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Only Thaksin Could Unlock Country's Problems : Anand


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Unbelievable statement considering the source. Thaksin's presence in this country at the moment would cause massive problems.

I'm not sure he wanted him back, more a case of wishing Thaksin would stop funding/meddling in the country's politics.

Sure not!

But what he clearly meant was "STOP, NOW"!

Enough is enough, but he is a very respected and polite man, so he chose, Thai-Style more pleasing words!

I believe that there is every reason to be afraid that this will keep going on for some time, it's far from over yet!

Has anyone here picked up what he originally said in Thai, cold be quite different, then this translation!

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I heard from many people that from beginning of Sept. there was a 3 month timeline and we are now well into the second month.

Anand himself once made a presentation at SOAS about present day military coups appearing in the guise of anti corruption rather than anti disorder/communism as in the past. So in the light of that all this seems rather confusing.

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Only Thaksin could unlock country's problems : Anand

-- The Nation 2008-10-14

Unbelievable statement considering the source. Thaksin's presence in this country at the moment would cause massive problems.

Thaksin is the problem and rather than "unlocking" he should be locked up as the criminal he surely is. :o

As I read it can be staken the other way too.

If Thaksin were to truly give it up and retire without the BIG pile but more than comfortably,

then the country likely COULD settle down. As long as Thaksin stirs the pot we have trouble.

Quiet true....but settle down to what exactly ??? The current govournment or new politics or something else ?

Just minding his portfolio with an executive office the The City London,

and a summer place in the Bahamas. Buy some companies sell some companies.

He could make plenty of dough, keep busy, and and have a wonderful life

by most anyones standards...

Except his ego will yearn for the old days of power,

he has the bug, been bitten so bad HE CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT.

He really thinks he can BUY his way back to power here...

That is the MAIN reason they won't let him...

He has proved too unstable to be allowed the reigns any longer,

even at the cost of democracy for a period of time.

I love democracy, but that is NOT THE FEKIN' POINT.

The man is a menance for Thailand and must be stopped from regaining control.

Whine all you like about PAD's aims, and theories on government...or methods.

Thaksin's madness for power is the REAL 900 lb gorilla sitting in the corner,

and he wants some bananas NOW!

Yes animatic, you must have seen my avatar and torched your broadside before reading what I had said . I actually AGREED with you. Isn't that nice ? You then replied with some interesting anti Taksin polemic.

What I asked was that supposing Taksin retired, donated all his money to charity ( Battersea Dogs Home or the EBF ( Enrich Bangyai Fund ) and went to live an ascetic life with his wife under a footbridge in Klong Toey .....what kind of govournment could Thailand settle down to ?

1 ) A democratically elected one with all former members of TRT or PPP banned for life.

2) Some kind of ' New Politics ' thingy

3) A return to absolute Monarchy

4) Total Anarchy

5) None of the above

In any case its a totally void question as the chances of Taksin returning to clear up the mess are somewhere a long way below a big fat ZERO.

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Former PM Anand Doubts Independence of Somchai Administration

UPDATE : 15 October 2008

Former PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s personal spokesperson denies that Thaksin is the key to breaking the current political deadlock.

He declines to comment about the speculation by the foreign media that Thaksin will surrender his diplomatic passport.

Former PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s personal spokesman Pongthep Thepkanchana denies that Thaksin is the key to solving the current political impasse as claimed by another former premier Anand Panyarachun.

Pongthep, who’s also a legal expert, told reporters that there’s no need to report to Thaksin about the current political troubles in Thailand. He added that the ‘key’ to breaking the current deadlock does not lie with Thaksin but with the people who can command the People’s Alliance for Democracy to leave Government House. But the former premier’s spokesman stopped short of revealing the identity of the person or persons responsible.

When asked about Thaksin’s plan to surrender his diplomatic passport, Pongthep claimed he has no knowledge of the plan. Political observers initially thought Thaksin had wanted to relieve some of the intense political pressure on his brother-in-law PM Somchai Wongsawat by returning his controversial diplomatic passport. But now, upon closer inspection, many pundits are now convinced the forfeit of the special passport was designed to further Thaksin’s political asylum case with the British government.

