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Marrying My (thai) Gf In The Us

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Yes a K1 visa's intention is solely for someone to bring a spouse into the U.S.A. for marriage and then applying for the immigrant visa status and subsequent green card. It is definately a point of no turn back unless you guys decide to give up on all your hard work, time, paperwork and fees and catch the next flight back to BKK. The entire point of the K1 process is to immigrate and be able to live and work in the U.S.A. legally. Once an immigrant visa and subsequent green card is applied for and given one has to be bound to the requirements of the immigrant visa and green card. Remember once permanent status is achieve one has to be bound by the status. My father and many of his friends had to give up his green card because he was just unable to be bound in the U.S. for over six months without flying especially with a business to run. My mother had to get citizenship (took like 20 years)

This gets really confusing because the intent to marry is legally the same as intent to immigrate (how Americans think). Americans don't realize that the U.S. isn't the sole best place in the world to live and work. If someone does enter the the U.S.A. and marries it is considered illegal especially if a request for permanent status is almost immediate.

However our case was different. We wanted to get married in the U.S. but did not want to immigrate.

The K1 visa is for GF or BF intending to immigrate to the U.S. The K3 visa is for spouses intending to immigrate to the U.S.

What if you want to go the the U.S. but plan to return? B1/B2 visas have a 5 - 10% acceptance rate. If rejected have to apply again. Student visas you have to get a school in the U.S. to sponsor you.

We chose the K1 route, it took a year and I know it was a waste of time and money but we already tried the tourist visa and already rejected once before. But eventually we got a tourist visa because the K1 wasn't for us because we didn't plan to immigrate. Just remember to be honest and notify everyone of your intentions especially the immigration officers. I clearly stated we want to get married but wanted to return and not to immigrate.

Being a U.S. citizen I have to apologize to all the Thai people that have applied for a visa to visit the U.S. The system is a farce. It is like the airport security. They will never catch terrorists. All the innocent people get caught. Also with immigration. For people that just want to tour the U.S. and spend and shop in America they get their visas rejected. But illegal immigrants always find a way to get in and never return.

Oh I forgot to mention a K1 visa is a one time visa and will expire within 90 days. So once in the U.S. you guys will have to get married and your GF has to remain in the U.S. Yes she can work but not sure how long the change of status will take. If you guys don't get married or decide to return to BKK within 90 days her visa is then cancelled. If you guys don't get married and she remains in the U.S. over 90 days she legally becomes an illegal immigrant. A tourist visa is a multiple entry visa valid up to 10 years. However one can only stay from 3 - 6 months depending on the immigration officers stamp at the airport.

Edited by mdechgan
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Yes a K1 visa's intention is solely for someone to bring a spouse into the U.S.A. for marriage and then applying for the immigrant visa status and subsequent green card. It is definately a point of no turn back unless you guys decide to give up on all your hard work, time, paperwork and fees and catch the next flight back to BKK. The entire point of the K1 process is to immigrate and be able to live and work in the U.S.A. legally. Once an immigrant visa and subsequent green card is applied for and given one has to be bound to the requirements of the immigrant visa and green card. Remember once permanent status is achieve one has to be bound by the status. My father and many of his friends had to give up his green card because he was just unable to be bound in the U.S. for over six months without flying especially with a business to run. My mother had to get citizenship (took like 20 years)

This gets really confusing because the intent to marry is legally the same as intent to immigrate (how Americans think). Americans don't realize that the U.S. isn't the sole best place in the world to live and work. If someone does enter the the U.S.A. and marries it is considered illegal especially if a request for permanent status is almost immediate.

However our case was different. We wanted to get married in the U.S. but did not want to immigrate.

The K1 visa is for GF or BF intending to immigrate to the U.S. The K3 visa is for spouses intending to immigrate to the U.S.

What if you want to go the the U.S. but plan to return? B1/B2 visas have a 5 - 10% acceptance rate. If rejected have to apply again. Student visas you have to get a school in the U.S. to sponsor you.

We chose the K1 route, it took a year and I know it was a waste of time and money but we already tried the tourist visa and already rejected once before. But eventually we got a tourist visa because the K1 wasn't for us because we didn't plan to immigrate. Just remember to be honest and notify everyone of your intentions especially the immigration officers. I clearly stated we want to get married but wanted to return and not to immigrate.

Being a U.S. citizen I have to apologize to all the Thai people that have applied for a visa to visit the U.S. The system is a farce. It is like the airport security. They will never catch terrorists. All the innocent people get caught. Also with immigration. For people that just want to tour the U.S. and spend and shop in America they get their visas rejected. But illegal immigrants always find a way to get in and never return.

Why would you want to apologize to the Thai people for their fellow citizens (visa over-stayers and non-returners) who have contributed greatly to the difficulty of getting a tourist visa?

Answer: Because you are being typically shortsighted and are more worried about identifying a situation and ignoring the root cause of the situation. This is paramount to treating the symptoms of a deadly disease but not attacking the disease itself or being a manager who is good at identifying problems but not offering solutions.

