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Pad Toiletry


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(BangkokPost.com) – About 45 protesters of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) used bolt cutters to break into the Santi Maitree building located in the Government House on Saturday afternoon.

They claimed that PAD core leader Chamlong Srimuang ordered them to force the doors open so protesters could use toilets there....

Hey PAD guys,

The bolt cutters make a nice addition to your (non-violent) apparatus. Thanks for wasting yet more public tax money on your destructive little tantrum.

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I must confess I have been wondering about many practical aspects of the "seige". How are food, water and other necessities getting in ? How is waste getting out ? Are people able to wash ? Seems the site could quickly turn unsanitary.

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I must confess I have been wondering about many practical aspects of the "seige". How are food, water and other necessities getting in ? How is waste getting out ? Are people able to wash ? Seems the site could quickly turn unsanitary.

I suppose they could all go home, cook a fine meal and take a warm shower, but the massive egos of the "commanders" in that (brainwashed) venue would never allow that to happen. In Namen des Fuhrers.

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I must confess I have been wondering about many practical aspects of the "seige". How are food, water and other necessities getting in ? How is waste getting out ? Are people able to wash ? Seems the site could quickly turn unsanitary.

Food and water go into mouth.

waste go out the other side :o

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Just saw this in The Nation:

PAD starts building community inside Government House

The fifth day of the demonstration inside the Government House by People's Alliance for Democracy Saturday saw protesters start building community there.

Protesters have built up shower and toilet rooms at nearly all buildings' corners.

They have opened rooms of several buildings and used them as shelters.

They also dug up holes at the Command Centre Building for building toilets.

The also used the garage of the official car of the prime minister as a shelter and used official vehicles as facilities for drying clothes.

The Dharma Army members of the Santi Asoke sect also set up a large kitchen at the Red Building.

I think I read somewhere that protesters could not easily leave the area once they had entered. So, I guess they are bringing supplies in but numbers must be increasing (?) and not clear how rubbish gets out :o .

Edited by sylviex
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Just saw this in The Nation:
PAD starts building community inside Government House

The fifth day of the demonstration inside the Government House by People's Alliance for Democracy Saturday saw protesters start building community there.

Protesters have built up shower and toilet rooms at nearly all buildings' corners.

They have opened rooms of several buildings and used them as shelters.

They also dug up holes at the Command Centre Building for building toilets.

The also used the garage of the official car of the prime minister as a shelter and used official vehicles as facilities for drying clothes.

The Dharma Army members of the Santi Asoke sect also set up a large kitchen at the Red Building.

Right, they're making themselves at home. As if they own it. Kind of reminds me of some of the local retailers, hardware-store owners as a case in point, who often make pedestrian foot traffic impossible due to all the cement pipes, etc., cluttered upon "their" pavements. The actions mentioned in the press report you attached almost seem an extension of that same thought pattern.

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Snippet from BKK Post's "Breaking News"

the Government House compound now resembles a garbage collection area, with accompanying odors.

Under occupation by protesters since Tuesday, the compound is emitting foul smells due to a lack of garbage bins and refuse collection. Some demonstrators have been using the normally well-tended grounds in lieu of toilet facilities, leaving human waste beneath buildings.

The protester leadership has considered opening the doors of Government House itself, the Thai Ku Fah and Santi Maitri buidlings, to support protesters need to use the facilities, and needing shelter from the heat of the sun and inclement weather, saying the structures belong to the people, and the people have a right to enter and use them. The PAD leaders have vowed not to destroy property. (TNA)

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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

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AD guards break into Santi Maitree and Thai Kufah buildings

Staff of People's Alliance for Democracy broke into the Santi Maitree and Thai Kufah buildings Saturday afternoon.

But following opposition from reporters and some demonstrators, the PAD guards blocked protesters from entering the buildings after they broke into the building.

The guards used tools to break into a door of Santi Maitree Building at 1:30 pm but they claimed they would go inside to clean the building and would not allow protesters to go inside.

They also broke into the Thai Kufah Building and told the protesters that the building would be used for holding meetings of PAD leaders.

The Nation

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Snippet from BKK Post's "Breaking News"
the Government House compound now resembles a garbage collection area, with accompanying odors.

Under occupation by protesters since Tuesday, the compound is emitting foul smells due to a lack of garbage bins and refuse collection. Some demonstrators have been using the normally well-tended grounds in lieu of toilet facilities, leaving human waste beneath buildings.

