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Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?


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Surely going to the gym beats playing snooker, and if one doesn't have enough will power to lift his sorry ass and get it into shape, it's also a problem.

The point is that being in shape and bodybuilding are not the same. I'm in shape, for example, round IS a shape.

And the OP questioned whether Thai women liked men with muscles, not whether they liked Mr. Universe-caliber bodybuilders.

Bodybuilding is a matter of degree. At my gym, I see no one in the upper-echelon of bodybuilding as most people view it. But there are several women and quite a large number of men who are still quite well-built with cut pecs, arms, legs, backs, stomachs, etc.

I respect the true bodybuilders just as I do anyone at the top of their game, whatever that game is. But I don't have the discipline nor desire (this does not fit my own body image) to pursue that. But yes, I do lift weights in order to have a more developed musculature, so I guess that technically makes me a bodybuilder. And while many people guess I work out, no one would ever mistake me for Arnold in his prime.

To turn the tables, somewhat, I like a muscular, fit woman. I think swimmers and divers generally have great bodies. I am not that overtly attracted to the highest echelon of female bodybuilders, but I respect them tremendously for their achievements.

Edited by bonobo
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besides I dont see you having any complaints about the off topic replies that talk about women wanting to grab money, when as you pointed out yourself, the thread is about body builders, yes?

Well as I have said in another thread, if any individual is only meeting Thai women who are after their money then they perhaps ought to widen their social circle.

But the thread is about bodybuilders being attractive to Thai women we have at least one Thai woman confirming my view of what Thai women find attractive - and it aint body builders.

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have a look in any magazine from the west & the male models are all on the girlie looking side, more pretty boy than macho or normal looking man. It's not a thai or asian only thing.

Agreed, im here and always got free fasion magazines and all models are sweet girlie looks.

Yes true however this is the FASHION industry which, the world over, is dominated by homosexual men. Which is why the women are generally anorexic waif looking, curve less things, and the "men" look like they did the photo shoot on their way to Pridefest or something.

In Thailand you can't have a damm KFC commercial without the sterio types presented here.

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Thai women laugh at body builders. In fact doesn't everyone?
I respect the true bodybuilders just as I do anyone at the top of their game, whatever that game is.

Game Sport Never. I think these guys are idiots or have some inferiority illness.

Muscles getting bigger is a simple result of exercise. And exercise is good, according to just about every medical authority. So someone who specifically targets msucle building or sculpting is an idiot or has an inferiority illness? Hogwash.

Does someone who takes up jogging to lose weight an idiot? They are exercising specifially to change their body appearance, after all.

And no, not everyone laughs as bodybuilders. Arnold seems to have done pretty well for himself, for example.

But once again, some poster tries to change the subject from a man with muscles into bodybuilding. (In fact, the OP only specifically mentioned swimmers.) Only a small fraction of men with discernable muscles are bodybuilders. Some men are genetically gifted with a cut physique. Others gain that through their chosen sport or exercise. Some improve their musculature through lifting. And only a small percentage are truly bodybuilders.

Edited by bonobo
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they are "programmed" to go for the "provider" type, whatever that may be in their world.

depending on the chick's own attractiveness, she may not want a guy who is too good looking for fear of him being a "butterfly man".

personally, i am not ripped, but i'm not a balding old fat farang either. and i have dated attractive thai chicks that constantly worried i would "upgrade", regardless of how much i fit their other requirements.


Supposedly gals are "programmed" to be attracted to guys who look like they can run down a wild boar and break its neck, but they also clearly know that there aren't too many opportunities to hunt big game in today's world. Probably best to keep that bank book fat and to "look" physically strong enough to kill small-ish animals (like dogs, cats, and possibly rabid rabbits).


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Yeah I didn't mean permanently programmed or anything, and it'll of course be completely relative to each individual. Programmed as in the same way that "most" people still have a residual fear of 'heights' and 'snakes.'

"Are Thai Women Generally Attracted To Muscle In Men?" is yet another group therapy session for the "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me..." crowd. Sometimes paraphrased as...

1. of course Thai gals love older bald men!

2. yeah, most Thai guys are gay, no worries there...

3. it's perfectly normal to lease property from your spouse!


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Has anyone made a study about how many male regulars at a gym are gay? Honest question - okey? :o

I'm not sure if anyone has carried out that particular study, but there certainly have been other studies of bodybuilders and what motivates them Big Men Feeling Small: Childhood Bullying Experience, Muscle Dysmorphia and other Mental Health Problems in Bodybuilders


Gyms and the martial arts scene tend to attract some weird people, 'tis true.

Edited by kmart
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My guess is they like #2

Ok, just asked one of our staff, and she says out of all of them, the guys in number one would be her personal preference. She likes em skinny, but fit and muscular.

But, she said the guy in number 9 looks very good, just not her personal taste

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OK, just asked the other female staff, and she likes the guy in number 5 and number 9. She thinks the guys in number one and two are way too skinny. She likes the 6 pack. Both think number 8 are disgusting.

So, just goes to show, tastes vary from woman to woman.

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OK, just asked the other female staff, and she likes the guy in number 5 and number 9. She thinks the guys in number one and two are way too skinny. She likes the 6 pack. Both think number 8 are disgusting.

So, just goes to show, tastes vary from woman to woman.

