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Dating A Thai Chinese Girl?


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Im married to a Thai Chinese also 1/4 Portuguese. Her father is full chinese and didnt not like me for about 4 years. Thought I wasnt good enough as I done have a uni degree.

But he has finally come around and all it took was a couple of drinking sessions.

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The first step is to join ThaiVisa, then it's plain sailing

A very large percentage of posters here did marry Thai Chinese women, in fact they married rich Thai Chinese women from influential families. :)

I read it on an anonymous internet forum, therefore, it must be true. :D:D


Edited by bravingbangkok
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The first step is to join ThaiVisa, then it's plain sailing

A very large percentage of posters here did marry Thai Chinese women, in fact they married rich Thai Chinese women from influential families. :)

I read it on an anonymous internet forum, therefore, it must be true. :D:D


You really think that is funny? Its the same joke he has used 50 times.

Even if you do have a Thai Chinese wife, or a wealthy wife, or highly educated wife, or a non Thai wife, Maigo will immediately use the same joke. He truly believes we are all old fat stinky sex tourists with ugly little farm wives, he needs to get out more. I dont even know anyone personally that actually fits the stereotype, but I've seen them around town so I know what he means.

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The first step is to join ThaiVisa, then it's plain sailing

A very large percentage of posters here did marry Thai Chinese women, in fact they married rich Thai Chinese women from influential families. :)

I read it on an anonymous internet forum, therefore, it must be true. :D:D


You really think that is funny? Its the same joke he has used 50 times.

Even if you do have a Thai Chinese wife, or a wealthy wife, or highly educated wife, or a non Thai wife, Maigo will immediately use the same joke. He truly believes we are all old fat stinky sex tourists with ugly little farm wives, he needs to get out more. I dont even know anyone personally that actually fits the stereotype, but I've seen them around town so I know what he means.

Sorry, first time I have heard it.

I actually just find this whole Thai Chinese thing funny, the reality is that probably the top 5 powerful figures in Thailand are probably not even Thai Chinese, I am not talking about wealth here but social position ie. privy council and things like that.

There are a lot of very influential Ethnic Thai families around and not everything is owned by Thai Chinese families as they would have you think.

Edited by bravingbangkok
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is it hard for a foreigner to date a Chinese Thai girl?

Nope - she probably be just as curious as you are.

Best advice: treat her as you would treat any girl i.e. the fact that she's Thai/Chinese is (be should be) a non-issue - don't give it any thought.

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is it hard for a foreigner to date a Chinese Thai girl?

another 'winner' of a thread.

a little common sense would help in matters like this .....



I decided I wasn't going to post unless the thread had some substance so I wont be posting to this type of thread

yes , good idea, im posting just to announce i too, wont be posting on this thread !! :D

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I am Chinese Singaporean but I find Chinese Thais more Thai than Chinese. Most Chinese in Thais are Teochews, who are known among Chinese people to be show offs. They can be very "class conscious" people and only hangout with people they consider to be high class enough for them. Usually, they marry other Chinese and avoid the darker-skinned Thais.

The typical Chinese Thai lady would be a spoilt brat. They live with their parents and their parents provide everything that they can possibly want. With this type of upbringing, you would not expect her to be independent. They want someone to give them the life that they want.

My other gripe about Chinese women in general is they tend to me immature compared to Western women. Put a 25 year old farang lady beside a 25 year old Chinese lady and you will see a huge difference. Maybe I am too used to it but for farangs, it may be exotic and attractive. I just can't stand grown women speaking in squeeky voices trying to act like little girls and carrying cute stuff like hello kitty crap etc etc. It seems like a typical 25 year old farang woman would have grown out of crap like that before they hit 15...

Despite all of this.. I recently met a Chinese or should I say Taiwanese lady. She has none of the crap I have mentioned. This lady's special. It is possible to meet nice, independent and mature Chinese women but they are RARE.

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I am Chinese Singaporean but I find Chinese Thais more Thai than Chinese. Most Chinese in Thais are Teochews, who are known among Chinese people to be show offs. They can be very "class conscious" people and only hangout with people they consider to be high class enough for them. Usually, they marry other Chinese and avoid the darker-skinned Thais.

The typical Chinese Thai lady would be a spoilt brat. They live with their parents and their parents provide everything that they can possibly want. With this type of upbringing, you would not expect her to be independent. They want someone to give them the life that they want.