Former premier Anand yesterday said to reporters that he believes the key to breaking the current political deadlock lies with Thaksin. However the former premier denied he believe Thaksin is directly behind the impasse. When asked whether Anand believes the current administration is capable of getting through the political stalemate, Anand responded by saying he’s unsure if the current administration is independent enough to accomplish the task.

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An amazing and also brave statement at the same time. It shows how intelligent and wise this man is combined with his sincere dedication to his country.



It seems that some posters do not possess the same intelligence and wisdom as former Prime Minister Anand Panyarachun; but not many have a similar background, roots and track record either.


Could not agree with you more.

What we have now are a couple of Rottweilers, ones an old Rottweiller, he's been the pack leader for 30 years, he's comming to the end of his time, but he's not giving up power to any dog, only dogs that yield to his commands are allowed close by, the other much younger and powerful Rottweiler is in the neighbours garden, teeth are bared, snarling growls continue time and time again. They once lived in the same yard, but never a real truce has existed, the youngers takeover has always threatened, this happened for a short time and the older Rottweiler lost some of his colonels. The older Rottweiler has no plan for the day he's gone! The old Rottweiler has a chinese Pug with a yellow collar running around yapping his head off with reckless-abandon. Many other dogs join the yapping and minor fights breaks out from time-to-time, it's hard to keep them in order and it's hard to keep them quiet enough to understand there yapping. The younger powerful Rottweiler is not just waiting out his time. He keeps comming to the fence and growling like he's going to leap over anytime. The old Rottweiler is not fooled, he knows his pack of dobermen in black coats have lined up to protect his rear! The younger powerful Rottweiler is not without friends, he has many times more, but their up-the-road over a hilly knoll, only distant howling can be heard from this group. ...... so, which one is it going to be! Retreat of the old dog, the younger dog moving on! None! Only one character in this imaginery pack of dogs has the ability to bring the dogs together to achieve real peace.


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Some are now speculating this is coming to an end and there is going to be a winner and a loser. Not sure myself.

With a declining economy and no help on the horizon due to internal problems, I would think those that have the most to lose would be pushing for an end to this very soon. A house dissolution does not solve the problem and certainly the coup did not solve the problem. What will is a fundamental change in the political system so that free and fair elections are based on a different political model.

As it relates to democracies, there is no global authority that says that each country must base its form of government the same way as all the others. Clearly, the form Thailand is current using isn't working.

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An amazing and also brave statement at the same time. It shows how intelligent and wise this man is combined with his sincere dedication to his country.

my dear i hope that it was because you were intoxicated or out of it on some mind altering chemical substance when you came up with the above post

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Funny thing about languages...... :o all in how to interpert a comment... :D

I personally would love to see Thaskin return....then stand in front of the various courts that have arrest warrents for him, thence to jail where he certainly belongs. :D

And let us not forget who I call the "Puppet Master"....that little rolly-polly wife of his....Pojiman. :D There is certainly a person that already has a reservation down at the jail house...

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Please someone pinch me and tell me it's just a dream.

If I understand it properly, some members of Thaivisa read Anand's words as a snub to PAD and a suggestion for Thaksin to come back and lead the country out of the chaos. Have you lost your mind????

JJJ, Lao Po, Thai at heart - do you REALLY see it that way?!?!?

At that funeral ceremony Anand was sitting right next to Sondhi, surrounded by PAD and some leading Democrat members, and you think he was asking Thaksin to come and take charge?!?

Obviously that's not correct.He's appeasing the PAD like many who should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, in particular the rather sad spectacle of the Democrats.I suppose that at least the Dems have the excuse that not doing so would be electorally disastrous in Bangkok.I would have hoped Anand as an elder statesman could have taken a more independent position, but political courage is a rare commodity and almost unknown in Thailand.Anand is by any standards a great man and perhaps one should give him the benefit of the doubt.It's early days in this on going drama anyway.

But I still don't fully understand what Anand is suggesting that Thaksin do.I assume however is that he means stop giving directions from London.This rather misses the point because although dealing with the short term problem (as would Thaksin stepping in front of an oncoming tube) the big unaddressed issues would sooner or later return and have to be dealt with.

