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How Much Do You Drink?


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I drink between 8-11 large bottles of Chang per day.

Starting around noon through to 2.00 am. No problems, no drunkeness, or side effects. However I have a big body and eat lots of food along the way.

I had a medical a few months back and my LFT's were raised: ie possible Liver damage.

I saw a liver specialist and he gave me these facts:

1. Only 33% of Heavy drinkers go on to develop ALC (Alcoholic Liver Chirrosis)

2. It's not what you drink it's what you don't eat.

3. Most Lifetime Heavy drinkers die from accidents and/or suicide.

So: Be Happy, Have a drink, DON'T DRIVE, eat, and enjoy yourself!!

Wilson Steer.


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"Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here" 10 chang a night will make you a goddamn sexual tyranasaurus...I think?

but seriously, I drink piles more than any of you ladies and I will on the p1ss on friday if any of you girls feel like challenging that statement...1 sang som for the winner :o  :D  :D

Nice use of the 'Predator' quote there, toastwars :D

My life is a mirror to the great Jessie Ventura, I too have Integrated wrestling and holding high office into my daily life, I also chew Tabacco with great gusto :D

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I had a medical a few months back and my LFT's were raised: ie possible Liver damage.

I saw a liver specialist and he gave me these facts:

1. Only 33% of Heavy drinkers go on to develop ALC (Alcoholic Liver Chirrosis)

2. It's not what you drink it's what you don't eat.

3. Most Lifetime Heavy drinkers die from accidents and/or suicide.

So: Be Happy, Have a drink, DON'T DRIVE, eat, and enjoy yourself!!

anyone can always find some good excuse for drinking saying that after all, the % is not this high, and anyway "I do take good care of myself" ... let's be honnest with oneself ...

more than 3 drinks daily and you damage your health!

this is a medical fact.

"It's not what you drink it's what you don't eat."

it is rather what you don't eat + what you drink .. at the end "what you drink is still here" to bring weakness to your body.

a lot of lifetime heavy drinkers die younger than they should have and a lot of them from medical problems ... suicide and accidents are low compared to the body degeneration that leads to early death.

liver chirrosis is not the every heavy drinker's way, the stomach along with oesophagus bring trouble enough ...

you talk about "liver damage" ... slow down if you want to live long :o


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more than 3 drinks daily and you damage your health!

Well that's me fugged then!

Seriously, been off the pop since Sunday and I do feel so much better for it. Before then it was 4 bottles or more a day, quite often more.

I know the guy gets a bit of a beating in this forum, but the latest Stickman Weekly hits on an interesting point of how little else there is to do here.

I've got my hobbies outside the office, but they also involve a bit of boozing also. Most channels on UBC barely hold my interest, you can't sit in and watch DVD's or read a book every night, I try not to take too much of my work home with me so that I don't completely loose my mind...

What alternatives are there other than boozing with your mates?

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We have just received an article about the dangers of ASPARTAME, also marketed as NUTRASWEET, SPOONFUL and EQUAL.

At the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE, the EPA announced that there is an EPIDEMIC of Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus and they didn't know what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United States. Scientists have now found the answer to their question: ASPARTAME.

In temperatures exceeding 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in Aspartame converts to Formaldehyde, and then to Formic acid. Patients with methanol toxicity, quote: caused by drinking 3-4 cans of Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi per day, have been caused to have MS or Systemic Lupus symptoms. In Systemic Lupus and MS cases triggered by Aspartame, the victim is unaware that Aspartame is the culprit, but continued use (in Lupus) can be life threatening.

On stopping Aspartame these patients usually lose all or most of their symptoms. Unfortunately, the disease cannot be reversed. Symptoms of “ASPARTAME DISEASE” are: fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in the legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, blindness and memory loss.

Formaldehyde is classed with chemicals like cyanide and arsenic - DEADLY POISONS!!! It kills as surely as the other two, only slower, and causes all kinds of neurological problems. It changes the brain's chemistry, and is a reason for severe seizures.

According to The Conference of the American College of Physicians, the phenylalanine in Aspartame breaks down the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence. Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics, as it makes the blood sugar level go out of control, causing patients to suffer severe memory loss, coma and death. The memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic without the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes past the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons of the brain.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, said; "The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees." Aspartame disease is rampant in the US, and most probably in more than 90 other countries (incl. the UK and most of Europe) where over 5000 products containing Aspartame are sold.

