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What's The Stupidest Thing You've Seen


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Pidgin english - agreed.  I really hate it when people feel that they have to yell in order to be understood. 

PDA anywhere.  Ugly.  Put it away.  Get a room. 

Chopsticks - I met a bloke who said he didn't feel like he was eating Thai food unless he did it with chopsticks. 

Blokes who buy really big motorbikes and cruise around like they own the place (at the risk of being flamed here, it looks like mid life crisis to me - and many others). 

People who go 'tribal' by wearing local clothing.  Looks stupid.  Would you wear native american or aboriginal gear in the city at home?  I doubt it. 

Stinginess in any form.  Hate it.

Blokes who buy really big motorbikes and cruise around like they own the place (at the risk of being flamed here, it looks like mid life crisis to me - and many others).

Whats wrong with big bikes??

We're not all the same.

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Watched scores of farangs arriving for breakfast and waing the girl that allocates the tables.

She must had been used to it, wasn't even waing back.

Don't fully see the point of this anecdote.The loser,if there is one,is the Thai girl who doesn't respond to the wai since it is ungracious not to.But then again who can really blame her?The farang tourists may have erred in being a little to eager to wai, but it's a fault on the right side:they were tring to be pleasant and fit in with their understanding of good local manners.How does their behaviour embarrass you? All in all a thoroughly pointless example.

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Blokes who buy really big motorbikes and cruise around like they own the place (at the risk of being flamed here, it looks like mid life crisis to me - and many others).

Whats wrong with big bikes??

We're not all the same.

I guess what I personally mean by 'big" bikes is "noisy" bikes, which most big ones are. Some are unbelievably noisy - no silencer, just straight-through pipes from the engine to the back. These bikes would not be allowed in a western country because of noise pollution laws. Here, apparently, it's accepted. But obviously not by some of us farangs :o . I have seen some big bikes that are very quiet - maybe turbo driven - and I don't have a problem with them at all.

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He looks a real hard nut! :D:D:D

Well he's from Stockport. Bugger-all money "boot he's that fookin' 'ard".

I think he'll meet a few other hard nuts :D soon - hope he doesn't drop the soap in the shower :D:o oooh, that's gotta hurt...

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He looks a real hard nut! :D:D:D

Well he's from Stockport. Bugger-all money "boot he's that fookin' 'ard".

I think he'll meet a few other hard nuts :D soon - hope he doesn't drop the soap in the shower :o:D oooh, that's gotta hurt...

It's almost tempting to encourage ######s like that in sunny( :D ) England to go to LoS for their hols. Plenty of muay Thai practice for Thai police and reduces the idiot quotient in England (depressingly high and climbing :D ).

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Watched scores of farangs arriving for breakfast and waing the girl that allocates the tables.

She must had been used to it, wasn't even waing back.

Don't fully see the point of this anecdote.The loser,if there is one,is the Thai girl who doesn't respond to the wai since it is ungracious not to.But then again who can really blame her?The farang tourists may have erred in being a little to eager to wai, but it's a fault on the right side:they were tring to be pleasant and fit in with their understanding of good local manners.How does their behaviour embarrass you? All in all a thoroughly pointless example.

Somehow, it did. Would not even a Lonely Planet guide tell you not to wai children and service staff?

The farangs in question did not even take her no-wai as an offense.

Is it not a stupid situation: they were doing what is neither expected nor desired?

Like indiscriminately shaking hands with hotel staff in the West.

On one flight, I explained the rule to my fellow passenger (he was returning for more, his second time), all he said was "OMG, what an ###### I made of myself by waing lift boys, maids, waitresses and all and sundry".

And is it not one of the first mistakes people make there?

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Swedish guy stood on the roof of the hotel I was staying at in Pattaya several years back with a length of wire wrapped around his neck. He decided to come down only after several hundred onlookers had amassed, a large inflatable had been placed beneath him, and the Mayor of Pattaya personaly talked him down. Guess he must have been up there for at least 4 hours. Would have been less embaressing for him had he jumped.