I think you will find it wasn't just Anand and the Democrats at that funeral extolling the virtues and politics of that unfortunate lady. Personally I found the whole thing quite revealing.

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Please someone pinch me and tell me it's just a dream.

If I understand it properly, some members of Thaivisa read Anand's words as a snub to PAD and a suggestion for Thaksin to come back and lead the country out of the chaos. Have you lost your mind????

JJJ, Lao Po, Thai at heart - do you REALLY see it that way?!?!?

At that funeral ceremony Anand was sitting right next to Sondhi, surrounded by PAD and some leading Democrat members, and you think he was asking Thaksin to come and take charge?!?

No, you don't. It's a pity some read my words in a way they wish to read them....

But, I withdraw from this discussion as I have no feeling with members (not addressed to you Plus !) who are not capable of discussing with words of wisdom and intelligence but rather prefer using vitriol to make their points, attacking other members at the same time.

A Gentleman like former PM Anand Panyarachun would never use such words; he's too wise and intelligent next to his class, style and dignity.


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To my simple mind I thought it was just a coded message to say, "Lets see if we can work out a way to give him his money back and get him to agree to go away and stop stirring the pot."

Ok, already admitted it, I'm simple. :o

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PM Refuses to Comment on Thaksin Being Source of Political Conflict

UPDATE : 15 October 2008

The prime minister had no response to the suggestion by a former premier that ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra can unlock the country's political impasse.

Regarding a comment by former Prime Minister Anand Panyarachun that the fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatra is the only person who can bring the ongoing political deadlock to an end, Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said he tries to avoid such political issues and focuses on solving the country's problems instead.

Despite there being several recommendations, he said he will not give his opinion about suggestions from non-government officials.

As for the investigation into the violent clash between police and supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy on October 7th, Somchai said he believes the two independent committees will release the results soon, even though there is no time frame scheduled for the work.

This morning, People Power Party MP, Chavarin Latthasaksiri visited Prime Minister Somchai at his residence to discuss the results of the investigation by forensic expert, Pornthip Rojjanasunant into the use of teargas against demonstrators.

Chavarin said he was concerned as to whether it is Pornthip's responsibility to give a statement about the masterminds who issued orders for the dispersal, so he wanted to meet with the premier to talk about the issue.

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These morons (PPP) could have saved their own skins by selecting someone other than the current PM (Somchai) but they continue to bow to Taksin in exile in London. It's so bad that they have to call London just to make a decision here. Once the three parties are dissolved and new elections are held maybe they will form a government for the people for a change. I do not know if they (Thai politicians ) can ever look after the people and not their own pockets.

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PM Refuses to Comment on Thaksin Being Source of Political Conflict

UPDATE : 15 October 2008

The prime minister had no response to the suggestion by a former premier that ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra can unlock the country's political impasse.

Regarding a comment by former Prime Minister Anand Panyarachun that the fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatra is the only person who can bring the ongoing political deadlock to an end, Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said he tries to avoid such political issues and focuses on solving the country's problems instead.

Despite there being several recommendations, he said he will not give his opinion about suggestions from non-government officials.

As for the investigation into the violent clash between police and supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy on October 7th, Somchai said he believes the two independent committees will release the results soon, even though there is no time frame scheduled for the work.

This morning, People Power Party MP, Chavarin Latthasaksiri visited Prime Minister Somchai at his residence to discuss the results of the investigation by forensic expert, Pornthip Rojjanasunant into the use of teargas against demonstrators.

Chavarin said he was concerned as to whether it is Pornthip's responsibility to give a statement about the masterminds who issued orders for the dispersal, so he wanted to meet with the premier to talk about the issue.

The best way for Taksin to help the country out of it's present impasse is simply to stop breathing.

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Thaksin is the root cause of the political crisis that now confronts Thailand -

Thailand is a deeply divided nation thanks to Thaksin -

He has a lot to answer for -

I disagree, Thaksin is but a symptom. The root cause of the instability is the impending and inevitable power vacuum. There are countless plots and subplots (the hedging of bets) involving powerful characters who are attempting to align themselves with others who are also plotting, yet nobody is certain about the endgame. It is a mess and it will be playing itself out live and in color for the next several years before a resolution and some sort of equilibrium are reached.

