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Just Another Ebay Store!

Drew Aitch

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Hi forum.

I currently live in Chiang Mai and am thinking about opening up an eBay store in the near future. I don’t plan on getting into candle sticks, croaking frogs or any of those other penny and halfpenny items, but shall be more interested in seeking out some niche or sub-niche projects.

Anyway, I currently have a whole bunch of websites to take care of as I do a lot of online publishing, so I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in forming a partnership in the eBay project so as to lessen the work load as it were. Successful eBay stores can turn out quite labour intensive which is the reason for this post.

Obviously I would prefer talking to someone who is computer literate and internet savvy with some experience of working online.

If you think you might be interested, please ask any questions here or send me a private msg.

Thanks in advance


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i may be wrong but thought ebay dont/wont operate in thailand unless you thinking about opening account outside thailand but a lot of people complain when posted from thailand and post expensive to send from here too.good luck

no ive got an ebay store from thailand that the mrs takes care off. weve been going 3 years now

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i may be wrong but thought ebay dont/wont operate in thailand unless you thinking about opening account outside thailand but a lot of people complain when posted from thailand and post expensive to send from here too.good luck

no ive got an ebay store from thailand that the mrs takes care off. weve been going 3 years now

ok i was wrong.........do you sell round the world or just thailand? do you have problems with post not getting there(around the world) or being expensive for anything that dont fit in standard envelope?

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i may be wrong but thought ebay dont/wont operate in thailand.

I've got a UK eBay account Rob. Also have a paypal set-up, Moneybookers, and CC etc. You're right about ebay Thailand, it doesn't exist, well not as a normal eBay operation, but they have partnered with Sanook, it think, to create a partner site: global.ebay.com

A lot of people complain when posted from thailand and post expensive to send from here too.good luck

Folks will buy anything from anywhere if you have what they want at a price they agree with (inc postage). Of course, it's no good selling stuff from here that can be bought much cheaper from closer to home, but that is where you have to do your homework and not get lumbered with boxes of croaking frogs :o



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i may be wrong but thought ebay dont/wont operate in thailand.

I've got a UK eBay account Rob. Also have a paypal set-up, Moneybookers, and CC etc. You're right about ebay Thailand, it doesn't exist, well not as a normal eBay operation, but they have partnered with Sanook, it think, to create a partner site: global.ebay.com

A lot of people complain when posted from thailand and post expensive to send from here too.good luck

Folks will buy anything from anywhere if you have what they want at a price they agree with (inc postage). Of course, it's no good selling stuff from here that can be bought much cheaper from closer to home, but that is where you have to do your homework and not get lumbered with boxes of croaking frogs :D



oh so im right about ebay thailand not existing in normal way :o

i looked at ebay and found i didnt think would make it worthwhile doing due to hassle v profit.

everything seems to be for sale and cheap already that it is hard to find an original product that is popular ....but if you have found something then i still wish you good luck in your venture and finding a partner.

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i may be wrong but thought ebay dont/wont operate in thailand.

I've got a UK eBay account Rob. Also have a paypal set-up, Moneybookers, and CC etc. You're right about ebay Thailand, it doesn't exist, well not as a normal eBay operation, but they have partnered with Sanook, it think, to create a partner site: global.ebay.com

A lot of people complain when posted from thailand and post expensive to send from here too.good luck

Folks will buy anything from anywhere if you have what they want at a price they agree with (inc postage). Of course, it's no good selling stuff from here that can be bought much cheaper from closer to home, but that is where you have to do your homework and not get lumbered with boxes of croaking frogs :D



oh so im right about ebay thailand not existing in normal way :o

i looked at ebay and found i didnt think would make it worthwhile doing due to hassle v profit.

everything seems to be for sale and cheap already that it is hard to find an original product that is popular ....but if you have found something then i still wish you good luck in your venture and finding a partner.

