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Dirty T Shirt On Young Girl

Ulysses G.

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I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

Would you have said anything? :o

I suggested to the manager of the gas station in Nong Hoy that the T-shirt of the young lad dispensing the gas wasn't very customer friendly and he seemed to take my advice.

It said        'F#ck you Nazi W#nkers'.

I saw a sweet young girl (10-11yrs old) ,with her well-dressed mother, in walking street wearing the same T-shirt!!! :D

In a similar vein, quite a few years ago, when stickers on car windscreens first became popular a strange one was the young guy who had a sticker that in large letters ran the full length of the back saying   

                'LITTLE BASTARD"   

????  :D

Bit of trivia. "Little Bastard" was the nickname of James Dean's porche (the one he died in). He had the nickname stenciled on the rear of the car.


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I don't think it matters. 12 year-olds should have had sex education already, anyway.

My friend is Korean American and when his parents came to the U.S. they couldn't speak English very well. He laughs at a picture he has of one of his older sisters wearing a shirt that says "New York fuc_king City" when she was a toddler at Christmas time. Pretty funny. I would never worry about it, because it makes for some funny times.

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I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

Would you have said anything? :o

Well done UG mate, 5 stars for this Thread.

If I knew them or was familiar and in a position to speak easily to the parents I probably would have yes.

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Back home in farangland i caught a 23yo thai going out the door wearing a shirt with the pepsi slogan, only it said penis instead. despite being a uni student of good background and morals, she was oblivious and had been wearing the shirt for some time.

no way I was going outside with someone wearing a t shirt like that.

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I want to ask you about my 3 shirts. dirty or not? "Not Pussy, Just Bunny" and "eight inches or less?" and "why are you staring at my tits?" when should i ware or not ware?

"Not Pussy, Just Bunny": I'm ok with this. It has enough double-meaning to not be obviously rude or anything. Can be seen as funny.

"eight inches or less?": I'm not sure what this is. I mean I can guess what is the 8 inches are, but why is it a question? I think there would have to be a sign or something else to make this at least funny or have any message at all.

"why are you staring at my tits?": I find this funny. Out of the three, this is the most innocent and the funniest one.

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I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

Would you have said anything? :o

This is just rubbish now isn,t it about time this was closed

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I often eat breakfast in a cheap Thai place with a very nice family, This morning their 12 year old girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "Job Wanted, Many Positions Available" with pictures of stick figures doing the sex positions of the Karma Sutra. I tried to point out the pictures and tell them that a girl her age could get bothered while wearing such illustrations, but after a big family talk, they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was not hurting anything.

Would you have said anything? :o

This is just rubbish now isn,t it about time this was closed

why? it's an interesting issue. just because it's a bit unsavory doesn't mean it's not a valid cultural talking point.

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I once saw a young woman wearing a T-shirt with the slogan... Kiss My Pussy...I guess all these people do not understand English, to them it's just a fancy T-shirt.. :o

Sometimes, there's no excuse.

Some 3 years ago a very well educated (in the west) young Thai lady of very very high social status appeared at a rural event here attended by masses of the mass media.

Her plain black tee shirt carried the F word in white on the front. Nothing else. I can imagine the horror on the face of the Bangkok Post sub editor who painted it out before it hit the front page.

Imagine my reaction when I saw the SAME photo on the front of a national Thai language daily which obviously had NO English reading subs! There it was, large as life. If she'd been my daughter she'd have been slippered and sent to bed with no champagne.

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This thread has come up time and time again. It's not only t-shirts worn by Thais who do not understand, mostly it's T-shirts worn by stupid people who know no better. Our English barmaid/waitress in the Farang Connection a couple of years back, turned up for work in a T-shirt with a swastika on it. She hadn't a clue why I sent her straight home to change.

On a slightly different note, but still in the same vein, a Farang bought his fashion concious girl into the restaurant last night. She was wearing a nice black, backless top, which would have looked smart, but for the fact she was wearing a bright pink bra. It made the outfit look ridiculous. Haven't they got the sense to wear a strapless bra?. It was sniggers all round from other customers.

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I have in times past, tried to explain how demeaning the words on the tee shirt are, especially if the wearer is one of my students, and young and female. I worry that they do not understand that if a farang sees these words, they will get the wrong idea about them. I warn them in a motherly way, not scolding them, up to them what they choose to do. Several times they were very, very grateful and indeed did NOT know what the words meant. One time, I had a young girl with a swastika tee shirt in my class. I speak Thai fairly fluently, so after class gave her a brief history of the Nazi's, a group of people who thought all non white people were 'uber menschen' only worthy of either slavery to the white race, or death. She thanked me profusely, said she had bought them cheap in a local market and had no idea. Would never, never wear them again, and intended to go back and give the seller, ( a friend) an earful!