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No one is trying to challenge the status quo but Thaksin. So, the power vacuum or not, he's the one who wants to sweep everyone else aside and take charge.

At this point lots and lots of people realise that Thaksin is the most immediate problem. If you want to dig up the roots, you might end up with Adam and Eve and the apple, but if you want to start somewhere - it's Thaksin.

Today the govt is in denial mode - Somchai, Pongthep, Kowit - they all pretend they don't know Thaksin.

In the meantime the rumour of a Friday coup is making rounds among PPP itself.

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No one is trying to challenge the status quo but Thaksin. So, the power vacuum or not, he's the one who wants to sweep everyone else aside and take charge.

At this point lots and lots of people realise that Thaksin is the most immediate problem. If you want to dig up the roots, you might end up with Adam and Eve and the apple, but if you want to start somewhere - it's Thaksin.

Today the govt is in denial mode - Somchai, Pongthep, Kowit - they all pretend they don't know Thaksin.

In the meantime the rumour of a Friday coup is making rounds among PPP itself.


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I can't believe these men are openly saying what they are saying... it's so... in-your-face... :o:D


People Power Party MP Surapong Thowichakchaiyaku


People Power Party MP Werawat Osathanukroh

3 PPP members to visit Thaksin in England

Surapong Thowichakchaiyakul, a PPP MP from Chiang Mai province, revealed that he together with Werawat Osathanukroh and Ooradee Sutthisri, who are also two PPP MP's, had planned to visit the former PM, Thaksin Shinawatra, in London, England during October 24th - 26th.

Surapong disclosed that their visit would reflect on their respect and owing favors to Mr. Thaksin.

He also asserted his belief on a number of the current Thai laws that deemed to be unjust and hence recommended the former PM to not come back to Thailand to defend himself in the court of law due to the ongoing circumstances.

Surapong also did not believe that Mr Thaksin would be the key solution to the nation’s ongoing conflicts as stated by Mr. Anand Panyarachun.

He also said that if all sides could compromise and adopt the sportsmanship attitude towards any conflicts, all the problems could then be easily solved.

- ThaiNews / 2008-10-15


regrettably, was not able to find a photo of the third PPP MP, Ooradee Sutthisri


In the absence of Ooradee, we have Ooradang Iaminjailsoon:


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These morons (PPP) could have saved their own skins by selecting someone other than the current PM (Somchai) but they continue to bow to Taksin in exile in London. It's so bad that they have to call London just to make a decision here. Once the three parties are dissolved and new elections are held maybe they will form a government for the people for a change. I do not know if they (Thai politicians ) can ever look after the people and not their own pockets.

Very true, first they shoot themselves in the foot with Samak of all people then they pick someone related to Taksin. It just goes to show that Taksin is not too clever when it comes to putting out fires. You would have though they would have had enough sense to pick someone more acceptable so that some kind of political compromise could have been reached.

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These morons (PPP) could have saved their own skins by selecting someone other than the current PM (Somchai) but they continue to bow to Taksin in exile in London. It's so bad that they have to call London just to make a decision here. Once the three parties are dissolved and new elections are held maybe they will form a government for the people for a change. I do not know if they (Thai politicians ) can ever look after the people and not their own pockets.

Very true, first they shoot themselves in the foot with Samak of all people then they pick someone related to Taksin. It just goes to show that Taksin is not too clever when it comes to putting out fires. You would have though they would have had enough sense to pick someone more acceptable so that some kind of political compromise could have been reached.

George Bush suffers from the same disease. ( not trying to side track)

He prefers loyal people around him over talented people around him.

Thaksin seems the same, he will pick loyalty first, especially after his Samak misstep.

Samak was the perfect Bull in the Chinashop at first, looking like a strong leader.

And tell all and sundry to f'off. But when the 1st attack on the constitution went awry,

he decided his ego was in need for stroking and fell into his old habits,

of listening to NO ONE BY HIS OWN SELF...

So when round 2 came Thaksin went for the closest controled PM he could find,

his own sisters milktoast husband, KNOWING she will ride herd.

And then bought him a bunch of hungry yes men to be the cabinet.

