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Midas I will have to wait until I get home to read the "libertyblitzkrieg" article because when I try to open it at work, it is blocked due to (this isnt a joke!) "activist/political group content"

ahh the cnn page does open however...interesting. (im not saying cnn is always accurate fyi).

Retirement: 28% of Americans are Raiding Their 401k Plans

tough luck sad.png

particularly if it is the same 28% as these ....ohmy.png

28% of Americans have no emergency savings


tough luck! they should have saved whistling.gif

p.s. those who have no savings don't have 401k plans which can be raided wink.png


Midas I will have to wait until I get home to read the "libertyblitzkrieg" article because when I try to open it at work, it is blocked due to (this isnt a joke!) "activist/political group content"

ahh the cnn page does open however...interesting. (im not saying cnn is always accurate fyi).

“ activist/political group “ LOL


Anyway, you don't have to wait kblaze -I'm sure your workplace system will allow you to read the Washington Post ?


As for your scepticism of CNN okay you can see it in this feature on CNBC, which means it must be right . Even Yoshiwara SWEARS BY CNBC

giggle.gif so it must be true! tongue.png

Retirement: 28% of Americans are Raiding Their 401k Plans

tough luck sad.png

particularly if it is the same 28% as these ....ohmy.png

28% of Americans have no emergency savings


tough luck! they should have saved whistling.gif

p.s. those who have no savings don't have 401k plans which can be raided wink.png

Surely there would be some people who have zero bank balances -so no direct access to quick cash but could still have 401(k) plans through their employer?


Before Zerohedge get hold of it ..otherwise others on this site will not believe it ....smile.png


Bundesbank to Repatriate 674 Tons of Gold to Germany by 2020


You should read the articles you quote before getting too excited.

The volume of German gold held in the US will between 2012 and 2020 go from 45% to 37%.

Hardly a wet knicker news item.


Before Zerohedge get hold of it ..otherwise others on this site will not believe it ....smile.png


Bundesbank to Repatriate 674 Tons of Gold to Germany by 2020


You should read the articles you quote before getting too excited.

The volume of German gold held in the US will between 2012 and 2020 go from 45% to 37%.

Hardly a wet knicker news item.

interested as to why ..non excited ....

Paris is just a short drive away and they are both in the Euro ...why do they want it in Germany , what difference does it make ....unless they think there is a chance of Germany leaving the Euro or they don't trust the French or .....

and articles and twisted knickers are your problem ........laugh.png

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png


A sign that the US have basicslly refused to give the gold back

Straight out of the zerofudge playbook.

Well they want it all back from France and already took most of it back from UK; so why only such a small % from America? Clearly they policy is want to bring the gold home; but not from America; why the difference?

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Yeah; this is also puzzling (or not); why the delay? The reason I can think of is to avoid major disruptions / shock to the web of lending/ leasing etc keeping the gold price down. That or giving them time to buy the gold they don't have discretely on the open market. What's the other reason? Needing to build bigger vaults or something? No mention of this.


Yeah; this is also puzzling (or not); why the delay? The reason I can think of is to avoid major disruptions / shock to the web of lending/ leasing etc keeping the gold price down. That or giving them time to buy the gold they don't have discretely on the open market. What's the other reason? Needing to build bigger vaults or something? No mention of this.

Maybe it is just a testing of the waters so to speak?

Also not exactly the same scenario but, one can think back to when the US was running a high deficit to cover Vietnam war

+ the usual US overspending. France wanted payments in gold & Nixon closed the gold window on them paying instead in Fiat.

Perhaps Germany does not want to start a cascade of others asking for their gold so is making

it sound like a non event.

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Why wrong ...

we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020

ie before 2020 .......they could finish in 2 years but by latest 2020 blink.png

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Why wrong ...

we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020

ie before 2020 .......they could finish in 2 years but by latest 2020 blink.png

only naïve people give more credence than a flying fart for the words of a government official. besides, 2020 is the estimate for having half of Germany's gold in Germany. when Thiele says "target 2020" it might be 2025 or 2030.

but whatever... gold here, there, home or abroad won't impact the price.

