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Dating A Thai Chinese Girl?


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Ten years ago (1998) my best friend get gang raped in Jakarta because she was not pribumi. Yes, of course she had chinese origin...

Everytime, I have the opportunity to go to Singapore ; I am bringing flowers down the building (own by her family) from where she jumped off...

Sorry; she died, did she ? I am sorry.

Can I ask what "pribumi" is ?

Pribumi = native Indonesian, primarily Javanese without any tolerance for mixed races.

Being half blood in Jakarta at the end of 90's was not as charismatic as being luk kreung in Bangkok ;

but then, we still had Bali...

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But I think that Thai Chinese girls also like to check out the social status before going on a date with a guy.

True. However, some of these ladies don't have the greatest social status pedigrees themselves. Besides, if some of then end up looking their mothers, they better not be too picky.

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But I think that Thai Chinese girls also like to check out the social status before going on a date with a guy.

True. However, some of these ladies don't have the greatest social status pedigrees themselves. Besides, if some of then end up looking their mothers, they better not be too picky.

You are so right.

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If there is going to be a problem, it will be with the family, not the girl. These issues are not isolated to Farangs. I have heard of numerous broken hearts from relationships between Thai-Chinese and Thai's (even Thai's from good families) where the Thai-Chinese family brought the relationship to an end. This usually happens in cases where the Thai-Chinese family is concerned about maintaining their Chinese culture (customs, language and how deceased ancestor's are treated) into future generations. If the family is not intent on their daughter marrying a Chinese, there may be a chance. Some other things to consider:

  • <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">Are they really Chinese? There are a lot of mixed blood Thai-Chinese families that follow Thai, not Chinese cultures. Red lanterns and light colored skin are just the tip of the iceberg. Do they speak Chinese at home? Did they go to a Mandarin School? Do they celebrate Chinese New Year (all 14 days, not just the reunion dinner) or Ching Ming? Mooncakes? hel_l Money? Ancestor Worship? If the answer to most of these is "no" than the normal rules of dating a Thai girl apply (if one can say there are rules). <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">Age of the girl – if the girl is getting into her 30's with no chance of marriage to a "suitable" Chinese in sight, the pickiness of the parents will reduce. This may be particularly true if the girl has a high level of education/career that may lead to Asian men being intimidated. Asian women who are doctors, lawyers, etc often have problems finding Asian men, or simply are not interested in them if it would mean becoming subservient. <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">How "western" the outlook of the family is. Many Chinese families are international and will often have relatives in HK, Singapore, KL or Taiwan. Many also have relatives living in the USA or Australia (or perhaps were educated there). All of this may help. In recent years there has been a shift towards educating children in China with a renewed emphasis on Mandarin. This will not help <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">Thai girl's from good families are expected to be virgins when the meet their future husbands. This is even more important in a Thai-Chinese family (or for that matter any of the overseas Chinese cultures). <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">You can expect a Chinese daughter to obey their parent's wishes in these matters. That said, you would probably not want a girl who did not follow the wishes of her family. An Asian who does not prescribe to at least the basic tenants of their culture may have some serious issues that you do not want to deal with long term. <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in">If the parents are open to the idea, the man's career (not money in hand, but future earnings potential – this is not greed – they are genuinely concerned that their children can be supported properly), educational level and sensitivity to the Chinese culture are factors that can warm up the family. I have had friends marry Chinese girls. It is amazing what learning Mandarin will do to win over parents. How the man carries himself socially is also important. Getting drunk or philandering in public is a big no-no. I am not saying Chinese men are highly morale, they are not, they just engage in their mischief in private so the family is not put in a bad light.
  • If things do work out and you do get married, if they are truly Chinese in their culture, the girl will become part of the husband's family – not her parent's family (no sick water buffelo's to restore to health).

Basically, it is critical for the prospective Falang to sort out these issues early on. If there is resistance, it is better not to get emotional invested. It is not uncommon for men (Farang and Thai alike) to fall for such a girl and spend a great deal of time and emotional capital on the relationship – only to have her parents call it off. A lot of Chinese families have mapped out their daughter's future (education, career and husband – maybe even an arranged marriage). If you get in the way of this it will end in tears.

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Wouldn't be a bad way to go Soundman :D

Really depends on whether you like having the miniscule dictated to you on a daily basis. :o Not my cup of tea I'm afraid. Fortunately, I've worked out how to dissassociate myself from most of the family's petty internal politics. :D

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I believe if you've been around, both in Thailand and TV, for a while, you can fairly guess who's telling the truth and who's bragging. Don't you think so ?

Actually I never been to any TV meeting, it should be a weird experience to meet the person behind the alias.

What are you insinuating here Pierrot?

