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Average Costings For Pattaya Living


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It is getting closer to our full move to Pattaya & we will be there for the Month of December & part of January to get our final bearings & House Hunting.

If possible we require the following costings , we will be paying cash for property & Car.

Total Health Insurance per annum (I am 63 my wife 60 both in excellent health)?

ADSL per month ?

Food , Restaraunt weekly ? we are Aussies into Steak ,& a variety Mexican,Indian,Chinese,Thai (My wife cannot handle seafood)

Electricity ?

Water ?

Rates Local Gov. Fees ?

Any hidden costs re Buying the House & Car we need to know ?

Good place to buy Furniture , TV etc or is Mikes/Carefourre OK ?

Thanks for any guidance



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Reading these types of questions always makes me smile and almost laugh! I look back just a short 3 years ago when I made the move to Thailand. A virtual "cherry" in the life here.

I remember doing the same thing------------asking my friends that already lived here the same sort of questions. I put together XL spreadsheets about my intended budget and other stuff. Their replies to me were all polite and helpful but the bottom line of most answers was to get here and experience life and living and the costs associated. Adjust your lifestyle as necessary.

People can quote you all sorts of numbers but no one knows for sure about how you live. You can fill in the blanks on the easy numbers about insurance, car prices, cost of petrol and electricity per KWH and water and such.

One of the best places to start is being here and getting involved with the local expat community such as the very helpful Expat clubs. Tons of useful information.

The biggest thing is don't jump into buying a house or Condo until you've lived here for a period of time. Rent a modest place be it an apartment or house for at least a year before you take the plunge into buying. Pattaya and Thailand will look a lot different after you've lived here for a year or two compared to that annual holiday for a few weeks.

If you and the wife want to continue living at the same standard you had in your home country be prepared to pay a higher cost for life here. For 2 people living a western style life and luxuries I would guess that 75k to 100k baht per month will cover all your costs and make you feel comfortable. Enjoying the sort of "steak" lifestyle you want.

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For 2 people living a western style life and luxuries I would guess that 75k to 100k baht per month will cover all your costs and make you feel comfortable.

Comlete BS!

Once you get yourself established (get a rental/buy housing and car) your monthly operating costs for a comfortable (even Western style) lifestyle will be much cheaper than in the West. Everyday food, clothes, and household goods are not any cheaper (and sometimes more expensive0 but you save so much in rent/purchase for housing and anything service related labour (maids, sex-workers, etc.) that you still come up with major savings.

No one can predict your budget because it does depend on your lifestyle, however, it will certainly be cheaper than in the West...by at least 1/3rd.

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If you are spending 75 -100K baht a month you will be having a whale of a time! Sub 50K would be more realistic and even that is splashing out, once you get established and settled you will be surprised at how cheaply you can live.

As i told you before, there is no monthly "rates" here!

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If possible we require the following costings , we will be paying cash for property & Car.

Very subjective set of questions but will try to answer

Total Health Insurance per annum (I am 63 my wife 60 both in excellent health)?

Around 20k a year each if you are already a member, You may not be able to get BUPA at that age unless you are already in a health scheme.

ADSL per month ?

From 1k if you have telephone line up to b4280 for IP Star if you do not

Food , Restaraunt weekly ? we are Aussies into Steak ,& a variety Mexican,Indian,Chinese,Thai (My wife cannot handle seafood)


Electricity ?

for a house should be B300 to B4500

Water ?

Maybe B300 for city water

Rates Local Gov. Fees ?

Not that I can think of but maybe a service charge on you house if you are in a compound.

Any hidden costs re Buying the House & Car we need to know ?

Insurance for house maybe B5000 car insurance B15000 to B25000 depending on cost of vehicle and level of cover

Good place to buy Furniture , TV etc or is Mikes/Carefourre OK ?

Neither of those is good for furniture or electronics, try SB furniture (everywhere) also Index. TV Homemart is a cheap as anywhere. also Numchai up from Index.

Thanks for any guidance

Edited by Rimmer
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If you are spending 75 -100K baht a month you will be having a whale of a time! Sub 50K would be more realistic and even that is splashing out, once you get established and settled you will be surprised at how cheaply you can live.

As i told you before, there is no monthly "rates" here!

And so all the cheap charlies come out the woodwork... :o ...OP.. there appears to be an on-going competion between certain Farangs living in Thailand over who can live the cheapest and who is more "Thai"....there are individuals on TV who will criticise you for spending THB 75 on a cup of Starbucks coffee, telling you they can eat for two days on that amount, everyone to their own...

