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Why Do Socks Disappear In Thailand?

joe strummer

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Dualist and nondualist explanations welcomed!

I do believe that the manufacturers embed something in the sock's fibers that cause them to attempt to get away from one another. It is like when you turn a magnet around, and it repels, rather than attracts.

The purpose of this manufacturing technique is to enable the makers of the socks to create an open ended market for their products, obliging people to purchase more and more socks.

If one is REALLY clever, you can avoid this shameless ploy of excessive consumerism. BUY ALL THE SAME SOCKS. There are certain downsides to this strategy, like having your white cotton athletic socks seen under the hem of your slacks or pants, but that is a small price to pay for intelligent frugality!


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I think it is a conspiracy between the sock makers and the washing machine manufacturers.

My machine obviously has a small waste disposal attachment that shreds every sock to tiny fibres and then silently flushes them down the drain.

I will write to my MP and complain.

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:o Socks are a conspiricy by the establishment to frustrate the masses into submission. I walked in the field the other day and came upon a heap of socks of which none matched the other. There is no "Big Sock Drawer in the Sky" as Garry Larson suggested but each government has a Department of Inland Hosery who's job it is to institute measures set up by the Illuminati to make socks vanish by evil and mysterious means. One day this will be proven and all the sock manufacturers will go out of business and weaken the world economy to such an extend that matched pairs of socks will replace gold as the major world currency. :D

(I have too much time to think about these things :D )

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I don't believe this problem is restricted to Thailand.

Call me paranoid but I believe there exists an international conspiracy and somewhere in the Nevada desert there is a secret warehouse full of unmatched socks. Nothing is allowed to exist within a 20 mile radius (mind you the smell would be enough to keep any living thing away).

There is a cover up (except for feet).

Or maybe they are sold on and the odour extracted and used in the Thai counterfeit perfume industry.

Actually I think my wife sells them to the neighbours to enhance their cooking judging by the smells that sometimes waft on the evening breeze. I need to point out the neighbours are Chinese not Thai so as not to offend those farangs who insist Thai food is wonderful.

Anyway enough for now -I'll put a sock in it - if I can find one.

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Never buy socks in Patpong unless you like them with holes.

But they've all got holes in them. It's where you put your foot into them to put them on. :o

I nearly bought a pair from Patpong but the girl was still wearing them. She had holes though. :D

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Socks disappear. It's a fact of life. Men lose socks, women lose socks. Women lose men's socks, men lose women's socks. Do statisticians know whether or not right socks really do disappear more often than left?

With pantyhose it's different. You can't lose one leg of a "pair" of pantyhose, the waistband serves much like the plastic ring. There is still a need to match their tennis and knee-high socks, so there is the potential women's need for these rings. There isn't too much need for these rings with sexy decorated nylons, since it is unlikely the woman would own two similar pairs.

Is it legal and moral to marry two male socks or two female socks? Well, probably not on those terms. If you think instead of two men's socks or two women's socks, the same-gender issue is less of an issue. Yes, I know that's really reaching, but this whole concept is a stretch of a perverse imagination don't you think. :o

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How can you tell the difference between left and right socks? I randomly swap the socks over to equalise wear and reduce risk of holes because for some reason my right big toenail grows at a faster rate than the left.

Who is this "agent" they put in the fibres. Someone like James Bond, you mean, with a licence to smell.

What is really sinister is that sometimes, maybe 6 months later, the sock reappears. Maybe it escaped from wherever it was incacerated after pining for it's partner and like some dogs, by some instinct, found it's way home. Dogs smell too. Maybe there is connecion here.

Or maybe they are beamed up into a UFO, the aliens assuming socks to be he highest level of life form and after months of fiendish experimentation are returned to whence they came.

A previous correspondent asked why we need socks and shoes in Thailand.

I ask him wouldn't it look rather silly walking in you 3 piece pure italian merino wool suit, cashmere overcoat and hat set at a jaunty angle without shoes and socks. You would attract unwelcome attention.


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