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After Effects Of A Vasectomy...what Are They?

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I had one done 20 years ago and it is a story and a half.

I had just started a new relationship and wanted the security of knowing that I would not be adding to my existing brood of three. Booked in at the best private doctor but a waiting list of three weeks saw me at the local public hospital two days later to get the nuteing done. Bad mistake. Never get something like that done in a public hospital as they probably give it to the juniors as practice.

Started out OK. The doc jabbed a local in one side and while we were waiting a few minutes for that to take effect with me lying with the jewels fully exposed, the receptionist wandered in to ask the doc if he was going to be taking any holidays :o

Anyhow she wanders off, the doc slices open one side and does the cut and sew. Finishes that side and flips them over to the other side and whacks open the new side with a truely masterful single stroke action.... f***ing hel_l .... the local had not worked on that side. I think it was karma pay back for the years I spent at school holiday time taking them off lambs with a searing hot gas iron.

Anyhow that was the Friday and early Saturday morning was booked with a few of the boys to get a big boar before others found out about it. My jewel pack had swollen up to about three times its normal size and I had them packed with babies nappies to protect them. Up the hill (slowly) and the dogs bailed the pig. Was heading up to where they were and the pig broke and came down the hill and straight at me. This was a big pig and there was only one option and that was jump out of thew way which I did...slid down and a bank and it was one of those slow motion things that you see coming and can't do anything about...and the tree stump came right up between my legs and I (or rather the jewels) stopped dead....if you want to know real agony hel_l that was it.

In spite of all that I would not hesitate to get it done again except definitely get it done in a private clinic by the best.

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What I really value about this forum is the feedback from people that have had first hand experience such as Roadman above. Now if that story won't have guys lining up for their vasectomies, I don't know what would!!

It does seem as if his avatar have just had the same exprience...

My wife and I have had 3 great kids and now its time to ensure we can still enjoy our *conjugal activities without the fear of another little bundle of fun popping into the world.

I don't think its safe long-term to expect my wife to go on the pill and operation type procedures for her such as 'tubal ligation' I am not too keen on as she has done her bit bearing our kids.

I therefore feel I should do the honourable thing and have a vasectomy!

I have checked a few internet sites regarding this matter and in 30% cases some degree of long-term discomfort can be expected... they say!

Guys I know either will not admit having had it done or tell me that it's a 'piece of cake' and nothing changes?

I was wondering if any of you guys (brave enough to share with the world) your experiences if you have yourselves undertaken this procedure?

My wife would also like to hear from any woman who's husbands have had a vasectomy, as she fears the procedure will render me incapable of satisfying her voracious appetite any longer?



I had this done back in 1963, we had also had all of the children we wanted, the best thing I ever did, It took the fear of having another away and made the wild thing even wilder, sore for the first week, doing 10days, Heallth and Happiness


Hey, I had it done only 3 months ago, here in Australia by a fellow who has done thousands of them. No problems or complications thus far (and all my preliminary research indicated there wouldn't be any). The only thing I would like to add to what has already been posted is to make sure you plan for the event. The doctor told me there would be some initial discomfort, but I felt so good after the valium he'd given me, that I walked around shopping with my wife for the next half hour. After this, the discomfort set in and I was a long way from home and a comfortable chair. Again, because I still had my 'head in the clouds' back home, I forgot all the tips on how to apply ice for swelling and i stuck a bag of frozen peas straight on my genitals for an hour or so (not a good idea). Anyhow, the discomfort gradually wore off over the next few days - and then the itching from the shave job set in!


Had no real discomfort at all, just the usual reaction of the body when something has been done to it.

Compare it to cutting your finger deep, that causes some discomfort too, but you know where it is coming from.... ( yes I know stupid comparison )

No swelling or ...whatever.

Didn't make any difference in the performance department either, just a good and liberating feeling that I was not able to reproduce..


I had mine done 23 years ago. About once a year for the first 10 years after my left testicle ached for a day or 2. I've had 3 other guys tell me they had the same thing, always the left side.

The procedure took 45 minutes in the doc's office with a local. I still remember it cost me $225, no insurance for it, this was the best money I've ever spent. The hardest part of the whole thing is dropping off the semen sample at the lab a few weeks after the procedure for a sperm count to make sure you're sterile. Almost everyone is very embarrassed to to this, but you just have to remember that the lab people see this every day and it's no big thing.