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Yeah; this is also puzzling (or not); why the delay? The reason I can think of is to avoid major disruptions / shock to the web of lending/ leasing etc keeping the gold price down. That or giving them time to buy the gold they don't have discretely on the open market. What's the other reason? Needing to build bigger vaults or something? No mention of this.

keeping up with your theories drawn out of thin air here's mine:

any shipment of more than 100 ounces will be intercepted and confiscated by the Ferengi aliens who need the Gold to produce the intergalactic fungible medium "gold-pressed Latinum". that's why secret ways of transportation have to be developed which takes time, e.g.

-heavy duty carrier pigeons,

-German tourists visiting the U.S. taking back one ounce each,

-Lufthansa aircrafts fitted with solid gold brake pads before returning to Germany,


-secret methods,

-very secret methods,

-top secret methods,

and last not least

-NATO cosmic top secret methods.


The reason for any government to keep gold on deposit with the US is for easy access to USD which are still the world reserve currency. Obviously the gold is collateral and removing it all would make for harder access to bank swaps.


The reason for any government to keep gold on deposit with the US is for easy access to USD which are still the world reserve currency. Obviously the gold is collateral and removing it all would make for harder access to bank swaps.

If that is true it does make one smile a bit.

They need something real on file to be allowed to borrow something conjured :)

I always figured it was just a throw back to the days that Germany was worried their

gold stores would be plundered by Russia etc. So stored it where they thought it could

be safe & well protected.

If so it is no surprise to now want to move it home. No big threat in Germany & by all accounts

the US is in fact financially unstable


Ok gold bugs, I mentioned earlier that legitimate positive gold forecasts (those from independent analysts) were the ones that should be discussed, not those from gold companies. Im a man of my word.

Well Deutsche Bank released their "house view" today and in their "market metrics" forecast page, they do forecast gold reaching 2000 by year-end. They don't discuss reasons or anything as the publication is about equities (stocks), they just have the figure alongside their forecasts for other commodities.

Does that mean it will hit that? No, of course not, if things stay relatively cheery globally, then I don't see a catalyst for that kind of upside. They are likely banking (ha) on an outlying event (greece, debt ceiling, china crash, war) to occur sometime this year.

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Yeah; this is also puzzling (or not); why the delay? The reason I can think of is to avoid major disruptions / shock to the web of lending/ leasing etc keeping the gold price down. That or giving them time to buy the gold they don't have discretely on the open market. What's the other reason? Needing to build bigger vaults or something? No mention of this.

keeping up with your theories drawn out of thin air here's mine:

any shipment of more than 100 ounces will be intercepted and confiscated by the Ferengi aliens who need the Gold to produce the intergalactic fungible medium "gold-pressed Latinum". that's why secret ways of transportation have to be developed which takes time, e.g.

-heavy duty carrier pigeons,

-German tourists visiting the U.S. taking back one ounce each,

-Lufthansa aircrafts fitted with solid gold brake pads before returning to Germany,


-secret methods,

-very secret methods,

-top secret methods,

and last not least

-NATO cosmic top secret methods.

They were made an offer-you can have your gold in seven years.......or you can have gold plated tungsten in three days

which do you prefer ??? w00t.gif

I suppose you expected them to give you the dates ..I expect now that they have announced it... asap ..why leave it ...blink.png

asap? wrong assumption!

Bundesbank-Vorstand Carl-Ludwig Thiele yesterday: "we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020. target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."


Why wrong ...

we will start this year and will end the action latest in 2020

ie before 2020 .......they could finish in 2 years but by latest 2020 blink.png

can't help to prick one bubble after the other. here's more beef what "asap" means:

“We’re in negotiations with our partner central banks to develop auditing rights, and that’s been agreed in principle,” said Thiele. “In parallel, we will, over the next three years, transfer 50 tons of gold each year from New York to Frankfurt, which is an additional way to create confidence.”

talking of a prick giggle.gif

wrong yet again !!! blink.png that article and your quote was from Oct 26, 2012 6:19 PM GMT+0700

Why when they had already agreed to bring 50 Tons a Year would they change the terms ... ?1st come 1st served .... I'd be on the phone ...