75K-100K month is a fair estimate, live the life you want mate, work on these numbers and if it turns out cheaper you have scored. Also living here for a while 1 year -2 years in a rented place is very sensible advice..

Best of luck with the move

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Thanks folks so far very informative & extremely helpful , although I gulped at 75 - 100k as that exceeds what we spend here in Perth W.Australia by about 60% & we live Very well in the Swan Wine Valley at a Resort known as The Vines.

But, I know some costs of Living are entirely up to us & we intend to join the expats immediately we arrive at the end of December. I must say their web is fantasically helpful & I have lived in a few different Countries over my life , but , this is the final move for us so I am trying to be a bit more conservative in my approach as this is the first time I will have a fixed income.

I know a few Locals , a couple in the Medical profession & an ex pat Dr. I met before & some other business people I have seen on many occasions when there. With my wife we have been visiting there since 1985 , prior to that when I was younger & feeling invincible I was there on R&R in the late sixties early 70s (Very different then)

When we first arrived in 1985 was when we fell for Pattaya & it always seemed to be the place to finish up at. I am open to all advice & thank you all



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If you are spending 75 -100K baht a month you will be having a whale of a time! Sub 50K would be more realistic and even that is splashing out, once you get established and settled you will be surprised at how cheaply you can live.

As i told you before, there is no monthly "rates" here!

And so all the cheap charlies come out the woodwork... :o ...OP.. there appears to be an on-going competion between certain Farangs living in Thailand over who can live the cheapest and who is more "Thai"....there are individuals on TV who will criticise you for spending THB 75 on a cup of Starbucks coffee, telling you they can eat for two days on that amount, everyone to their own...

75K-100K month is a fair estimate, live the life you want mate, work on these numbers and if it turns out cheaper you have scored. Also living here for a while 1 year -2 years in a rented place is very sensible advice..

Best of luck with the move

Thanks for that , I realise a few things we indulge in here will be off the menu in Pattaya such as Mates who own wineries & supply us in return for small services on a contra deal. Starbucks is a good example of being half the cost of here. I will definately see if I can talk the 'one who must be obeyed' into Renting for a year.......That seems to be a constant piece of advice! & a car can wait.

We will be there From the end of Nov. until halfway through January & renting from the Diana Group while there & we are going to try our lifestyle for that almost 2 months a see what gives.

Thanks again

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And so all the cheap charlies come out the woodwork... :o ...OP.. there appears to be an on-going competion between certain Farangs living in Thailand over who can live the cheapest and who is more "Thai"....there are individuals on TV who will criticise you for spending THB 75 on a cup of Starbucks coffee, telling you they can eat for two days on that amount, everyone to their own...

Some people just don't like to waste money...especially on the worst (and most expensive) coffee in Thailand. Everyone has to live within their budget but whatever one's budget, only a fool pays more for goods and services "just because he can afford it."

However, like that op has said, that budget of B 75-100k is more than he spends on his comfortable lifestyle is Ozzie Land and is way way more than one needs to spend for a 1st class life in Pattaya! What you spend per-month will depend on if you decide to rent or buy your two major expenses...accommodation and transportation. If you use-up some capital and buy a condo/house and a car, your monthly running costs for these will generally be much less than in the West and taxes and insurance (major annual expenses in the West) will be minimal by comparison. So except for utilities and maintainance, these major monthly expenses will be deminimus...but of course, you will have used-up some of your capital on these large initial outlays.

If you decide to rent accommodation and a car (or use "public" transportation) your monthly expenses will be quite a bit higher...but of course your principle will have not been accessed to make the aforementioned large purchases and you will be earning more investment income that will offset to some extent your higher monthly costs.

If you don't buy somewhat soon, then a fairly new Western style 2-3 BR house with pool would rent for B 35-50K per month. {These housing figures can be slashed in half if you rented an older place without a pool.} A car rental would be another B 15-20K. So right there, you're at B 50-70K per month. It would be pretty easy to spend another B 25K per month on everything else so you would at the B 75-100K per month figure. However, if you bought the house and car (same house could be bought for B 4-5M {again less if older and no pool} and car for around 1M) your initial outlay would be around B 4-6M (US$ 120-176K) and I would estimate monthly costs all-in at B 30-40K.

So that's an important initial decision...buy or rent.