Sex is enhanced, as I know there is no unforeseen consequences from "Honey, I forgot to take my pill."

My current Thai wife likes it, as she doesn't have to do anything for birth control. One thing I learned from my wife it that almost no Thai men will get a vasectomy. She had actually never heard of the procedure before she met me, but she did know women could get a tubal.

Another option for long term protection is an IUD. The women I know who have one swear by them. Especially the ones out now with hormones that stop menstruation for (I think) 5 years. In the west these are not as common as pharmaceutical companies and doctors would rather sell you a prescription where they make continuous profits.


Had mine done in Bahrain 5 years ago by a Urologist, one of the best, western trained etc. Left side went well, the only pain was the initial anesthetic. Mainly you feel the "tugging" sensation which won't go away with local. Then the right side we had some troubles. Took over 30 minutes but all was done.

Post op, slight soreness but I did it the 4th of July holiday so was good to go for work.

About a week after the procedure I developed a seconday infection...on the right side. The suture didn't bury as well as the left. Another trip back to get numbed and cleaned up. Rocephin in the butt and all was well.

Fast forward to about 9 months ago. I had a funny feeling as the thickness of the ejaculate seemed more than normal. I let it go for awhile as nothing, then went in for a test on my ship. The lab tech says, "They're swimming everywhere!" Crap.

So apparently the urologist didn't get it done right, or recannelization occurred. Unbelieveable I didn't have some youngsters running around as I thought I was free.

So I want to verify this with a certified lab and go down to the hospital in Singapore and see the urologist. He's heading out of office on a emergency but writes a note for me to go to the lab. I go in, young asian girl at the desk. She reads the note and asks, "Did you bring the sample?" No. She flushes a bit, calls for the older, gruff matron who calls upstairs. Then she says, "Go to toilet, take your time, come back with sample!" Oh great, no quiet room with study aids. I walk out and the large toilet is being cleaned. Up stairs to find a small one, two stall and try to get this done. People in and out and even some old guy banging on the door. Christ what a deal. Luckily I have a vivid imagination and finish but it isn't close to a Peter North moment.

I go to the lab, "Here, if you need more, you'll have to help me!" the young girl smiles and the matron gives me a dirty look.

Two days later the urologist says, "You have many sperm, what you want me to do?" I'll think it over.

So, what a mess. What I do suggest seriously is to bank a sample in case you change your mind. never know the future.



Just to elaborate on my post about the snip then the prostrate opp,

After the snip, ejaculation was sometimes very painfull, down on my knees with a stinging pain in penis, my doc put this down to an enlarged prostrate gland, and eventually had the op to bore out the gland, he did warn me that a lot of ejaculation would travel back into my bladder, and it is true, even to this day, after a pee, i see a lot of floating sperm/whatever on the water in the toilet.

As i understand, the prostrate gland provides the clear liquid so the sperm can travel easily up the penis, without this, ejaculation is painfull,

If you have these pains and stinging sensations, foreplay is a good way to get the prostrate gland working naturally.

Rgds Lickey.


My friend had the V.

3 years later, out popped another child.

Sometimes they don't always work.


Doesn't mean that the V failed - just ask his wife's BF!




For a helpful hint taken from my engine mechanic projects - have them take a video of the procedure so that if you want to reverse things, they'll know what they did.



  • 2 weeks later...

How did I feel? Had some minor discomfort but mainly relieved. That was going on 30 years ago. Kinda raised some questions when it appeared the wife (now former) had gone back on the pill.... Also made it sooooo easy to make sure there were no 'accidents' with the second wife. [The idea of raising a child/children through age 60>64+ was a bit unnerving.] Two weeks I was shooting blanks and have had no noticable problems with anything since. Have had clear prostate exams & lab work the last consecutive 14 years. Just for grins & giggles I do a semen exam each year (I have some equipment left over from my cloning days) and am still totally 'clear'. Peace of mind!! I have grandchildren now who would have been within 7 years of their aunt/uncle so I have not doubts nor regrets. [Love spoiling those grandkids!!!!]


I had a vasectomy 23 years ago and the only after-effects I experienced thus far were some pain and discomfort for about 3 days after the operation. The pain was not unbearable except when my daughter jumped on me and landed on the area of the surgery. I just kept ice on it and drank lots of beer. The only problem with that was that all the beer caused me to have frequent trips to bathroom, which was the most painful time. Just don't do what an idiot friend of mine did and ride a motorbike home from the operation.

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