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High Season


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From what I see around, all high seasons (and next low seasons) everywhere (and I mean everywhere) will be lower than usual. That doesn't make me a chicken little, I'm not predicting economic apocalypse, but people will be tight for a bit, at least. Okay, there are "regulars", and there are people who have planned ahead and booked long ago, but I believe any rosy predictions are overly optimistic. Hope the current miasma clears up, but I don't see either clear skies or armageddon. Yeah, I know I'm going WAY out on a limb there :o , but that's all I got!

Edited by calibanjr.
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Im in australia at the moment and go thai in the low season , which might be the same as the high season this year if the economy has anything to do with it . what does everyone think ? cheers


This will not stop Thai Hotels/Restaurants from changing 'High Season' prices when thier premises are all but empty. Hopefully,smaller enterprises will gain from the '2week millionaires' with less in thier pockets (Money).


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I am currently in the US and from what I can see, it's going to be a low season most everywhere. I don't know the % of tourists from the US--I know it's probably not very big--but I suspect many will not be travelling very far.

It sounds like Europe is having it's share of problems as well, so I suspect a fair amount of cancellations from Europe. I don't know how things are in Sweden, which has quite a few tourists who go to Thailand.

What tourists they do get are likely to be a largely Asian, maybe Chinese, Koreans and some Japanese--although Japan's stock market is having trouble (although this seems to be more related to fear than to fact).

Other thoughts?

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I am currently in the US and from what I can see, it's going to be a low season most everywhere. I don't know the % of tourists from the US--I know it's probably not very big--but I suspect many will not be travelling very far.

It sounds like Europe is having it's share of problems as well, so I suspect a fair amount of cancellations from Europe. I don't know how things are in Sweden, which has quite a few tourists who go to Thailand.

What tourists they do get are likely to be a largely Asian, maybe Chinese, Koreans and some Japanese--although Japan's stock market is having trouble (although this seems to be more related to fear than to fact).

Other thoughts?

In a Swedish survey, published one or two days ago, people were asked "How will the financial crisis affect you?". 15% answered that they would cut down on travel!

In 2007 there were 374,000 Swedish arrivals, constituting 2.6% of total arrivals, so the country is a significant source of tourism revenue for Thailand.

/ Priceless

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As if the economic crisis were not bad enough, Thailand is suffering from political turmoil. Don't forget 23 nations still have travel advisories out for their citizens regarding Thailand. Those few who still have money, can go to Malaysia, Bali, Vietnam and not worry about airport closures or tear gas.

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I am in the U.S. at the moment and I certainly notice a difference in the number of people in the stores and restaurants. People are worried, afraid, and are not spending.

I am set to renew a lease on a luxury condo in Bkk when I return in November and I am not sure I will do it now.

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High season definitely will be down. But I bet most of the average hotels that have any sort of known name will not lower prices much, in Pattaya anyway. Places like Flipper, Eastiny, Lek, Intown Holiday etc. You know the Thai logic, "no business so must raise prices". siiigh. I hope I am there soon to find out. Torn between staying on the job and making more money or taking the rest of the year off. I am tired and not in a good mood here. Missing a lot of sleep dreaming about the LOS.

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with the current climate in the world the visitors will be down ,the problems in bkk wont have helped the tourists in there decision to come or not,theres some lean times ahead for anyone with a business in thailand ..

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From what I see around, all high seasons (and next low seasons) everywhere (and I mean everywhere) will be lower than usual. That doesn't make me a chicken little, I'm not predicting economic apocalypse, but people will be tight for a bit, at least. Okay, there are "regulars", and there are people who have planned ahead and booked long ago, but I believe any rosy predictions are overly optimistic. Hope the current miasma clears up, but I don't see either clear skies or armageddon. Yeah, I know I'm going WAY out on a limb there :D , but that's all I got!

So your not predicting economic apocalspe :o

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All the above I think right but suspect the downfall in numbers will be significantlt higher than some think. On the subject of regulars I also think will be down, many save all year for this and will now be worried about their jobs and their homes.

In addition as I write this the G7 is meeting along with the world bank and others. Nothing to date has helped the downward spiral and if we dont see something dramatic I strongly suspect that the next week will be apocolyptic for many and consumers (tourists) will really batten down the hatches.

Interesting that the airlines in spite of all this and a drop from 148 to 79 dollars in the price of oil are still not dropping prices, heads in sand and ostriches spring to mind.

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All the above I think right but suspect the downfall in numbers will be significantlt higher than some think. On the subject of regulars I also think will be down, many save all year for this and will now be worried about their jobs and their homes.

