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State Of Emergency Announced In Bangkok

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Laopo>> Read up and notice that one journalists word isn't the truth.

What they are saying it that they want to reduce the power the 'uneducated majority' have by having a selected an elected body next to each other, not that anyone would lose their right to vote.

If you are gonna huff and puff, at least do it towards the right point and don't make up your own.

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Didn't Sondhi say that the rural poor were not educated enough to understand what and why they were voting for, or words of the same understanding ?

Meaning he doesn't want them to vote anymore...

That's the meaning entirely in your head. It simply is not there, you made it up.

to propose rural voters in Thailand are too poorly educated to be allowed to elect a parliament, and that it should be a largely appointed body instead.

Again, that's in the words of a third party, and still it doesn't mean that rural voters will lose their voting rights. In context of new politics it supposed to mean

"to propose rural voters in Thailand are too poorly educated to be allowed to elect a parliament [entirely on their own], and that it should be a largely appointed body instead."


You put a lot of your ideas into Sondhi's mouth and then blame him for your own vivid imagination.


Not to exclude the Brits from showing up with the Americans above...


Hardy Kinross Baldwin, a 10-month-old boy from Birmingham, England, sports a banner which reads 'Let's unite to salvage the nation', while visiting anti-government demonstrators barricaded inside the Government House compound in Bangkok on September 12, 2008. The leader of Thailand's ruling party, Samak Sundaravej, has withdrawn from next week's parliamentary vote for a new prime minister, a close aide to the former premier said on Friday.



A group of expatriates from Florida working in Thailand visit anti-government demonstrators barricaded inside the Government House compound in Bangkok on September 12, 2008. The leader of Thailand's ruling party, Samak Sundaravej, has withdrawn from next week's parliamentary vote for a new prime minister, a close aide to the former premier said on Friday.


Ohhh isnt that cute... Some brainless Americans join the sheep. If only they understood the situation. A PAD kodak momement.


A group of expatriates from Florida working in Thailand visit anti-government demonstrators barricaded inside the Government House compound in Bangkok on September 12, 2008. The leader of Thailand's ruling party, Samak Sundaravej, has withdrawn from next week's parliamentary vote for a new prime minister, a close aide to the former premier said on Friday.


Yes, I watched them walking in front of the stage today (on ASTV). The person talking on stage welcomed them and the protesters welcomed them and cheered them on.

Not to exclude the Brits from showing up with the Americans above...

A group of expatriates from Florida working in Thailand

Ohhh isnt that cute... Some brainless Americans join the sheep. If only they understood the situation. A PAD kodak momement.

An Equal Opportunity bashing presentation


Los78>> You really shouldn't decry people as being brainless. Pot and kettle comes to mind.

Btw, they are more identifiable than he is and therefor it clearly can go under flaming? Or only if they identify them selfs as forum users? :o

Not to exclude the Brits from showing up with the Americans above...

A group of expatriates from Florida working in Thailand

Ohhh isnt that cute... Some brainless Americans join the sheep. If only they understood the situation. A PAD kodak momement.

An Equal Opportunity bashing presentation

Why post these photos under this topic???? Not related.

More related is this video. Hmm notice alot of armed yellow people beating a defenceless person. How sick!


Laopo>> Read up and notice that one journalists word isn't the truth.

What they are saying it that they want to reduce the power the 'uneducated majority' have by having a selected an elected body next to each other, not that anyone would lose their right to vote.

If you are gonna huff and puff, at least do it towards the right point and don't make up your own.

Holy Moly, can't you try and read my posts more properly ? :o


One more LAST time: I did NOT use the word anyone; am I clear now TAWP ?

Sondhi and his staff mentioned those words (70:30) as well as the bold sentence in the link above, not me; a journalist wrote them down; what's the problem ?



I can only assume you on purpose misread peoples posts and then posts a uninformed journalists words and try to refrain from taking any responsibility for harping it again and again.

Sad really.


This is incorrect. Or are you claiming you are correct. Or that you didn't write that?

People’s Alliance for a Special Thai Example of Democracy

<H5 class=detailsubmit>Harrison George

12 September 2008

Alien Thoughts</H5> The one thing they say about the People’s Alliance for Democracy is that their media campaign is brilliant.

Oh yeah?

