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Dial-up Internet Access


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I am currently using Asia Access' "Unlimited 1222" to get onto the internet and wonder whether any of the forum members (or forum guests) can advise me please whether a similar service exists but with a POP3/SMTP option?

Since I moved to Thailand (in August) I have not been able to utilize my preferred email client (MS Outlook) to read my online correspondence, so I would really be most grateful for any advice concerning the choices available for someone looking for dial-up service...with the option to use one's preferred email client.

By the way, I am aware that hi-speed internet already affords me this luxury however at this time respectfully all I am looking for is simple dial-up access.

Thank you (in anticipation) for your help! :o

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I am currently using Asia Access' "Unlimited 1222" to get onto the internet and wonder whether any of the forum members (or forum guests) can advise me please whether a similar service exists but with a POP3/SMTP option?

Thank you (in anticipation) for your help!  :o

Try the Totonline service, it is free. You can also register for free email account with them.

Dial: 1222

Username:U89$0y)[email protected]

Password: j4**9c+p

Phone call is 3 baht and you will be able to stay online 3 hours with no further charges. If disconnected you can dial in again for another 3 hours.

Hope this one helps.

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Are you saying you do not have an email address or that you just can not access the mail using OE? Asia Access lists their servers as below and these should work with OE:

Incoming Mail Server (POP3)

= pop3.asiaaccess.net.th

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

= smtp.asiaaccess.net.th

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I do not see why you cannot configure MS Outlook to fetch/send messages from your home email account.

Just go to Tools/Email Accts and add your acct. The tricky part is you must know the url for both send(SMPT) and receive (Popd) servers.

You may need to email or call your service to find out.

You already know your ID/Username and Password I presume.

Ctrl+M and it does its work sending and receiving.

I do this with my KSC dialup which is a backup to my ADSL service.

MS Outlook doesn't care which service I connect to the Net with.

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"Try the Totonline service, it is free. You can also register for free email account with them.

Dial: 1222

Username:U89$0y)[email protected]

Password: j4**9c+p

Phone call is 3 baht and you will be able to stay online 3 hours with no further charges. If disconnected you can dial in again for another 3 hours."

The Totonline service is only two hours not three.

If you search around the net you will find another 1222 server which is free,

faster and unlimited time.

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Thank you paulfr and lopburi3, your advice was invaluable. :D By going to Tools/Email Accts I was indeed able to tinker around with the settings and (finally) get MS Outlook to begin sending and receiving again. As paulfr rightly says there should not have been a problem with MS Outlook and that would probably have been the case...had I not had AOL as my ISP prior to leaving the UK. Anyway your advice made me re-examine my MS Outlook settings, for which I am very grateful to you. :o

By the way, kudos to Wash and Thetyim too for their advice. I now know what to do the next time I run out of time on my Asia Access account. :D

Thanks again everyone! :D

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Something I should have mentioned before, the 1222 service can be used on TOT and TT&T lines. Do not believe any literature or official who says it only works on TOT lines.

I am connected now using 1222 on a tt&T line.

Here are a couple more sign ons for you

User [email protected]

pass tot1288

dial 1222

User [email protected]

pass totonline

dial 1222

These give you 2 hours connection time.

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Thetyim, I mean, we couldn't even get 1222 to work on our phone line, either it was busy, or if it answered we were disconnected immediately. We never even got to the stage of giving a user name or password! After paying for many useless phone calls we gave up and moved to T-net which goes through a dedicated local number and gives unlimited hours for 335 baht on our TT&T phone. Mostly pretty fast, mostly works. When it doesn't we use a loxinfo 30hrs card.

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Thetyim, I mean, we couldn't even get 1222 to work on our phone line, either it was  busy, or if it answered we were disconnected immediately. We never even got to the stage of giving a user name or password! After paying for many useless phone calls we gave up and moved to T-net which goes through a dedicated local number and gives unlimited hours for 335 baht on our TT&T phone. Mostly pretty fast, mostly works. When it doesn't we use a loxinfo 30hrs card.

My old Pacific Internet X-Treme 1222 packages have "TOT and TT&T" written in small print on the back.

My two new ones use the same package, but the "TT&T" has been crudely blacked out - looks like someone with a black marker pen went over it.

I think this could explain your problem! :o

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My experience of 1222 servers is limited to Phrae only so I do not know if I am lucky or you are unlucky.

At one time there was only 30 lines available in Phrae for 1222.

Now things are a lot better. Maybe it will improve in Surat Thani.

I have used T-net myself it is good value for your money.

The literature states it is for tt&t cutomers only but it will connect on a TOT line. I have done it.

