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World Financial Armageddon - By Accident?

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So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? Do you believe that all of the so called finacial experts and regualters didn't know the outcome of lending large sums of money to countless numbers of individuals with absoulutley no chance of maintaining re-payments? Obviously they did! So therefore what we are seeing unfolding is by design!

Or do you believe they were so dumb that they could have anticipated the outcome :o

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So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? Do you believe that all of the so called finacial experts and regualters didn't know the outcome of lending large sums of money to countless numbers of individuals with absoulutley no chance of maintaining re-payments? Obviously they did! So therefore what we are seeing unfolding is by design!

Or do you believe they were so dumb that they could have anticipated the outcome :o

Well there are a lot of people that didn't see this coming or were trying to time the market. It was all too obvious to me, as early as 2003, that the real estate bubble would burst. Everyone was jumping into real estate. Some were speculators and others wanted to share in the wealth and seemed to have ignored or not understood the risk.

IMO, blaming regulators and financial advisors is a little shallow.

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The whole thing was done by design. A world government is coming into view on the horizon and this financial crisis will help bring it into being.

Give everyone easy credit, get them up to their eyeballs in debt, then watch the whole pack of cards tumble. Just like Gordon Brown (among others) said just recently, they want a New World Order.

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So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? Do you believe that all of the so called finacial experts and regualters didn't know the outcome of lending large sums of money to countless numbers of individuals with absoulutley no chance of maintaining re-payments? Obviously they did! So therefore what we are seeing unfolding is by design!

Or do you believe they were so dumb that they could have anticipated the outcome :o

Well there are a lot of people that didn't see this coming or were trying to time the market. It was all too obvious to me, as early as 2003, that the real estate bubble would burst. Everyone was jumping into real estate. Some were speculators and others wanted to share in the wealth and seemed to have ignored or not understood the risk.

IMO, blaming regulators and financial advisors is a little shallow.

You miss the point. As noted by teatree this is by design to usher in a new form of world government!

Financial advisors??? Don't make me laugh - it seems that every dumb ass with a few quid over the past few years thinks they had a financial advisor. This thing is much bigger then any half baked finacial advisors :D

Ofcourse jingthing thinks this is some kind of accident and a rather interesting jape! These people were so dumb that they couldnt forcast the outcome of givng countless loans which they new would default. So no conspiacy their then - said the blind dumb Americano!

Edited by whatsoever
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Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork during times of crisis. In any case, we are indeed living in interesting times.

Well if one looks at the skyrocketing oil price, the boom these countries now experiencing, the chinese currency situation and the leverage such "crisis" can have, we will soon see.

And certainly can such a "crisis" be engineered!

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Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork during times of crisis. In any case, we are indeed living in interesting times.

Well if one looks at the skyrocketing oil price, the boom these countries now experiencing, the chinese currency situation and the leverage such "crisis" can have, we will soon see.

And certainly can such a "crisis" be engineered!

Let me guess, it was those pesky Zionist bankers again, eh?

There have been financial conspiracies before, such as the silver price manipulation in the 80s, but this is all on too big a scale to seriously believe this was coordinated.

Edited by Jingthing
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Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork during times of crisis. In any case, we are indeed living in interesting times.

Well if one looks at the skyrocketing oil price, the boom these countries now experiencing, the chinese currency situation and the leverage such "crisis" can have, we will soon see.

And certainly can such a "crisis" be engineered!

Let me guess, it was those pesky Zionist bankers again, eh?

There have been financial conspiracies before, such as the silver price manipulation in the 80s, but this is all on too big a scale to seriously believe this was coordinated.

So by your reasoning by recklessly flooding the market with loans to countless numbers of peope who could't possibly maintain repayments was just a silly mistake - not at all coordinated :o

Was it not Mr Hitler who said that the public readily accept big untruths rather than small lies.

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So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? Do you believe that all of the so called finacial experts and regualters didn't know the outcome of lending large sums of money to countless numbers of individuals with absoulutley no chance of maintaining re-payments? Obviously they did! So therefore what we are seeing unfolding is by design!

Or do you believe they were so dumb that they could have anticipated the outcome :o

You mean like the Fed loaning money every day to the US government that will never be paid back?

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So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? Do you believe that all of the so called finacial experts and regualters didn't know the outcome of lending large sums of money to countless numbers of individuals with absoulutley no chance of maintaining re-payments? Obviously they did! So therefore what we are seeing unfolding is by design!

Or do you believe they were so dumb that they could have anticipated the outcome :o

You mean like the Fed loaning money every day to the US government that will never be paid back?

I think you mean like the FED making money from fresh air and loaning it to the American government - with interest thus indebting the American people and furhter diluting the money supply thus devaluing the money in circulation.

Quite simple realy - wish i had of thought of it :D

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Was it not Mr Hitler who said that the public readily accept big untruths rather than small lies.