The protester leadership has considered opening the doors of Government House itself, the Thai Ku Fah and Santi Maitri buidlings, to support protesters need to use the facilities, and needing shelter from the heat of the sun and inclement weather, saying the structures belong to the people, and the people have a right to enter and use them. The PAD leaders have vowed not to destroy property. (TNA)

Doubtless these (alleged) foul smells, et al, will be blamed on Thaksin Shinawatra, who --via PAD "logic", somehow caused those smells to ensue via a telephonic-Internet-trick concerning which taxes will eventually be claimed.

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I still cannot understand why the police are not arresting these people

If you're overseas or fairly new to Thailand, I can empathize with your comment. If you're Thai or have otherwise lived in Thailand for many years, I can also empathize with your comment. The police WILL arrest the ringleaders. But the process will be carried out in the..... Thai way.

Edited by chevykanteve
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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

Why such petty vindictiveness against PAD and their valiant attempt to alter the course of history in Thailand. The significance of the events unfolding is obviously totally lost on you, as you pathetically attempt to sully their name through childish toilet humour and stabs at a religion. OK, so you rather liked Thaksin and by association, his proxy govt PPP, and now it seems the dream of a Toxin return is pretty much over, but can you not come up with anything more substantive than this to score a point? :o

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I still cannot understand why the police are not arresting these people

If you're overseas or fairly new to Thailand, I can empathize with your comment. If you're Thai or have otherwise lived in Thailand for many years, I can also empathize with your comment. The police WILL arrest the ringleaders. But the process will be carried out in the..... Thai way.

I have lived and worked in Thailand for 4 years... but i still keep my comment....

But from what i hear the PAD have paid the police already, thus not to make arrests....

but makes sense on why there are no arrests......

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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

Why such petty vindictiveness against PAD and their valiant attempt to alter the course of history in Thailand. The significance of the events unfolding is obviously totally lost on you, as you pathetically attempt to sully their name through childish toilet humour and stabs at a religion. OK, so you rather liked Thaksin and by association, his proxy govt PPP, and now it seems the dream of a Toxin return is pretty much over, but can you not come up with anything more substantive than this to score a point? :o

I used to have respect for your comments. But it's been obvious for some time now that you're a PAD propagandist on this forum. Say what you want, in Namen des Fuhrers Sonthi whom you love. You don't fool me any longer.

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I still cannot understand why the police are not arresting these people

If you're overseas or fairly new to Thailand, I can empathize with your comment. If you're Thai or have otherwise lived in Thailand for many years, I can also empathize with your comment. The police WILL arrest the ringleaders. But the process will be carried out in the..... Thai way.

I have lived and worked in Thailand for 4 years... but i still keep my comment....

But from what i hear the PAD have paid the police already, thus not to make arrests....

but makes sense on why there are no arrests......

I don't know if anyone has paid anyone else. I would LIKE TO KNOW, but I do not in fact know. Nonetheless, and having said that, anything is possible in this present situational mess.

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Just saw this in The Nation:
PAD starts building community inside Government House

The fifth day of the demonstration inside the Government House by People's Alliance for Democracy Saturday saw protesters start building community there.

Protesters have built up shower and toilet rooms at nearly all buildings' corners.

They have opened rooms of several buildings and used them as shelters.

They also dug up holes at the Command Centre Building for building toilets.

The also used the garage of the official car of the prime minister as a shelter and used official vehicles as facilities for drying clothes.

The Dharma Army members of the Santi Asoke sect also set up a large kitchen at the Red Building.

I think I read somewhere that protesters could not easily leave the area once they had entered. So, I guess they are bringing supplies in but numbers must be increasing (?) and not clear how rubbish gets out :o .

Firstly, my apologies for getting back to you so slowly. Anyhow, it would appear that you are perhaps correct: orders were (allegedly) given by a "core" member of this (Confucian Know-It-All/Would-Be Control-It-All) group to stop PAD family members from returning to their homes. Apparently, said orders were allegedly issued by someone in the inner core, if one is to believe press reports. I suspect that the reality of the situation approximates the press resports.

