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Really Insane Things Around Pattaya


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If I was going to complain about my own country, I'd need about 25 hours to write about all the BS PC crap!

Nevertheless, you expect from Thailand to be perfect and "holier than thou".

This post wasn't started to COMPLAIN, just to make observations about really insane things.

Who is complaining?

I was summarizing a few really INSANE things that I observed in my own country.

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The baht bus queue at the corner of Second and South Rd. Rather than passengers getting on the bus that has been waiting longest, wherever it happens to be, they have to get on the one at the back of the queue, and then all the other buses start their motors to move back. Must cause a lot of wasted fuel and wear and tear.

But, the passengers do get on the baht bus that has been waiting the longest and that bus is at the "front" of the queue, i.e. the next to leave!!!! So, imagine the system working in reverse, i.e. the next-to-leave bus is in the front of the line-up (pointing the right way!) and when this has departed, the queue moves forward. Same same but different? Not really, because the end of the queue is defined by the junction, whereas, the way it is, the queue can be as long as it needs to be.

What have I said? :o

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The workers laying the new pavement tiles in front of The Avenue, started from farthest away from the curb and when they reached the curb, the tiles didn't line up, so have to cut every tile to fit!

Perhaps there is some technical reason for this, but can't see it offhand, as it's just a grassy bank at the back.

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Farangs that come here and then whine because things aren't like they are "back home". :o

Farangs who whinge about other farangs who are always whining, especially because things are not like what they are "back home".

:D :D :D

We are almost all free to move back to "home"...

Not me though, despite all daily issues, I love the place! And it is more than my "second home".


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The motocy drivers that zoom out of a side street onto a main road in front of a fast moving car without even looking.

The car drivers that stop at the junction of a side street to a main road, look, see a fast moving car is coming and then pull out in front of it causing the driver to slow down or swerve even though the road behind is completely clear.

Motocy that drive just the other side of the line in the right hand lane and block progress of cars when the left hand is completely empty.

All drivers operate on peripheral vision, no eye contact hence no road road rage. Think about it for a minute. You young grasshopper will never understand this , ever

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