I can tell you it is far easier for my wife to stay here in the USA, work and gain citizenship than it is for me to do the same in Thailand. Thailand has all the protectionist policies such as foreigners can't own land, can't work a job if a Thai can do the work etc. etc. etc. I do understand some of their their policies like the land thing but before you go apologizing to the Thais, you really should take a close look at the whole picture and how they in turn treat visitors/immigrants in their country. They make it easy to get in because they want your tourist dollar but very difficult to stay if you want to live with your wife in their country.

I feel compassion for all the honest people (myself included) who have difficulty in this world because of those who are dishonest, but I'm not going to apologize to the honest people for the activities of the dishonest people. Thais applying for tourist visas is what it is because of immigration's past experience with Thais (this is Thai forum) visiting the USA. They've made their own difficulties with this, apologies are inappropriate........compassion...ok.

Sorry to rant but your post struck a nerve.



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Thanks again Mdechgan for your interesting post. Ya, my situation at this point is that i'm pretty sure i don't want to live in Thailand for more than a couple more years but i'm not quiet ready to make the 'big move' to the US knowing that it's a 'one time decision'. Overall, life is good and easy in Thailand but not very...stimulating, and i don't think i would want to raise kids here (but i'm going off topic there). Having the possibility to go there (US) to have a feel for how both of us will adapt to the life there (it's been 7 years i've left) before making any long term decisions would be good, but apparently not easily faisable. So we're gonna have to think more about this and i guess we'll only start the fiancee visa process once i decide that i've definately had enough of Thailand for now. In the mean time, i will go back to the States for a couple weeks a few months from now (most likely on my own unless my gf gets lucky and doesn't get denied a tourist visa) to see, for a start, how I feel being there. My Gf is pretty much ready to follow me what ever i decide.


Edited by iyah
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It is my feeling that the citizens of these western countries particularly the U.S. and The U.K. should consider abandoning the loyalty they may have and is indeed engendered especially by the U.S. for their home countries when the home countries clearly view this loyalty as a one way street, treating gentlemen such as this and his lady as virtual criminals who have to prove they are in fact genuine.

Meanwhile in the U.S. many thousands of Mexicans and goodness knows who else stream across the border many absolutely illegally and are more or less welcomed with open arms by the U.S. society/industry as cheap labour and certainly not pursued with the negative vigour this mans visa application will undoubtedly receive. By the way you may know that it is Against U.S. law to issue a visa to a person who has been working in the bar scene, even though I believe a large % of U.S. femailes find the money to pay their wway through college by "Damncing". More U.S. hipocracy .


In the UK Poles and others have been streaming into the UK with the right to go on social security receive housing and have family benefits (i.e. money) sent to the mother of their children in Poland having never paid a penny tax in the UK, meanwhile the UK citizen who has paid tax for thirty years in the UK is treated similarly to the U.S. citizen, as a virtual criminal, when he wants to bring even his Thai wife to the UK for a 30 day break, as evidenced on this very board including the replies to the OP question.

It is very clear that the U.S. and the U.K. do not exist for the benefit of their ordinary citizens and their respective governments should be woken up to this not be validated by playing their game at these Embassies,

I believe the only way to do anything about this unsatisfactory situation in the U.K. at least is to involve your M.P. (copy him with all communication by registered mail) in any serious Visa application from Day 1, think about it DO IT!!! :o

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It is my feeling that the citizens of these western countries particularly the U.S. and The U.K. should consider abandoning the loyalty they may have and is indeed engendered especially by the U.S. for their home countries when the home countries clearly view this loyalty as a one way street, treating gentlemen such as this and his lady as virtual criminals who have to prove they are in fact genuine.

Meanwhile in the U.S. many thousands of Mexicans and goodness knows who else stream across the border many absolutely illegally and are more or less welcomed with open arms by the U.S. society/industry as cheap labour and certainly not pursued with the negative vigour this mans visa application will undoubtedly receive. By the way you may know that it is Against U.S. law to issue a visa to a person who has been working in the bar scene, even though I believe a large % of U.S. females find the money to pay their way through college by "Dancing". More U.S. hipochracy .

In the UK Poles and others have been streaming into the UK with the right to go on social security receive housing and have family benefits (i.e. money) sent to the mother of their children in Poland having never paid a penny tax in the UK, meanwhile the UK citizen who has paid tax for thirty years in the UK is treated similarly to the U.S. citizen, as a virtual criminal, when he wants to bring even his Thai wife to the UK for a 30 day break, as evidenced on this very board including the replies to the OP question.

It is very clear that the U.S. and the U.K. do not exist for the benefit of their ordinary citizens and their respective governments should be woken up to this not be validated by playing their game at these Embassies, which I believe that should anyone have the wherewithal and finance to take the matter to the UK House of Lords (the highest court in the UK) would have their (the Embassies) interpretation of the law declared illegal, it follows that the only way to do anything about this clearly unsatisfactory situation, in the U.K. at least is to involve your M.P. (copy him with all communication by registered mail) in any serious Visa application from Day 1, think about it DO IT!!! :o

Edited by spacebass
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Why would you want to apologize to the Thai people for their fellow citizens (visa over-stayers and non-returners) who have contributed greatly to the difficulty of getting a tourist visa?

