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Our Cat Was Shot


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coming home last night we found one of our cat has been shot with what I suspect is a crossbow arrow.

The cat was lucky, no serious injuries as the arrow did not go through the rib cage but the fact as such is quite shocking as it was possibly one of the neighbours.

Has anybody seen anything on the evening of August 28 in V&J Land and House? Does anybody know someone here with a crossbow?

The case has been reported to the police and we ARE serious about it.


post-6036-1219979428_thumb.jpg post-6036-1219979406_thumb.jpg

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well...the arrow is about as long as a ball pen and stuck some 5 cm in the cat - underneath the skin but not penetrating the rib cage and not causing serious injuries.

The arrow was most likely shot, not thrown.

I have a suspect, but unless I have some more solid evidence or witnesses I won't point at anybody.

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well...the arrow is about as long as a ball pen and stuck some 5 cm in the cat - underneath the skin but not penetrating the rib cage and not causing serious injuries.

The arrow was most likely shot, not thrown.

I have a suspect, but unless I have some more solid evidence or witnesses I won't point at anybody.

Looks like you cat is lucky! I hope you get who ever did this. I have 4 cats I hate to see them attacked they this.

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We have 4 cats too even though i didnt like cats in the uk,these4 little fellas are lovely,and all were originaly baby soi ones.I have found cats are much cleaner than dogs but maybe somebody has a small garden or plants and the cat is digging them up or spraying pee somewhere.Still no excuse for this behaviour.

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Glad to hear that kitty wasn't seriously hurt.

Apparently, owing a pet in Pattaya can be almost as dangerous as being a bar owner (remember the incident with kurgen not long ago ?).

The only pet I have is a little gecko living behind a cupboard. Doesn't respond to commands, isn't house-trained, eats insects (I think) sleeps most of the day and (usually) only comes out late in the evening.

Sounds almost identical to me (except for the eating insect parts, and maybe the living behind the cupboard) :o

Hope kitty heals quickly, but be careful if you find out who did it.

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I recommend going into your garden after dark, hiding in the bushes, and setting up a stuffed cat on a string that resembles your cat. Pull the decoy along until it gets shot. Then nab the "suspects" and then help them commit suicide as it's seemingly the only way people the police rule most deaths. Try not to get shot during the stake out. In the event you are shot, once you remove the dart from your body, you can then chase the suspects on foot if you can still walk or run. Good luck and I'm sure this would work. I saw it done on Macgyver once.

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Or alternatively you could actually dress up as a cat and just prowl around the garden and surrounding areas.. I'm available if you need me to dress up as a mouse, might be more convincing.. Once the perpetrators are in sight you could then pounce and throw a cat flap at them.. Ive got a few cat costumes if you want to borrow one, i'd want it back mind and with no holes in it!

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ok...they culprit admitted openly having shot the cat. He said this repeatedly in front of witnesses and the reason given was that the cat was on his compound and has knocked over flower pots in the past. I asked him whether he thinks that shooting the cat instead of informing the owner is the appropriate action and the answer was yes. Again, in front of witnesses.

More to come.

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The only pet I have is a little gecko living behind a cupboard. Doesn't respond to commands, isn't house-trained, eats insects (I think) sleeps most of the day and (usually) only comes out late in the evening.

Sounds almost identical to me (except for the eating insect parts, and maybe the living behind the cupboard) :D

Mate if you aren't eating insects yet you haven't lived in Thailand long enough. And I thought you came out of the closet with BritMaverik a while back for DaleyBoys return to Jenny's



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ok...they culprit admitted openly having shot the cat. He said this repeatedly in front of witnesses and the reason given was that the cat was on his compound and has knocked over flower pots in the past. I asked him whether he thinks that shooting the cat instead of informing the owner is the appropriate action and the answer was yes. Again, in front of witnesses.

More to come.

It's time to arm your cat with a crossbow.

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

yes i know. thankyou.

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Sorry about what happened your kitty Raro, but glad that he/she is not seriously hurt, and hope the cat fully recovers.

What comes around goes around... Lets hope the idiot who did it gets the same thing happen to them one day. I can't stand these people who think it is OK to go around hurting animals. :o

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

Why a dog can be poisoned without regrets and when a cat is hurt everybody screams murder.

One of my neighbours cat comes to piss and shit on my motorbike for aq log time already now.My previous motorbike the cat came to damage the seats when I put a cover over it.Where can I buy those arrows?

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One of my cats was scalded to death by a kind neighbour. She was found by one of the maids in the soi behind a shed where she had must have hidden for about two days without food or water after being attacked. The vet tried to save her but she died in the animal clinic two dates later. She had obviously annoyed some one enough to deserve a kettle of boiling water thrown on her. Let's face it. This is not a country of animal lovers and the Buddhism is often a sham.

I am afraid that kittens are often killed by Thai dogs. It is an instinctual thing. Our dogs were trained to tolerate our cats but it took some doing and the kittens had to be protected until they were big enough to defend themselves or run away. Since there are a lot of uncontrolled, ownerless cats and dogs here, many kittens are bound to fall prey to dogs and many dogs get run over too. But no excuse for humans wilfully killing or hurting animals.

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

Why a dog can be poisoned without regrets and when a cat is hurt everybody screams murder.

One of my neighbours cat comes to piss and shit on my motorbike for aq log time already now.My previous motorbike the cat came to damage the seats when I put a cover over it.Where can I buy those arrows?

I dont like your language Basjke, not nice at all really.

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

Why a dog can be poisoned without regrets and when a cat is hurt everybody screams murder.

One of my neighbours cat comes to piss and shit on my motorbike for aq log time already now.My previous motorbike the cat came to damage the seats when I put a cover over it.Where can I buy those arrows?

Decent human beings don't go around hurting animals of any kind because they are "annoyed."

Grow up you <snip> :o

Edited by Crow Boy
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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

Why a dog can be poisoned without regrets and when a cat is hurt everybody screams murder.

One of my neighbours cat comes to piss and shit on my motorbike for aq log time already now.My previous motorbike the cat came to damage the seats when I put a cover over it.Where can I buy those arrows?

I'll lend you some of mine... I bought a pack of them a few weeks ago!!

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I am a cat lover myself, so i know how you feel, i am so pleased the cat it ok. 2 weeks ago, i was woken at 4am by a cat crying in my Soi, there are about 8 wild Soi dogs in my Soi, so i got up quickly, to find a beautiful white kitten lying dead outside my gates, the dogs were all around it, and by the time i unlocked my gate, the dogs ran off, and i had the task of having to dispose of the body of this poor kitten. I am a huge cat lover, and was very upset about this, and wonder WHY did it have to happen outisde my house. (the cat was not mine) but i still have a heart and was very sad. I hate those dogs now, and live in fear from my own cats getting out, I wish something could be done about it, i really do, but no one seems to know if there can be anything done legaly i mean. Thailand is Thailand i suppose, and life is sad at times.

Poison meatballs. Many silent neighbors will applaud.

Why a dog can be poisoned without regrets and when a cat is hurt everybody screams murder.

One of my neighbours cat comes to piss and shit on my motorbike for aq log time already now.My previous motorbike the cat came to damage the seats when I put a cover over it.Where can I buy those arrows?

I'll lend you some of mine... I bought a pack of them a few weeks ago!!

The beauty of a forum: Very differing opinions.

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There is a commonly held opinion on this site that repeated house-breakers deserved to be shot and killed by the property owners....so I guess your pet was in truth a cat-burglar!......and got it's comeuppance

Edited by kedawi
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