My other gripe about Chinese women in general is they tend to me immature compared to Western women. Put a 25 year old farang lady beside a 25 year old Chinese lady and you will see a huge difference. Maybe I am too used to it but for farangs, it may be exotic and attractive. I just can't stand grown women speaking in squeeky voices trying to act like little girls and carrying cute stuff like hello kitty crap etc etc. It seems like a typical 25 year old farang woman would have grown out of crap like that before they hit 15...

Despite all of this.. I recently met a Chinese or should I say Taiwanese lady. She has none of the crap I have mentioned. This lady's special. It is possible to meet nice, independent and mature Chinese women but they are RARE.

I would say they are more feminine then imature. But it just depends on what angle to look at them

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I am Chinese Singaporean but I find Chinese Thais more Thai than Chinese. Most Chinese in Thais are Teochews, who are known among Chinese people to be show offs. They can be very "class conscious" people and only hangout with people they consider to be high class enough for them. Usually, they marry other Chinese and avoid the darker-skinned Thais.

The typical Chinese Thai lady would be a spoilt brat. They live with their parents and their parents provide everything that they can possibly want. With this type of upbringing, you would not expect her to be independent. They want someone to give them the life that they want.

My other gripe about Chinese women in general is they tend to me immature compared to Western women. Put a 25 year old farang lady beside a 25 year old Chinese lady and you will see a huge difference. Maybe I am too used to it but for farangs, it may be exotic and attractive. I just can't stand grown women speaking in squeeky voices trying to act like little girls and carrying cute stuff like hello kitty crap etc etc. It seems like a typical 25 year old farang woman would have grown out of crap like that before they hit 15...

Despite all of this.. I recently met a Chinese or should I say Taiwanese lady. She has none of the crap I have mentioned. This lady's special. It is possible to meet nice, independent and mature Chinese women but they are RARE.

Good post and I would agree that Thai Chinese are completely different to Chinese Singaporean women who are fascinating and very driven women. Thai Chinese women play the field way too much and basically marry the highest bidder, there are a lot of arranged marriages in Thailand which I doubt too many know about but they do still exist in great numbers.

As someone mentioned earlier, when marrying into a Thai Chinese family you are not only marrying the women but also into the family politics and this can be a hair pulling time at best and shotgun in the mouth time at worst.

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I am Chinese Singaporean but I find Chinese Thais more Thai than Chinese. Most Chinese in Thais are Teochews, who are known among Chinese people to be show offs. They can be very "class conscious" people and only hangout with people they consider to be high class enough for them. Usually, they marry other Chinese and avoid the darker-skinned Thais.

The typical Chinese Thai lady would be a spoilt brat. They live with their parents and their parents provide everything that they can possibly want. With this type of upbringing, you would not expect her to be independent. They want someone to give them the life that they want.

My other gripe about Chinese women in general is they tend to me immature compared to Western women. Put a 25 year old farang lady beside a 25 year old Chinese lady and you will see a huge difference. Maybe I am too used to it but for farangs, it may be exotic and attractive. I just can't stand grown women speaking in squeeky voices trying to act like little girls and carrying cute stuff like hello kitty crap etc etc. It seems like a typical 25 year old farang woman would have grown out of crap like that before they hit 15...

Despite all of this.. I recently met a Chinese or should I say Taiwanese lady. She has none of the crap I have mentioned. This lady's special. It is possible to meet nice, independent and mature Chinese women but they are RARE.

I have to agree with you. In a way, 20 yo western women are more mature than asian ladies the same age. A 20 year old western girl among a group of young people the same age, will be "in charge". The asian girl will expect to be taking care of.

Actually, it can be a real problem, when you have to promote a 20 something western lady above an older asian colleague, when the asian colleague is not willing to take any responsability.

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Marrying a Chinese lady involves marrying their whole family. Although it is less likely that their family will ask you to pay to repair their house and crap like that, they do expect other things from you. This varies from family to family. The ugly side of Chinese culture is some families tend to be overly materialistic and if you do not measure up financially, you might not get accepted.

It is best if you can find a Chinese woman that does not really listen to their crappy family's nonsense. Most Chinese people listen to their parents and try to please them even if they ask them to do nonsensical things.

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Marrying a Chinese lady involves marrying their whole family. Although it is less likely that their family will ask you to pay to repair their house and crap like that, they do expect other things from you. This varies from family to family. The ugly side of Chinese culture is some families tend to be overly materialistic and if you do not measure up financially, you might not get accepted.