Nothing much. If someone makes sense when he talks about something, I assume he's telling the truth. And to know if it makes senses, you should know the subject yourself, hence my remark of "having been around for sometime". But you can also be completely wrong, that's why I added it should be a weird experience to meet the people behind the aliases.

Regarding the OP, I really don't understand the fuss around dating Thai of Chinese origin. Leaving in a middle class neighborhood in Bangkok, 90% of my neighbor have obviously Chinese ancestors. If you met your wife/gf in the office where you're working, you have about the same percentage of chance that she will have at least one Chinese grand dad or mom. IMO, the big misunderstanding is the belief that chinese ancestors means high society. It definitively doesn't.

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I don't think it is hard to date with Thai Chinese Girl... Everyone is individual..

But if you need to get a step more in relationship with her, like to get married....

then this is harder, you will need to prepare yourself to be in a part of Chinese family, which means they will have influence in most of your own fam's matters.

Well, not just say it is hard to only foreigners... even me, the Thai-Chinese myself....I also scared of getting married to the same ethics.

I don't think I will be ready as I said above, no matter when.. :D

jing jing na.... :(

Do you know where i can buy some good cheap cheese? :o

I guess I can help you with this buying cheap cheese, if you really mean it...

not to mean Chinese girl comes with cheese na... :D

fumunda cheese? :D

I thought women don't talk about this stuff

fumunda cheese? :D eerrr... what is that?

means an unpleasant smell from something or..... arai aa???

Help educate me please......

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I don't think it is hard to date with Thai Chinese Girl... Everyone is individual..

But if you need to get a step more in relationship with her, like to get married....

then this is harder, you will need to prepare yourself to be in a part of Chinese family, which means they will have influence in most of your own fam's matters.

Well, not just say it is hard to only foreigners... even me, the Thai-Chinese myself....I also scared of getting married to the same ethics.

I don't think I will be ready as I said above, no matter when.. :D

jing jing na.... :D

Do you know where i can buy some good cheap cheese? :o

I guess I can help you with this buying cheap cheese, if you really mean it...

not to mean Chinese girl comes with cheese na... :D

fumunda cheese? :(

I thought women don't talk about this stuff

fumunda cheese? :D eerrr... what is that?

means an unpleasant smell from something or..... arai aa???

Help educate me please......

You really don't want to know midori! :D

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Regarding the OP, I really don't understand the fuss around dating Thai of Chinese origin. Leaving in a middle class neighborhood in Bangkok, 90% of my neighbor have obviously Chinese ancestors. If you met your wife/gf in the office where you're working, you have about the same percentage of chance that she will have at least one Chinese grand dad or mom.

IMO, the big misunderstanding is the belief that chinese ancestors means high society. It definitively doesn't.

Yes, agree. Is so wrong to think Chinese ancestors are only in Hi-So living.

My grandparents were fish-sellers and butchers in local fresh markets,

My daddy was a labour working at the pier...

This is to called "Hi-So"?... Nah.... :o

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Well, there's a Thai Chinese girl who I think has been trying pretty hard to date *me*, but she's not really betting on the right horse. :o

I've had several coworkers who dated (and even married) their Thai Chinese partners.... and a few gay friends as well dating Thai Chinese men.

I think actually communication & emotions with a foreigner can be a bit more intuitive with them; they seem a bit more mature and individualistic compared with the more ethnic Thais of the same age. Another advantage would be a more realistic and better-organised approach to time, money, and business. However, I would also have to say that one of their group weaknesses seems to be social skills.


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A small question. Can a girl with both parents is 100% Chinese have Thai citizenship? Her ancestors arrived to Thailand in early 1900. The reason I ask is because I recently meet a girl whom is from 100% Chinese origin i.e both parents Chinese, but she have a Thai citizenship. I asked her about this and the only reply is "but I am born in Thailand"...

So if a farang couple "cling on" to Thailand for three generations or so, the offspring would get Thai citizenship?

About the dating: She is VERY careful about her/our money (witch is a good sign) she always pay everything (but I paid the taxi a few times, and some drinks at RCA come to think of it). A few examples from the dates so far: buffé at Novotel (eat two, pay for one) , dinner at Century park hotel (eat for two, pay for one), went two times to the True spa at Asoke both times where "go two persons pay for one", she only want to pay the cinema tickets in Central world with her Visacard because then she gets a free popcorn ect. Sound sticky? No, every time we meet she always have a small gift for me, like flower or a cheesecake from S&P. And no, I am not sticky either, I am just in a phase where I want to see "if she is good or not".

So far I think a Thai-Chinese girl is no different from a 100% Thai girl, you just have to meet the right one.

