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No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

That's very risky to do (the 28/28 rotation)

What will the gf be doing the 28 days you're away from base? :D

And what is it with farangs exploring the internet (dating sites :( ) for what? Finding a woman :D:D:D

When I moved to the village here, had no telephone line; went to the amphur's internetshop to check mail, had 4 school uniformed ladies typing and webcamming away, all looking for that rich farang ready to pay 500k sinsot :o

Then was asked by the lady running the place "do you need a wife?" showing the 4 assets in her shop.

Surely would have saved the girls many hours of chatting, but how could I possibly marry all 4 of them?

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Seriously, there are some fuc_ked up <deleted> in this forum. I come in here and tell a story and get flamed for being a troll?

Roy gsd, Arrogant ass hole.

Sonofdon, you are a moron. Really, you have NO valuable input and your grammar is retarded. Seriously, <deleted>

Seriously, sounds to me like most of the people flaming me, dont know shit... and have no valuable input.

Strong E-balls in this forum/thread and quick to mow someone down for wanting to talk...

Looks like I made a mistake for coming here... Thats too bad... there is alot of useful information in here...


And to think I took the time to be gentle with you! :D Clearly the soft response was wasted on you so might as well give you my original thoughts of your posting, tissues ready? ok, here we go.

1. Another geeky <deleted> who likely couldnt get laid in his own country, arrived in LOS and quite likely got more sex in a day than he has had in his life ( with another person that is!) and kept coming back for more before finally realising that its quality, rather than quantity that counts.

2. A sad young guy who prefers to spend 12 hours a day chatting to females online rather than going out and meeting a few locally.

3. Was contacted by a lady who has far more experience than he has and who is fulfilling all his fantacies in cybersex form

in order to put her ahead of the field, met with her, realised that her english speaking skills and appearance was not that of a traditional farm gal but were that of a seasoned veteran of the nocturnal F... -your- brains- out- for- the -night- for- 1000baht -or- less species that promote thier business's in the tourist areas for as many years as they can before reaching their sell by date when they move on to either a mug punter or take employement in the local comunity for a 100 or so baht on a good a night.

4.Met the slapper who blew his mind by shagging him every way she knew how within an hour of their meeting and contiued to mesmerise him including an almost public show in a toilet ( which most bar ladies would not do) where he says he was spanking ( but I suspect was really doing something sounding similar) loudly for all to hear and upon leaving said toilet the lady threw down 1000Baht on the bar and fled with the wide eyed, open mouthed and well and truly hooked punter in hot persuit.

5. Slapper continued to do the business as agreed ( and presumably was paid handsomely for her services) met the family who clearly considered him to be no more than what was likely the last of a line of their daughters clients she had shamed them by bring home rather than leaving at the "office" before returning home, where no doubt tears were shed by both side's, and the though to settling down with a "nice" girl vanished from the equasion.

6. As client went tearfully through the gate, slapper walked off and to her suprise heard her name being called as a hand spun her around, to her suprise it was a previous punter of hers who threw his arms around her and hugged her for a moment before stepping back and giving her an admiring look up and down at which point he noticed the remnants of her tears and cried "Slapper( sorry dont know her name but got your discription) why are you crying? to which she replied

" because I am so happy to see you ofcourse"! (Ok a bit of possible fiction in there but no more than in your posting I suspect!).

7. Having sold the product to the client now came the negotiation as to price, thereby lies the fiirst problem for said client is of the opinion he is buying the product whilst the seller is only offering a very short lease that is likely to be terminated as soon as the client comes to his senses, stops paying the ongoing and extortionate monthly maintainange charges, or is cleaned out finacially, or she takes a shine to his fathers assets, whichever comes first really.

8. As in all negotiations the key is to highly overprice the product and discount down to a level that is still above what the produt is worth but the mug punter is prepared to pay, hence the 500baht starting price.

9. It is clear from your posting you are prepared to purchase to product but not at the asking price, so all that remans is for you and the slapper to agree on the price,. forget the mother, she is unliky to have set the price and be n no doubt she knows the prduct has no value in the local market and infact if not disposed of soooner rather than later could end up being a drain on the familis resources.

10. If you have got to number 10 you should know b now that my opinions may not suit eveybody but if you dont like answer's dont ask questions, especially f...... stupid ones! :o:D

Roy gsd

No, you better keep those tissues. You keep taking to people like that and im sure you are going to need them more than me.

Your SWEEPING generalizations are hilarious.

Flame on.

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