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Why No Thread Here On Phuket Forum About Airport?


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so until now, NO flights at all IN or OUT from Phuket ? does anyone have REAL intel or is it all hearsaying??

f....g News in TV, lots of gameshows and soaps to keep the masses stupid. Wonder what the Taxi drivers say about the situation and their loss of income.

Anyone heard what the outcome of Samaks yesterdays apppointment with the NO. 1 was??

toooooo many threads here about one Topic, loosing the overwiew :o

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Anyone heard what the outcome of Samaks yesterdays apppointment with the NO. 1 was??

AST TV report that Samak made a 20 minute verbal report to the King, and the King said not one word. But need to take this report with a pinch of salt as AST supports PAD (owned by one of the PAD leaders).

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the thread with the dodgy last page will be fixed this evening folks (hopefully). please bear with us.

in order to have only one thread running, i will close this one, so everyone can refer to the other thread in the phuket sub forum.

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