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Students After The Teacher ?


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Question 1:

I recently spent a couple of weeks in Thailand conducting computer software training. It was at times a difficult job because the Thais couldn't understand English very well and we were crowded around a small computer. It must have been difficult to see the screen and it would have become boring at times. The Thais that I was teaching were all females. I found that after a short period of time the girls would start flirting with me. For example we had a basket of Thai candy and the candy wrapping carried short messages like "I love the person reading this message" etc. The girls would offer me some candy then ask me to read the message in Thai. They would then giggle and explain the meaning of the message to me. This would never happen in my home country especially at work while conducting training. Of course the Thai girls have a way of making this all fun and easy going yet at the same time I felt it was still flirting. Can you explain to me what is it within the Thai female character that they can flirt so casually even in a work environment - and do it without anyone getting embarrassed or put out?

Mrs. Stick says: I would have thought women from all over the world were the same so this is a little difficult for me as I have never worked outside of Thailand. For Thai women who see someone attractive from abroad who has sex appeal then naturally they may be a little interested and flirt a little. My guess is that it is just human nature. I guess the question is just how they flirted? Did she jut give you the eye, laugh a little or did she show you her boobs? There are different levels of flirting which suggest a different outcome or consequences.


seems more likely they want to get off with the teacher for some private tuition ,

back in his apartment ! :o

sounds like they were all up for it !!! and whats new i hear you all say ...

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mebbe u should have read it a bit more carefully, smells like bullshit 2 me..

Hes teachin thais, it was a difficult job though, coz the thais couldnt understand english..

Hence he neither speaks/reads nor writes thai, the girls then got him to read the thai! COUGH..

How many commercial products have u seen with any form of phonetic thai written on them? Cant say i've seen a single one apart from bottles of water, etc that need no explaining, as WELL OVER half the thai nation hasnt got a clue about the roman alphabet :o

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