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Thirty years ago when I was teaching at AUA CM I would begin the class by translating the english on my students t-shirts into Thai. One day I got half way through and ran into a girl with a t-shirt that was gold color and said "Gold Flower" on it, (Dawk Tong is northern Thai for prostitute). I didn't translate it but the look on my face and skipping it were enough and the other students let her know and no one ever saw that shirt again!

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I want to ask you about my 3 shirts. dirty or not? "Not Pussy, Just Bunny" and "eight inches or less?" and "why are you staring at my tits?" when should i ware or not ware?

All three of these would make me think you're an easy girl / party girl

first one- talking about your vagina (nice girls do this?)

secod one - basically saying if a guys penis is not big, you're not interested (lovely conversation topic!)

third one- drawing unsubtle attention to your breasts.

While funny, yes, but so is pornography. Not the sort of thing my sister would be allowed to wear.

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Firstly, very few read English, Secondly the meaning would proably go right over their heads as everything is back to front here.

A lady down the road from me named her baby girl "simple" as her life nickname. I tried to explain what this meant in English and suggested that if she should meet a Foreigner when she got older it was probably not the best name to have. Just got a lot of smiles and the girl got to keep the nickname.

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I want to ask you about my 3 shirts. dirty or not? "Not Pussy, Just Bunny" and "eight inches or less?" and "why are you staring at my tits?" when should i ware or not ware?

All three of these would make me think you're an easy girl / party girl

first one- talking about your vagina (nice girls do this?)

secod one - basically saying if a guys penis is not big, you're not interested (lovely conversation topic!)

third one- drawing unsubtle attention to your breasts.

While funny, yes, but so is pornography. Not the sort of thing my sister would be allowed to wear.

Maybe not your sister but perhaps your butterfly?

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I think the parents could figure it out, just because they don't speak English doesn't mean they couldn't figure out what the stick figures were doing. I have seen tee shirts like this on teens since I have been coming to Thailand, now that I live here I hardly even notice anymore it's like a guy in NYC pushing a shopping cart across the G.W. bridge, it kind of annoys you but you really don't pay much attention to it. Thais and Asians in general don't have the sexual hang up's and aren't offended like Judeo-Christian-Muslim cultures what Thai's tend to think is funny would offend a lot of Westerners.

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A Thai family I know, visited our restaurant earlier this week.

The 14 y old daughter wore a t-shirt which on the back said: I'll try yours............

and on the front: If you try mine............ :o

I thought it was a little unsuitable for a cute young girl................... :D

But in some way I thought it was funny as well. :D

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Thailand never ceases to amaze!

Some years ago, I saw a young, working mother and her child walking down Soi 6.

The mother had "fuc_k me Hard" tatooed across her lower back.

I have always wondered if she would have been so brave walking down Oxford Street or the Champs Elysees?

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This is just boring....

Remember the lame bumpersticker craze of the 70's/80's in the US, fellow Amuricans?

Electricians....Do It Till It Hertz (etc.)

So lame.

Luckily we live in a very tolerant and not so repressed society here. I wouldn't let my daughter wear these cocky shirts. But I don't have a daughter.

But my 23 year old son, visiting from America, would no doubt appreciate them.... :o

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... there was a girl about 12 serving us with food, my friend asked the mother jokingly " can i marry your daughter " she replied, "yes, how much you give me " ?,. the difference was she wasnt joking ! :o

yeah of course she wasn't joking, in Thailand they call it sin sot :D

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Thirty years ago when I was teaching at AUA CM I would begin the class by translating the english on my students t-shirts into Thai. One day I got half way through and ran into a girl with a t-shirt that was gold color and said "Gold Flower" on it, (Dawk Tong is northern Thai for prostitute). I didn't translate it but the look on my face and skipping it were enough and the other students let her know and no one ever saw that shirt again!

gold flower means prostitute? news to me.

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When I moved in with my current partner I noticed that her 13 year old niece had a T shirt with "while you're behind me wipe my butt" on the back.

Now I knew my wife read some English so I pointed it out to her but it still took her a while to work it out.

Last I ever saw of that shirt.

A while back I was drinking in the Khop Chai Der bar in Vientiane and this mob of backpackers had just come back from Cambodia. One was proudly showing of his new Khmer tattoo.

I had a quick chat with the barman in Lao to impress them with my old Asia hand credentials then leaned over to one of the guys mates and said "Why would anyone want to get w*nker tattooed on his arm?"

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I sometimes see people, mostly youngsters, wearing T shirts saying " <deleted>> YOU " on them but I've never said anything about it....not worth the trouble. I used to think they didn't know what it meant but sadly I now know that most do. I often wonder how Thais would react if I wore a T shirt saying " Yet Mung ' in Thai script but its not something I'm that desperate to put to the acid test.

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