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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

Why such petty vindictiveness against PAD and their valiant attempt to alter the course of history in Thailand. The significance of the events unfolding is obviously totally lost on you, as you pathetically attempt to sully their name through childish toilet humour and stabs at a religion. OK, so you rather liked Thaksin and by association, his proxy govt PPP, and now it seems the dream of a Toxin return is pretty much over, but can you not come up with anything more substantive than this to score a point? :o

I used to have respect for your comments. But it's been obvious for some time now that you're a PAD propagandist on this forum. Say what you want, in Namen des Fuhrers Sonthi whom you love. You don't fool me any longer.

Sorry I've let you down, but you obviously have not been paying very close attention to my comments recently. AS it happens, I recently gave a glowing appraisal of Sanitsuda Ekachai's article in the Bangkok Post a few days ago which was about as neutral as one could imagine re the present political impasse. However, if I had to choose between PAD-appointed leaders or PPP/TRT mob in at present, I would opt for the former any day. It is crystal clear that the present system is untenable and if left unchecked by civil society, more great crimes will be committed against the country under the much abused name of "democracy", so beloved of Toxin and others with such a poor grip on the full implications of the word. Simply put, it is not just about votes and elections, but accountability to the people by representatives who are under the law, not above it, as Toxin, Samak, et al., seem to think they are.

I have no strong feelings about Sonthi, one way or the other, so your last two sentences are a product of your fertile, futile imagination. And to suggest that Sonthi is akin to a Nazi leader is even more pathetic than your aspersions about Santi Asoke followers and puerile comments about sanitation problems for people putting their safety on the line in Govt House.

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PAD supporters are coming to the rally well prepared to go the distance


A 64-year-old housewife puts her sunglasses, a cap, a small pillow, a towel, candy and snacks in her handbag. She also grabs a foldable camping chair, and leaves home.

She is not heading out for a picnic, but to the anti-government demonstration at Government House.

The conditions there are tough, so she and other protesters need to be prepared.

A raincoat, umbrella, plastic mat, inhaler and hand-fan are among other must-have items for protesters, many of whom are middle-aged women.

Ailing protesters take medicine, while those who come with children must ensure that there are enough toys, snacks and milk for their offspring.

310808_news03.jpgA PAD supporter lies under a mosquito net while listening to PAD speakers. Sleeping gear is among the survival items which PAD supporters brought with them to comfort themselves during their protest. — JETJARAS NA RANONG

Thana Prasertphan, 62, who camped at a parking lot near the command building inside the Government House compound with his wife and three-year-old daughter, admitted that life inside the government's headquarters was tough.

"It's hard, but we are getting used to it," said Mr Thana, who has spent five nights there so far.

He was among tens of thousands of PAD protesters who laid siege to Government House on Tuesday when the PAD declared it was time for a final showdown with the government, which it wants to force from office.

Mr Thana also has a fan to cool himself and his family during the day, which he plugs into a socket at the Government House car park.

"I'm thinking about bringing a portable TV set here so we can keep updated on the situation, but maybe it is too much," he said.

His three-year-old daughter was happy. "She has many things to play with, and plenty of food to eat."

The command building now looks more like a camping ground than the office of the deputy prime ministers it used to be.

The area is packed with tents and other sleeping gear - from pillows, sleeping bags, to mosquito nets.

A female protester from Phitsanulok province said she did not bring much with her to the protest.

"I'm doing fine here as long as I have medicine to treat my blood pressure and diabetes," she said.

Thipaya Suthiwan, 74, said all she brought were spare clothes.

"My health is perfect, so I have no problem there," she said.

For her, protest aids were more important than comforts, including the plastic hand clappers which protesters use to make noise to support the speakers on stage.

Mrs Thipaya told her son to buy every piece of gear sold at the PAD rally, such as T-shirts, posters, ku-chart (salvage the nation) headbands and scarves.

One female protester in her 60s said she needs many accessories to stay comfortable at the protest.

"I need two pillows - one to sit on and the other to support my aching legs. I also bring pills to calm my moods, because I panic when I face tense situations," she said.

The woman, who declined to be named, said she bought a portable camping chair especially for the protest, but left it at home given all the rumours that the government would crack down on protesters.

"I try to bring less accessories with me now so that I can move freely if any violence erupts," she said.

Her daughter brought spare undergarments to change in case she was soaked in the rain.

Many PAD protesters agreed that they prefer to rally at the Makkhawan Rangsan bridge on Ratchadamnoen Nok avenue than at Government House because the first site has more space and the air circulation is much better.