And a few old goats with loud and aggressive attitudes to push things wilder.

See Chalerm et al.

Edited by animatic
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These morons (PPP) could have saved their own skins by selecting someone other than the current PM (Somchai) but they continue to bow to Taksin in exile in London. It's so bad that they have to call London just to make a decision here. Once the three parties are dissolved and new elections are held maybe they will form a government for the people for a change. I do not know if they (Thai politicians ) can ever look after the people and not their own pockets.

Very true, first they shoot themselves in the foot with Samak of all people then they pick someone related to Taksin. It just goes to show that Taksin is not too clever when it comes to putting out fires. You would have though they would have had enough sense to pick someone more acceptable so that some kind of political compromise could have been reached.

George Bush suffers from the same disease. ( not trying to side track)

He prefers loyal people around him over talented people around him.

Thaksin seems the same, he will pick loyalty first, especially after his Samak misstep.

Samak was the perfect Bull in the Chinashop at first, looking like a strong leader.

And tell all and sundry to f'off. But when the 1st attack on the constitution went awry,

he decided his ego was in need for stroking and fell into his old habits,

of listening to NO ONE BY HIS OWN SELF...

So when round 2 came Thaksin went for the closest controled PM he could find,

his own sisters milktoast husband, KNOWING she will ride herd.

And then bought him a bunch of hungry yes men to be the cabinet.

And a few old goats with loud and aggressive attitudes to push things wilder.

See Chalerm et al.

Well, for once I can't find fault with what you say. Oh no....thats twice today already ! I think I need to lie down before I go into shock. :o

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I prefer ThaiNews transliteration of his name... Nuttawut


Nattawut says Thaksin not to blame

Government Spokesman [and criminal litigant as a rioting gang leader] Nattawut Saikua yesterday defended deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who is being blamed as the root cause of the continuing political confrontation. Thaksin, who fled the country claiming he would not get a fair trial on corruption charges here, is widely thought to be the de facto leader of the Somchai government. Former PM Anand Panyarachun said on Tuesday that Thaksin is the only person who can end the political stalemate. Nattawut dismissed the comment as the feelings of one senior citizen. :o There was no evidence Thaksin had been involved in the intensifying political conflict between the government and the PAD, he said. Thaksin, now in exile with his family in London, lives far away from Thailand and does not have the power to end the trouble, he said. *apparently Nuttawut is unaware of the existence of telephones and the Internet and PPP MP's going to London* He added that Mr Anand should look at the unfolding situation very carefully to find the real culprit.

Continued here:


Edited by sriracha john
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YH, even Chang Noi has clearly stated that this fight about Thaksin, first and foremost. Have you seen his latest article?

And you very well know that I don't take "big unaddressed issues" seriously.

Yes I did read Chang Noi's latest piece in which he seems to despair of all parties.You correctly confirm his belief this is all about Thaksin.I can go along with this at least to some extent:the slight caveat is because Thaksin seems to me to be catalyst as much as cause.Any way back to Chang Noi - he concludes

"The solution lies with the puppet-masters, meaning Thaksin and the anti-Thaksin forces behind the PAD. They are truly responsible for the loss and pain. Both sides."

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Nattawut says Thaksin not to blame

Government Spokesman [and criminal litigant as a rioting gang leader] Nattawut Saikua yesterday defended deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who is being blamed as the root cause of the continuing political confrontation. Thaksin, who fled the country claiming he would not get a fair trial on corruption charges here, is widely thought to be the de facto leader of the Somchai government. Former PM Anand Panyarachun said on Tuesday that Thaksin is the only person who can end the political stalemate. Nattawut dismissed the comment as the feelings of one senior citizen. :o There was no evidence Thaksin had been involved in the intensifying political conflict between the government and the PAD, he said. Thaksin, now in exile with his family in London, lives far away from Thailand and does not have the power to end the trouble, he said. *apparently Nuttawut is unaware of the existence of telephones and the Internet and PPP MP's going to London* He added that Mr Anand should look at the unfolding situation very carefully to find the real culprit.

Continued here:


Interesting that a Government Spokesman feels impelled, to speak up to defend a man who is on-the-run from several Thai court cases, accompanied by his convicted-and-sentanced wife, and still carrying (as far as we know) a Thai diplomatic-passport, but who has sought political-asylum in the UK.