Answer: Because you are being typically shortsighted and are more worried about identifying a situation and ignoring the root cause of the situation. This is paramount to treating the symptoms of a deadly disease but not attacking the disease itself or being a manager who is good at identifying problems but not offering solutions.

I can tell you it is far easier for my wife to stay here in the USA, work and gain citizenship than it is for me to do the same in Thailand. Thailand has all the protectionist policies such as foreigners can't own land, can't work a job if a Thai can do the work etc. etc. etc. I do understand some of their their policies like the land thing but before you go apologizing to the Thais, you really should take a close look at the whole picture and how they in turn treat visitors/immigrants in their country. They make it easy to get in because they want your tourist dollar but very difficult to stay if you want to live with your wife in their country.

I feel compassion for all the honest people (myself included) who have difficulty in this world because of those who are dishonest, but I'm not going to apologize to the honest people for the activities of the dishonest people. Thais applying for tourist visas is what it is because of immigration's past experience with Thais (this is Thai forum) visiting the USA. They've made their own difficulties with this, apologies are inappropriate........compassion...ok.

Sorry to rant but your post struck a nerve.



I understand your point, but from my personal point of view. Have you ever just sat down in the BKK embassy and look at the people accepted and rejected? The subjective system is a joke. One could plainly see some people that just want to visit and some who intend to immigrate. I don't see how the interviewer set his/her standards because they usually get it wrong. Are Thai's subjective to a 95% rejection rate? What about Mexicans, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese or even British? Most of the people that do immigrate take other channels like student visas.

Yes many Thais are illegal immigrants but what about other nationalities? What about the illegal U.S. citizens that stay in Thailand? What if Thailand just said from now on 1 visa will be issued for every 1 visa U.S.A. issues for a Thai citizen? It is not more difficult to immigrate to Thailand than it is to immigrate to the U.S., that is a fact! One can easily get a work visa, credit card, buy a car, open a bank account etc. Buying a home is difficult if not married but doesn't mean you can't rent, lease or just buy under your wife's name. Unless you don't trust your wife which means you shouldn't marry her in the first place.

I agree that the Thai people that do immigrate illegally should be reprimanded but I feel for all those people that want to visit Disneyland, Hollywood but were turned down because of some interviewer's subjective standards. I think the embassy should be fair and return atleast 50% of the application fee if rejected just to be fair to the Thai people.

That's why I recommend to Thai people that do not want to live in Thailand to not try and immigrate to the U.S. Countries like Austrailia, Finland, New Zealand atleast are more open to Thais and and agree to bring in the weak, hungry, poor with open arms. Thai people are immediately looked down upon by the U.S. embassy the day they fill out their visa application form. One can argue and stereotype that the Thai people did this to themselves but I don't see how it is fair. Its like rejecting every Arab or Muslim

because they are who they are and they had no choice on how and where they were born.

I feel very strongly about the visa process because it is wrong and doesn't work. My fiancee just wanted to go to my hometown for a couple weeks to visit my mother, brother, family, etc. and come back to BKK but was rejected because of some subjective lady said no. So we had to go through this K1 process which I think put me back $1000 bucks so far just to eventually get a B1 visa which we asked for in the 1st place.

You are an U.S. citizen, if you were a Thai citizen filing for a visa you would be sad, depressed and angry too!

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I too understand your feelings and share your "compassion" for those honest people trying to visit but don't owe nor will I offer apologies for the situation. Since this is a Thai forum, I wasn't about to address the other nationalities abusing the system. As such, my belief is that if any nationality is in the USA illegally, then they are a criminals because they have already broken a law to be here. It really is quite simple and all the people in the states saying "we are not criminals, we are honest hardworking people" are conveniently ignoring the basic fact that there presence in the country without proper immigration clearance DOES make them a criminal. They are just not caught or prosecuted yet.

Just because a blind eye has been used with, lets say the Mexicans, doesn't mean that the doors should be opened and everyone allowed into the country. My wife (Thai) just gained citizenship yesterday and we went through all the steps, interviews, financial commitments, and inconvenience to do it legally and so should everyone else.

I am in full support of rounding up ALL illegals and deporting them at their cost and forcing them to forfeit anything they gained by being here illegally. If you use your car in the commission of a crime, you forfeit it, so should all the illegals who gained assets and prosperity under the auspices of being illegal. No difference in my mind.

I am compassionate for those who are seemingly denied a tourist visa just "because" but the Thais have made their bed and are now laying in it for now. Now my wife has much more rights than myself because of the Thai laws banning me from living with her (without a myriad of rules, inconveniences, lots of money) in Thailand long term.

It's easy to get into Thailand because they want your money, but hard to stay because they are not as welcoming as everyone has been brain washed to believe. It is harder to get into the USA because (up to this point) they don't need your money but it is easy to stay and become a citizen if you follow the steps and are patient. I have a cold-day-in-hel_l chance of gaining the same status in Thailand or even just permanent residency status at that, even with enough funds in the bank to support us in Thailand the rest of lives.



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