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Samui Penninsula Sales Reps

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If you are going to Samui watch out for the Samui Peninsula sales men that tell give you a scratch card to scratch cos they get money for each one.

Funnily enough, every time you scratch one you win a camera, holiday, laptop, cash etc etc etc.

All you have to do is go to a presentation.....and surprise surpise its a holiday club (apparently not timeshare!). They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

And when it comes to the prize its a holiday but where you end up paying for most of it.

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Good warning, Sharastani. Run like ###### if you see one!

And they genuinely are over from Tenerife too! We met up with a guy last Feb who was working on Samui in a bar. He told us that about 30 reps that he had known and worked with in Tenerife as time share reps had just arrived on the island.

As we had had the warning we managed to avoid them, but only just - we were approached several times by guys on mopeds, usaully with the greeting "Are you English?" (Is it that obvious? :o ). We learnt to say "nein" in order to get rid of them and found also that we were having to be quite curt sometimes.

What a shame. One of the things I love about LOS is that you don't get pushy people hassling you... or at least, you didn't and certainly not local ones.

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Phuket had an infestation of these pieces of excrement a while back.

Backpackers luring you back to a hotel for a high pressure sell from some cockney speaking conmen.

Still people fall for it as Ravisher says

They wouldnt want to hang around green mango when everyone is pissed

Tell them all where to go!

I had a mate threatned in pattaya by one because after 20 mins of crap he told them to piss off. (the rep backed off after being pinned to the wall for a while)


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sharastani, I too met one called Mick, a talkative British chap. These people are harmless, all you gotta do is say no!

Beerguy - Had fun saying no, Its the naive holidays makers/honey mooners that need to beware. They wouldn't expect this in Samui and would be easy to get stitched up.

They are harmeless cos they're trying to get you in. They're not always so polite when you don't fall for the sale speil.

You can have some fun scratching the cards for different sales reps and listening to their patter. They always make the girlfriend/wife win the star prize, then they look totally amazed you have won one of only 3/4 star prizes, switch off their moped, shake your hands, say congratulations and then tell all the other sales reps and they all go along with it.

Then they pass you to the timeshare/holiday club salesmen who really go for it to get around £4000 - £8000 off you.

We won three star pizes within 10 minutes off different reps and they weren't always that polite when we said no. Maybe, cos they knew we knew their game.

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They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

I was in Samui two weeks ago from Greece with my wife and another couple. My friend bought into one of these deals and it was around $14,000 or Euro, not $8,000.

£8000 is +- $14000

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They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

I was in Samui two weeks ago from Greece with my wife and another couple. My friend bought into one of these deals and it was around $14,000 or Euro, not $8,000.

£8000 is +- $14000

Cheers LivinLOS =- I thought I'd got my figures mixed up......

When they tell you you've won a major prize worth hundreds of pounds ask them if they want to buy the scratch card off you for a tenner.....funnily enough they'll decline!!

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There is a way to get rid of them and thats by shopping the f*ckers!!!

The cops got a load of Kudos for busting the Boiler Rooms. These tossers are no different if not worse than the Boiler Room boys. Dob em in and keep Thailand tidy.

I take a very dim view of these types. They get US$50 for each eligible couple they get through the door.

I know that at least one of them has made at least 1,000,000 baht within the last twelve months.

While I support anyone who wants to make a living, I think their may be less despicable ways to do so.

I would certainly like to see Koh Samui cleared of them.

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If you are going to Samui watch out for the Samui Peninsula sales men that tell give you a scratch card to scratch cos they get money for each one.

Funnily enough, every time you scratch one you win a camera, holiday, laptop, cash etc etc etc. 

All you have to do is go to a presentation.....and surprise surpise its a holiday club (apparently not timeshare!).  They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

And when it comes to the prize its a holiday but where you end up paying for most of it.

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If you are going to Samui watch out for the Samui Peninsula sales men that tell give you a scratch card to scratch cos they get money for each one.

Funnily enough, every time you scratch one you win a camera, holiday, laptop, cash etc etc etc. 

All you have to do is go to a presentation.....and surprise surpise its a holiday club (apparently not timeshare!).  They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

And when it comes to the prize its a holiday but where you end up paying for most of it.

I purchased one of these packages 3 years ago and although i was uncertain i have to admit that the holidays i have taken which included koh samui pen spar we have to say that the accommodation and service has been the best we have ever had when we stayed in the pen spar in march of this year we had a 2 bed complex and we only paid $275 for the week it cost me £6,700.00 when we bought it in spain and having used it on at least 6 occassions it has been well worth the moneyplaces we have stayed include thailand, usa, carrabean, ireland and spain/tenerife

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  • 2 years later...
Tell them all where to go!

I had a mate threatned in pattaya by one because after 20 mins of crap he told them to piss off. (the rep backed off after being pinned to the wall for a while)


:o love for your mate to try pin me down .....what do you know about timeshares you knob...............ba carefull what you say in future.......

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If you are going to Samui watch out for the Samui Peninsula sales men that tell give you a scratch card to scratch cos they get money for each one.

Funnily enough, every time you scratch one you win a camera, holiday, laptop, cash etc etc etc. 

All you have to do is go to a presentation.....and surprise surpise its a holiday club (apparently not timeshare!).  They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

And when it comes to the prize its a holiday but where you end up paying for most of it.

I was in Samui two weeks ago from Greece with my wife and another couple. My friend bought into one of these deals and it was around $14,000 or Euro, not $8,000. It 'sounded' a good deal, but I suspected it may be a 'scam'. It IS different from timeshare, in that you do not buy into 'one' place... got a choice of 7,500 four and five star hotels worldwide... one week for 27 years. I still did not fancy buying into it... not my style of doing things. I like pay as you go. And 27 years... who can guarantee living that long... :o

sorry mate you had a bad experience but most people buy into it because there happy to............you obviously like being screwe every year buy your travel agents carry on!

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If you are going to Samui watch out for the Samui Peninsula sales men that tell give you a scratch card to scratch cos they get money for each one.

Funnily enough, every time you scratch one you win a camera, holiday, laptop, cash etc etc etc. 

All you have to do is go to a presentation.....and surprise surpise its a holiday club (apparently not timeshare!).  They keep you for hours on end give you the hard sell and try and get £8000 off you.

And when it comes to the prize its a holiday but where you end up paying for most of it.

timeshares is the best thing we bought in thailand 5 years ago holidays are important and we saved so much money wots wrong in that people ok its not for everyone but people who buy it end up saying its the best thing so wake up and save money.......

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I'll doubt if this scum has a work permit.

Just let them walk along with you to the nearest police station.

That will scare them.

Hopefully they get deported and blacklisted soon. They ruin(sp) many peoples holiday.

ill ruin you if i saw you peasants !

infact the police get paid from timeshare companys so watch your mouth your just a visitor in thailand.....stay that way!

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I'll doubt if this scum has a work permit.

Just let them walk along with you to the nearest police station.

That will scare them.

Hopefully they get deported and blacklisted soon. They ruin(sp) many peoples holiday.

ill ruin you if i saw you peasants !

infact the police get paid from timeshare companys so watch your mouth your just a visitor in thailand.....stay that way!

Make sure you pay immigration as well.......

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No! Don't be upset about the "pinning to the wall bit". He actually said he'd LIKE to see someone pin him to a wall. So lets all meet him at a designated spot, and all of us pin him to a wall! Ha ha!

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