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Areca Lodge Has Race-based Letting Policy?


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I personally have no problem with it.

The way that I figure it, the owner should have the right to rent or not rent to whoever he wants, for whatever reason.

Mind you, I am not saying that I *agree* with that sentiment...but it is not my property either.

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Because you are probably not Indian.

Correct, sir, I am not Indian.

But if I went to this particular establishment and I was told, "No room for farang", I would not have a problem with it...just go to the next place.

If some business does not want my money, fine.

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Don't know if the Areca Lodge has this policy in place or not.But,if it does I'm not sure if it's a shockingly newsworthy item.

I love living here full-time in LOS but simultaneously haven't lost sight of the reality that it's an incredibly racist country.

Not only for Indians,but of course for us caucasian-faced-foreigners.From small restaurants with different prices......to

attractions likes zoos/waterparks......right up to National Parks with blatantly-advertised dual pricing......it's a South East Asian

slant on fair-play(or lack of).............many great +'s about living here,so what I tend to do is avoid and not go to venues and

businesses that adhere to Racism :o:D

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On a more serious note, in a previous life I interviewed for a position teaching english at a learning institution here in Thailand. When I learnt that they were looking to fill all their foreign english teacher positions I queried them as to what had become of their previous staff. Reply? 'Oh, They were black', big ingratiating smile.

Some Thais are very racist and woe unto you if you have a dark complexion, just look at the popularity of skin whitening products.

Coupled with their lactose intolerance I wouldn't bet against or mind terribly if it led to a HiSo Vitamine D deficiency precipitated dieoff.

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Japanese are called Khun Yipon, or Japanese people. Chinese are called Khun Jean, or Chinese people.

Westerners are called farang or foreigner. I guess it is too hard to call someone American, British, German and so on....

or, even harder to call them by their name.....

So, simply classify all of them as farang.

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I personally have no problem with it.

The way that I figure it, the owner should have the right to rent or not rent to whoever he wants, for whatever reason. Correct.

Mind you, I am not saying that I *agree* with that sentiment...but it is not my property either.

On a couple of occasions when the Wife has reserved hotels over the phone, they have enquired into my colour/heritage, as of yet, they haven't had a problem with white caucasian.

I actually prefer to avoid Thai hotels frequented by middle easterns/south asians - on no less than three occasions (twice in the same night at the Royal Parkview, BKK) I've been 'knocked up' by them in the early hours :o Sorry, wrong room has always been their response.

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I personally have no problem with it.

It's the natural way. Some Western nations try to fight this natural way with laws but it's a losing battle.

It's incredible how Farang come to Thailand knowing full well how it is here and then start fighting/complaining about it.

It's Thailand, leave it up to them how they want to run things in their own land.

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Even the Hospitals have dual & triple pricing for Thais,Tourists & Farang residents.

I think it ironical that Bangkok/Pattaya is the most expensive yet & has Farangs as Doctors & Administrators

That's Thailand & other countries as well.


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I personally don't have a problem with either (and I am also not Indian). I think a business should be free to run it in whatever manner they please...just like many clubs are just for Japanese. There are some bars and go-gos that won't let in Black Africans and Middle Easterners either and I don't have a problem with it...it just provides an opportunity for another entrepreneur to open a place to serve them. In Pattaya, a couple straight BBs have signs saying no gay people welcome to drink there...again, there are plenty of bars for gays so no need for a lawsuit. Also, many places don't allow unescorted women...no problem as many other do. Contrary to the PC West...most birds of a feather really do like to fly together...and everyone is happy.

There is plenty of Indian money in Thailand and if there was the need, they would certainly open up an Indian friendly or only hotel.

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There have been one or two comments on this thread that I find both distasteful and disturbing. I believe that racism is the supreme symptom of ignorance and it seems to have surfaced here - and elsewhere on Thai visa - which no-one seems too bothered about......I'm sure there are plenty of people on this site who can claim Indian ancestry, and I resent the implication that I or any of my family/ancestors/friends "stink".......

i think a withdrawal and an apology and would be in order to all the "Indians" (as you seem to refer to an entire sub-continent and populations all around the world as)

however........................... in this case I've found an "explanation" on the Areca web site....

"Please note that this hotel operates exclusive contracts with other vendors to service nationals from the following countries: China, Israel, India, Russia and the Middle East. Accordingly we are unable to service nationals from these countries. We apologize for the inconvenience."

This sounds like the sort of agreement that would be illegal in most countries - restrictive practices etc - but it DOES avoid any accusations of racism.

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it is the word "stink" is that makes the statement racist and ugly.

there are other ways of describing natural odours that do not have the negative connotations and implied dislike associated with the work "stink".

Again I must disagee. The word 'stink' is highly appropriate for any strong, foul smelling odour - irrespective of source.

Slightly off topic, but here's a link to a BBC-Health article on body odour.


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I don't necessarily like it but I do respect the owners right to rent to whomever he chooses. I am a Caucasian farang and have been refused entry into several places. UP TO THEM, their loss, not mine. I'm not a big fan of all the PC crap.

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It was meant as a purely objective comment. I have nothing against Indians per se...in fact some of my best tailors, travel agents, and hoteliers are Indian :o . The hairiness pertains mainly to the men...as a rule they tend to be among the "harrier" race of people and maybe this hair acts as sorta an insulation layer trapping the sweat molecules that WE All emit in a tropical climate. However, with them, and any other hairy person, the smell gets trapped in this insulation layer whereas in others it dissipates away from the body more readily.

It may also be a cultural thing...I don't know the general bathing customs in India or among Indian Thais. But as we all know, the Thais are fastidious bathers (2-4x per day) and this and their general lack of body hair makes them not so smelly. Being used to this, maybe being in the presence of a "normal" bather like an Indian just makes us more aware of the odors the body gives off.

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it is the word "stink" is that makes the statement racist and ugly.

there are other ways of describing natural odours that do not have the negative connotations and implied dislike associated with the work "stink".

Again I must disagee. The word 'stink' is highly appropriate for any strong, foul smelling odour - irrespective of source.

Slightly off topic, but here's a link to a BBC-Health article on body odour.


So are you trying to say that this only applies to people you efer to as "Indians"?

BTW - Curry is a leaf used in Asian cookery around the world. THe generic tern "curry" is used to refer to food cooked all over the world including thailand - how do you equate either meaning of the word curry with "Stink"?

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