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Watched scores of farangs arriving for breakfast and waing the girl that allocates the tables.

She must had been used to it, wasn't even waing back.

Don't fully see the point of this anecdote.The loser,if there is one,is the Thai girl who doesn't respond to the wai since it is ungracious not to.But then again who can really blame her?The farang tourists may have erred in being a little to eager to wai, but it's a fault on the right side:they were tring to be pleasant and fit in with their understanding of good local manners.How does their behaviour embarrass you? All in all a thoroughly pointless example.

Somehow, it did. Would not even a Lonely Planet guide tell you not to wai children and service staff?

The farangs in question did not even take her no-wai as an offense.

Is it not a stupid situation: they were doing what is neither expected nor desired?

Like indiscriminately shaking hands with hotel staff in the West.

On one flight, I explained the rule to my fellow passenger (he was returning for more, his second time), all he said was "OMG, what an ###### I made of myself by waing lift boys, maids, waitresses and all and sundry".

And is it not one of the first mistakes people make there?

You don't seem to get the point.Your very inflexible concept of what constititues "sankom" and what doesn't I am afraid marks you out as rather inexperienced in the whys and wherefores of Thai culture.The point is that it doesn't really matter whether the letter of the law is followed.Thais don't really expect enormous knowledge of Thai politesse from foreigners.However if the underlying principles are observed-civility, respect for the other,humility-all is forgiven.So the question remains why are you so insistent on displaying your "knowledge of the Culture" and so confident about "explaining the rules" to all and sundry.From what you have shown so far you are fresh off the plane at Don Muang.

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Watched scores of farangs arriving for breakfast and waing the girl that allocates the tables.

She must had been used to it, wasn't even waing back.

Don't fully see the point of this anecdote.The loser,if there is one,is the Thai girl who doesn't respond to the wai since it is ungracious not to.But then again who can really blame her?The farang tourists may have erred in being a little to eager to wai, but it's a fault on the right side:they were tring to be pleasant and fit in with their understanding of good local manners.How does their behaviour embarrass you? All in all a thoroughly pointless example.

Somehow, it did. Would not even a Lonely Planet guide tell you not to wai children and service staff?

The farangs in question did not even take her no-wai as an offense.

Is it not a stupid situation: they were doing what is neither expected nor desired?

Like indiscriminately shaking hands with hotel staff in the West.

On one flight, I explained the rule to my fellow passenger (he was returning for more, his second time), all he said was "OMG, what an ###### I made of myself by waing lift boys, maids, waitresses and all and sundry".

And is it not one of the first mistakes people make there?

You don't seem to get the point.Your very inflexible concept of what constititues "sankom" and what doesn't I am afraid marks you out as rather inexperienced in the whys and wherefores of Thai culture.The point is that it doesn't really matter whether the letter of the law is followed.Thais don't really expect enormous knowledge of Thai politesse from foreigners.However if the underlying principles are observed-civility, respect for the other,humility-all is forgiven.So the question remains why are you so insistent on displaying your "knowledge of the Culture" and so confident about "explaining the rules" to all and sundry.From what you have shown so far you are fresh off the plane at Don Muang.

You could be right.

Other than having a woman there for 4 years, a baby to her, an apartment that is my home, 8 to 10 trips a year, I can not bring more to this discussion.

"Fresh off the plane at Don Muang" - possibly, I always feel like that when the plane lands.

What would you say, at the end: farangs, keep on waing to everyone, no problem?

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Re the poster who is embarassed by Farang who wear native clothes.

I apologise for being one of these poor misguided Farang and am deeply sorry if I have ever embarassed you.

Have you ever stopped to consider why the locals wear certain attire? It could be that they are more comfortable in the climate. I often wear cool local clothing as it can make the hottest times more tolerable and I do not consider that I look any more stupid than the bulk of Farang who wear the typical T shirt and shorts!

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What's The Stupidest Thing You've Seen, a Farang do in Thailand?