Medical care is quite reasonable (to cheap) so many people self-insure. At your age, private insurance will be somewhat expensive and it stops at around 70 anyway. Maybe best to see what's available in Oz that will cover treatment in Thailand.

Food, shopping, and entertainment are completely variable as to costs (and controllable) but figure at least 1/3 less all together than in Oz.

Edited by NotNew2You
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If you are spending 75 -100K baht a month you will be having a whale of a time! Sub 50K would be more realistic and even that is splashing out, once you get established and settled you will be surprised at how cheaply you can live.

As i told you before, there is no monthly "rates" here!

And so all the cheap charlies come out the woodwork... :o ...OP.. there appears to be an on-going competion between certain Farangs living in Thailand over who can live the cheapest and who is more "Thai"....there are individuals on TV who will criticise you for spending THB 75 on a cup of Starbucks coffee, telling you they can eat for two days on that amount, everyone to their own...

75K-100K month is a fair estimate, live the life you want mate, work on these numbers and if it turns out cheaper you have scored. Also living here for a while 1 year -2 years in a rented place is very sensible advice..

Best of luck with the move

If you live your life here as you're used to live it in your homecountry (ex. USA or UK), you might notice, that life is pretty cheap overhere (about 30% cheaper), but after some time you'll adjust your spending pattern, because you'll save a lot on daily expenses. After approx. a year, you live a different life and you might notice that if you would like to return to your homecountry, life is 30% more expensive as at the starting point.

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Food , Restaraunt weekly ? we are Aussies into Steak ,& a variety Mexican,Indian,Chinese,Thai (My wife cannot handle seafood)

Any hidden costs re Buying the House & Car we need to know ?

Good place to buy Furniture , TV etc or is Mikes/Carefourre OK ?

First, let me state that I am not an expat and only travel to Pattaya as a tourist.

It would be most difficult to answer your questions with any accuracy as others don't know your income and don't know your preferred standard of living.

The questions above indicate that you haven't really explored Pattaya as a tourist. I may not live there but I do know the average cost of eating out (in reasonable restaurants) over a monthly period. I have also taken many walks into the furniture outlets and have a good idea of what it would cost to set up a home. (to my standard.)

Wise words have already been spoken by others in this thread who suggested that you rent premises first before jumping in and buying/building your own home. That way you will get a feel for what is on offer, how much money you need and/or are prepared to spend to establish a suitable lifestyle.

The greatest trap that many others before you have fallen into, is trying to live everyday in Pattaya as a tourist......unless of course you have bottomless pockets and an unquenchable Aussie thirst. :o

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If you are spending 75 -100K baht a month you will be having a whale of a time! Sub 50K would be more realistic and even that is splashing out, once you get established and settled you will be surprised at how cheaply you can live.

As i told you before, there is no monthly "rates" here!

my familly and i spend about 90k a month and although we live well i wouldnt say we were having a whale of a time ,but we do have all we need dont skimp,run a car ect,50k a month and we would be scrimping and saving :o

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Food , Restaraunt weekly ? we are Aussies into Steak ,& a variety Mexican,Indian,Chinese,Thai (My wife cannot handle seafood)

Any hidden costs re Buying the House & Car we need to know ?

Good place to buy Furniture , TV etc or is Mikes/Carefourre OK ?

First, let me state that I am not an expat and only travel to Pattaya as a tourist.

It would be most difficult to answer your questions with any accuracy as others don't know your income and don't know your preferred standard of living.

The questions above indicate that you haven't really explored Pattaya as a tourist. I may not live there but I do know the average cost of eating out (in reasonable restaurants) over a monthly period. I have also taken many walks into the furniture outlets and have a good idea of what it would cost to set up a home. (to my standard.)

Wise words have already been spoken by others in this thread who suggested that you rent premises first before jumping in and buying/building your own home. That way you will get a feel for what is on offer, how much money you need and/or are prepared to spend to establish a suitable lifestyle.

