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I made a mistake and filled out a on-line questionaire last week and ever since I have been getting 25 to 30 unwanted messages daily . I tried opening many of the messages and completing the un-subscribe form but they keep coming. I used the Hotmail filter so now they go directly to the junk mail folder but is their anyway to cut them off completley?


The only way I’ve found is to bin then as soon as they arrive. After a while the junk mail reduces. Nowadays I get maybe 1 a week if that.

Don’t attempt to open or unsubscribe as that tells the spammers your email is active. You’ll just get more and more if you do.


Always use aliases when giving out emails to web sites on the internet.

If you have a domain it is not too hard to configure unlimited aliases.

Like: [email protected]

Then if you start receiving spam you just delete the alias and you know who leaked your email :o

For those that aren't lucky enough to have their own domain you should at least have a public and a private mail. Many people that use gmail don't know that they in fact already have an alias.

[email protected] and [email protected]

Use one of them as a public and the other as private is a very easy solution.

If you are fortunate to have your domain hosted somewhere or even hosting it yourself, Dspam and Spamassassin are your friends.

EDIT: DONT EVER TRY TO UNSUBSCRIBE TO SPAM MAILS!!! It will just get you even more.


I use Hotmail for a junk address and Gmail for my normal address. I never get any spam from Gmail because I only use it for people I know.


Gary A has almost provided the answer....your real answer is to dump your current address if possible.....inform all you regular contacts that you are starting a new address and set it up say in hotmail.

Then after you have set up your new address do not use it on the internet unless it is for friends or reputable companies you know...

If you wish to 'explore' the net.... set up a yahoo address....then all the viagra enhancing product spam and the like go there...

It is easier than clearing out 30 unwanted messages from your E-mail every day.. :o

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