For those of you who have neither the time nor stomach to trawl through the websites, I have selflessly and diligently stolen here a selection of comments on the PAD from foreign sources.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The so-called People’s Alliance for Democracy proposes an audaciously undemocratic “new politics” whereby most members of parliament would be appointed. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva

The insurgents still style themselves as the “People’s Alliance for Democracy,” but this time some of their leaders are explicit in calling for just the opposite: the restoration of a full monarchy or a military-backed autocracy. Washington Post

What his [samak’s] opponents, who come under the misleading banner of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), want is a mandate on demand, by theft. Straits Times

Even though the PAD’s very name includes the word democracy, many of its supporters are skeptical of electoral politics. Time

Neither the PAD nor the DAAD advocate any recognisable form of democracy. Guardian

The rebel groups are trying to roll back the results of last December’s general elections and reinstall rule by an urban elite traditionally backed by the Thai armed forces. Irish Times

An alliance of street protesters and a reactionary elite. Financial Times

The latest ideologue [sondhi] who promises to fix their country’s democracy by -- once again -- breaking it. Wall Street Journal

What the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) did on August 26 … was a putsch. La Stampa

Authoritarian rabble … the woefully misnamed People’s Alliance for Democracy … a gruesome bunch of reactionary businessmen, generals and aristocrats. Economist

The PAD leadership is no collection of spotless democrats. The Independent (London)

The group’s name appears to be a misnomer as it is neither populist nor does it want representative democracy. Al-Jazeera

* * * * * * * * * * * *

So. A reactionary, putschist, autocratic, thieving, authoritarian, gruesome rabble of rebel ideologue insurgents. As a PR image, this can’t be that far from Al-Qaeda’s.

And all seem agreed that whatever they are after, it ain’t democracy.

Silly, silly farangs. (Well, not all farangs; you might note that the Straits Times and Al-Jazeera are in there.)

What these ignorant non-Thai commentators are completely failing to understand is that the D in PAD doesn’t refer to democracy as anyone else might know it. In fact they regularly denounce that kind of democracy as a ‘Western export’, injected into the purity of Thai society by seditious and misguided academics who have studied abroad, become infected, and surreptitiously spread the toxin into the Thai body politic.

No, what the PAD is after is a special, customized, made-for-Thailand style of democracy.

So how may this democracy differ from what the rest of the world understands by the term? There are a number of strands in the thinking about this.

One principle is that everyone has a vote and everyone in power is voted in. It’s not clear if the PAD buys into the second part of this. They’ve talked of 70% of representatives (or 50%, they’re prepared to negotiate) being appointed, or in some other way selected, to represent occupations and groups (like women and the disabled). And if you look at how the PAD operate, it seems that decisions are made at the top (by men), and the followers, well, follow. Representational democracy doesn’t really figure

Another principle is some form of safeguards to protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority. This doesn’t seem hopeful since the PAD has been called a tyranny of the minority. Low marks there, I’m afraid.

One of these safeguards would be a respect for human rights. Now the PAD bang on relentlessly about the right to freedom of assembly (regardless of where or how much anyone else in inconvenienced). But how about NBT’s right to freedom of speech? And they’ve got the unrepentant architect of the Krue Se massacre waiting in the wings. No, this doesn’t seem to figure.

The rule of law is normally somewhere in the mix. Everyone is equal before the law. Unless you’re a PAD leader facing a warrant, which you can blithely ignore. I mean, mob rule, which is what they’re pushing, is quite the opposite of the rule of law.

And how about just being civilized towards each other? Agreeing to disagree and all that, without slagging off on each other. I am told that inside the Government House encampment, folk do really well by each other. It’s what happens when you cross them that’s worrying. Fulminations and denunciations, often in a language that would make your mother blush. Disagreeing with someone who doesn’t stand for the Royal Anthem is fine; railing at them when they can’t easily exercise the right of reply is not so nice; printing their home address and phone number on your pet rag is just criminal.

So we’re talking about a democracy where voting may not be that important, where safeguards for minorities may not exist, where contempt for the rule of law is OK, where some human rights are respected for some, and where if you are considered to be on the wrong side of the ideological divide, you can expect to be vilified, demonized and threatened.

That is certainly a unique kind of democracy. So unique that I think the PAD deserves a name change to stop all this confusion about what ‘democracy’ means to them. How about the People’s Alliance for a Special Thai Example of Democracy? PASTED. I think that’s much clearer.

Good job. As I've said before, I'd call the PAD - the Priviledged Against Democracy. Seems reasonable, no?

what does this mean?

It means hurrah hurrah - another corrupt politician out of the way.

Yes I understand that.....but what exaclty? He resign as party member? or as MP or just that he is silent for 2 weeks?

My wife and I would democratic elect him as our new cook if he needs a job.

too late hired him already

new bar in patong opens next week

"polictical drival" next to keith floyds gaff

I can only assume you on purpose misread peoples posts and then posts a uninformed journalists words and try to refrain from taking any responsibility for harping it again and again.

Sad really.


This is incorrect. Or are you claiming you are correct. Or that you didn't write that?

1. How come you are so smart to be the Judge to mention that a journalist is uninformed ?

2. Yes I wrote what I wrote and stand firmly because THAT'S what your mr. niceguy Sondhi wants; take votes away from the uneducated rural poor. I repeat:

"They (the key PAD leaders, in particular Sondhi Limthongkul and Chamlong Srimuanghave) now refined their argument to propose rural voters in Thailand are too poorly educated to be allowed to elect a parliament, and that it should be a largely appointed body instead."