Aspartame Disease could also be to blame for Gulf War Syndrome. Several thousand pallets of diet drinks were stored and consumed in heat of 120 degrees F. (Remember heat liberates the methanol at 86 degrees F) Most Gulf War Syndrome symptoms are identical to Aspartame poisoning. Dr. H. J. Roberts, world expert on Aspartame poisoning, says it also escalates Alzheimer’s disease. Women as young as 30 are admitted to hospices with Alzheimer’s disease! Dr. Roberts also says that consuming Aspartame during conception can cause birth defects. According to Dr. Louis Elsas, Pediatrician Professor of Genetics, the phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta, causing mental retardation.

Another neurosurgeon said that when brain tumors were removed, high levels of Aspartame were found in them. Aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates, and stores in the fatty tissues, so even though it is used as a diet aid, it actually makes you FAT! MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, (the largest G.M. food company) knows all about the dangers. They fund the American Diabetes Association, the American Dietetic Association, Congress, and the Conference of the American College of Physicians. As proven in 1996, the American Dietetic Association takes money from the food industry to endorse their products.

Therefore, they cannot criticize MONSANTO. A bill that tried to warn people about the dangers of ASPARTAME, was killed off by the powerful drug and chemical lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting public. And that includes all of us here in the UK! - Having read this, would you trust MONSANTO'S GM food?

So if it labeled “Sugar Free” – DON’T HAVE IT!

Sent in by Grant ~

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To answer the question probaly too much, I rarley have a beer always spirits, usually Sang Som soda. Sometimes I dont drink all week, I never drink alone but sometimes like this week lots, fri about 1/2 a bottle, sat about 1 bottle, sunday about 1 and a bit bottle, monday 1/2 bottle today about 1/2 bottle so thats about 3 1/2 bottles in 5 days, too much.

Need to lay off for a while :o

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What alternatives are there other than boozing with your mates?

Heaps of other better things to do! Boozing with mates is boring.

I used to drink heaps with my drinking "mates". I gradually increased my intake over my first few years in Thailand. This got to about 3 large bottles of Sang Thip or Maekong - straight, yugh. My liver couldn't take it. I found I couldn't eat anything after a while so would develop gastritis, ending up in hospital, to get out and start all over again :o This was starting to be no fun anymore :D

A normal day would be 1/2 to 1 bottle for breakfast then a few large changs to keep going til the afternoon. Then the 2nd bottle would be bought and may last until early evening. Then a few out at the local restaurant usually by myself. The 3rd bottle would be used to try and get some on/off sleep.

Thank God for the recovery programs with links at the top of this page.

I don't see the point of trying to glorify the amount one can drink.

I haven't had a drink for 1/2 a decade now :D

After 15 years of abuse this was not easy. Some mates say they can stop for 2 or 3 weeks no problem, whoopdeefckig doo. Try stopping for longer. I say if you can't go to a party and not drink and still enjoy yourself, you could have a problem.

The 1st year was hard but now I am constantly amazed at the life I have now.

I do things I never dreamed of, or was incapable of doing.

Very sad to hear those saying there is nothing better to do, this isn't the case. I can have a good time with my mates drinking , but I don't have to. More money to do/buy other things.

I can say good riddance to the changs and Sang Thip "whisky".

Life has taken on a new meaning!

It is great!

I had to stop for medical reasons, but now glad that I did.

To be honest, I do sometimes envy those of you who can have a few, or even get rat-arsed every now and again.

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To toastwars

Beg my pudding. :o

“Toast Wars” :D

Kan I speak to “Your Avatar” please:- :D

Norman” you have so much “Wisdom”, and yet now, toastwars profess to be a “Bright one” or was that from “Brighton” without the space and the “e” at the end… :D

Used to watch him …. Yes in Black & White as well.

Since this is ThaiVisa.Dot.Com and there are many snakes in Thailand,

Fangs for the memories in your Avatar. -_-

Bless you. :D

You tickled my heart "toastwars" . :wub:

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It's P.P.S.