Perhaps all ex-PM senior-citizens are not equal ?

And just who could he possibly mean, when he talks about "the real culprit", when he speaks as an official Government-Spokesman ? :D

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The solution lies with the puppet-masters, meaning Thaksin and the anti-Thaksin forces behind the PAD.

I disagree with that. While there might be forces behind PAD, when thousands of reinforcements poor to their rally sites in Bangkok, it's not because of some mass e-mail or SMS from hidden masters, it's because people genuinely feel compelled to help out.

Compare this to MPs claims that they need to make just one phone call and thousands would come to protect them.

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YH, even Chang Noi has clearly stated that this fight about Thaksin, first and foremost. Have you seen his latest article?

It was a balanced article, like you I agreee with most of it. Here are the relevant bits:

Thaksin's meddling gave the PAD leaders an opportunity to return to their successful formula: Thaksin out! Samak out! Somchai out! Whatever out! Just shake your hand-clapper. It would be hard to find a device that symbolises simple conformity so aptly.

In the PAD's claims, Thaksin is so fearsome that their own actions are justified. The ordinary people attending the rallies wear caps and shirts claiming they are "saving the country" and tell interviewers they are there because they want to protect the King. The siege of Parliament was an attempt to overthrow the government by semi-constitutional means. This is not peaceful protest but violence justified in the name of a cause. As Sondhi explained, the PAD has recruited paid militia, mostly among former soldiers and policemen. Some notorious veterans of underground warfare have helped with training. Weapons seized from the PAD have ranged from guns to golf clubs. In the videos of 7 October, the PAD militia were armed with sticks, pipes, poles, handguns, slingshots and a variety of missiles including home-made grenades and raw sewage.

Look at the cast of characters skulking in the shadows of the past week's events: Chavalit, Chamlong, Phanlop, Prasong. The dirty violence, traditionally attributed to a "third hand" is an absolutely guaranteed element of such events with such people around. The sickening deaths and injuries were not unfortunate but inevitable.

Perhaps the saddest sight in all this is the Democrat Party. So many of their core constituents support the PAD that any dissent by the Democrats would be electoral suicide, but now they are hitched to the baggage train of a movement that claims the right to use violence and overrule law in order to overthrow an elected government.

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The solution lies with the puppet-masters, meaning Thaksin and the anti-Thaksin forces behind the PAD.

I disagree with that. While there might be forces behind PAD, when thousands of reinforcements poor to their rally sites in Bangkok, it's not because of some mass e-mail or SMS from hidden masters, it's because people genuinely feel compelled to help out.

Compare this to MPs claims that they need to make just one phone call and thousands would come to protect them.

I don't think you have really grasped Chang Noi's point.He's saying that in order to resolve the problem there needs to be an accomodation at a higher level between the groups that are in dispute.It's not really about skirmishes at street level, or who can muster the biggest mobs.

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I don't believe that any "deal" would work at all if it is not acceptable to people at the street level. I said that long time ago - if there were forces trying to manipulate PAD, it's out of their hands now. The only authority that would be able to influence PAD is not going to be involved in any deal making with someone like Thaksin, and that's about all that can be said on this matter.

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I don't believe that any "deal" would work at all if it is not acceptable to people at the street level. I said that long time ago - if there were forces trying to manipulate PAD, it's out of their hands now. The only authority that would be able to influence PAD is not going to be involved in any deal making with someone like Thaksin, and that's about all that can be said on this matter.

What is left out of this discussion is, the military appointed ASC have locked up B70 billion plus of Thaksin's money! Now before this happened, I could see Thaskin leaving the politcial stage. Locking up what "he" considers was earnt through creation, operation and sale of AIS, is at the route cause of why he will not leave. I have said it before, if you mess with a mans wife he gets angry, if you mess with his money he gets revenge!

All of you, rich and poor, what would you do if all you had worked for in your life was taken under government control before 5pm today. Now there's going to be some idiots say you've got nothing and so it doesn't matter(forget it, it's already said). Seriously, what would you do?

Thaksin ulitimately is not going anywhere until his families fortune is returned.

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