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More specifically, what would you do with my right foot?

The left one is ok, hardly win any beauty contests.

But the right foot is a real pain - literally.

That bunion does cause me a lot of grief. I try to spend most of my day without shoes, and when I wear shoes I try to wear wide-fitting ones that do not apply pressure to my bunion. But at times it is really painful.

Additionally, that right foot has plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the arch tendon of the foot). You can also see a small bunion forming near my little toe...

I stretch my foot every morning and that does help a bit. But are there any treatments for both conditions?

(I have read about bunion surgery, but this really does seem fraught with problems and not recommended).

What I need is a complete overall of my right foot. I walk and exercise a lot and do not want to end up with hopping on one foot :o

The stage is yours - what should I do with this foot??



More specifically, what would you do with my right foot?

The left one is ok, hardly win any beauty contests.

But the right foot is a real pain - literally.

That bunion does cause me a lot of grief. I try to spend most of my day without shoes, and when I wear shoes I try to wear wide-fitting ones that do not apply pressure to my bunion. But at times it is really painful.

Additionally, that right foot has plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the arch tendon of the foot). You can also see a small bunion forming near my little toe...

I stretch my foot every morning and that does help a bit. But are there any treatments for both conditions?

(I have read about bunion surgery, but this really does seem fraught with problems and not recommended).

What I need is a complete overall of my right foot. I walk and exercise a lot and do not want to end up with hopping on one foot :o

The stage is yours - what should I do with this foot??


Put it up for auction .

Give it to some hapless one footed guy who would be gratefull i'm sure .

Start a freak show .

Have your shoe stretched to ease the pain , the right one of course .

My dad had bunions and i had to wear his new leather shoes soaked in water to 'Break them in' , he repeated the procedure and the shoes conformed to fit his feet quite comforably .


More specifically, what would you do with my right foot?

The left one is ok, hardly win any beauty contests.

But the right foot is a real pain - literally.

That bunion does cause me a lot of grief. I try to spend most of my day without shoes, and when I wear shoes I try to wear wide-fitting ones that do not apply pressure to my bunion. But at times it is really painful.

Additionally, that right foot has plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the arch tendon of the foot). You can also see a small bunion forming near my little toe...

I stretch my foot every morning and that does help a bit. But are there any treatments for both conditions?

(I have read about bunion surgery, but this really does seem fraught with problems and not recommended).

What I need is a complete overall of my right foot. I walk and exercise a lot and do not want to end up with hopping on one foot :o

The stage is yours - what should I do with this foot??


Unfortunately my memory is getting soooooo bad--but,I had Plantaar Fasciitis a while back and, apart from a sheet or 2 of foolscap with exercises, stretches etc...my UK GP wasn't much help but I got some Scholl innersoles and wore them, in shoes, and the problem gradually disappeared--you can get strap on sort of thingy's but I don't think wearing no shoes is necessarily helping. [terrible grammar-but you get the point, maybe?]


That's what my feet...both of them looked like 15 years ago. Fast forward now and both big toes have pushed the forth toe upward. I kept going to orthopadic surgeons and they said if it does not hurt don't do anything. For my job I'm on my feet all the time so not wearing shoes was not an option.

This year I also developed plantar fasciitis which was so painful I had to take time off work and could not even walk. Get yourself to a good orthopadic doctor. There are several in BKK I could recommend. They will build customized arches for you built from molds of your foot. The custom arches will stop the feet from getting worse. Cost about 5000 baht. I've been using now since April and my feet feel great! Ugly as sin but feel great. There are several franchise operations that seem to be offering arch support as well through a computer. Avoid them. They are not custom made. If you need more infor regarding doctors in BKK and other foot clinics pm and I will happily give you the info.


For a start you need custom made orthotics with good shoes, They will reduce a lot of the stress on the bunion and manage the planta faciitis with stretching also don't walk around bare foot.

Surgery on the bunion is a last resort if you have a lot of pain , a lot of women have it done for cosmetic reasons other than that treating the hallax valgus deformity and by looking at the photo you could be a candidate later on in life.

You can search the internet for info on foot care and google orthotics in thailand / Bangkok .


Flightcew1 - yes indeed, have you details of these doctors? I want to try to stop this foot getting any worse, so customised arches sounds like a very good idea!



Flightcew1 - yes indeed, have you details of these doctors? I want to try to stop this foot getting any worse, so customised arches sounds like a very good idea!



got mine done at St. Louis Hosp. make a general appt with the orthopadic center for checkup or go directly to see the doctors in physical therapy where they make the arch supports. I had visited the hospital 2 times before they even mention going to PT to get this done.

Another place is run by a farang from new zealand. It's called the Foot Control Center. He's very good. He charges the same price. He's not a doctor but was trained for orothopadics. I was able to speak to him quite frankly. I ended up with two pairs. One from St. Louis Hosp. and one from this guy. The one's from foot control center seem to be better. Here is their site.


Good luck!


I have friends with bunyuns [sic] that look worse than yours. But they are not in pain.


You should see a medical doctor based on referals that is a good doctor.


...hi Simon...I have same on my right foot.....I was playing football .....went up for a header ....came down like a balarina as usual but this time my big toe gave way,.....never been the same since,.....but every morning I click it back into place......doc said I could try toe straightener......but could not guarantee that it would do any good,......bottom line is old pal ,,,,is I reckon your about 7 years younger than me,.....and you go to the doc and instead of cures he says wear and tear,,.......which basically means your getting old......sorry Simon,.....but it happens to us all eventually..!!


Get a blood test done for Gout as well, while you're at it..

Your bunion may qualify for a minor procedure if it is painful (simple bunionectomy without correcting the first metatartsal as it is not deviated), but no more and then get proper footwear with arch supports. Custom made jobs will need to be done in your case.

Start with the blood test and the footwear first. Feet are terribly ungrateful surgical candidates so this need to be done as a last resort.

As for the beauty contest thing, I am afraid I have no real advice except that perhaps, if you did consider that as some sort of a lucrative endeavour, rather consider investing in a small plastic cup and a busy corner on Sukhumvit... (with them on display, of course!!) :o)


Ignore all the advice above, it is merely ignorant. Immediate amputation is clearly the best, indeed the only course of action available to you. Do not delay...

Sametivej are doing two for one discounts I hear.


If you're in Thailand get yourself a pair of custom-made shoes. They aren't so expensive and may solve most of your problems.

It was the best thing I've ever done with regards to my feet and I am delighted tyhat I can wear slip-on shoes for the first time in my life.

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