The greatest trap that many others before you have fallen into, is trying to live everyday in Pattaya as a tourist......unless of course you have bottomless pockets and an unquenchable Aussie thirst. :o

I have explored like he-l but the cost was not something that concerned us at any time , as our income was exceedingly good & with the Company in Oz paying , we had a fairly good lifestyle when travelling & still do with the Cost of a House Mortgage & Car payments non existant. That's why we now consider that we would do the same in Pattaya , own our Home & Vehicle , therefore no on going cost for them as far as rent / payments. The difference being that we now have a fixed Income , no more Bonuses or Travel perks , we are retiring & we cannot earn the extras & Danger pay I have been used to the last 15 years in particular. Therefore I now have to be a little more conservative in my outlook , no charging the Corporate Platinum Card as a perk anymore either , it was a Company one. By the way, I am a slightly different Aussie , I do not guzzle beer, so the thirst part is not a problem , & the Barcadi I have occasionally & my wifes Breezers are fairly economically priced there , although the Blues Club prices would keep us to a once a fortnight or so attendance ....yuk ! yuk !.

We know that the wine we have regularly here for instance is almost 400% more in Pattaya so we have never imbibed there or Singapore ( It cost me the price of a Glass at the Orchard what we get a Bottle for here). It is not a big deal , we have spent a month or two at a time there without it & it is not a priority of our lifestyle. Just relaxed lifestyle , nice people , new friends & a reasonable social life & after my hectic lifestyle of Hostile & Anti Social enviroments & Training others to put their ass on the line as well, Pattaya is a breeze.

So , we need advice because the fixed income is a new experience for us , but the major costs in most Countries are the Home & Vehicle , we figured if they were owned it would lower our ongoing expenses dramatically as it has done here.

Thank You for your input

:D Jack

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Once you get over the setup costs, which might actually take a year or two, then I think about 60K per month for two people would do you fine NOT including housing rental or a car payment.

We were hoping about that range which is about 30%-35% less than here & well within our Budget if we owned the Home & Vehicle.

Thank you for your input

:o Jack

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My experience is, YES life is theoretically much cheaper here, but you are going out much more, restaurants, some nights. If you can live the life like at home (rarely going for dinner, rarely going our), it is much cheaper, but....the variety of entertainment in Pattaya has it's price for sure. Anyway after the first wild years one gets saturated and return back to a more normal lifestyle.



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Depends really doesn't it.I have a wife & 2 young children and spend abt 2 mill baht a year.House costs,car,school fees,clothes etc etc etc.Iam sure 2 retired people would be a lot less.

I've lived in Pattaya for over 10 years by the way.


Thanks to you & all others for their input. It is becoming clear that owning a Home & Car would keep on-going living costs down dramatically as we had hoped , as it does here in Oz. I agree with you that 2 retired people living costs should be a LOT less .

Thanks again

Jack :o

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I work overseas but my wife and 3 kids ,one 8 year old born in thailand and two hungry teenage lads who were born and brought up in the UK, so eat 80% uk style food live in Pattaya full time. We own our own house and car.

35K a month cover's all their living expenses no problem.

this includes:

Car running (plenty of milage due to school runs twice a day at opposite sides of town and full valet once a week)

UBC sat tv

2MB Internet (T&T)

Food shopping (need to find the best value in different stores instead of 1 stop shopping. Such as frendship for 2 kg of NZ cheddar for 780, villa for 1/2 kg pork sausage 116 and 1 kg of lean back bacon 220 etc)

all utility bills for 3 bed house (aircon for sleeping only)

weekend trips to the cinema and fast food joints for 4 people

4500 monthly allowance/pocket money for the kids (3x1500)

twice weekly trips for the wife to the salon for nails and hair

500 for gardner once a month


I reckon for a couple your age you could get this down to 20-25K A month easily. Social life of course can cost a fortune but plenty of quiz nights etc around where a night out can work out very inexpensive or invite friends around for a BBQ and drinks.

Before I am called a cheap charlie I would like to point out that 2 of my sons attend the regents (they need the IB for entrance to a UK uni) which cost's me 16K UK Pounds a year. You can live a nice family style life here for a lot less than OZ or the UK without penny pinching or being a cheap charlie especially if you are happily married :o

Edited by hullmonkey1
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I work overseas but my wife and 3 kids ,one 8 year old born in thailand and two hungry teenage lads who were born and brought up in the UK, so eat 80% uk style food live in Pattaya full time. We own our own house and car.