That really depresses me to find out that the girls think number 8 is disgusting--Guess I am going to have to start spending more time in the bar and less time in the gym ! :o

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I think they generally prefer the, soft, androgynous, boarder line gay, paper white, jappenese or korean, "My name is Rain...." type looking boys. I mean really, check out the TV and print adds, not a Vin Diesel or even a Denzel amongst them. I don't think they prefer traditional masculinity in their men.

Metrosexual is in, for now. My gay friend likes the muscled gym bunnies, which might provide a clue to who likes what :o

All I know is that the OP raised my hopes when he said my devoloping pregnancy look didn't matter. My friend usually calls me sexy man whenever she wants me to carry out the trash or do some heavy lifting. Aside from that she just calls me kwai :D She also says, I shouldn't take my shirt off at the beach because the dogs and birds might think it's a bloated dead animal to scavenge.

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Yet look at your avatar, Geriatric!

Is your choice related to your unconsicous, by any chance?


Nowadays being a provider has absolutely nothing to do with muscles (forget scoring Burmese construction worker chicks for a while). Being successful has nothing to do with muscles. If you are both successful AND muscular, great, who'd argue against that, but if you set your priorities and hanging out in the gym for hours doesn't fit your schedule, I don't think women would complain. They might complain if you spend these hours drinking instead, that is also true.

What they want, judging by their comments, is enough physical energy to carry on whatever you are doing. Some men work 12 hours a day and still have enough energy to inspire their wives at home. Who'd care if they are not muscular?

If you take on another project at work instead of skipping off to gym - who'd compain?

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Yet look at your avatar, Geriatric!

Is your choice related to your unconsicous, by any chance?

No, I think that he's trying to say he would like to take a bow and arrow and shoot you right between the eyes.... :o

.......and what does my avatar tell you since you seem to think avatars are your personal heros or images of who you would like to be.....

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Yet look at your avatar, Geriatric!

Is your choice related to your unconsicous, by any chance?

No, I think that he's trying to say he would like to take a bow and arrow and shoot you right between the eyes.... :D

.......and what does my avatar tell you since you seem to think avatars are your personal heros or images of who you would like to be.....

People choose avatars for a reason, and it's of corse not so obvious. Sure GK has Legolas shooting arrows, but why Legolas? That hunk must be is on top of gay celebrity list, I believe. And he is anything but muscular.

You avatar tells me about your flavour of a sense of humor, I might be wrong, but that's the message it sends to me.

Don't ask me what I think of Bonobo's.

It's so fuc_king thread related....


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To get back to the topic which is Muscular men.

I am a thai/european girl.

Well...I think Bob Paris, #8 the bodybuilder looks nice but a bit extreme. He has an overall wellbalanced and rare symetric bodyshape.

Also to remember is that this is a pic from a bodybuilding competition and he is full of drugs and diuterics to make his muscles as defined as possible.

That is not what he looks like when he is off season.

Too bad he is gay :o.

About the pics of the ladies.

I see your point. You mean that most men prefer normal looking women and not some freakshow-types.

Although I don't think Bob Paris is freakish. He is extreme, no doubt but he doesn't look so agressive as many european men with muscles often do. (Could be because he is gay.)

It is interesting that kaukasian muscular men gets butchy and agressive amongst others, while asian men with muscles don't.

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I understand now.

Thai females dont like muscle.

Mario Lopez here, they would say he is too


They would think he is even more handsome

with less muscle on him, skinnier smaller arms and a thicker layer of fat

everywhere else?

Maybe even add a small beergut on him would be perfect?


Edited by Lilyjade
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Can you ask your Thai wives,friends, both male and female

which bodytype they like, out of these pictures.

I'm not Thai but I liked #s 2,7, and 9 (FWIW)... probably #2 is my fave. the guy right above is good too.

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to the person that directed a question at me

I had to look up scrawny :o so I guess that means I dont like scrawny, else I would /should know right away what the word means yes? :D

now....IF all else equal? (which I must say I havent met/encountered ...theres always going to be something different)

but ok, lets play along...all else equal....Id choose the muscular one. BUT, as has been shown by the various pics by another poster from 1 t 12, there are various degrees of mascular arent they? if we are talking Arnold in his peak days mascular, or even Stallone in his peak days, then not so much. but the Mario Lopez type of the number 12 one would be ok.

in the end though.....its more about personality. Ive dated an overweight guy, and Ive dated someone with the body of Brad Pitt. but in general I prefer guys who are not extremely thin. kinda like...I wouldnt wanna date someone thinner than me :D

ok ok way too much personal info revealed :D

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Regarding Caucasian VS Asian bodybuilder aggression - perhaps Asian Bodybuilders love each other more and therefore are able to avoid agression among themselves...? Just kidding. :o

To get back to the topic which is Muscular men.

I am a thai/european girl.

Well...I think Bob Paris, #8 the bodybuilder looks nice but a bit extreme. He has an overall wellbalanced and rare symetric bodyshape.

Also to remember is that this is a pic from a bodybuilding competition and he is full of drugs and diuterics to make his muscles as defined as possible.

That is not what he looks like when he is off season.

Too bad he is gay :D .

About the pics of the ladies.

I see your point. You mean that most men prefer normal looking women and not some freakshow-types.

Although I don't think Bob Paris is freakish. He is extreme, no doubt but he doesn't look so agressive as many european men with muscles often do. (Could be because he is gay.)

It is interesting that kaukasian muscular men gets butchy and agressive amongst others, while asian men with muscles don't.

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