It is best if you can find a Chinese woman that does not really listen to their crappy family's nonsense. Most Chinese people listen to their parents and try to please them even if they ask them to do nonsensical things.

Totally agree, I have been there, done that and still here. Only the father is Chinese Thai though, he accepts me now but it did take about 5 years. But after he really got to know me, we are pretty good friends now.

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Marrying a Chinese lady involves marrying their whole family. Although it is less likely that their family will ask you to pay to repair their house and crap like that, they do expect other things from you. This varies from family to family. The ugly side of Chinese culture is some families tend to be overly materialistic and if you do not measure up financially, you might not get accepted.

It is best if you can find a Chinese woman that does not really listen to their crappy family's nonsense. Most Chinese people listen to their parents and try to please them even if they ask them to do nonsensical things.

Maybe we should start a poll here. I believe, Chinese or not, most girls listen to their parents, especially their mother.

Am I right or not ?

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Marrying a Chinese lady involves marrying their whole family. Although it is less likely that their family will ask you to pay to repair their house and crap like that, they do expect other things from you. This varies from family to family. The ugly side of Chinese culture is some families tend to be overly materialistic and if you do not measure up financially, you might not get accepted.

It is best if you can find a Chinese woman that does not really listen to their crappy family's nonsense. Most Chinese people listen to their parents and try to please them even if they ask them to do nonsensical things.

Maybe we should start a poll here. I believe, Chinese or not, most girls listen to their parents, especially their mother.

Am I right or not ?

Agreed but more in Asia then western women who tend to become very independent from their families when they marry.

Edited by bravingbangkok
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Every time I meet a University student who tells me that thy are studying medicine, they are always Chinese. And they seem to mention it rather quickly. Like, My name is "---" that's Chinese. Whether they have any perception that farang favor Chinese or are just proud of the fact, I do not know, but there is definitely a desire in my opinion to share this fact, quickly. As for them being spoiled, I disagree. The ones I know who are studying seem to be in very strict households. Yes, they probably don't cook for themselves or make their own bed, but why should they when they are studying medicine? I don't think its necessary a bad thing to be brought up in this manner.

I think that there will always be the personality and values difference between people who are born into money and come from generations of educated people and those who have made money through grinding it out in business. The latter can often be a bit more unpolished, they are intelligent in their own way but probably did not think much of school and do not use their schooling directly to make money.

At the end of the day, although I personally fall into the lack of schooling category myself, I can definitely appreciate these families who value education and do not want their daughter marrying less than a doctor. I am happy with my lot in life, but I can definitely see the difference between myself and someone who had the moxy to make it through twelve years of medical schooling. It displays different attributes.

So long story short, I think spoiled is an unfair assumption. Its just a different set of values. Me, personally, my kids will be making their own beds. Why? Probably 'cause I had to and that is what I know, so that's what I will teach them.

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Marrying a Chinese lady involves marrying their whole family. Although it is less likely that their family will ask you to pay to repair their house and crap like that, they do expect other things from you. This varies from family to family. The ugly side of Chinese culture is some families tend to be overly materialistic and if you do not measure up financially, you might not get accepted.

It is best if you can find a Chinese woman that does not really listen to their crappy family's nonsense. Most Chinese people listen to their parents and try to please them even if they ask them to do nonsensical things.

Maybe we should start a poll here. I believe, Chinese or not, most girls listen to their parents, especially their mother.

Am I right or not ?

Well, the ones who go and find men twice their age probably have their parents intentions at heart. :)

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I work in an office with quite a number of Thai Chinese who are middle class. However they are not really into guys who earn the same salary. Eventhough many are quite nice to me and enjoy talking to me but for a relationship I am out of the question.

Looks like they are really financially demanding or their families have programmed to be so.

Maybe they just think your ugly? Where is the evidence they want someone richer?

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My Chinese mum used to tell my sisters to find a rich boyfriend. She would disapprove of the middle class guys my sisters used to date. My maternal grandmother once kicked out my maternal grandfather when he wasn't making as much money as she wanted. I was raised and grew up with women like that and it is difficult to marry a woman who was raised in such a family.

I have also been told by a Chinese Thai guy that he knows some Chinese women here who told him that they want a guy who earns XXX,XXX THB per month in order for them to marry him. My friend said he wants to try to earn more money to get women like that. However, I asked him what would happen if you run into financial trouble and don't earn the minimum salary required by that woman? Would that woman kick you out like what my grandmother did? He had no answer for my question.

