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If You Were To Leave Thailand For A Few Years...

Tony Clifton

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We're moving out in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to think of stuff I can buy here that I won't be able to find in North America or would be much more expensive over there. Space is no problem, we're shipping a 20 foot container. For example, I got spare parts for my outboard motor, a lifetime's worth and much cheaper here. We're also stocking up on kid clothes and shoes. I just know I will forget something and though I d ask Thaivisa members.

What would you buy?

On what would you stock up?

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i'm in the same situation as you, i'm going back in a couple of months. i'm trying to think of things such as bum guns for every toilet. Right now i can't get past the bum gun idea because the world is ending in 4 hours and i need to get back to my drink.

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I have lived here for some years now, but there was a time when I had to return to England for a few years before I was able to come back to Thailand.

I still had my house in London than, and wanted to take back items that reminded me of Thailand. These are some of the things I brought back to England:

A good quality Seiko clock with Thai numerals.

Thai medicines, cough syrups etc.

Ornaments: plastic Tuk Tuks, Buddha’s and small wood/silver carvings.

As many clothes as possible, cheaper here.

Table lamps.

Photo of the King.

Also had my eyes checked, bought glasses and had dental work done before leaving.

Edited by sassienie
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I don´t know anything about US since I have never been there but if I would go home to Europe I would stack:

Shoes (not high end brand though)

Clothes, jeans, ties ect(again not high end brands)

Computer programs. (copies)

If you are interested in aquariums, everything from tanks to pumps are really dirt cheap here. It is 2/10 of the price in northern Europe anyway.


Visit the dentist before boarding the plane.

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Things to Bring to US:

Thai Keyboards (Not the Stickers the Computer KEYBOARDS) No one Has them in US.

Thai Magazines especially LIPS, IMAGE, FORMEN, they sell for about $20-$30 each here in US easy!

Thai Satillite TV Boxes Especially Free To Air TV Boxes Pre Programmed for Thai TV (Direct TV in US will cost you a Fortune).

Thai Satillite Radio Sirius (PreProgrammed for Thai Radio) Cause you can't sign up for Thai Satillite Radio in the US.

Thai Dictionary Software (Cause most Thai Stores on the Web don't have it.)

Thai Cook Books (US Book Stores have SOME, but they don't include things like Luk Chub)

Flat Screen TVs (LG Manufactures Flat Pannel TVs in Bangkok) Here in US the Price will be 3 times as much as Thailand.

The same goes for Computer Monitors made by LG.

Anything that is Manufactured in Thailand that you want, Bring it, unless you want to pay 4 times as much for it here.

Companies that are in Thailand are Intel, Uniden, CTX, LG, Samsung, and lots more. If you know the Factory is in Thailand Bring it, cause not many things are Made in US anymore. Oh yeah, I hope your kids like working in Restaurants, cause there is not many Manufacturing Jobs here either. And if the manufacturing Plants are in Thailand where do you think the Engineering Jobs are? Thailand. So get used to a Servant Class Society if you are coming to US.

Bring RUBBER! Thailand Manufactures lots of Rubber, and you could turn lots of Money on it here.

Those little Flashlight Stun Guns they sell on the Street, They don't have them here.

They usually have the Latest and Greatest Cell phones in Thailand like at least one Year before we get them here in the US.

The same goes for most Clothing Styles. The US is one year behind the Style Trends in Asia, it has always been like that for a long time.

Oh yeah, can you Bring me a fine looking Thai Babe while you're at it?

Maybe about 25-30 Slim, sexy, you know the type. :o

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Besides clothes to go back with (colder climate) & some Dvd programs. Lastly I never forget my friends back home & bring over Bactroban for all the hideous surf injuries they incur.I would bring back lots of good pro hardware items. Can't get hardly anything decent here. Licorice. Sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce.(Lots of boxes of BBQ sauce) I would bring some mountain dew but the weight is cost prohibitive. The usual supply of med range pain killers for pain. & my usual kickdown of Scott sandals .Never a blowout on the rudely made streets. Maybe a sling box arrangement with my sister so I can watch Nascar & my friends in the NHRA! Did I mention some real proper extension cords with the ends made to hold something plugged in tight!

