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Anybody Know A Good Safe Cracker? (locksmith)

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I've checked the Phuket Gazette and asked Thai friends, but can't seem to find a locksmith to come open and repair my safe which won't open.

Anybody know one?


Not sure if this will help you, but if I were you, I'd go to the basement of Big C.

From the car park, as soon as you enter the store, there is a lock guy/ keymaker on your right.

He seems to be pretty good and I have already locked my keys in my car there and he opened it for me with one of those flat bars they stick between the window and door.

I would at least ask him for a recommendation.

Sometimes there is a woman working there helping him, i would wait for the man.

Also, there is a woman who makes keys right next to the Chalong police station who I believe is married to one of the policemen there.

Perhaps she could tell you someone?


Thanks guys, yeah, it's a big old combination lock + key safe, so it can't be opened electronically or anything. Just need a good old fashioned safe cracker to do a mini Bank Job crack.

I'll ask the guy at Big C, and failing that, I guess I'll just roam around Phuket town street by street looking for a locksmith shop.


I've used that keymaker at the Central carpark. I'll try him too. I guess if all else fails, I could visit the Phuket prison and bail somebody out to come help me. But, I doubt that would be the last time he'd visit my home. :o


I've just remembered there is a locksmith on the opposite side of the road to Phuket/Bangkok Hospital and about 100 metres further away as you are going from Phuket time. Might be worth a try if no one else can help, Cheers & Good Luck. L.K.


Thanks LK. I know that area very well. The best noodle soup shop in Phuket is just across the street from the hospital on the side road. Been around forever. Try it sometime. Amazing, and always packed, try it around 10-11am, or don't bother.

I'll update this thread when I locate a good locksmith who knows safes.


I can understand a possible need to keep this skill secret.

However, it is a bit of a bummer to come on here looking for an answer, only to find that there is one, but we aren't allowed to know what it is.

Wasted MY time, anyway.

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