35K a month cover's all their living expenses no problem.

this includes:

Car running (plenty of milage due to school runs twice a day at opposite sides of town and full valet once a week)

UBC sat tv

2MB Internet (T&T)

Food shopping (need to find the best value in different stores instead of 1 stop shopping. Such as frendship for 2 kg of NZ cheddar for 780, villa for 1/2 kg pork sausage 116 and 1 kg of lean back bacon 220 etc)

all utility bills for 3 bed house (aircon for sleeping only)

weekend trips to the cinema and fast food joints for 4 people

4500 monthly allowance/pocket money for the kids (3x1500)

twice weekly trips for the wife to the salon for nails and hair

500 for gardner once a month


I reckon for a couple your age you could get this down to 20-25K A month easily. Social life of course can cost a fortune but plenty of quiz nights etc around where a night out can work out very inexpensive or invite friends around for a BBQ and drinks.

Before I am called a cheap charlie I would like to point out that 2 of my sons attend the regents (they need the IB for entrance to a UK uni) which cost's me 16K UK Pounds a year. You can live a nice family style life here for a lot less than OZ or the UK without penny pinching or being a cheap charlie especially if you are happily married :D

Great detailed info & we are VERY happily married my lifestyle killed my first 2 short marriages , I was also too young , but then met my soul partner Feb 1978 (been to-gether since the first date), she worried about my survival with some of the ops I went on as a contractor but we totally supported each other in every facet of our lives to-gether,we love the Bar-B-Q & will be joining the ex-pats immediately to meet people.

Appreciate your input

:o Jack

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ADSL per month ? - 2500 baht

Food , Restaraunt weekly - 7000 baht a week

Electricity ? - 3000 baht a Month

Water ? - 400 baht a Month

Road tax and Insurance ? - 20,000 baht a year

Seeing all the fun other guys your age are having.

Doing loads of shortimes and getting

pissed everyday then eventually

deciding to divorce your wife

and replace her with a much younger

and sexier Isaan bargirl.............................. PRICELESS !!! :o:D

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LT Col,

Please remember to make a post here after you have lived here for more than 2 years. When you and the wife have made the adjustment and have all your daily/weekly/yearly costs lined up and are into basic retired living.

Please enlighten me and the others here as to what you are spending per month and if that lifestyle is close to what you lived like in OZ?

I always read about about the folks that want questions answered but I rarely see any postings of how good or bad the advice is or was. 2 years you will know if someone here steered you right or not.

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Spending is VERY discretionary and could start at a minimum of 25,000 per month to however much you want to spend. What I want to know is how you plan to OWN a house? I would think that you have investigated this can of worms and are not going to listen to some slimy lawyer who tells you that you can own a property.

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When doing your sums do not forget that if you rent a house a lot of this cost will be offset against the interest that you will receive on your house purchase money I think the interest in Aus is quite high in access of 6% I believe, do not bring your money to Thailand until you need it

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LT Col,

Please remember to make a post here after you have lived here for more than 2 years. When you and the wife have made the adjustment and have all your daily/weekly/yearly costs lined up and are into basic retired living.

Please enlighten me and the others here as to what you are spending per month and if that lifestyle is close to what you lived like in OZ?

I always read about about the folks that want questions answered but I rarely see any postings of how good or bad the advice is or was. 2 years you will know if someone here steered you right or not.

I will , as I get frustrated in similar fashion with only the questions , then advice & No resultant amswer.

You can count on it. & No I won't be conned by a shyster that tries to get me to believe we would 'own' the home. just that we want to pay up front for a vehicle & home without the paments & we now can get 7.4% on investment here , we also have a weekly income from Commercial property let out , which will become our sole income.

:o Jack

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What I want to know is how you plan to OWN a house? I would think that you have investigated this can of worms and are not going to listen to some slimy lawyer who tells you that you can own a property.


The above post is an important point that you need to consider, probably the most important one that you will have to make when you arrive in Pattaya, the only property that you can buy and own in your name is a condominium that is already owned in a foreign name, this would be your only easy option and will make you the buyer,100% freehold owner.

Houses on the other hand can only be purchased by foreigners in company names, but this is a loophole that Thai lawyers set up under a grey area that questions the legality of the company being that it's non active and still requires 51% Thai ownership, therefore creates a stigma with potential future selling of the house and has caused the house market to become stagnant for foreign buyers.

Your safest bet would be to buy a condo that is already in foreign ownership, otherwise you will end up with a house that will be difficult to resale again, or just rent a house, but that will be an expensive long running option.

There are thousands of houses in and around Pattaya for sale but foreigners are reluctant to buy under the current law.

Be careful with your choice as you and your wife are both foreign and you won't be able to jointly own more than 49% of any company!

