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Prediction: Israel Will De-nuke Iran Next Feb Or March


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Interested in your opinions re Iran. It is my opinion the U.S. won't/can't take on IRAN for a number of reasons, so Israel will do it alone (sorta).

Israel has de-nuked before, and will do it again. The prospect of Iran having the capability of launching a nuclear strike on Israel is 100% unacceptable to all Israelis. I believe the plans are being finalized as we speak for a strike soon after the new U.S. president takes office. Israel must wait until then to assure as much U.S. support (and financial aid) as possible, and can't secure any related issues until the new administration is in place, functioning, and making commitments. You can bet serious discussions are already well underway between Israel and the U.K. and other European countries to get her ducks in order.

Lot's more international turmoil ahead of us for '09 on many fronts. Hang on, rough sailing ahead. IMHO


(Moderator: I believe this subject may be of interest to many of us ex-pats particularly because it affects the value of other currencies to the baht. But if you think otherwise, please remove this post with my apologies.)

Edited by Lopburi99
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Iran will never be allowed to weaponise it's nuclear agenda, without doubt Israel will shut it down. The plan is already in place, only "when" is known by the few. I'm sure many Iranian people wish their leadership had not led them down this path. I have no idea when but it's on the way.

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Honestly,I can't see Israel having the united political power to make it happen.

Probably ,because their forces would be unable to contain the economic and military backlash.

The one thing Israel does not need is to become a pariah

Israel does not care about world opinion, if you have ever worked with them you will soon pick it up. The Israelies I worked with will tell you how lucky they are compared to their fathers brother or sisters family that perished in the camps. (Showing my age)

They will tell you how the holocaust will never happen again, they just won't allow it, or if it does along with the extinction of the land called Israel, then "All the Muslim places of worship will be vaporised" Their comment?

When working with some of them in West Africa, asked them about the unannounced bombing of the Iraqi reactor at Osirak. They laughed. "We flattened that reactor being built by the French, yet not one Frenchie got killed, you know why" I asked "Why" he smiled???

Not so long ago the Israelies took out the Syrian reactor being built by the North Koreans. If there is one thing the World knows, that is apart from Yom Kippur the Israelies have always struck first. With Nukes being the reason, that won't change.

Makes the world unsafe having an itchy finger gunslinger in a bar, but when you are watching another gunslinger about to load his weapon? Well you know what will happen.

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Interested in your opinions re Iran. It is my opinion the U.S. won't/can't take on IRAN for a number of reasons, so Israel will do it alone (sorta).

I think Israel will strike sooner. After the election and before the inaugeration.

The US also recently shipped bunker-busting missiles to Israel in an arms sales deal (like paid for as usual by the US taxpayer.)

Iran has the Shihab-3 missile and 2 other types of missile.

I expect Iran to retaliate. How many missiles will hit Israel, if any, is another matter.

IMO, the US should stay out of it.

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If Isreal thinks it is in danger it will nuke Iran without a doubt in my mind. I do not think anyone wants Iran to have a nuke although I would say the persian's as people are amazingly polite and nice. I certainly do not have any problems with them :o:D:D

I doubt the Israeli air force will use nuclear weapons given the explosives technology developed by them and their allies but you can bet the threat will be neutralised.

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This is clearly headed for some kind of conflict. With the one potential new American president who is more attuned to the concept of diplomacy as opposed to the Bush doctrine of preemptive aggression, there is some hope this can be prevented. While it is true that Israel has and will act without American cooperation, they also strongly do not want to anger America either, so American pressure and power and who exactly is the president does matter. Iran does indeed have a hot headed anti-Israel leader, at least his mouth is that way. Stay tuned.

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If Isreal thinks it is in danger it will nuke Iran without a doubt in my mind. I do not think anyone wants Iran to have a nuke although I would say the persian's as people are amazingly polite and nice. I certainly do not have any problems with them :D:D:D

I doubt the Israeli air force will use nuclear weapons given the explosives technology developed by them and their allies but you can bet the threat will be neutralised.

From what I have been told there are no bunker busting bombs that can get that deep, so the only option is a nuke :o

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If Isreal thinks it is in danger it will nuke Iran without a doubt in my mind. I do not think anyone wants Iran to have a nuke although I would say the persian's as people are amazingly polite and nice. I certainly do not have any problems with them :D:D:D

I doubt the Israeli air force will use nuclear weapons given the explosives technology developed by them and their allies but you can bet the threat will be neutralised.

From what I have been told there are no bunker busting bombs that can get that deep, so the only option is a nuke :o

Hope not but let's wait and see, the OP is correct as the subject is now high profile in the media. I feel sorry for the general Iranian population, those I have known are extremely pleasant people.

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If Isreal thinks it is in danger it will nuke Iran without a doubt in my mind. I do not think anyone wants Iran to have a nuke although I would say the persian's as people are amazingly polite and nice. I certainly do not have any problems with them :D:D:D

I doubt the Israeli air force will use nuclear weapons given the explosives technology developed by them and their allies but you can bet the threat will be neutralised.

From what I have been told there are no bunker busting bombs that can get that deep, so the only option is a nuke :o

Hope not but let's wait and see, the OP is correct as the subject is now high profile in the media. I feel sorry for the general Iranian population, those I have known are extremely pleasant people.

Extremely pleasant, I have many Iranian friends in london who are both Musilm and Jewish and they all get along just fine :D:(:D:P

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