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Pattaya Pregnant Woman Stabs British Man

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: September 7th 2008


A pregnant Thai woman was holding a kitchen knife to threaten a British man to stop beating up her British husband, but she was pounded with a metal candle holder instead. She was unbearable then stabbed the man on the stomach to cause him a serious injury.

September 6th, 2008 - First Lieutenant police officer Nitiphum Bootr-wong, Banglamung, Chonburi, was notified at 19.00, that a foreigner was stabbed and severely injured. The incident occurred in front of a shop house No. 39/125, Soi Khao Noi, Moo 10, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi.

Police and the rescue team found Mr. Martin Gary Ward (42), a British man, was crying in pain with a pool of blood. He had sustained a stabbed wound on his stomach and many cuts on both arms. His condition was quite severe and he was immediately taken to Bangkok Pattaya hospital.

The violent scene unfolded on the 2nd floor of 3-storied shop house where the fighting took place, Miss Boonpan Ga-wan (35), a 4-months-pregnant Thai woman, was holding a kitchen knife, waiting for the police with Mr. Walters Terenge (45), her British husband. She had sustained some bruises on her face and was minor injured.

Miss Boonpan told police that Miss Nuch (alias), her younger sister, who is Mr. Ward's wife, came to see her and complained that Mr. Ward was a wife beater, he had been beating her up regularly.

During the talking, Mr. Ward showed up and inquired Miss Nuch to go back with him but she resisted, he then started to attack Miss Nuch, his wife. Mr. Terrenge, immediately intervened which led the two British in-laws into a fighting.

Miss Boonpan, the pregnant woman said that her husband, Mr. Terenge, was straddled and beaten up hardly as he was smaller. The neighbor tried to break them apart but it was not possible. She then grabbed a kitchen knife to threaten Mr. Ward, in order to help her husband. Mr. Ward furiously grabbed a [metal] candle holder, pounded on her body and stomach. She couldn't bear the situation then stabbed Mr. Ward on his stomach, caused him a mortal wound.

After the investigation, police did not press any charge to Miss Boonpan and had sent her to Banglamung hospital to be examined if there is any effect on her womb. Mr. Ward would be invited for further investigation after he feels better.

Photograph courtesy of Pattaya Daily News


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"She was unbearable".......... :D quality reporting as always, great story, when is chapter 2 ? :o

She couldn't bear the situation then stabbed Mr. Ward on his stomach, caused him a mortal wound.

After the investigation, police did not press any charge to Miss Boonpan and had sent her to Banglamung hospital to be examined if there is any effect on her womb. Mr. Ward would be invited for further investigation after he feels better.

Yes indeed.

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Firstly, The lady attached is not so bad hurt and the baby is fine.

As for the Man from C&A he is currently on a 2.5M Baht bail for a drug smuggling charge, has an outstanding case for underage child abuse added and has now just given the Soi 9 BiB's what they have been waiting for.

Byebye grass, byebye..... :D:o:D

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if you are going to get stabbed whilst beating your wife , at least have the decency and good manners to wear a decent t-shirt whilst doing it.

these council estate slobs should be sent packing.

Yes! Send them back to the dark-side where they came from!

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these council estate slobs should be sent packing.

It's all Maggie's fault. Before she came along the sole aspirations of these types was a once a year fortnight p1ss up in Magaluf. Then she butted in and sold them their council houses at knockdown rates and now they have joined the middle class and able to afford to go to places like Thailand.

the british have really perfected the lowlife scum thing!!!!!!!!!! :D

:o Get a life and post about a subject of which you have knowledge.

I don't know what is the best course of action with thugs like this guy. Give them hard time in a Thai jail or stamp their passport PNG and send them back home in shackles or a combination of the two. Either way the Thai authorities would have to make sure they went home in a blaze of publicity ensuring everyone knows the truth behind their treatment by those little fuzzy wuzzies. Thus this pre-empts their tales of mistreatment by third world police states and nice little pay offs from the English gutter press. Unfortunately this would be where the reputation of the BiB becomes a millstone.

But there's the rub. What is the truth? Okay if Para's update is kosher he is one nasty b@st@d and deserves all he gets plus plus but in all these cases reported in the Pattaya press we only ever get one side of the story. However in this case of an assault on a woman I don't think the jury would have to deliberate too long before passing verdict.

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But there's the rub. What is the truth? Okay if Para's update is kosher he is one nasty b@st@d and deserves all he gets plus plus but in all these cases reported in the Pattaya press we only ever get one side of the story. However in this case of an assault on a woman I don't think the jury would have to deliberate too long before passing verdict.

If you do not believe Para do a google search on him. Full name and Pattaya

Edited by Crow Boy
fixed the quote
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We're not encouraged to to say, because everything is so PC (that's Politically Correct, for those yobs that can read), but much of the Soi Buakhao area looks like the (British) reality television version of Prison Break! :o

They are the Cons mentioned in my signature. :D

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Oh oh...

Now I feel bad. :o

I've actually posted something in this sub-forum, which is Libya 115's personal soap-box in his one-man mission to scan the local rags (Brit run?) in search of anything and everything that could possibly blacken Pattaya's reputation more than it already is.

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These things seem to occur more in Pattaya than anywhere else. Hua Hin seems to get off lightly when it comes to low life foreighners. Why was the guy let out on bail twice ?? They should have just deported him and refused him re entry to Thailand ever again. :o

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If you do not believe Para do a google search on him. Full name and Pattaya

I never said I believed nor disbelieved Para. I am sure he/she is an upstanding member of society and a bastion of truth and honesty but without back up source details the info is just words.

From report, again maybe subject to bias, he is deserving of what he is due according to Thai law. However looks should never be taken into account and he is either to be found guilty or not guilty according to the evidence presented in support of this case. Additionally in an English court of law any previous or pending conviction is not allowed to be aired prior to the court's verdict in the case. I have no experience of the Thai legal system, nor do I really want any, so I don't know how it works.

Some people would argue that previous form should be put before the court for consideration when coming to their verdict but that is another subject altogether and.............


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