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"Try the Totonline service, it is free.  You can also register for free email account with them. 

Dial: 1222

Username:U89$0y)[email protected]

Password: j4**9c+p

Phone call is 3 baht and you will be able to stay online 3 hours with no further charges.  If disconnected you can dial in again for another 3 hours."

The Totonline service is only two hours not three.

If you search around the net you will find another 1222 server which is free,

faster and unlimited time.

dear thetyim

could you give me some idea of the servers that are free and fast and unlimited...i have searched but been unable to find any



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Just wanted further clarification here on a related issue.

I don't have an active ISP account in Canada at the moment, so I would be looking for a Thai-based email address which I would like to access using MS Outlook as my email client.

Does anyone know which cards offer users email addresses and storage space and support pop3 and smtp servers? I understand how to get into Outlook and add the new address, I'm just wondering which cards offer the servers.


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I am using the JI-Net 'card' 'Shark Byte' which is 179 bht for 15 days unlimited and I believe about 325bht for 30 days.

You can use outlook express a la pop3 and change the supplied username and password to one of your choosing which is retained when you renew.

I buy this card upstairs at the big Tesco Pattaya and it is also available in computer shops.

I leave my computer on line all day and don't get cut off I certainly hopee it is 3bht per dial up as I have been told, I am on my second fifteen day card (currently with a five day bonus) and have no problems.

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I am using the JI-Net 'card' 'Shark Byte' which is 179 bht for 15 days unlimited and I believe about 325bht for 30 days.

You can use outlook express a la pop3 and change the supplied username and password to one of your choosing which is retained when you renew.

I buy this card upstairs at the big Tesco Pattaya and it is also available in computer shops.

I leave my computer on line  all day and don't get cut off I certainly hopee it is 3bht per dial up as I have been told, I am on my second fifteen day card (currently with a five day bonus) and have no problems.

Can you tell us what number you have to dial? Is it 1222, or another local number? I'm interested because sometimes - like for two hours earlier today - the 1222 number in Phuket was either 'busy' or Internet access was almost zero. And now it's perfect again. (Almost as if somebody at Pacific Internet decided to replace the fuse in the bank of modems......)

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I am using the JI-Net 'card' 'Shark Byte' which is 179 bht for 15 days unlimited and I believe about 325bht for 30 days.

You can use outlook express a la pop3 and change the supplied username and password to one of your choosing which is retained when you renew.

I buy this card upstairs at the big Tesco Pattaya and it is also available in computer shops.

I leave my computer on line  all day and don't get cut off I certainly hopee it is 3bht per dial up as I have been told, I am on my second fifteen day card (currently with a five day bonus) and have no problems.

thanks for that. I just saw the bit about the pop3 etc on the ji net card. I'll get another one and see how it goes. I guess you have to go to their site to change the username and password.

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yeah you just go to web site sign in with given user name and password and change to your choice , I had a bit of trouble doing this as there was an 'r' next to an'n' which looked just like an 'm' to my declining eyesight!!! so watch out for that.

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You could give Pacific Internet's "Internet 1222 X-Treme 30 days unlimited downloads' 349 baht.

Now has unlimited session time too - I've been on for over 9 hours for 3 baht  :o

I also vote for Pacific Internet.

In Bangkok and Chonburi they have direct dial numbers, avoiding the dreaded 1222.

Look for the Whizz package. 490 baht for unlimited use for a month, usually sold at 449 baht.

Mail smtp.pacific.net th

dns & 40

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Thanks for your piece of advice fisherd3. This looks suspiciously like the information I was actually looking for when I originally asked the question. Since then however, I’ve been provided with some great workarounds (thank you forum members for that :D), one of which (username: U89$0y)[email protected]) I’ve been using now since Asia Access short timed my Unlimited 30-day 1222 connection by 10-days on December 2nd.

This begs me to ask the question…if I (or anyone) can connect to the Internet (using totonline.net) without paying 300 - 400 baht per month to the likes of Asia Access or Pacific Internet, why doesn’t everyone use U89$0y)[email protected]? :o

As of writing you see I’ve used U89$0y)[email protected] about a dozen times to access the Internet and I’ve been able to get online first time, every time…exactly the same as before when using Asia Access and Pacific Internet. :D

In conclusion I guess I will eventually need to sign-up to a basic ADSL service as the 3 baht (per 2-hour) connection fee for a 50 kbps download speed is almost the same for using something which (presumably) allows me to surf the Internet up to 5x faster. I dial-up on average about half-a-dozen times a day you see.

I am using the JI-Net 'card' 'Shark Byte' which is 179 bht for 15 days unlimited and I believe about 325bht for 30 days.

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