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For the baby;

Bi lingual books, one of note is called "the brave little tuk tuk", can be bought in large book shops in bangkok. Has both thai & English on the same page so either of you can read the same story.

Thai cartoons on dvd as impossible to get overseas. Same for posters of thai alphabet etc to decorate babies room, my son has these in his room, even though too small to read imo it is good to expose him early to the written langauge as he likes "reading" english magazines & books :o

Yourwife may benefit from an electronic dictonary, my husband got one at pantip & for the first 2 years in Uk used it near dailt even with pretty good english skills.

Any dried food stuff you can get away with, esp local (regional) specialities to your wife. We end up with a black sack full of dried & ground fish after each trip from the mil, so far not been stopped as we just pack with the clothes but have never seen it in the Uk even though we can get most things at asian food shops.

Apart from that, books for your wife, thai keyboard, webcams.

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What about medicines like antibiotics which need a prescription in most other places. Also painkillers like aspirin and maybe codeine, and cosmetics or shower gel/shampoo.

I would also get a thorough medical checkup at somewhere like Bumrungrad for a good service and price.

I'm NOT a hypochondriac!

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For the Office:

DVD's, lots of DVD's, blank DVD's.. CD's are not so much of an issue as you can get them for dirt cheap from Best buy when they sell them with rebates.

SKYPE phones.. an heir and a spare. Couldnt find any in Best Buy. Nothing too grand, just the regular USB plug and play 300 Bhat ones.

Kingston USB sticks

Key boards, web cams, security cams if you need them...

For the Kitchen:

If you like thai food, then your rice cooker, sticky rice steamer, and bamboo steamer thingy.

All the packet spices you can find in Tessco or Carefour.. as in the Koi Soi, Paneng Curry... etc..

A bag of sticky rice.. Jasmine rice can be found in large Asian grocery stores along with the Nam pla and other cooking spices..


Clothing, clothing and more clothing..

Get everything you ever needed altered but were too lazy to go to the tailor done before leaving..

Get your suits made.

Nice Jewelry, pearls etc..

If you are into massages and all that essence stuff.. then get your massage oils, and your water burner essential oils.. etc..

Hit all the made in thailand, thailand best buys, and other what nots that might be held in impact before you leave.

I cant see Tv'S being less expensive in Thailand than in the US. Besides the fact that your warranty will no longer apply I would suggest doing a price check on the internet before buying anything electronic which will require a transformer.

If you ARE bringing anything electronic, make sure you bring a couple of transformers.

Furniture: Those nice teak outdoor pool type lounge chairs.. You can bring in your furniture if you say you have had it for at least 6 months prior to moving.

Alcohol: Some freaky Thai herbal whiskey with all the animals stuck in them.

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Get nice pictures as in portraits of your family made. and framed. As in drawn/water coloured, like what they do on the ground floor of MBK.

Hit Koh Chang and get all the oil paintings you have ever admired made for you. I dont know where in Bangkok to get those done for cheap.

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Contact lenses if you wear them. That yearly required checkup in a lot of states is annoying for those with nearly frozen vision (mine is unchanged for the last 15+ years).


Slightly off topic,

Couldn't believe that contact lenses were more expensive in Thailand than in the UK.

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Bum guns and 3 way valves already bought. :o First thing I had on the list.

Just a thought but if it were just a few deg cooler, that efficient little gun would become torture device but especially North America! would soon wake you up really quick in the morning but you would save on coffee so good trade off

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Some good teak furniture would be much cheaper than in the US. Also silk.

i think there is a law that requires you to get a permit first in order to export wood products from Thailand. I could be wrong, I saw this law pre coup during Taksin era.

Thanks........I wasn't aware of that, if I ever leave I have a lot to take with me. So that settles it, I won't leave.

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some posts referring to illegal products / activities have been deleted

remember forum rules prohibit discussion of illegal activities.

(I looked at some of the list, and compared with a thread I started yesterday about what to bring to thailand, and see some similar items :o the grass is always greener logic I suppose? :D )

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