3. Yes I'm claiming I am correct, unless someone can come up with proof that he/PAD has withdrawn his words and meanings; the words he/PAD said just recently.



So, how are all the defenders of corruption tonight. Are you all having fun PAD bashing, while most intelligent people are asleep and unable to call you on it?

Well, enjoy, I am going to bed, too, so the night is all yours ;-)

It's been a good day :o

Good night all, hope it stays peaceful out there.


Funny how some right-wing fat guy turned defender of democracy and running a cooking show alongside his day job of Prime Minister can cause such a fuss, but some right-wing media nutcase and his fag+ot aristocrat backer can run a TV station and both can be so same-same but so dangerous to democracy...hmm?

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Mein nama ist Sondhi, und mein Papa ist Pr+m. Zeig HEIL!


Supreme Court disqualifies 3 PPP MPs

source: The Nation (5 PM approx) FRIDAY Sept 12 2008

The Supreme Court Friday disqualified three People Power Party MPs in Phetchabun but allowed them to re-contest a sub-sequent by-election.

The court approved the Election Commission's request to annul the election results of Phetchabun's Constituency 2, and thus disqualifying three MPs - Iam Thongjaisod, Wanphen Promphat and Surasak Anakphan.

The EC will meet next week to schedule the by-election.

The Nation


-Brilliant, the gang of never-ending incompetent muppets whom can neither shoot their mouths straight nor even 'buy' an election effectively strike yet again.

Like the repeated recent elections in Chiang Rai where ex-House Speaker Yongyuth (already removed for vote-fraud which may bring down his PPP party-on) he has his sister run in which she then (predictably) receives a 'yellow' card for vote-buying but mai pen rai, Chiang Rai thusly votes her in again...

Now yet another BUY-election (and dry weekend;) looms, this time in Petchabun. Have lost count of how many by-elections for vote-fraud have taken place resulting from the PPP 'democratic victory'... THIS is the future some 'short-timers' sadly wish elongated for Thailand.

Hopefully ONE more National vote with NO strings attached 'might' do it, yet one doubts... (viagra aspirations and all by some) :o


Banharn's daughter says Samak not suitable choice of PM now

source: The Nation (approx 4 PM) Sept 12 2008

Kanchana Silapa-archa, Chart Thai Party deputy leader and a daughter of Chart Thai leader Banharn Silapa-archa, said Friday that former prime minister Samak Sundaravej is not a suitable choice of PM now.

She said Samak has several advantages but he may not be suitable to lead the government under the current situation.

"Actually, he has several good qualifications but under the current situation, it may not be appropriate [for Samak to become the prime minister]," Kanchana said.


Somchai says he will make decision on emergency lifting in few days

source: The Nation (approx 4 PM) Sept 12

Caretaker Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said Friday that he would need a few days before making a decision whether to lift the state of emergency in Bangkok.

Somchai said he would have to consult government agencies concerned first.

Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Paochinda on Thursday called on Somchai to lift the state of emergency.


-FINALLY, a bit of belated common-sense appears amidst the ongoing NON-sense... Mr Somchai (Mr Thaksin's brother in-law and now 'acting' PM) should simply 'make the call' himself and remove the imaginary State of Emergency NOW. This is clearly a failed 'strategy' with far-reaching ramifications and should never have been 'used' as a mere political 'tool'.

-It doesn't appear Mr Samak's cabinet 'gift' this week of almost 1 billion baht from the public purse to increase Military General's monetary perks has NOT helped his cause one iota (mai pen rai, like all other 'popularity assistance' doled out from public funds by the PPP/TRT, it's not like it was 'theirs' or their party's own money) :o

-Mr Barnharn's daughter stating "It may not be appropriate for Mr Samak to continue as PM" becomes the understatement on the day... One wonders if she was 'appointed' to say so by her 'elders' so they don't 'lose face' themselves? (the big girls blouses) :D

(edit sp)


All of Samaks and PPP's scary talk about how bad PAD is;

it's purported violent acts and horrors and alledged dispicable conduct,

seems to NOT be translating to the outside world as planned.


Seems they are perceived as a new tourist attraction now!

Showing Samak's 'State of Emergency' for the house of cards it was from day one.

Come see the activated well meaning Thais from all stratas of society

stand up to the corrupt, duplicitous and vile government puppets

trying to steal the country blind under the thin veil of 'democracy'

for their increasingly desperate puppet master across the seas.

Bring the children and support free speach

and burgeoning freedom from economic bondage!

Well it ain't that cut and dried, but it sure isn't the gloom and doom despair

pictured by way to many T.V. members here. It isn't the end of democracy, just a side trip.

