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Over Use Of The 'boing' Noise!


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I find the use of strange noises on Thai TV very annoying. They seem to love the 'Boing' noise the most. It is used every few minutes on many game shows and even chat shows. Recently I have noticed it is even featured in the Internet sites that my wife uses, and today I heard it a dozen times on the radio. There are other frequently used noises but the 'Boing' seems to be the favorite. Boing, boing, freakin' boing all the time!! :o Is it me or has anyone else noticed this? :D

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I find the use of strange noises on Thai TV very annoying. They seem to love the 'Boing' noise the most. It is used every few minutes on many game shows and even chat shows. Recently I have noticed it is even featured in the Internet sites that my wife uses, and today I heard it a dozen times on the radio. There are other frequently used noises but the 'Boing' seems to be the favorite. Boing, boing, freakin' boing all the time!! :o Is it me or has anyone else noticed this? :D

The special effects budget seems to run at about 3 Satangs for a lot of local productions, hence over-use of the decidedly wanky boooiiiiiing sound. Many viewers might actually be a little alarmed if it was removed overnight. I would advise removing it gradually, and replacing it with the equally hysterical *rimshot* sound effect. Hilarity ensuing inevitably.

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It was one of the first things I noticed here, on the tv, and it drives me crazy too..so irritating I have trouble having those shows on around me, you would think the sophisticates in the television media would have done away with it , I think the 1950's was probably when it was last used in the west, but what can you do except accept that its different here?

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It brings the Loony Tunes image to my mind, real people cartoons. But they seem to find it hilarious bless em. Keep a large axe handy and plant it through the TV when it gets too much and make a kerunch noise as you do it :o

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It was one of the first things I noticed here, on the tv, and it drives me crazy too..so irritating I have trouble having those shows on around me, you would think the sophisticates in the television media would have done away with it , I think the 1950's was probably when it was last used in the west, but what can you do except accept that its different here?

Yes, I have trouble being in the same room when Thai TV is on. It is all, without acception, so bad. The sound effects are terrible.

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It was one of the first things I noticed here, on the tv, and it drives me crazy too..so irritating I have trouble having those shows on around me, you would think the sophisticates in the television media would have done away with it , I think the 1950's was probably when it was last used in the west, but what can you do except accept that its different here?

Yes, I have trouble being in the same room when Thai TV is on. It is all, without acception, so bad. The sound effects are terrible.

It's very slapsticky. They take elements of the western media but not the once high-concept ideas alas.

They seem to prefer the slapstick mentality bless em.

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I find the use of strange noises on Thai TV very annoying. They seem to love the 'Boing' noise the most. It is used every few minutes on many game shows and even chat shows. Recently I have noticed it is even featured in the Internet sites that my wife uses, and today I heard it a dozen times on the radio. There are other frequently used noises but the 'Boing' seems to be the favorite. Boing, boing, freakin' boing all the time!! :o Is it me or has anyone else noticed this? :D

Maybe it is time you moved back where you came from,because you piss and moan on every topic

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I find the use of strange noises on Thai TV very annoying. They seem to love the 'Boing' noise the most. It is used every few minutes on many game shows and even chat shows. Recently I have noticed it is even featured in the Internet sites that my wife uses, and today I heard it a dozen times on the radio. There are other frequently used noises but the 'Boing' seems to be the favorite. Boing, boing, freakin' boing all the time!! :o Is it me or has anyone else noticed this? :D

Maybe it is time you moved back where you came from,because you piss and moan on every topic

Get a sense of humour....

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It brings the Loony Tunes image to my mind, real people cartoons. But they seem to find it hilarious bless em. Keep a large axe handy and plant it through the TV when it gets too much and make a kerunch noise as you do it :D

Spot on! (as my Brit friends say).

Living in Thailand is like living in a cartoon.

The Thai TV sound effects simply reflect that axiom of Thai existence.

Someone pulls out in front of you without ever looking, and you nick the side of their motorcycle. BOING! They just smile and keep driving. And they'll do the same thing within the next 5 minutes.

All the teachers take a joy-trip to China using school funds, and then you ask for whiteboard markers, but are told "sorry, not enough money for supplies!" BOING You just get that silly smile and keep going, because no one will be held accountable.

Thai culture says you should never touch someone's head. But, BOING, young people in public constantly slap the back of an errant friend's head when he/she does something idiotic.

A bus turns over. The driver? BOING. He just pops out (if still alive) and high-tails it for the forest.