no like i said ive had an ebay store registered through Kasikorn bank and at my address in chiang mai. so it DOES exist in the normal way. you just need to get a webcard i.e online credit card from them which takes around 1 week to get after you get online banking, it is not a physical credit card it is just a number that is linked to your savings account but works as a credit card online.

regarding shipping etc, ive never had anything go missing as yet, i have had 1 item returned undelivered as the guy in america had moved address. shipping from thailand is pretty competitive if you use small packet service and people understand that it may cost slightly more, but they are getting my items cheaper than they can get in their own country so it works out level, im not saying the mrs is going to become a millionaire from this but she gets around 12-15000 thb profit a month which is not bad going to say she had never used a computer up until 3 years ago.

But like i said at the start it is possible to get a registered ebay account and store from thailand with thai banking and paypal etc.

Edited by thaimiller
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drew, ive been thinking the same for 2 years now, am slowly getting myself geared up for it.. i had trouble with ebay 2 years ago and threw the towel in - discouraged by the ebay attitude to Thailand. (fair play to be honest - could make a fortune selling fake designer labels from here)

trouble with partners is the margins will be so slim, having said that, if you have a decent plan, im interested!

im a web developer. was... no... am!

Im about to try ebay with a local cottage industry nearby, but have had many ideas for niches, over the years.

working on a 6 million page website now, to get my skillset back up to date with AJAX, php, and maybe one day asp.net(yawn) etc.. (no - actually I wouldnt call it work). But not afraid of nice data driven websites. Worked for a company sold to the London Stock Exchange, making financial websites/chart etc. But been stuck in databases/networks for last 4 years.

Just need the motivation to photograph these 350+ bits of crap i have collected...from every angle :o

PM me :D

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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Thanks everyone for you pvt msgs. 'll be reponding to them all in the next hour or so :D

UKWEBPRO - I've spent a small fortune on dynamic work for websites over the years. You sound pretty savvy from a developer point of veiw and i probably should have posted to this forum when i last had one of my sites updated. I've had a nightmare with all of these designer/developer types over the years, some with little technical know-how, and others with poor communications. All of them missed promised deadlines not by days or weeks but months on every single occasion :o

thaimiller - I've already sent you a pvt mate :D Please respond when you get time.

hanuman1 - Moneybookers is slow to catch on and not a popular payment option as yet. However, it is getting more acceptable in the global marketplace. I currently use it for transferring money, and find it very simple and convenient. So although it's not all that popular right now, I think it will be in the future. It costs nothing to open an account, so the more strings to your payment options bow.....

eBay is like a virtual garage sale in that most who use it are looking for a bargain. That said, there are also folks searching the site who are looking for out of the ordinary or collectable items, and it's not unusual for sellers to make good money on such products, but the trial and error can take time.

The main reason i'm looking for a partner is as i stated above, and that is i don't have to the time to fully commit. That said, i can spare a few hours daily on most days. The other reason is to brainstorm ideas and swap notes with someone who's committed and enthusiastic. A successful eBay store run well can sap a lot of time and energy, so if you're heavily into pubs and pool tables, it might interfere with your social life should the business take off. Cheap items will require the most work and be based on volume sales, whereas higher priced niche products would be the preferred path to tread.



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UKWEBPRO - I've spent a small fortune on dynamic work for websites over the years.

Now you dont have to! Been linking databases to websites/intranets for 10+ years now (yawn). I have some cracking niche ideas, but like you, its the time thats the problem. Being outside town, im nowhere near a post office, and although i used to love to ride into town at every opportunity, now, im like my girlfriend... "can-not,... hot". Luckily my neighbour has a factory, so im starting my ebay experiment from there. I know there is a market, he just sold 200,000 of the "pieces of crap". Although would love to get to the source of all cheap crap... China.

But unless you want to buy a job lot of 300 items, its tricky.

Manufacturing is where i want to be.

Although now, i own a 'shop', a 'canteen' and a 'mushroom farm'... time is getting tighter :o (I say I own, but really i mean SHE owns! - DOH! - broken rule number one)

good luck.


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