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Another Coup Sept 23?


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ARMED forces supreme commander Boonsrang Niampradit has admitted pressure is building on the military to intervene in Thailand's political crisis the longer it remains deadlocked.

"Nobody is thinking about launching a coup now, that's not an option," he told Reuters. "That door is closed.

"But if it drags on like this and people keep telling the army to launch a coup, I don't know what will happen."

The conflict between Prime Minister Samak Sundravej's elected Government and the People's Alliance for Democracy, which has occupied Government House for 14 days, looks to be drifting into stalemate, with neither side strong enough or commanding the public support to prevail over the other.

Mr Samak indicated yesterday in his weekly television talk that he is so unconcerned about a military coup that he plans to explain Thailand's situation to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23.

That could create circumstances similar to those that led up to the military overthrow of prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was absent at the UN almost exactly two years ago.


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ARMED forces supreme commander Boonsrang Niampradit has admitted pressure is building on the military to intervene in Thailand's political crisis the longer it remains deadlocked.

"Nobody is thinking about launching a coup now, that's not an option," he told Reuters. "That door is closed.

"But if it drags on like this and people keep telling the army to launch a coup, I don't know what will happen."

The conflict between Prime Minister Samak Sundravej's elected Government and the People's Alliance for Democracy, which has occupied Government House for 14 days, looks to be drifting into stalemate, with neither side strong enough or commanding the public support to prevail over the other.

Mr Samak indicated yesterday in his weekly television talk that he is so unconcerned about a military coup that he plans to explain Thailand's situation to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23.

That could create circumstances similar to those that led up to the military overthrow of prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was absent at the UN almost exactly two years ago.


Normally, when the army say they're not thinking of launching a coup you can bet they are. Still, lots of back room deals to be cut first plus they will be considering how international reaction will impact. And good old Sondhi laughing all the way to the bank !

No point double guessing though....these things have a way of panning out in there own time.

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Mr Samak indicated yesterday in his weekly television talk that he is so unconcerned about a military coup that he plans to explain Thailand's situation to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23.

So he's praying for a coup to get him off the hook. He realises that his time is up but he can't step down as he'd lose face so if he can "encourage" a coup de tat he can pose as the injured party. A very Thai solution just like they did when that irritant Thaksin and his wifey did a runner.

I'm not sure though the powers that be have the balls for another coup though, there's be a lot of international flak but maybe a military inspired internal PPP reshuffle replacing him as leader could appease the PAD and move Thailand forwards.

I don't think Samak will be buying any football clubs but he could always work as a chef in some swanky London Thai restaurant where he could cook up some old home favourites for his mentor. As a sideline he could get on the BBC and host a series of Thai cookery programmes.

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Looks like (very recent) history might repeat itself again, then...

Wonder which football club he will buy?

The UN - this time? :o Ah.... yeah..sorry, forgot this isn't a football club it's only the worlds largest club of inactive free loaders!

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... and what will happen after coup?


But what will happen after election? I am sure about at least three things:

1. Thaksin or his party will win again. :D

2. PAD cronies will come with some other name to bring chaos :o

3. Antoher election and go back to number 1 above :D

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... and what will happen after coup?


But what will happen after election? I am sure about at least three things:

1. Thaksin or his party will win again. :D

2. PAD cronies will come with some other name to bring chaos :o

3. Antoher election and go back to number 1 above :D

Depressing but quite likely true. I never liked Thaksin, don't particularly like Samak and think that the PPP is probably the most inept bunch of cronies ever to grace the political stage. However they've learnt how to keep getting re-elected under a new name so I find it difficult to see any other scenario than the one you describe.

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... and what will happen after coup?


But what will happen after election? I am sure about at least three things:

1. Thaksin or his party will win again. :D

2. PAD cronies will come with some other name to bring chaos :o

3. Antoher election and go back to number 1 above :D

That's one of the things I worry about. But any government which has no teeth (no direct control of military), will have no control over the PADs of Thailand.

It seems that where many democracies have (equivalent) 3 branches, executive, legislative, judicial .. Thailand has four. If you remember the coup back in 1992, the trigger was that Chatchai was prepared to sigh an executive order that placed the military under executive control. The military found out and .. enter Gen. Kaset.

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Not so enthusiastic about a coup. The last one was a waste of time. I also feel if that happens again, the chance of violence from the Thaksinistas would be much higher this time. Sometimes a pressure cookers gotta blow. I don't have the answer but a coup ain't it.

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My Thai wife and I have come to the same conclusion. Thailand is simply not ready to be a democracy. We suspect that at least 70% of the people have no concept what it means or stands for...........

Serious question. What do you and, more importantly, your Thai wife; think is the appropriate alternative?

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My guess is Mr Samak will be out of Office before 23 Sept 08, if the court rule against him. Hear Mr Samak is off to Isan(Udonthani) I guess to rally his

supporters, let's all hope there are NO clashes between PAD and the Pro Govt supporter. Boy guy need all the help and support he can get.

If by chance he does make it to speak at the UN and there is a Coup in Thailand, he can Chill Out with his Lame Duck Buddy, George W. :o:D:D

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ARMED forces supreme commander Boonsrang Niampradit has admitted pressure is building on the military to intervene in Thailand's political crisis the longer it remains deadlocked.

"Nobody is thinking about launching a coup now, that's not an option," he told Reuters. "That door is closed.

"But if it drags on like this and people keep telling the army to launch a coup, I don't know what will happen."

The conflict between Prime Minister Samak Sundravej's elected Government and the People's Alliance for Democracy, which has occupied Government House for 14 days, looks to be drifting into stalemate, with neither side strong enough or commanding the public support to prevail over the other.

Mr Samak indicated yesterday in his weekly television talk that he is so unconcerned about a military coup that he plans to explain Thailand's situation to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23.

That could create circumstances similar to those that led up to the military overthrow of prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was absent at the UN almost exactly two years ago.


Normally, when the army say they're not thinking of launching a coup you can bet they are. Still, lots of back room deals to be cut first plus they will be considering how international reaction will impact. And good old Sondhi laughing all the way to the bank !

No point double guessing though....these things have a way of panning out in there own time.

But you can't be sure....Thai Army also often told that they don't stage a coup and than they really didn't stage one...

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Not so enthusiastic about a coup. The last one was a waste of time. I also feel if that happens again, the chance of violence from the Thaksinistas would be much higher this time. Sometimes a pressure cookers gotta blow. I don't have the answer but a coup ain't it.

Not sure that I agree with you. It did achieve the following :-

1. Peaceful, nobody got hurt or killed, unlike democracy under Samak now. Note that , in the current situation, Thaksin resigned and called an election, which Samak currently refuses to do.

2. It defused a likely serious confrontation, between the strong anti-Thaksin forces, and pro-TRT people. It would be good to see the current situation also defused peacefully.

3. It led to a new election, which although not perfect was somewhat fairer than the previous one, run under Thaksin, that one was annulled by the EC. The one run by the junta-nominated government was accepted, barring yellow-cards & red-cards from the EC, which all sides accepted. Progress in fact.

4. Buying time for the politicians to address the serious rifts, in Thai society, was perhaps a positive move, even if they failed to make use of it.

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