PAD is being a watchdog vs corruption, and good scruffy junk yard dog to be sure,

but a good dog doesn't scare burglars like a BAD dog will.

PAD is being a central pivot for DISCUSSION around the whole country,

maybe some ideas don't work, but they could lead to ideas that DO work.

The Thais are listening and thinking of alternatives to status quo.

No doubt some one will pull one line from this and twist it around

and make it seem I mean something else. But we are ALL seeing,

that kind of purille B.S is NOT working. Few actually believe this bile,

this effort at demonizing dis-information, couched in social and

democratic sheep's clothing, but actually justifying blatant policy corruption

and theft from government coffers for the benefits of a small cadre.

MEGA-PROJECTS for the people HAH, mega boondoogles for the

benefit of the MPs wanting war chests for the next election buy up.

The Thais are listening more and more, PPP's lock on information

control is gradually eroding, the word is filtering back to the country side.

Insurection is in the coalition ranks. Change is in the air.

The foolish can attempt to twist my words to their purille ends,

but you are clearly not winning the bigger battle for hearts and minds.

All of Samaks and PPP's scary talk about how bad PAD is;

it's purported violent acts and horrors and alledged dispicable conduct,

seems to NOT be translating to the outside world as planned.


Seems they are perceived as a new tourist attraction now!

Showing Samak's 'State of Emergency' for the house of cards it was from day one.

I like those friendly peaceful pictures: :o


Protestors gather in Chiang Mai and Lampang

-Chiang Mai Mail


Not to exclude the Brits from showing up with the Americans above...

A group of expatriates from Florida working in Thailand

Ohhh isnt that cute... Some brainless Americans join the sheep. If only they understood the situation. A PAD kodak momement.

An Equal Opportunity bashing presentation

Why post these photos under this topic???? Not related.


2,500+ posts on this thread discussing every conceivable aspect (and numerous inconceivable) on the PAD and the government... but photos of foreign nationals at the PAD rally site are off-topic?

Good one. :o

But come on.... where's the bash at the Brits to equal your American post earlier?? :D

Funny how some right-wing fat guy turned defender of democracy and running a cooking show alongside his day job of Prime Minister can cause such a fuss, but some right-wing media nutcase and his fag+ot aristocrat backer can run a TV station and both can be so same-same but so dangerous to democracy...hmm?

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Mein nama ist Sondhi, und mein Papa ist Pr+m. Zeig HEIL!

Are you perhaps related to a certain criminal, now residing in London, mein freund ?

He too felt strongly that Sondhi's views, and embarrassing evidence of corruption in TRT & the government, had no right to be heard or broadcast, in a free democracy, and took legal & extra-legal action, to make sure that they were suppressed.

Bring on the billion-baht law-suits ! :o

Funny how some right-wing fat guy turned defender of democracy and running a cooking show alongside his day job of Prime Minister can cause such a fuss, but some right-wing media nutcase and his fag+ot aristocrat backer can run a TV station and both can be so same-same but so dangerous to democracy...hmm?

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Mein nama ist Sondhi, und mein Papa ist Pr+m. Zeig HEIL!

Are you perhaps related to a certain criminal, now residing in London, mein freund ?

He too felt strongly that Sondhi's views, and embarrassing evidence of corruption in TRT & the government, had no right to be heard or broadcast, in a free democracy, and took legal & extra-legal action, to make sure that they were suppressed.

Bring on the billion-baht law-suits ! :o

he also felt that allowing the voters of Thailand to actually elect the majority of members in the lower house of parliament is placing too greater responsibility upon their already overstressed minds ----much better for the country and democracy that the new government do this for them.

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Funny how some right-wing fat guy turned defender of democracy and running a cooking show alongside his day job of Prime Minister can cause such a fuss, but some right-wing media nutcase and his fag+ot aristocrat backer can run a TV station and both can be so same-same but so dangerous to democracy...hmm?

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Mein nama ist Sondhi, und mein Papa ist Pr+m. Zeig HEIL!

Are you perhaps related to a certain criminal, now residing in London, mein freund ?

He too felt strongly that Sondhi's views, and embarrassing evidence of corruption in TRT & the government, had no right to be heard or broadcast, in a free democracy, and took legal & extra-legal action, to make sure that they were suppressed.

Bring on the billion-baht law-suits ! :o

he also felt that allowing the voters of Thailand to actually elect the majority of members in the lower house of parliament is placing too greater responsibility upon their already overstressed minds ----much better for the country and democracy that the new government do this for them.

Zeig HEIL, Zeig HEIL..Nicht ein volk, ein vote...Ist vunderbar mit ein volk, ein Sakdina! Wo ist mein "Yellow Shirt" mein fuhrer?

Thats neither english nor german.....Is this your own private language?

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