The turn-over of Prime Ministers? BOING! Here today, gone tomorrow.

A land of form without substance. A land where everyone spends their energies dodging the consequences of their own actions. Just like Bugs Bunny who runs off the edge of the cliff, hangs in mid-air for a confused second, plummets 300 meters to the canyon floor below, picks himself up and dusts himself off, and then keeps running from Elmer Fudd with his hunting rifle. Oh yes, we musn't forget--as he hops away, there's that BOING, BOING, BOING...

Yup, it's downright Loony Toones! :D

(And why do I live here? I do believe ignoring reality reduces stress. Works for me! :o )

Edited by toptuan
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It brings the Loony Tunes image to my mind, real people cartoons. But they seem to find it hilarious bless em. Keep a large axe handy and plant it through the TV when it gets too much and make a kerunch noise as you do it :D

Spot on! (as my Brit friends say).

Living in Thailand is like living in a cartoon.

The Thai TV sound effects simply reflect that axiom of Thai existence.

Someone pulls out in front of you without ever looking, and you nick the side of their motorcycle. BOING! They just smile and keep driving. And they'll do the same thing within the next 5 minutes.

All the teachers take a joy-trip to China using school funds, and then you ask for whiteboard markers, but are told "sorry, not enough money for supplies!" BOING You just get that silly smile and keep going, because no one will be held accountable.

Thai culture says you should never touch someone's head. But, BOING, young people in public constantly slap the back of an errant friend's head when he/she does something idiotic.

A bus turns over. The driver? BOING. He just pops out (if still alive) and high-tails it for the forest.

The turn-over of Prime Ministers? BOING! Here today, gone tomorrow.

A land of form without substance. A land where everyone spends their energies dodging the consequences of their own actions. Just like Bugs Bunny who runs off the edge of the cliff, hangs in mid-air for a confused second, plummets 300 meters to the canyon floor below, picks himself up and dusts himself off, and then keeps running from Elmer Fudd with his hunting rifle. Oh yes, we musn't forget--as he hops away, there's that BOING, BOING, BOING...

Yup, it's downright Loony Toones! :D

(And why do I live here? I do believe ignoring reality reduces stress. Works for me! :o )

Very good. The funniest post I have read for a while. And 'spot on'. :D

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Take away the boing noise by all means, but you'd never get away with removing that other staple of Thai variety / comedy shows - the ubiquitious short, chubby camp guy with a screaching voice, screaming and shrieking away amidst the equally ubiquitous handsome luk kreung guy and two pretty models. Where do they find them all? Is there a drama school in Bangkok specialising in churning out these annoying little twerps?

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Take away the boing noise by all means, but you'd never get away with removing that other staple of Thai variety / comedy shows - the ubiquitious short, chubby camp guy with a screaching voice, screaming and shrieking away amidst the equally ubiquitous handsome luk kreung guy and two pretty models. Where do they find them all? Is there a drama school in Bangkok specialising in churning out these annoying little twerps?

I think we would all agree----definitely NOT from a drama school.... :o

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Does anyone know if there are any of these adverts featuring the 'boing' noise on youtube? Not sure what I would search for.

The adverts are probably the most artistic programmes on Thai TV and don't generally feature the boing sound.

Just see if you can search for a Thai comedy, chat show or game show and you'll see what the OP is getting at.

I hav joined the 'have to leave the room when Thai game shows are on' club. I'm not sure whether the boings and other similar annoying noises have got worse recently or not but I am noticing hem more. Maybe becoming less tolerant.

Almost as annoying is the music played in the Thai soap operas, particularly when there is a supposed comic scene, usually featuring a ladyboy, a geek with thick rimmed glasses, a fat person or any other caricature of a character.

But the Thais love it and that's all there is to it.

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All the various sounds reminds me about childrens tv, from back home.

But they actually do help me sometimes.

When I sometimes sit and watch a Thai show with my wife, I have very little knowledge of what they say.

But because of the sound effects and slapstick humor, I find myself sometimes giggling, as I actually understand what's going on.

So, yes, as silly as the sound might be, they kind of help.

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Wait, I think maybe I found it
. Forward to 1 min 55 secs. Is that the noise???