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So are you mixed? You grew up in Singapore or the West?

The whole kicking out thing sounds more like motivation. I mean, so what if he never came home again? What would the woman have done? Certainly she would have been worse off. There must also be some other good things about marrying someone with this mentality, namely, it is more likely that your extra curricular activities will go unnoticed if your chips are stacked high/ there are enough moon cakes in the fridge.

Edited by JohnGotti
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..dated one for 17 months then married her..Thai Chinese often come from large, well established, often well-off families or at least middle class. If you love her and are handy, helping the family is a great way to get them to see you in a positive manner for a farang.It helps even more if you actually like most of them. My wife has 6 sisters and 2 brothers and tons of relatives in and around Phuket..but I knew going in about the closeness of families, so be prepared to be around the family a lot before and after you may marry her..but establish your "free" time too early on, if you want that, or you may feel a little stifled. By free time I mean away from her for whatever for a few hours a day..for example..the gym,biking, a few beer with friends, but NO extracurricular activities :)

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Think of them as a little closer in values to their western counterparts, and more than likely even a little more conservative.. :D How many Thai chinese birds have u ever seen walking round with a fat old foreign slob for example?

How many birds in the west still carry on with this no sex before marriage malarky? I'd say the percent of Thai chinese girls who want to do it this way would massively outnumber that of the west. :)

I had to wait, like 18 months, but it was well worth it. For this farang, good things don't come easily or quickly.The average Thai /Chinese single 30 year old woman has had WAY less sexual partners than the average 30 year old single caucasion woman...its just the Western media portrays it just the opposite to fuel the fires of racism.. :D

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Think of them as a little closer in values to their western counterparts, and more than likely even a little more conservative.. :D How many Thai chinese birds have u ever seen walking round with a fat old foreign slob for example?

How many birds in the west still carry on with this no sex before marriage malarky? I'd say the percent of Thai chinese girls who want to do it this way would massively outnumber that of the west. :)

I had to wait, like 18 months, but it was well worth it. For this farang, good things don't come easily or quickly.The average Thai /Chinese single 30 year old woman has had WAY less sexual partners than the average 30 year old single caucasion woman...its just the Western media portrays it just the opposite to fuel the fires of racism.. :D

It is rare to see a young Chinese lady with an old Westerner.

Firstly, they do not trust these men. Most Chinese ladies cannot accept "open relationships" and the typical impression of an old Westerner guy in an Asian country is a playboy who has been divorced 3 times and is looking for loads of young women for fun.

Secondly, they do not need to be with a man for financial reasons. Thirdly, they may have younger and highly eligible men chasing them everyday. Lastly, it may not be seen as an honourable thing for a young Chinese lady to marry an old man. It gets more complicated if the man is a Westerner because they tend to stereotype them.

For some Thais, being with a Westerner is like having a trophy. For most Chinese, it is the opposite because a lot of people will stereotype the Westerner and the lady that is hanging out with the Westerner, which would cause the Chinese to "lose face".

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Think of them as a little closer in values to their western counterparts, and more than likely even a little more conservative.. :D How many Thai chinese birds have u ever seen walking round with a fat old foreign slob for example?

How many birds in the west still carry on with this no sex before marriage malarky? I'd say the percent of Thai chinese girls who want to do it this way would massively outnumber that of the west. :)

I had to wait, like 18 months, but it was well worth it. For this farang, good things don't come easily or quickly.The average Thai /Chinese single 30 year old woman has had WAY less sexual partners than the average 30 year old single caucasion woman...its just the Western media portrays it just the opposite to fuel the fires of racism.. :D

It is rare to see a young Chinese lady with an old Westerner.

Firstly, they do not trust these men. Most Chinese ladies cannot accept "open relationships" and the typical impression of an old Westerner guy in an Asian country is a playboy who has been divorced 3 times and is looking for loads of young women for fun.

Secondly, they do not need to be with a man for financial reasons. Thirdly, they may have younger and highly eligible men chasing them everyday. Lastly, it may not be seen as an honourable thing for a young Chinese lady to marry an old man. It gets more complicated if the man is a Westerner because they tend to stereotype them.

For some Thais, being with a Westerner is like having a trophy. For most Chinese, it is the opposite because a lot of people will stereotype the Westerner and the lady that is hanging out with the Westerner, which would cause the Chinese to "lose face".

Lucky for me and my wife, we don't give a flying turd what other people think.

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