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If there was such a problem with smokers why do they have to pass laws to stop making in pubs, clubs, bars, and restaurants??? Because the proprietors of those establishment know THEY WILL LOSE BUSINESS! And why should the government have control over what private businessmen/women their establishements? As long as the employees know that it is a smoking establishment and agree to work their and there is a sign saying "Smokers Welcome" what would be the problem?

Oh I forgot, you have to impose your values on me.

If there was a wave of non-smokers clamoring for non-smoking restaurants, bars, clubs, or pubs don't you think that some savvy businessman would have opened non-smoking establishments catering to the anti smoking NAZIs? Huh? They don't because they would go out of business. Everywhere these stupid laws pass, the private businessmen lose and a substancial number of them go out of business.

We already have given you the planes, public buildings of all kinds, shopping centers, etc. What is wrong with smoking in a bar or designated smoking area? Huh? Now you don't want us to have a proper ashtray when we are in the designated outdoor smoking area, well <deleted> me! Do you have to impose your opinion of how I and a lot of other smokers live? Sounds like fascism to me.

When I am being courteous, and I am very courteous about my smoking (I don't even smoke around my wife or family), and I go find a quiet spot with no one around and no "no smoking" signs it seems that some smoke NAZI seeks me out from nowhere and does the fake coughing bit. I make sure and blow smoke directly into their self righteous faces. <deleted> <deleted>.

Flame me all you want. OK I know cigarettes are going to kill me. Given your attitude, perhaps it would be better if this happened sooner, rather than later. Just like the sweets, alcohol, and cholesterol are going to kill you. I'm quietly confident that this wont be the case - I look after my body, as I hope to have a long, fulfilling life.


Given that you 'know' cigarettes are going to kill you, do you ever stop and think, why don't I deal with my addiction?

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If you want to smoke I suggest that you go to The Huntsman Pub downstairs in the Landmark where they allow smoking inside and supply ashtrays.

Yes you heard me right, a major hotel ignoring the law completely. I wonder how much they are paying the police to be allowed to disregard the health of their staff and customers and fly in the face of the law of the land. Interesting, perhaps it's time to fire off a few e-mails. :o

Whilst I am not a smoker I have no problem with those who don't want to, or struggle with kicking their addiction, so please don't lets get into that.

Given that you 'know' cigarettes are going to kill you, do you ever stop and think, why don't I deal with my addiction?

Did you or people like you think for a minute that I could give a toss what your opinion is??

And no one seems to want to address the fact that when we are in our "designated areas" you <deleted> still won't give us a break... And again why do they have to legislate behavior? Let the market decide and the people choose with their feet.

And they are already starting with the transfats. '08 DNC Convention transfat were BANNED! It is a slippery slope, do you trust your or anyone elses government to make your dicisions for you? I sure don't..

And to that hotel, I say give 'em hel_l!!


Trouble is these non smoking nazis are often such really boring bas---ds that the entertainment industry couldnt possibly make any real money from them.

The ex smoker is often but not always the worst, their asses are so tight now that the only way to try and ease the strain is to s--t on the people who like to make decisions for themselves.

Trouble is these non smoking nazis are often such really boring bas---ds that the entertainment industry couldnt possibly make any real money from them.

The ex smoker is often but not always the worst, their asses are so tight now that the only way to try and ease the strain is to s--t on the people who like to make decisions for themselves.

Come on, this post was a simple request for information from a smoker to other smokers but look at the vitriol thrown out by the non smokers to which this post is of no business at all. We know the type dont we boys and girls.


Us smokers have determined that bitching is hazardous to your nonsmoker's health.... :o

I am sure that if any of you nonsmokers have ever gone to China you are probably still crying about it. The Chinese will smoke anywhere and at anytime. Always funny to see the elevator door open and inside will be 3 or 4 Chinese guys puffing away. And in restaurants they will let there kids pee in the corner trash can right next to your table. I am sure if you ever witnessed this you might have something else to complain about.


I rarely go out before 1am and those all night places will let you smoke whatever and whenever you want.

When you outlaw smoking, smokers will be outlaws.

_____________ should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping. Why not substitute smokers for any other unliked group? How about drunks? Fat people? Whore mongers? Beggars? Enron execs? Where should the line be drawn?

To be fair, the drunk, fat whoremongers are doing a pretty good job of this already, without any coaxing. Now we just need to get the word across to the beggars and Enron execs and things will be sweet.

Filthy disgusting habit.

Smokers should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping.

aww dotcommie you are too kind, but without us who would you have to complain about? face it, deep down you desire to be one of us (the few the strong, cough cough, the brave).

And why not throw all those old trucks and cars from the condos as well they polute the country more then all smokers put together :o
yea but smokers look cooler and get more chicks, and that's what is important.

er... i would never date a guy who was a heavy smoker. it's a total turn off.

yea but smokers look cooler and get more chicks, and that's what is important.

er... i would never date a guy who was a heavy smoker. it's a total turn off.

