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Is It Crazy To Bring A Chainsaw In To Thailand?

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I brought a gas chainsaw from Europe by cargo among other tools for some working project and finally wont need it since my project got kind of aborted. If anyone interested in purchasing this tool please let me know. I am in BKK so cant travel much afar. Can contact me 0869709511

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Chainsaws (petrol or electric) are illegal to operate in Thailand without a specific license to fell certain trees (bai ahnooyat).

On the flip side of the coin, I wouldn't be suprised if the customs official raises an eyebrow about carying a chainsaw amongst personal items. Sicko! :o

If they are illegal why are they openly on sale ? Or is it that once you obtain one you have to apply for a licence ? I would think it that you get the licence first ?

Erm... this is Thailand. :D

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