Thank you. :o

Opps I did it again.. :D

One did err a little bit, and thank you for pointing this gross error , but, perrr - haps, if you wish, please put a “i” in front of the first “S” and “ed” at the end of the last "S", then one should understand ones meaning, since this Fred is on about drinking, and yes I do get to that stage each and everyday. -_-

Enjoy all of your post BTW. Prime and Proper. :(

Love you lots. :D

Yours as always :D

Kan Win :wub:

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As far as liver damage goes, I remember my doctor telling me about it being the consistent consumption of alcohol rather than the quantity that causes the damage. She was adamant that if you confine your drinking to the weekend, instead of doing it all through the week, then your liver will recover perfectly well during the dry weekdays ready for the next session of slaughter and mayhem.

Cramming seven days drinking into two doesn't seem too bad. :o

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I wake up these days without a shaky hand.

I know what I did last night.

I can dedicate my life towards helping others, and improving myself.

No more being a selfish basrtad, sitting in the pub wasting money.


I was in an expat pub where there were some farang boasting about drinking and driving. I really wanted to punch their lights out. I can control myself these days though. Haven't hit anyone or been in jail for the last 7 years :D One situation where I use the term "Jai sat" - to drunk drivers. Lower than scum :o A freind of the family was killed in Khok Samrong 2 weeks ago - a 2 year old beutiful little girl - guess what? the driver had been drinking! Drinking caused her death. I wish they would re-enact that CRIME on the telly - I would like to be there.

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I am very strict. I only drink before, after and during meals.

I don't believe on eating on an empty stomach.

Re. Thai beer. Reportedly it is Leo just a different label on the bottle.

sss. www.bangkokbob.net

Reminds me in england a few years back in the days when everyone drunk fizz bitter. 2 beers (Bass and Worthington I hink) were sold side in the same pubs with seperate advertising a different priccing. They turned out to be IDENTICAL. Brewer and PR men took us all for mugs.

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Fo me, I think alcohol is evil and I want to rid the world of it.

I view this as a personal crusade.

The best way I can think to rid the world of alcohol and deprive others of it is to consume as much as possible myself.


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Maybe two beers a week, except while visiting Poland (the land of vodka), where all bets are off and consumption of massive quantities of vodka are mandatory. Under Communist rule I think being a teetotaler was probably illegal. It's poured automatically, one right after the other, and protocol requires that you keep up with the constant toasts being proposed by everyone around the table. Remember one evening my cousin there started out speaking in English due to my limited understanding of the Polish language, but soon he forgot how to speak English. Shortly thereafter he also forgot how to speak Polish as well.

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Fo me, I think alcohol is evil and I want to rid the world of it.

I view this as a personal crusade.

The best way I can think to rid the world of alcohol and deprive others of it is to consume as much as possible myself.


That possibly could be the very reason why I drink. I drink to forget.....problem is....I can never remember what it is that I've forgotten. So, it must work I suppose. :o

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Reading this thread kinda makes me feel not so bad about my drinking, 3 or 4 bottles of Singh or Tiger a night. I know i have a problem but i guess it could be worse reading some of the other posts. Oh well, just for the record, i am a happy drunk, quite content to play on the computer or watch a movie without smacking my wife and kid around . Wish i could say the same about all drunks , some people really shoudn't drink :o

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Usually a couple of pints of Mick a night (cutting down)but we are just heading off down to the City for the companies Christmas lunch ( Evening do )so will probabally/maybe just break the habit.

All the pubs are getting into the xmas spirit of things and our local boozer is doing a deal on "Spitfire" and "Theaksons old Pecu.Ale" @ £1-00 a pint (about Bt 75)...so.. :o

Gotta start early here in the smoke.

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Ive started putting on loads of weight drinking too much beer (and eating to much) but whats the best drink to drink all night that isnt to fattening?

Ive started drinking Vodka and tonic i know its girly but tastes quite nice and have been told its good if your on a diet? any others?

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In my lifetime, in the region of 55 tonne of beer has passed through my system. The probable average cost over the years is around Bht 85,000 / tonne. So, in conclusion, if I had not drank at all, I still wouldn't have been able to afford a decent Porche 911.

This post has been edited by Yorkie's therapist

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