Isn't Mr.Schickelhuber controlling everything from some cave deep, deep inside the Himalayas or was itfrom far, far below antartica?

Certainly nobody up in high places did something "silly"!

Ah and I always wondered how they try so hard to make one believe that one can "save" 21 C if one has to spend 7.79 $ ?!

Wonderful stuff, one can give them all his/her money, they make it disappear and after wards you are responsible because you gave it to them!

I love it!

Edited by Samuian
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It was a coordinated effort by a lot of greedy, don't give a fuc_k, lousy people. I don't know about a new world order, but it seems as if OPEC is going to be made out to be the bad guys. That is in all the non-OPEC countries. They already consider us as infidels, not worthy of breathing. I don't understand how some of the bankers aren't being arrested. Wait, I do understand. They're the ones with a mouthful of cookies shaking their heads "no" when asked if they took all the cookies. It's the greedy little jerks like us (luckily I never had enough money to "invest" in the market) who are hypnotized into believing it's not just a bunch of criminals who ran out the string on this one. It's happened before.

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Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork during times of crisis. In any case, we are indeed living in interesting times.

Well if one looks at the skyrocketing oil price, the boom these countries now experiencing, the chinese currency situation and the leverage such "crisis" can have, we will soon see.

And certainly can such a "crisis" be engineered!

Let me guess, it was those pesky Zionist bankers again, eh?

There have been financial conspiracies before, such as the silver price manipulation in the 80s, but this is all on too big a scale to seriously believe this was coordinated.

It is well known that after the Second War ******* ******* took a oath to get even with Europe they are reason Europe is overrun with Moslem's today. This group controls the world. Warning one should not write or say anything about them.

Edited by philstone
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Conspiracy theorists always come out of the woodwork during times of crisis. In any case, we are indeed living in interesting times.

Well if one looks at the skyrocketing oil price, the boom these countries now experiencing, the chinese currency situation and the leverage such "crisis" can have, we will soon see.

And certainly can such a "crisis" be engineered!

Let me guess, it was those pesky Zionist bankers again, eh?

There have been financial conspiracies before, such as the silver price manipulation in the 80s, but this is all on too big a scale to seriously believe this was coordinated.

It is well known that after the Second War ******* ******* took a oath to get even with Europe they are reason Europe is overrun with Moslem's today. This group controls the world. Warning one should not write or say anything about them.

Another one of you guys comes out of the closet. Congratulations!

This is one of those bad side effects when there is an economic meltdown. Its a sickness.

Edited by Jingthing
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Lots of finger pointing.

When things were going swimmingly good, with home prices in Dorset and Adelaide and Santa Monica skyrocketing to the moon, nobody was naming any "******** *********" as being responsible.

Now that unmitigated greed (which has been worldwide) has made the flit hit the shan, we are talking about ????????, like some old tired 1940's 78 rpm record.

So last century.

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The whole thing was done by design. A world government is coming into view on the horizon and this financial crisis will help bring it into being.

Give everyone easy credit, get them up to their eyeballs in debt, then watch the whole pack of cards tumble. Just like Gordon Brown (among others) said just recently, they want a New World Order.

Thats right its the NEW WORLD ORDER :o Or perhaps its the Jewish banking conspiracy-the Rothchild family :D Oh wait a second now maybe its the Bilterburger group :D or the ever fearful Illumanati :D Nope, I know what it is its the Knights Templar resurected, and the second coming is at hand, Barrack Hussien Obama will rule the world :D

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I'm going to share a piece of an email I received today from a member of a markets group I belong to. He was formerly a very high ranking banking regulator and shuttered many a Savings and Loan in the past:

Up front, I don’t like the government owning large portions of banks. Fed auditors are bad enough, but Fed owners walking in the door (they’re typically very smart people but in terms of experience they’re not the sharpest knives) would be roughly the equivalent of white collar terrorism.

That said, banks can’t loan money under present circumstances. They have plenty of cash or access to cash as a courtesy of Helicopter Ben. Cash is not the problem though we always talk about liquidity. The problem is regulatory capital. Banks cannot own loans greater than a stipulated multiple of capital; against regulatory law. Before FNMA/FRE stock became, effectively, worthless, banks were highly levered to produce earnings. When FNMA/FRE tanked, overnight 11% (on average) of the capital of the commercial banking system disappeared. We’re not talking mark to market; that capital evaporated. The vast majority of banks became ‘in violation’ of regulatory capital requirements. When in technical and unforeseeable violation of these loan/capital regs, banking management can be personally excused. However, if banking management began lending knowing they were already in violation of loans to capital regs, well, I’d be plenty worried that the Feds might come after me with more than a ‘bad boy’ admonition.

So, pumping liquidity cures only a third of the problem. Another third is getting capital into banks. A final third would be getting cash to people to afford their homes. I don’t know how they’re gonna pull the last one off.


