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Yikes! Box Jellyfish In The Area

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Phuket Box Jellyfish: Biologists Sound Public Alert

By Shanya Phattrasaya

Thursday October 23, 2008

THE DIRECTOR of the Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Vannakiat Thubthimsaeng, has alerted key tourism groups, media, hospitals, local authorities and the island's new Governor to the presence of potentially dangerous box jelly fish in the waters of the region.

His warning comes in a letter sent to a long list of people in high positions on the island.

It follows the death of a Swedish girl tourist off Koh Lanta in April and two news reports this week by Phuketwan that revealed the presence of box jellyfish in the sea off Phuket's east coast.

Box jellyfish have been found near at least one patch of mangroves not far from Phuket City.

(full story here: http://phuketwan.com/article/tourism/phuke...s-sound-alert/)


Whilst this is a very serious issue the following quote from "PhuketWan" made me smile:-

Later Mr Jones told Phuketwan: ''There are plenty more nasty issues and things in Thailand that do a lot of killing so this has not been a priority of the authorities and just ''gets in the way'' of tourism.

Makes you wonder........... :o


Almost seems like a classic forum tag team, although I'm sure it's not the case.  You get someone else to bring up your site/article/software or whatever it is and make it seem like an unassociated 3rd party.  However, usually the giveaway is someone will have a newbie status.  Again I'm not saying this is the case, but if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck................

Almost seems like a classic forum tag team, although I'm sure it's not the case. You get someone else to bring up your site/article/software or whatever it is and make it seem like an unassociated 3rd party. However, usually the giveaway is someone will have a newbie status. Again I'm not saying this is the case, but if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck................

I'm not saying this is the case, but no matter how many 'almost seems', 'not sure's' and 'not saying its' you throw in, this is an accusation by design.

The issue's in the news and whatever you make of it it is of interest and I would imagine that there are many out there, newbie or not, that are allowed to comment and express their view without someone undermining them with a conspiracy theory.

If it looks like sh*t, smells like sh*t and tastes like sh*t................it must be a durian.


Nah, no tag teaming here, though for full disclosure I am a friend of the guy who runs the site, and therefore an avid reader.

Just a newbie who posted a topic before looking through the news clippings. If I'd have noticed that it was already in play I wouldn't have posted. Just thought it was an interesting story, s'all....

If it's a problem, just delete this thread. Didn't mean to cause any dismay.

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