PS Have anyone more than me noticed the many silly questions here on the forum. "do thai girl turn off thier mobile " ect. Don´t forget that Thailand have over 60 million people. Even in the smallest country would not behave as a united mass. I mean those questions are similar to: "Do all Americans eat hamburgers?", "Are all Germans always on time?", "Do all Swedes like Abba?", "Do all Frenchmen have small cars and drive fast", "I´ve meet an Canadian girl. Is she able swear?"DS

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I concur with Maigo6; you have the first and most important hurdle out of the way by joining the oh-so enlightening T/V Forum. In EVERY country I've lived in; when I want to get information, I immediately join what ever anonymous forum that country has and take everything said as gospel.

In fact every poster I have read about here on T/V is married to a "good gurl", who has a light complexion, and is half chinese. I am beginning to think there aren't any 'real' thai people here in thailand at all.

Soon, with the information you glean off this site, you will have the porcelain skinned half chinese/thai gurls falling at your feet.

Then it's only a matter of time until you;

a) shoot yourself in the head with your hands tied behind your back in a suicide

:o jump off a high-rise building in a fit of despondency

c) are carted out to the Samut Prakan crocodile farm in the trunk of a car in the middle of the night, never to be seen or heard from again.

Good luck, let us know how it goes for you. I read on another post that the illustrious, intuitive and full of himself poster known as "lifeisrandom" (a 23 y/o self professed self made usd millionaire) does quite well with the "porcelain dolls", you may want to p/m him and pool your resources.

Bloody hel_l mate, From looking at the photo in your profile to me you look like the stereo typical old ugly western guy who has come to thailand looking for a girl as he cant get one back home, those kind of relationships never last let me tell you.

You do know that in this day and age in the year 2008 there is a new wave of younger guys who visit thailand and meet non bgs and fall in love. I mean get away from your generation for a minute and realise that times have moved on. Were not all here in the same boat as you.

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I don't think it is hard to date with Thai Chinese Girl... Everyone is individual..

But if you need to get a step more in relationship with her, like to get married....

then this is harder, you will need to prepare yourself to be in a part of Chinese family, which means they will have influence in most of your own fam's matters.

Well, not just say it is hard to only foreigners... even me, the Thai-Chinese myself....I also scared of getting married to the same ethics.

I don't think I will be ready as I said above, no matter when.. :D

jing jing na.... :burp:

Do you know where i can buy some good cheap cheese? :o

I guess I can help you with this buying cheap cheese, if you really mean it...

not to mean Chinese girl comes with cheese na... :D

fumunda cheese? :P

I thought women don't talk about this stuff

fumunda cheese? :D eerrr... what is that?

means an unpleasant smell from something or..... arai aa???

Help educate me please......

You really don't want to know midori! :D

:( sorry khun Midori, I will agree with Soundman and refrain from telling you.. You really don't want to know :D

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I work in an office with quite a number of Thai Chinese who are middle class. However they are not really into guys who earn the same salary. Eventhough many are quite nice to me and enjoy talking to me but for a relationship I am out of the question.

Looks like they are really financially demanding or their families have programmed to be so.

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fumunda cheese? :(

I thought women don't talk about this stuff

fumunda cheese? :D eerrr... what is that?

means an unpleasant smell from something or..... arai aa???

Help educate me please......

You really don't want to know midori! :D

:D sorry khun Midori, I will agree with Soundman and refrain from telling you.. You really don't want to know :D

hey..... you are naughty, right :o

no good lei na... :D / Hv a great day!

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  • 7 months later...
PS Have anyone more than me noticed the many silly questions here on the forum. "do thai girl turn off thier mobile " ect. Don´t forget that Thailand have over 60 million people. Even in the smallest country would not behave as a united mass. I mean those questions are similar to: "Do all Americans eat hamburgers?", "Are all Germans always on time?", "Do all Swedes like Abba?", "Do all Frenchmen have small cars and drive fast", "I´ve meet an Canadian girl. Is she able swear?"DS

Isnt that what a forums is for? :) As long as there is no flaming or insulting.

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Can you eat sharks fin soup, or tuck into the meat of other similarly endangered species? Say "ai yah" a lot? Or do you consider spending a disproportionate amount of money on skin-whitening products as necessary?

If you said "yes" to 2/3 of the above, you're probably off 1st base already. Good luck. :)

Sorry to say your are describing the Honkies or the Cantonese, they are the worst of the Chinese in my humble opinion and i lived in HK for 20 years. China is such a diverse country, the Northerners are tall and generally slim and dont east rice as much as breads or meats as much as vegetables.

The days of the stereotype Chinese girls are long over and living in China now i can assure you first hand that the girls are far more approachable than the Thai girls and better at it, if you get my drift.

I think no holds barred would describe it

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