.  They promise to fix it.  I ve been telling them how long, nothing is broke on IpStar its ToT, not even a international gateway problem I can hardly get in and out of ToT.  Will see, we exchanged numbers, I really just want it to work like it did before.  If it does I ll get 512/256 can always turn it back down if a another problem starts.  :o

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