Meer dan helft Nederlandse goud in New York


keep on dreaming. the whole business where gold is stored or whether it exists or not is completely irrelevant as far as the price of the commodity is concerned.


talking of a prick giggle.gif

wrong yet again !!! blink.png that article and your quote was from Oct 26, 2012 6:19 PM GMT+0700

Why when they had already agreed to bring 50 Tons a Year would they change the terms ... ?1st come 1st served .... I'd be on the phone ...

Meer dan helft Nederlandse goud in New York


keep on dreaming. the whole business where gold is stored or whether it exists or not is completely irrelevant as far as the price of the commodity is concerned.

'keep on dreaming. the whole business where gold is stored or whether it exists or not is completely irrelevant as far as the price of the commodity is concerned. '

So what happens if the supposed gold stored does not exist .....and delivery is demanded ... will the price not rise as gold has to be purchased on the open market ....


here's something "prickly" for wet dreamers who are not able to use simple arithmetics and obviously don't know what the meaning of "half" is:

Bundesbank Thiele said "target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."

-half of Germany's 3,396 tons = 1,698 tons

-presently stored in Germany 1,036 tons

-no repatriation from UK

-(assumed) repatriation from France 374 tons

1036+374+ = 1,440 tons

balance missing 360 tons to be repatriated from The Greatest Nation on Earth™

repatriation from U.S. 50 tons per year takes 7 years to reach Thiele's target of "half our gold" and that means 2020 not asap, no bla-bla, no yakety-yak! period.

BBC 16 January 2013 Last updated at 12:27 GMT

-The Bundesbank will no longer keep any of its reserves in Paris, as both countries use the euro.

-No gold will be moved out of the Bank of England's vaults, however. It will still keep 13% of its total reserves in London, the German central bank said.


facit: bubble pricked!



here's something "prickly" for wet dreamers who are not able to use simple arithmetics and obviously don't know what the meaning of "half" is:

Bundesbank Thiele said "target is to have by 2020 half of our Gold stored in domestic locations."

-half of Germany's 3,396 tons = 1,698 tons

-presently stored in Germany 1,036 tons

-no repatriation from UK

-(assumed) repatriation from France 374 tons

1036+374+ = 1,440 tons

balance missing 360 tons to be repatriated from The Greatest Nation on Earth™

repatriation from U.S. 50 tons per year takes 7 years to reach Thiele's target of "half our gold" and that means 2020 not asap, no bla-bla, no yakety-yak! period.

BBC 16 January 2013 Last updated at 12:27 GMT

-The Bundesbank will no longer keep any of its reserves in Paris, as both countries use the euro.

-No gold will be moved out of the Bank of England's vaults, however. It will still keep 13% of its total reserves in London, the German central bank said.


facit: bubble pricked!


Why do you think they can only bring 50 tons a year ....Does Lufthansa have some kind of cargo limit blink.png

The 50 Tons a year was talked about last year and not part of yesterday's announcement ..

'“We’re in negotiations with our partner central banks to develop auditing rights, and that’s been agreed in principle,” said Thiele. “In parallel, we will, over the next three years, transfer 50 tons of gold each year from New York to Frankfurt, which is an additional way to create confidence.”


. the whole business where gold is stored or whether it exists or not is completely irrelevant as far as the price of the commodity is concerned.

Yep. The true strong holders should not even be concerned about the nominal price of gold in a suspect currency. What do they plan to do in a hyperinflation? Sell for a huge nominal profit only to see it further inflated away to nothing? Yet cultists like Sinclair are always forecasting 2,000 4,000 10,000 30,000 as if they would somehow gain purchasing power if they sold. They are all newsletter hawkers, closet traders and mine speculators IMO...


A sign that the US have basicslly refused to give the gold back

Straight out of the zerofudge playbook.

Well they want it all back from France and already took most of it back from UK; so why only such a small % from America? Clearly they policy is want to bring the gold home; but not from America; why the difference?

Clearly nothing.

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