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Foreign Embassy Income Affidavit: I'm Stuck!

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When applying for an extention of stay based on marriage or non-O visa I was showing a bank statement proving a monthly income of much more than required. However the officer in Suan Phlu also wanted to have my embassy giving and Affidavit on my income. I went to the Swiss embassy and asked for such a document. They confirmed me that they never did and never will issue such a document. The only exception are cases where the embassy needs to confirm retirement income paid by Swiss government institutions. In all other cases the embassy is not allowed and will never give out any kinds of affidavits about monthly income.

Is there any way I can get my yearly extension based on marriage without the documents from the embassy?

Edited by swisshusband
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Thats strange. Surely the embassy can do something. An Affidavit is you swearing that the information is true and correct on a document and puts the onus on you not them. I can't see why they won't do that.

That's how the US conulate does it.

Maybe somebody thats Swiss will see this and offer some advise.

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The Embassy should not concerns itself with the content of the affidavit (That's how it was presented to me by the UK Embassy in Tokyo)

It needs only to confirm by a stamp that you have sworn at the Embassy to the content of the affidavit, this is standard 'service' from an Embassy

The way the US Embassy and the UK Embassy dish out the 'income letters' in Thailand is very very local and is geared to the requirement of the Thai Immigration as is the letter that must accompany a new passport saying it has been issued !

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Thanks for your consideration. I will travel to Malaysia on business next week and I will try to get my one year visa in KL. I f that doesn't work I will try and find a solution together with a lawyer who is accredited in Thailand and also certified by the Swiss embassy.

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I wish I had a copy of the affidavit that the US consulate does but I don't. If I could send it to you it would be a good start for writing up an affidavit your self and take it to the Swiss conulate. I think they expect you to make up the paper yourself and get them to notarize it.

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Thanks very much for your effort!

If someone has got a copy of such an affidavit and could let me see it I would be very happy and grateful indeed. This would be a good start. If I have got such a copy I would try to go to my embassy again and see whether there are ways to do something equivalent.

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The Embassy should not concerns itself with the content of the affidavit (That's how it was presented to me by the UK Embassy in Tokyo)

It needs only to confirm by a stamp that you have sworn at the Embassy to the content of the affidavit, this is standard 'service' from an Embassy

One would think so...but it took me three tries and pleading to get the Swedish Embassy to stamp my paper, and it was only a CV.

They say that they never stamp anything that they haven't issued, basically.

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swisshusband, I haven't had to get an income certification yet from the Swiss embassy in Bangkok but I suggest that you print out the following on a blank sheet of paper, substituting the correct information for the text between carets (<>), then ask the embassy to certify your signature on this document, not its content. Do not sign the document in advance, only in the presence of the consular official when he asks you to do so.

Affidavit of Income

I, <name as shown in passport>, holder of Swiss passport number <number>, residing at <full address, same as used on application form for extension of stay>, hereby declare the following:

1. I have an average monthly income of <currency symbol> <amount> from <type of income, eg pension, employment outside Thailand, etc>

2. This affidavit is made by me for the purpose of submitting it to the competent Immigration Office in Thailand together with my application for extension of stay as required by Thai immigration rules and regulations.



<printed name>



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Thanks very much for your effort!

If someone has got a copy of such an affidavit and could let me see it I would be very happy and grateful indeed. This would be a good start. If I have got such a copy I would try to go to my embassy again and see whether there are ways to do something equivalent.

Here is a copy in Acrobat form of the affidavit given out by the US Embassy.


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Thanks very much for your effort!

If someone has got a copy of such an affidavit and could let me see it I would be very happy and grateful indeed. This would be a good start. If I have got such a copy I would try to go to my embassy again and see whether there are ways to do something equivalent.

Here is a copy in Acrobat form of the affidavit given out by the US Embassy.

Great I am sure that will help him. Saved a copy for future reference.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks again for all your great help. Here my story about how I squared the circle after the Swiss Embassy was also not very helpful in signing a meaningful affidavit as suggested my ost of you guys:

On my last business trip to Malaysia I went to the Thai consulate in KL. They gav me a piece of paper with their requirements for issuing a 1-year multiple Non-Immgration "O" visa:

1. Visa application with photograph of the applicant

2. Applicant passport with a validity of at least 18 months

3. Copy of passport

4. Original and Copy of official marriage certificate

5. Copy of Thai identity card of spouse

6. Copy of "tabienban" (house registration) of spouse

7. Proof of bank account in Thailand (no specification on the required amount of funds in the account)

Yesterday I was at the Thai consulate in KL again and presented all the documents mentioned. As proof of bank account I showed them my account booklet of a Thai Baht savings account and a copy of it. I paid 550 Ringgit and today I could pick up my passport with a brand new 1-year multiple Non-Immigrant "O" visa.

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In other words, you gave up trying to get your signature on an affidavit certified by the Swiss embassy, gave up your plan for an annual extension of stay and instead went to Malaysia to get a multiple-entry non-O visa.

Thank you for this information.



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