The most serious problem at Government House is the shortage of toilets. Although City Hall has provided more than 10 mobile toilet units at the site and a few more toilets are available inside the compound, they are still inadequate to serve tens of thousands of protesters. Protesters have to wait in a long line to use the toilet. As a result, plastic bags have become the latest must-have items in a PAD protester's survival kit. If they can't hold on any longer they use plastic bags instead.


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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

Why such petty vindictiveness against PAD and their valiant attempt to alter the course of history in Thailand. The significance of the events unfolding is obviously totally lost on you, as you pathetically attempt to sully their name through childish toilet humour and stabs at a religion. OK, so you rather liked Thaksin and by association, his proxy govt PPP, and now it seems the dream of a Toxin return is pretty much over, but can you not come up with anything more substantive than this to score a point? :o

I used to have respect for your comments. But it's been obvious for some time now that you're a PAD propagandist on this forum. Say what you want, in Namen des Fuhrers Sonthi whom you love. You don't fool me any longer.

Sorry I've let you down, but you obviously have not been paying very close attention to my comments recently. AS it happens, I recently gave a glowing appraisal of Sanitsuda Ekachai's article in the Bangkok Post a few days ago which was about as neutral as one could imagine re the present political impasse. However, if I had to choose between PAD-appointed leaders or PPP/TRT mob in at present, I would opt for the former any day. It is crystal clear that the present system is untenable and if left unchecked by civil society, more great crimes will be committed against the country under the much abused name of "democracy", so beloved of Toxin and others with such a poor grip on the full implications of the word. Simply put, it is not just about votes and elections, but accountability to the people by representatives who are under the law, not above it, as Toxin, Samak, et al., seem to think they are.

I have no strong feelings about Sonthi, one way or the other, so your last two sentences are a product of your fertile, futile imagination. And to suggest that Sonthi is akin to a Nazi leader is even more pathetic than your aspersions about Santi Asoke followers and puerile comments about sanitation problems for people putting their safety on the line in Govt House.

YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNN. Plachorn...go hunt for pla tuptim or whatever in another pond. Your vintage -PAD paranoia is, frankly, rather boring. "Civil society" indeed. Straight out of the current PA you-know-what RED BOOK. Get a life, Mr. Snake Fish.

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YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNN. Plachorn...go hunt for pla tuptim or whatever in another pond. Your vintage -PAD paranoia is, frankly, rather boring. "Civil society" indeed. Straight out of the current PA you-know-what RED BOOK. Get a life, Mr. Snake Fish.

In your eyes Mr Chevykanteve, anyone who expresses sympathy for actions against the current administration or against your beloved Thaksin and his cronies, are deemed to be raging right-wing PAD extremists. It serves the purposes of your argument to label these people such, and to make out that they blindly follow every belief and action of the PAD. The actual truth is however that a lot of people, including no doubt some who post here on ThaiVisa, don't think that all those associated with the bringing down of the last government or the attempted bringing down of the present, are without fault. Nor do they agree with everything the PAD does or says. They do feel though that the past and the present government have commited enough wrongs without being held accountable, that action on the streets is an inevitable outcome.

If anyone could be accused of blindly defending and supporting a person/group, regardless of their well-documented and known about illegal activity, i would suggest it's you.

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Pibhop tells protesters not to break into Govt building

(BangkokPost.com) – Core leader of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Pibhop Kosaisuk told protesters not to break into the building of the Government House.

The statement came after more than 10 people, who claimed to be PAD supporters, tried to break into the Santi Maitree building in order to use toilets and see the beauty of the interior of the building......

OK, so they destroyed government (taxpayers') property in order to see the beauty encompassing those... toilets. Is this, by any chance, a tenet of the Santi Asoke Sect's religilogue??? I mean, is feeling flushed commensurate with their concept of meditative-highness???

Why such petty vindictiveness against PAD and their valiant attempt to alter the course of history in Thailand. The significance of the events unfolding is obviously totally lost on you, as you pathetically attempt to sully their name through childish toilet humour and stabs at a religion. OK, so you rather liked Thaksin and by association, his proxy govt PPP, and now it seems the dream of a Toxin return is pretty much over, but can you not come up with anything more substantive than this to score a point? :o

I used to have respect for your comments. But it's been obvious for some time now that you're a PAD propagandist on this forum. Say what you want, in Namen des Fuhrers Sonthi whom you love. You don't fool me any longer.