I didn't hear the 'Boing' noise there, but all the others were used. The 'Boing' is the King of Thai TV sounds. They must have given it a break in that clip. I liked the way that to the unsuspecting the clip seemed quite serious and adult, until the last ten seconds when the flood gates opened and all the noises were let loose. :o

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How about the 'Fred Flintstone starting' his foot powered car noise? I watched a game show where poor sods had to push wheelbarrows through mud paths with heavy bales of straw in a studio......every loss of traction by the bare footed unfortunates was given the Fred skid foot sound....trouble is I ended up watching the whole bloody shambles :o:D

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Wait, I think maybe I found it
. Forward to 1 min 55 secs. Is that the noise???

I didn't hear the 'Boing' noise there, but all the others were used. The 'Boing' is the King of Thai TV sounds. They must have given it a break in that clip. I liked the way that to the unsuspecting the clip seemed quite serious and adult, until the last ten seconds when the flood gates opened and all the noises were let loose. :D

I just found this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFeeqTctGjM...feature=related. Too many noises, ridiculous! And that's only in the first minute! I must be really immature because I find it quite amusing :o

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if the boing noise was removed how would the Thais know when to laugh? they need the audible que that okays the situation to be a joke. if there was no boooiiing sound then they would all try not to laugh to keep the idiotic antics of the person from losing face.

on a side note... does anyone know where i can pick up a portable booiing device that i can use in public when i feel like being comical or to save face when I do something idiotic?

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I too can't stand the 'boing' noise.

In isolation it works as a gag in itself, but this grotesque overuse is another example of the sensory overload that is considered not just acceptable, but almost a requirement of any kind of 'show' in this country. I guess part of it is the 'more is good' mentality - if it's funny once , then it will be just as funny every other time you hear it. So this is 'boing as self-contained joke'.

The other theory is 'boing as trigger' - I think the 'boing' roughly translates as:

'We've just said or done something which we think is funny and now you're supposed to laugh'

If the 'boing' is in fact being used in this way it shows:

1) A lack of confidence in the writer's own material that every gag should be bolstered by a 'boing'.

2) Utter contempt for the audience who evidently need to be told when to laugh.

I think we're now at the stage where TV production companies are in fear of leaving out the 'boing' in case the shows come across less funny. They would certainly be less noisy, and if 'more is good', then 'less (of anything) must be bad'. The 'boing' definitley wasn't around 10-15 years ago.

I'd really like to know if Thai people ever get sick of it. I wish some Thai person could clarify all this.

If the majority of Thai people don't mind it, then I withdraw my accusations forthwith.

By the way, I fell on my ass earlier today. BOOIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!!! (boing as trigger)

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Take away the boing noise by all means, but you'd never get away with removing that other staple of Thai variety / comedy shows - the ubiquitious short, chubby camp guy with a screaching voice, screaming and shrieking away amidst the equally ubiquitous handsome luk kreung guy and two pretty models. Where do they find them all? Is there a drama school in Bangkok specialising in churning out these annoying little twerps?

The BOING! sounds are certainly an overused and annoying staple in many Thai comedy stage shows, along with the "Badda-Bump-Bump-Ching" of backup band's drummer. BOING! also seems to be used in comedy relief scenes in a good number of the soaps, as well as most of the so-called Funniest or Stupidest Video clips. I have to guess the producers and directors feel "They laughed at it once, so let's do it again". Reminds me of the construction boom when developers who wanted to hop on the band wagon long after the band was already gone.

Edited by AmeriThai
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if the boing noise was removed how would the Thais know when to laugh?

Easy, do it the American way.

A big neon sign that says "applause", or "laugh".

This way they know when to applaud and laugh.

Many roads to Rome.


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What I don't get is the use of the BOING! during a program that I really didn't think was a comedy.

Waiting at the doctors there was this show on that from what I could tell was about the police and crime. For some reason they turned criminal acts, unsafe motorcycle driving, getting killed by being run over, all into a comedy. I really didn't need to understand the language because of the slapstick acting and the BOING BOING BOING every minute. Very strange.

Thank goodness for UBC and bit torrent.

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Woudl you prefer KERPOW or KABOOM instead??? BOIIIINGGGG! :o

That'd be a change of pace. Maybe an occasional HONK-HONK or an AAOOGAH here and there.

Slightly off-topic, but those NBC chimes in the dept store can get annoying after a while as well.

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Okay, if we're going on to annoying tunes you hear in shops, then I'd like to submit the person responsible for that diabolical psuedo-operatic 'Cherry-Berry' song (available at all consumer-loathing branches of Tesco Lotus), as an ideal candidate for early retirement. Without pension. Or access to sunlight.

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