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I'm going to share a piece of an email I received today from a member of a markets group I belong to. He was formerly a very high ranking banking regulator and shuttered many a Savings and Loan in the past:
Up front, I don't like the government owning large portions of banks. Fed auditors are bad enough, but Fed owners walking in the door (they're typically very smart people but in terms of experience they're not the sharpest knives) would be roughly the equivalent of white collar terrorism.

That said, banks can't loan money under present circumstances. They have plenty of cash or access to cash as a courtesy of Helicopter Ben. Cash is not the problem though we always talk about liquidity. The problem is regulatory capital. Banks cannot own loans greater than a stipulated multiple of capital; against regulatory law. Before FNMA/FRE stock became, effectively, worthless, banks were highly levered to produce earnings. When FNMA/FRE tanked, overnight 11% (on average) of the capital of the commercial banking system disappeared. We're not talking mark to market; that capital evaporated. The vast majority of banks became 'in violation' of regulatory capital requirements. When in technical and unforeseeable violation of these loan/capital regs, banking management can be personally excused. However, if banking management began lending knowing they were already in violation of loans to capital regs, well, I'd be plenty worried that the Feds might come after me with more than a 'bad boy' admonition.

So, pumping liquidity cures only a third of the problem. Another third is getting capital into banks. A final third would be getting cash to people to afford their homes. I don't know how they're gonna pull the last one off.


What scares my simple mind after reading that is............... I also dont know how they can pull it off.... But the one thing I see there is another excuse to remove/reduce yet another regulation/safety feature. "regulatory capital requirements"

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So no conspiacy their then - said the blind dumb Americano!

Considering liquidity is arguably the cause of this melt down, take a look at EU countries short term bank liabilities compared to national GDP.

If you do some research, the dumb Americano sure looks like a genius compared to Europeans.

Banks short-term liabilities / GDP

Belgium 285%

Iceland 211%

Britain 156%

Italy 86%

France 60%

Germany 60%

Spain 36%

US 15%

How about taking a look at leverage ratio for country banks. The US is in good shape at a leverage ratio of 12. Compare that to Germany that is estimated at well over 30.

This crisis isn't an American issue. It's global and those with deeper pockets, like the US, will be on top when it is all over.

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I highly doubt it is a conspiracy, since that would mean someone would be in charge and since most countries can't agree on the smallest thing, I doubt they could agree on anything very big, like a new world order.

I think it's the natural tendency of people to gamble and be competitive. Our early ancestors probably took great pride in seeing who could get the closest to a saber tooth tiger and still escape alive. Many hours of campfire entertainment and the start of legends. In modern times, it doesn't make much difference if we are sitting at the casino or what we are doing, we want to see who dares go the furthest.

Of course, when it's other people's money, it's easier.

You have people all over the world investing and buying in places where they don't really know what's going on--except for the 'sanitized' reports given by gov'ts and companies. You also have a whole lot of people wanting their share of the pie, and a whole lot of people who are working to lift everyone out of poverty. That results in greater consumption--poor people like cars too. That means stress on existing resources, like oil. Then there's gasohol, oops that means higher food prices and on it goes.

And of course there is greed, which is another default position of humanity.

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Conspire = to act in harmony toward a common end

So in that regard anything is possible.

Does any American here believe their government tells them everything?

Anyone who lived awhile knows the answer.

Same can be asked of the Euro's & the answer Im sure would be the same.

None has really said that if a conspiracy exists.. Then it exists for a bad thing. Who knows..... I am sure I do not.

All I do know with certainty is the world is in a spot right now. Different than any that has come before.

Lots of thrashing & none can agree if it will in fact help or not.

Why do you suppose that is?

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So you are telling us that a few American home buyers with poor credit histories did not turn the world on its head in a few short years. Interesting.

I think it was Herman Goering who said something like: If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it enough times, the people will believe it.

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"So are we supposed to think that the current ongoing financial dissaster was not by design? "

Your post, and the lack of knowledge it entails, reminds me of an H.L. Mencken comment, "No one ever lost money betting on the ignorance of the American public".

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Conspire = to act in harmony toward a common end

So in that regard anything is possible


Does any American here believe their government tells them everything?

Anyone who lived awhile knows the answer.

Same can be asked of the Euro's & the answer Im sure would be the same.

None has really said that if a conspiracy exists.. Then it exists for a bad thing. Who knows..... I am sure I do not.

All I do know with certainty is the world is in a spot right now. Different than any that has come before.

Lots of thrashing & none can agree if it will in fact help or not.

Why do you suppose that is?

do any citizens of any other country believe that their governments tell them everything???

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Does any American here believe their government tells them everything?

Same can be asked of the Euro's & the answer Im sure would be the same.

do any citizens of any other country believe that their governments tell them everything???

Exactly So why should we expect that now :o

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