Sorry I've let you down, but you obviously have not been paying very close attention to my comments recently. AS it happens, I recently gave a glowing appraisal of Sanitsuda Ekachai's article in the Bangkok Post a few days ago which was about as neutral as one could imagine re the present political impasse. However, if I had to choose between PAD-appointed leaders or PPP/TRT mob in at present, I would opt for the former any day. It is crystal clear that the present system is untenable and if left unchecked by civil society, more great crimes will be committed against the country under the much abused name of "democracy", so beloved of Toxin and others with such a poor grip on the full implications of the word. Simply put, it is not just about votes and elections, but accountability to the people by representatives who are under the law, not above it, as Toxin, Samak, et al., seem to think they are.

I have no strong feelings about Sonthi, one way or the other, so your last two sentences are a product of your fertile, futile imagination. And to suggest that Sonthi is akin to a Nazi leader is even more pathetic than your aspersions about Santi Asoke followers and puerile comments about sanitation problems for people putting their safety on the line in Govt House.

YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNN. Plachorn...go hunt for pla tuptim or whatever in another pond. Your vintage -PAD paranoia is, frankly, rather boring. "Civil society" indeed. Straight out of the current PA you-know-what RED BOOK. Get a life, Mr. Snake Fish.

Re your comments on Nazi leaders: Hitler, via his propaganda minister Goebbels, hood-winked the German people of that time (who were largely farmers and middle-class elements as is the case today in Thailand) with the persistent and consistent use of platitudes. "Platitudes" essentially mean statements that SOUND appealing to the masses, but are not necessarily based on any facts. For example, "those people are bad, and we all of course know that... etc."

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YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNN. Plachorn...go hunt for pla tuptim or whatever in another pond. Your vintage -PAD paranoia is, frankly, rather boring. "Civil society" indeed. Straight out of the current PA you-know-what RED BOOK. Get a life, Mr. Snake Fish.

In your eyes Mr Chevykanteve, anyone who expresses sympathy for actions against the current administration or against your beloved Thaksin and his cronies, are deemed to be raging right-wing PAD extremists. It serves the purposes of your argument to label these people such, and to make out that they blindly follow every belief and action of the PAD. The actual truth is however that a lot of people, including no doubt some who post here on ThaiVisa, don't think that all those associated with the bringing down of the last government or the attempted bringing down of the present, are without fault. Nor do they agree with everything the PAD does or says. They do feel though that the past and the present government have commited enough wrongs without being held accountable, that action on the streets is an inevitable outcome.

If anyone could be accused of blindly defending and supporting a person/group, regardless of their well-documented and known about illegal activity, i would suggest it's you.

Please see my reply (to your PADCompatriot-in-arms??) above re Nazi Germany and the use of platitudes as substitutes for ideas Maybe you guys would in fact serve your Fuhrer better by joining those you claim to support over at govt house. Bring some toilet paper with you though. It would serve a dual purpose over at that venue!

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Please see my reply (to your PADCompatriot-in-arms??) above re Nazi Germany and the use of platitudes as substitutes for ideas Maybe you guys would in fact serve your Fuhrer better by joining those you claim to support over at govt house. Bring some toilet paper with you though. It would serve a dual purpose over at that venue!

I think with toilet humour you've found your natural level.

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Please see my reply (to your PADCompatriot-in-arms??) above re Nazi Germany and the use of platitudes as substitutes for ideas Maybe you guys would in fact serve your Fuhrer better by joining those you claim to support over at govt house. Bring some toilet paper with you though. It would serve a dual purpose over at that venue!

I think with toilet humour you've found your natural level.

Such a rude and ungentlemanly remark. And you are a sympathiser of Major General Chamlong and General (what's-his-name: the master of dirty tricks who tried to blow up Prime Minister Dr. Thaksin a few years back and is a likely successor to Sonthi?)? Shame on you. PAD hypocrisy lives on.

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Well, this just in from the Bangkok Post:

(BangkokPost.com) - People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leader Chamlong Srimuang, ordered demonstrators to leave the main building at Government House on Sunday, after widespread criticism and publicity that the grounds had become an unsanitry eyesore...

What was that old Yardbirds' song: The Stench of Things to Come??

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