By heavy smoker, you mean a fat guy who smokes? Meaning, if he is skinny you will date him? Time for a diet I guess.

yea but smokers look cooler and get more chicks, and that's what is important.

er... i would never date a guy who was a heavy smoker. it's a total turn off.

girlx I really don't understand why you find heavy smokers a turn off, they are really cool.

They buy dried plant leaves which are mixed will chemicals and wrapped in paper, then set light to it, and put it in their mouths, of course that is cool.

They inhale the smoke, well some of the smoke the rest floats round the area for us all to enjoy, after the smoke has circulated their lungs it is blown out for everyone to enjoy, of course that is cool.

Their breath, hair and clothing smells, of course that is cool.

girlx by shunning smokers you are really missing out.

I am sure my personal thoughts will draw a few more comments from the smokers amongst us, but let me say just one last time, I am not an anti smoking nazi and I totally respect your right to do so. Smoking is banned by law in public establishments in Thailand and many civilised countries around the world by the respective elected governments, and I sure it has been done for a very good reason. I think it's now time to draw a line under this debate and get on with our lives whilst respecting everyone's rights and staying within the law.


i admit i smoke too when i drink a lot, but i even disgust myself at those times. kissing a smoker has go to be one of the most repulsive things on earth.


Smoking is more addictive than heroin. I don't know anyone who can smoke today & not tomorrow (cigarettes).

Never been to Kao San - no plans to visit it.

The governor as usual is spot on. You have every right to smoke - just not near me.

Well in case anyone missed the joke I do not really believe that being cool is all that is important, nor that smoking makes one cool.

You are probably right, but then again you are cool anyway

i admit i smoke too when i drink a lot, but i even disgust myself at those times. kissing a smoker has go to be one of the most repulsive things on earth.

So is kissing a girl who has been slinging back breezers all night, with a side of somtam.

Previosly the bars in Kho San would give an ash tray if you sat at the tables outside, Kho San center for one. Noticed now that none of the bars will give ashtrays & tell you to through the butt on the ground. Well 2,000 baht fine for doing that. Why dont they give an ashtray? is it because if they do they are endorsing smoking in a public place & therefor liable to be fined, whereas if they dont provide one the onus is on the customer. Just wondered if anyone had been fined down there & the reason they wont give ashtrays anymore.

Smoking in a public place in Bangkok is not against the law. You should be responsible for your own cigaratte butts! The THB 2,000 fine is needed if they see you throw ya stupid fuc_king cigaratee butts. You better look for a trash can man OR quit smoking!

  • 2 weeks later...
If there was such a problem with smokers why do they have to pass laws to stop making in pubs, clubs, bars, and restaurants??? Because the proprietors of those establishment know THEY WILL LOSE BUSINESS! And why should the government have control over what private businessmen/women their establishements? As long as the employees know that it is a smoking establishment and agree to work their and there is a sign saying "Smokers Welcome" what would be the problem?

Oh I forgot, you have to impose your values on me.

If there was a wave of non-smokers clamoring for non-smoking restaurants, bars, clubs, or pubs don't you think that some savvy businessman would have opened non-smoking establishments catering to the anti smoking NAZIs? Huh? They don't because they would go out of business. Everywhere these stupid laws pass, the private businessmen lose and a substancial number of them go out of business.

We already have given you the planes, public buildings of all kinds, shopping centers, etc. What is wrong with smoking in a bar or designated smoking area? Huh? Now you don't want us to have a proper ashtray when we are in the designated outdoor smoking area, well <deleted> me! Do you have to impose your opinion of how I and a lot of other smokers live? Sounds like fascism to me.

When I am being courteous, and I am very courteous about my smoking (I don't even smoke around my wife or family), and I go find a quiet spot with no one around and no "no smoking" signs it seems that some smoke NAZI seeks me out from nowhere and does the fake coughing bit. I make sure and blow smoke directly into their self righteous faces. <deleted> <deleted>.

Flame me all you want. I know cigarettes are going to kill me. Just like the sweets, alcohol, and cholesterol are going to kill you.


I know, its only recently this 'new wave' of nanny state do-gooders have been pssing on anyones chips who enjoy a good smoke.

Before any of you think about casting the first stone at cigarette smokers go and get all the asbestos lined brakepads removed from every car and truck in Thailand. THEN come back and whine at the smokers. Some of you seem to think you're immortal demi-gods who live forever. Got a message for ya, no-one gets out alive. :o

The most harmful thing is the pollution from the traffic. Government scientists seem to think tests done on lab rats and chronic smoking chimmney folk account for all lung cancer and disease. Folks, it doesn't. People get old and the immune system fails and excess 'living' is what does for you most of the time.

I've seen the demon drink kill more than smoking has.

You can smoke at the wheel and still drive but not always with a bottle of vodka clouding your brain :D


ROTFLMAO at this thread. Great sport.

As a business guy in Thailand I think you should be able to have smoking bars and non smoking ones. Staff in smoking bars are educated and sign a lifelong waiver against future claims and you pay them more. This concept could be put out worldwide.

Get the bloody nanny state off our backs.

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