It was me. I fell down the stairs at Siam BTS station. Everything went in slow motion. The look of horror on the ladies face as I tumbled past her, the little boy pointing, the hatefull Thai youth waitin to see a Farang skull crack, the students frozen to the spot waiting in horror to see if I made it... it was like that scene in th Untouchables.

In fact it turned into the coolest thing you ever saw because I landed on my feet and just kept walking with a whistle :o

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What's The Stupidest Thing You've Seen, a Farang do in Thailand?

It was me. I fell down the stairs at Siam BTS station. Everything went in slow motion. The look of horror on the ladies face as I tumbled past her, the little boy pointing, the hatefull Thai youth waitin to see a Farang skull crack, the students frozen to the spot waiting in horror to see if I made it... it was like that scene in th Untouchables.

In fact it turned into the coolest thing you ever saw because I landed on my feet and just kept walking with a whistle :o

Flummoxed, you've outdone yourself again...what a pair of knockers. :D

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Watched scores of farangs arriving for breakfast and waing the girl that allocates the tables.

She must had been used to it, wasn't even waing back.

Don't fully see the point of this anecdote.The loser,if there is one,is the Thai girl who doesn't respond to the wai since it is ungracious not to.But then again who can really blame her?The farang tourists may have erred in being a little to eager to wai, but it's a fault on the right side:they were tring to be pleasant and fit in with their understanding of good local manners.How does their behaviour embarrass you? All in all a thoroughly pointless example.

It's not ungracious to not respond to a wai in an inappropriate or completely unexpected situation. It's certainly not an absolute requirement to give a return wai.


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What would you say, at the end: farangs, keep on waing to everyone, no problem?

What's the harm? Only farangs take offence at it, in my experience :D

Keep in mind that the 'wai' is a show of respect (caring)... How can you fault someone for trying to be nice and express respect/caring to anyone? So what if it's different than what most Thais do? It's not like the farangs are pointing their feet at them, na'? :o

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Sorry guys, gotta change it, got my knuckles wrapped again by the mods... too many Bores have complained to them.

Ahhh, bleddyhell that's a shame. Surprised ol' George hasn't been told to go yet but I spose there aren't that many George lovers. Why don't you use Adriana Lima as your avatar as does Darknight? Won't see too much flesh but leaves it all to the imagination...she is one sultry goddess.

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Most stupid things I've seen Farangs do in TL -

the Farang (business guy who works at the Emporium - usually seen in expensive suit shoes, glasses) dropping his daughters off at the weekend - wearing a Thai farmer outfit, sarong skirt and whit Thai shirt - after the guards had opened the door to for him they laughed their balls off - I had to join in. Never seen him wear that same attire again.

MYSELF - getting on the back of my friends motorbike, drunk, two weeks ago. Only a five minute journey. Should have been danger free. Now I'm sporting a cast from my toes to my thigh with two fractures in the leg, two in the toes. After 4 years I really should have known better.

Don't ride motorbikes!!

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in the pattaya park tower revolving resturant there was a 6 ft blond german woman in her late 30's wearing a bathing top and a bright pink thong...

but get this

she was heavily pregnant and was prancing around the buffet area swinging her pock marked arse for everyone to see. she talked loudly and acted like the place was her own. she looked like some over the hill ex model/porn star way past her prime.

it was my 25 th birthday and up to the point of seeing her i was enjoying some lobster with my teerak but that skank put me right off the food !

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Sorry guys, gotta change it, got my knuckles wrapped again by the mods... too many Bores have complained to them.

Ahhh, bleddyhell that's a shame. Surprised ol' George hasn't been told to go yet but I spose there aren't that many George lovers. Why don't you use Adriana Lima as your avatar as does Darknight? Won't see too much flesh but leaves it all to the imagination...she is one sultry goddess.

Ok i'll make a post just to let you guy's have a look again.

The worst thing i saw was a lowlife english scumbag in pattaya threatening the Chinese owner of view talay condos cause the Bg's doggy wasn't allowed in the condo.

This guy was just asking for a bullet , not to wise i'm afraid.

Hopefully he didn't live on the top floor :o

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