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How Can A Farang Have A Successful Relationship With A Thai?


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How can a farang NOT have a successful relationship with a Thai lady.

About 15 years ago, my wife was still my girlfriend, we introduced a friend of mine to a very nice Thai girl. So what did this dumb a$$ do ? He invited her to a party where all the girls were bargirls (and I'm very nice here ...).

As a consequence :

- She never returned any of his call

- I almost get divorced before I had the chance to get married

- He was never invited again and 15 years later he still thinks that foreigners have no chance with "good" girls.

Edited by Pierrot
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stephaniee there are plenty of nice women in Thailand, the problem is most guys don't know where to look, if you spend a little time learning Thai and look outside the usual bar areas you will cross paths with lots of nice women. Stephaniee You sound like a bitter Farang woman who is jaded that the farang men are not interested in you, I have seen that look on the face of many farang women in Thailand.

I have had relationships with Thai ladies from ex millionairs wives , high school teachers down to (sorry) bar ladies , the problem seems to stem not so much from perceived education or 'Ranking' , but more steryotyping and womans place on the ladder rungs of importance . They all gave me the impression they had been misused and were entitled to more , some of them were most likely correct , but the requests (demands) were pretty evenly balanced on what THEY expected YOU to GIVE them , after all , are you not a millionaire ?

The old western saying when a man got married , was to remember what the wife was thinking "What's yours is mine and what's mines my own " , most anything in 'Our room ' essentialy is the property of the Thai lady , do not believe me , read back in history of TV forum , still do not believe me ? Must be a 'Look-a-like-Thai-farang , better known as wannabee !!!!!

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My rule is always be wary of a thai girl willing to spend a lot of time and effort on men 1000s of miles away. If she a country girl

i would run!

I am a Thai girl (living in the US) and I completely agree with you, Stephanee. I have heard so many horror stories. The most recent is from my fiance's best friend who went to visit Thailand alone for the first time (his first time so far away from home) last Jan 07 and met a Thai girl (I think she might be a prostitute but she did not tell him that) at a Starbucks in Sukhumvit. She latched on to him and followed him everywhere. Less than 6 months later he went back to Thailand and married her so she could come over to the US after he tried to get her a tourist visa and was unable to do so. Now she's come to the US, and she's a nightmare. She has a bad temper, doesn't get along with his roommates, and she is a gold digger. She won't speak Thai to me but her English is so poor I cannot understand her. She is a Farang Wannabe. She is what Thai people call "Farang Kee Nok." She rejects everything Thai even though she lived in Thailand for 19 years before she dropped out of Bangkok University to follow some German guy to Germany. However after being with this guy for 11 years, she said she did not know what job he had. She complained to my fiance she was too tired because her life before the US was very comfortable. She never had to take the bus like she's having to do now. She is costing my fiance's friend a lot of money. She likes a BMW X5 and Prada, but she has no income except for whatever money he gives her. Apparently he gave her a lot. She was bragging to her husband's roommate that while she was waiting for him in Thailand, he was sending her $2,500 a month. That's a huge amount for a Thai girl who has no expense.

So please be careful. There are many nice Thai girls out there, but there are also many not so nice ones. The ones from the country are questionable. They seem to just have dollar sign in their eyes. They just plan to use you. Please get to know the person for who she is before you make any serious commitment to her. Best of luck to you.

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Good post Pon. Thank you.

For $2500 a month....... I'll marry him :D


Rocky needs to live with this lass for a minimum of 2 years.


Rent a condo or house well away from her family & friends.

Be frank that you are not wealthy, you will soon find out what her true colors are.

Good luck mate, you're going to need it. :o

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I am 35 and 2 years away from retirement, i would not call myself an old geezer :o

You're going to retire at 37? I hope you have millions salted away. Otherwise, what are you going to live on in the distant future? You are unlikely to make any major money in Thailand. If you know her well enough & long enough, I would consider bringing her to your country & see how it goes.

I think we have to assume that Jimmy is minted. At least that's what he'd like us to believe, like so many other posters here.

Yes hahah, since I started reading posts here I seriously began thinking I was extremely poor compared to 90% of the posters here. But then I began to notice how often posters bring the topic money up, and start saying 'well its not the money but the principle that matters', 'you need atleast XXXX of cash otherwise you can never survive in Thailand'. And I remembered how 90% of the long stay farang in Thailand look like, and they sure don't look like they are loaded nor that they come from backgrounds that could indicate they have some money coming. Neh, Thailand is for the 'poorer' westerners that do want to live abroad but can't afford an other country. Pity many people on the net try so hard to be someone different then they actually are.

And to the OP: don't get married, don't invest, don't buy homes, and find someone not half your age, and then it might, with lots and lots of luck, work out.


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Okay, I understand. Just wanted to make sure you weren't talking about "customs" on entry to the country.

So you don't understand customs and cultural differences, but you're trying to 'help empower' this girl with her family problems? Just curious, but how much time have you spent in Thailand? How well do you understand the language?

I'm definitely a novice in this area with no claim to any expertise AmeriThai.

The way it unfolded was by living with her, listening to her problems and watching her interact with her parents.

Things unfold in lots of different ways for people. How long did you live with her and her family? Was this the first time you've been to Thailand?

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I am 35 and 2 years away from retirement, i would not call myself an old geezer :D

You're going to retire at 37? I hope you have millions salted away. Otherwise, what are you going to live on in the distant future? You are unlikely to make any major money in Thailand. If you know her well enough & long enough, I would consider bringing her to your country & see how it goes.

I think we have to assume that Jimmy is minted. At least that's what he'd like us to believe, like so many other posters here.

Yes hahah, since I started reading posts here I seriously began thinking I was extremely poor compared to 90% of the posters here. But then I began to notice how often posters bring the topic money up, and start saying 'well its not the money but the principle that matters', 'you need at least XXXX of cash otherwise you can never survive in Thailand'. And I remembered how 90% of the long stay farang in Thailand look like, and they sure don't look like they are loaded nor that they come from backgrounds that could indicate they have some money coming. Neh, Thailand is for the 'poorer' westerners that do want to live abroad but can't afford an other country. Pity many people on the net try so hard to be someone different then they actually are.

And to the OP: don't get married, don't invest, don't buy homes, and find someone not half your age, and then it might, with lots and lots of luck, work out.


So let me see.

You notice how often posters bring up money by saying that "its not the money but the principle that matters. That is true in some cases but not all.

"You need xxxx amount of cash otherwise you can never survive in Thailand"

100% correct as there is no social security network here in Thailand especially for non Thais. On the other hand you also need xxxx amount of cash to live in ANY country.

I f you see me in the local village you would think that I am poor and cannot afford nice clothes or look as though I have no money coming in. Actually that is not true as I am doing quite well thank you very much.

I am not one of the "poorer" Westerners who want to live abroad but can't afford another country. I actually WANT to be here in Thailand (although I am working and living offshore at the moment) because that is where my Thai lady and our son live comfortably with a nice house and a bit of land and her own business.

I am married with a 4 year old son, a wife who is 21 years younger with her own house, land and business which I willingly paid for and yes it does work out for me.

By the way I DO live in Thailand and NOT NW Europe (been there and done that years ago) and I have done on and off since 1993 and not just a visitor who comes over now and again and knows all about Thailand and all the westerners who live here. :D :D :D:o

Edited by billd766
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