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Lehman And Aig And Who Next

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Barclays has snapped up some of Lehman and others are waiting to get the best bits of AIG on the cheap . Those who are able to do these deals now will be in a very strong position IMO .


First, we would need to define the word "assets"...

The massive Lehman bankruptcy filing in US federal court in New York listed 639 billion dollars in assets and 613 billion in debt.


What is the value of those 639 billions of so called assets ?

When the whole system is going south, in a deflation loop, at speed light, this question is crucial.

To say that someone paid cheap Lehman's assets today doesn't mean nothing. What will be the value of those assets next week ? And next year ?

My point : it's way too early to call for bottom, and even more to... to say that some companies will be a in a very strong position in the future.

Because, first we need survivors...

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I agree that it is too early to call a bottom but one can never call a bottom otherwise you miss it . and Barclays I am sure are getting something which would have cost them 2/3 times a few weeks ago . Perhaps they could have waited and got it even cheaper but that is business .

And to be a survior perhaps you need to be shopping now ?

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