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ok so im maybe being niave, but just this minute arrived home, on the way back about 5 mins away on our bike I caught a glimse of a dog outside a local shop it seems it has lost the use of its back legs and is just pulling itself along via the front 2.

Im not sure what I should do as I feel really bad, there are the 2 of us on the scooter and this dog is quite large so dont think we can manage to just take it, even if we could not sure we could afford the vet bills etc.

Im pretty sure we've seen this dog before outside the shop, as there are a few that hang about their, they tend to bark at us when we go to this shop so that may be another problem, especially since Im a little afraid of dogs :o

Also the usual people outside the shop ie, carts etc dont seem to speak english,,,, and we dont speak thai (yet)

I know that this is sooo comman here, but just feel so awfull on the dog ..... any ideas?


Hi you can also call PAWS they are in Chalong and I have called them before and they came and picked up the dog and fixed him up and dropped him back off.


Very nice of you to care!~


thanks for that will kee them in mind just incase its needed :o

just recieved a mail from soidog foundation this morning ad they are ong to check it out...unfortuantly sounds like the dog is paralised.


Too many unattended stray dogs in Phuket. This is an example of no owner, nobody to care for the animal.

Dogs here should be collared, licensed with the owner's address or be rounded up and put down.

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