In addition as I write this the G7 is meeting along with the world bank and others. Nothing to date has helped the downward spiral and if we dont see something dramatic I strongly suspect that the next week will be apocolyptic for many and consumers (tourists) will really batten down the hatches.

Agreed. I feel for anyone with a tourism-related business or profession right now. The GDP of Thailand won't be hit too hard just yet with the decline in tourism, but the people employed in this sector might be. I hope not.

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Even though I think the tourism numbers will be down, it's important to remember that Thailand has a lot of different sectors to the industry. I would guess that Middle Eastern tourists will rise. I don't know about their spending habits, but the numbers will likely be higher and 'farang' tourists lower.

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Hmmm certainly the massive drop in the value of the aussie dollar,(30%), has made me reconsider my travel plans, and for the friends I have spoken to. I feel it is the the same for many other aussies as well.

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Tourism related businesses are screwed. I still have some but sold the majority over the last 12 months as I saw things getting worse. Your single outlet operators will be hardest hit as most live hand to mouth during hard times as it is. A poor high season will push them to the wall come 2nd quarter 2009.

Add in the Thai lunacy about opening times and all kinds of other daft "rules" and it could be the beginning of the end. Chuck in political turmoil and a tin pot government and political system and the writing is on the wall.

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Tourism related businesses are screwed. I still have some but sold the majority over the last 12 months as I saw things getting worse. Your single outlet operators will be hardest hit as most live hand to mouth during hard times as it is. A poor high season will push them to the wall come 2nd quarter 2009.

Add in the Thai lunacy about opening times and all kinds of other daft "rules" and it could be the beginning of the end. Chuck in political turmoil and a tin pot government and political system and the writing is on the wall.

A big chunk of what was considered Thai tourism by arrival numbers , were tourists to Cambodia whose tourism industry is claiming a 13% increase this year , due to the problems in Thailand , visitors have diverted air travel through Malaysia and Vietnam . There is also an increase in road arrivals through Vietnam , Thai immigration is reported as giving tourists to Cambodia through Poipet a hard time , asking for uneccessary documents etc . A man from America i assisted with accomodation in PP , diverted through Korea and got a lower fare as well .

Air travel from Vietnam direct to Seam Reap , has seen an increase of flights from a few to eight a day , Bangkok air has reduced its surcharge to $40.00 and upped services to keep local flights rolling along . Cambodia is considered a safe and enjoyable destination with many attractions of its own worth visiting on their own merits .

For reference of this and other features , go to www.cambodia.org/news/?

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This will not stop Thai Hotels/Restaurants from changing 'High Season' prices when thier premises are all but empty. Hopefully,smaller enterprises will gain from the '2week millionaires' with less in thier pockets (Money).


Im a 2 month millionaire and i'll be spending the exat same amount in pounds as last year unfortunately for the bars and restaurants it is 20% less in THB then last year.

Im also having to fly indirect as i wouldnt pay 880GBP for a direct flight, last year at the same time it was 620GBP for the same Eva flight.

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In 2007 there were 374,000 Swedish arrivals, constituting 2.6% of total arrivals, so the country is a significant source of tourism revenue for Thailand.

Peanuts. Russians come in numbers more than double.

Asian arrivals s is what really matters, they are half of all arrivals.

And what is "high season"? Rubbish, 18C water and days when short sleeves are uncomfortable.

It's people coming from -20C who think +19C is heaven and water temperature as in Oslo bay is what it takes for a good a good holiday.

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gk: You know the Thai logic, "no business so must raise prices". siiigh.

Why should I be feeling the pain and not them too!

The baht being up and the Au$ being down means I will be holidaying elsewhere this year! 35% less for my Aussie dollar....I don't think so!

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I was in Pattaya last week visiting friends. They felt it was quieter than usual but being residents they take it as a blessing. With the U.K. pound still falling ( 57 on Friday ) and airfares going up there are bound to be fewer Brits around over christmas.

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Cambodia thanks the powers that be for its indiscretions and its lack of consideration for both its own people/expats/tourists/governance and all those things that have increased its prosperity over the years , it is thriving on the non thinking fithy rich that seem to believe they only need to achieve things in their own interest .

So what is next in their itinerary , coup or civil war ?

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Cambodia thanks the powers that be for its indiscretions and its lack of consideration for both its own people/expats/tourists/governance and all those things that have increased its prosperity over the years , it is thriving on the non thinking fithy rich that seem to believe they only need to achieve things in their own interest .

So what is next in their itinerary , coup or civil war ?

I would say that the situation in the deep south already meets the definition of a civil war. The coup will probably be on Tuesday. :o

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