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My Mexican/american Family Arriving Dec. 27, 2008


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My family will be arriving in Chiang Mai from Baja California Sur, Mexico on the Dec. 26, 2008. My husband and I have two children, a seven year old boy and a 3 year old girl.

We have lived in Baja for seven years - Guadalajara before that - and we are very excited to explore Thailand.

We will be enrolling our son in school before we get there. I am unable to tour the schools, but from online I have narrowed it down to Lanna and Nakornpayap. Anyone with information would be very helpful!

Has anybody met any Mexican expats in Chiang Mai?


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. . . . . Has anybody met any Mexican expats in Chiang Mai?

Not I, but now I have it to look forward to! And many, many people here will be interested to know your opinion of Miguel's, a popular local Mexican restaurant . . . with freshly made tortillas, no less.

Welcome when you get here, and apologies that I cannot help with information about schools. . . .

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Welcome to ThaiVisa.

I have never been directly on either campus, but Nakornping probably has better facilities and a higher reputation. I have known at least four former students at Lanna who went on to Nakornping and Grace, and they all preferred the new school over Lanna.

You characterize yourselves as Mexican-American but the children have lived in Baja Sur all their life, far from the USA. My in-laws call themselves Mexican-American, and have never lived in the interior, and in some cases never visited the interior (like most Tex-Mex I lived and worked with). I am sure you will enjoy Chiang Mai. I'm tempted to write in español, but that's not allowed on ThaiVisa. You will not find many native speakers here, but if the family is fluent in English, no problem. There are two or three "Mexican" restaurants here, but nothing like home. I miss Chiapas, but that's another story. In nearly five years in Chiang Mai, I never met any Mexicans, but there must be some here. Send me a PM if you wish. Good luck.

Added: I did meet one elderly American who lived many years in Veracruz state, but he was not born in USA or Mexico.

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I'm not **exactly** Mexican... My family is of Mexican heritage, but born and raised in West Texas (I'm 3rd generation). Guess you could just call me Tejano :o I grew up in a primarily Spanish speaking home, but like most kids from my generation, did not end up learning as much Spanish as I should have.

Also, I have not had the luxury of traveling thru Mexico, although I have spent more drunken nights partying down in Cd. Acuña than I'll ever be able to remember!


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I have never been directly on either campus, but Nakornping probably has better facilities and a higher reputation. I have known at least four former students at Lanna who went on to Nakornping and Grace, and they all preferred the new school over Lanna.

You characterize yourselves as Mexican-American but the children have lived in Baja Sur all their life, far from the USA.

Thanks for the info on the schools!

I am a Gringa and my husband is Mexican....... Thus the "Mexican-American family" tag....

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I should be in Baja near the end of november, Pre running and racing the 1000.

Where about are you located?


You have driven very close to my house then. I live in the desert outside of Todos Santos, BCS, which is on the Pacific Ocean, an hour from Cabo.

Let me know if you will be in town in Nov.


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