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If I was able to get a safe 7.4% interest I would definitely get a rent house for a year or two it depends on what you are looking to buy and for how much but I think Condo prices are unlikely to go up and house prices I do not think will increase by 7.4% over a year and we still do not know what the political problems are going to do to the home market one other factor that people forget if you move into a rented property if you have any problems with neighbors or noise which can be a problem here it is much easier to move

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What I want to know is how you plan to OWN a house? I would think that you have investigated this can of worms and are not going to listen to some slimy lawyer who tells you that you can own a property.


The above post is an important point that you need to consider, probably the most important one that you will have to make when you arrive in Pattaya, the only property that you can buy and own in your name is a condominium that is already owned in a foreign name, this would be your only easy option and will make you the buyer,100% freehold owner.

Houses on the other hand can only be purchased by foreigners in company names, but this is a loophole that Thai lawyers set up under a grey area that questions the legality of the company being that it's non active and still requires 51% Thai ownership, therefore creates a stigma with potential future selling of the house and has caused the house market to become stagnant for foreign buyers.

Your safest bet would be to buy a condo that is already in foreign ownership, otherwise you will end up with a house that will be difficult to resale again, or just rent a house, but that will be an expensive long running option.

There are thousands of houses in and around Pattaya for sale but foreigners are reluctant to buy under the current law.

Be careful with your choice as you and your wife are both foreign and you won't be able to jointly own more than 49% of any company!

Thanks to you & others we have now realised the only property to buy is a Foreign owned Condo as our home,we are expecting visitors from family & friends on a regular basis , so need 2 - 3 Bedrooms.

Next question is where ? & we do not like Jomtien

:o Jack

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If I was able to get a safe 7.4% interest I would definitely get a rent house for a year or two it depends on what you are looking to buy and for how much but I think Condo prices are unlikely to go up and house prices I do not think will increase by 7.4% over a year and we still do not know what the political problems are going to do to the home market one other factor that people forget if you move into a rented property if you have any problems with neighbors or noise which can be a problem here it is much easier to move

The ANZ bank is who we locked into yesterday @7.4% & this morning another Aussie Bank in Perth is advertising 8.10%....& the Oz dollar has now crashed to 80c in the US Dollar , I changed a few grand a few weeks ago at 98c in the US Dollar, wish it had been a lot ,lot more


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It is getting closer to our full move to Pattaya & we will be there for the Month of December & part of January to get our final bearings & House Hunting.

If possible we require the following costings , we will be paying cash for property & Car.

OK, so you buy. Price up to you ...

You need to start up a company (Ltd) for a house (not an appartment). Cost +- 30.000

Total Health Insurance per annum (I am 63 my wife 60 both in excellent health)?

Private Insurance (New Zealand Company) 68.000/person/year - Standard Plan

ADSL per month ?

1.070/month TT and T Company

Food , Restaraunt weekly ? we are Aussies into Steak ,& a variety Mexican,Indian,Chinese,Thai (My wife cannot handle seafood)

8.500 weekly including dining out 2 x /weekly, including having a beer, having a party weekly (friends come and visit), monthly trip around the country, diesel for car and petrol for motorbike, ... well, the good life!

Electricity ?

Our avarage = 1.200 /month (1 airco bedroom, fridge, micro-wave, hot water, fans, waterpump, ...)

Some people pay 700, some ... 3.000

Water ?

248/ month (meter on Company name)

Rates Local Gov. Fees ?

15.000 yearly (8.000 lawyer, 7.000 tax) if you need a company for a house.

Count on some small contributions as there is like garbage (we pay 40/month ...)

Any hidden costs re Buying the House & Car we need to know ?

House insurance 4.000 yearly, car 26.000 yearly (full option), motorbike 1.700 yearly

Transfer fee house if you buy +- 25.000 (Land Office)

Phonecart monthly 1.000

Sophon Cable Tv yearly 4.000

Computer: monthly cost 1.000 (repairs, they cannot do it a good way for some reason)

Yearvisa: 1.900/person + some copy's

Thai driverlicence - don't remember

Good place to buy Furniture , TV etc or is Mikes/Carefourre OK ?

Look around - plenty to find but no Mikes, Carrefour, ... ! (expensive)

We are a retired farang-couple from Belgium (50 and 52), living East-side Sukhumvit (Nongprue) and now about 3 years here. Love the live! And we also go in 'seasons' - december, januari is more expensive to september, oktober ... .

This is an avarage. Sorry for the bad English.

Rudi and Malee

Thanks for any guidance



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