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Two years overstay, what do do?

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1. Even though many get away with overstay, there is no guarantee. A few anecdotes do not give an accurate description of the probabilities so we really can't even assess the risks accurately.

2. In fact, there is really no guarantee of anything. Laws could change. Mistakes could be made. Anything could happen even if you follow the laws (anything could happen in any country, horrible mistakes are made everywhere because no system is perfect).

3. I don't wish bad things for anybody, even if they don't follow the rules. I don't understand the venom and hate that is posted from time to time.

There are people who really need to be locked up for the good of society, but I don't understand why people feel that overstayers need to be locked up for society's protection (unless they happen to be dangerous for other reasons).

I do not understand why stupidity, bad judgement, or risk taking should equate to a terrible punishment in this case. Overstayers are harming society a little bit by not pullling their weight like the rest of us. But I don't wish harsh punishment for these people.


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I am not questioning the law. I believe it is best to follow the law. It gives the highest chance of avoiding problems, and it takes almost no effort to obey the law.

I am questioning the desire of some posters that horrible punishment be inflicted on overstayers. Why such hate, contempt, and intense desire for punishment?

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The over-stayers (long-term) are usually selfish and inconsiderate people who think the law doesnot apply to them. And are probably fixtures in the bar of their choice from opening to closing time.

They make it thaat much harder for the normal ex-pat resident here to be treated in the way which we would appreciate.Going in to Immi. for your 90-day registration just afer one of these idiots does not make the Immi officer look at you as being a co-operative, law-abiding person - just 'Oh, blimey, here's another one'.

That's why the vitriol.

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Immigration violations are "administrative infractions", they are not exactly "crimes" in the same way that theft is. I am not saying that such infractions should be ignored or tolerated, but geeze, bring a little perspective to the discussion.

So, Up2U, let me see if I understand your position correctly. The reason you are a law abiding citizen in so far as immigration is concerned is because of your great concern and consideration that doing otherwise would inconvenience your fellow expats?



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Overstaying your visa in any country is a serious offence.

In Los, I am told that you can pay a fine provided you could

reach the Immigration checkpoint without being caught by the

authorities. At least in Los, you could play hide and seek with them.

This is just for your info. In Malaysia, if you do overstay, even for

a few months, you will be sent to Malaysia's 'Bangkok Hilton'.

Most of the 'overstayers' here are from East Aficia, Thailand, Bangladesh,

Burma, India, Pakistan, China, and hundreds of thousands from Indonesia.

Most of the overstayers from Thailand and China are in the vice trade.

By the way, overstaying two years will definitely get the jail sentence.

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I advise Lenno, get it sorted out quickly, or you are only increasing your chances of getting caught.

My friend had been here legally for 9 years when he became overstayed.

Some of the posters here would have him locked up.

He became oversatyed when his wife died of an AIDS related illness, the time he found out he was HIV positive.

But some of the law-abiding posters here would have him not pay the hospital bills, the funeral, in fact not even be there but go on his important visa run.

He became a few weeks oversatyed, which turned into months then years.

He left 8 years oversatyed, but said that everday he saw a policeman he shitted himself. It is easy when you are overstayed by a couple of years to put it off for another year or so.

He is not clown, and I don't feel that when I go to do my 90 day extension, he made it any harder for me. I agree with your posts, quadricorrelator.

Immigration violations are "administrative infractions", they are not exactly "crimes" in the same way that theft is. I am not saying that such infractions should be ignored or tolerated, but geeze, bring a little perspective to the discussion.

So, Up2U, let me see if I understand your position correctly. The reason you are a law abiding citizen in so far as immigration is concerned is because of your great concern and consideration that doing otherwise would inconvenience your fellow expats?



Great post Rex!

It is best to go from Don Meaung, on an early morning flight Lenno.

Have 20,500 Baht in an envelope ready to give straight to the officer.

He may not actually notice it.

It is not worth the worry about getting caught. If you are not worrying, then you obviously don't know the consequences, as many have pointed out about the jail.

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When I referred to overstaying as an "administrative infraction" I was not being naive to draconian way in which the laws are actually applied and enforced. My point was that this should be treated as an infraction they way it is in Western countries. And I am also not impressed that Immigration is a branch of the police. Meter maids are cops too, but you wouldn't expct them to throw you into a Dickensian prison for forgetting to put a coin in the parking meter! I am not saying that Thailand, as any other country, shouldn't have the right to protect it's borders. But it hardly makes sense to let some overstays escape for 20,500 THB if they make it to the airport (Quite a bargain!) and throw others into jail for the same infraction. Such an unclear, unevenly enforced policy does not encourage respect for or compliance with the law.

I neither defend nor condemn overstays. Quite honestly, I don't regard it as any of my business to make judgments about these people. If an overstay gets in trouble, then it was, by definition, a stupid choice. If he escapes at the airport after 12 years for 20,500 baht, then he was lucky. I don't see that as having anything to do with me, and I don't buy the argument this somehow "unfair" to the law abiding expats. Every expat has exactly the same option of choosing to overstay providing he is willing to accept the risk. Everyone should be well-informed and try to make good choices. As they say, Up2U, lah!



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Rexall once again it is not up to us foreigners to criticise the way

immigration rules are administered. They put a clear

date stamp in everyone's passport and no matter how much

ducking and weaving anyone tries to do- you must either leave

by that date or make suitable arrangements to have

the exit date varied. We can`t come to another country

and tell the government what is wrong with its

administration of its own immigration laws .............??!!

It`s absurd to even question another countries system

- unless you are a citizen of that country with full voting

rights etc.....

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Rexall once again it is not up to us foreigners to criticise the wayimmigration rules are administered. . . . It`s absurd to even question another countries system . . .

Mr. Midas,

Absurd??? Obviously, I have no problem being critical of certain aspects of the immigration law and the way it is applied. Nor do I see any reason why I should be reluctant to do so. After all, the law effects me. ######, the law is about me; it has nothing to do with Thais except as it effects Thai spouses of farang. I don't think it is absurd at all express an opinion (critical or otherwise) about that.

You sound as if you are stating facts. Are you stating a facts or expressing your opinion? If you are stating facts, I would be interested to know what evidence you have to support them.



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I have never ever understood this business of ' overstaying ' - to me

it is rude and inconsiderate and I can understand why the

authorities take such a dim view.

Imagine inviting a guest to your home for the weekend

and then that guest just stays on without asking....its no

different..... When you are a ' guest ' in another country,

the very least you can do is respect the date stamps.

I simply cant see why it so difficult for so many people

to do so ?

Where does some people get the term GUEST when talking about tourists??

There is no guest to it,,a guest is expected to pay nothing,a guest is invited.

Here we are not invited,we are charged to enter, and we pay for everything we recieve while here. we must obey all Thai laws and are afforded no special status. :o

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Rexall once again it is not up to us foreigners to criticise the way

immigration rules are administered. They put a clear

date stamp in everyone's passport and no matter how much

ducking and weaving anyone tries to do- you must either leave

by that date or make suitable arrangements to have

the exit date varied. We can`t come to another country

and tell the government what is wrong with its

administration of its own immigration laws .............??!!

It`s absurd to even question another countries system

- unless you are a citizen of that country with full voting

rights etc.....

Very well said,,and my thoughts exactly,,just like living in the US or England or where ever..

If you have voting rights,then you should vote or bitch or do what ever you can to make the law comply with your way of thinking..

But if you are a tourist or illegal alien as with most ###### raisers in the states,,then if you do not like what is happening,,get your arse out. :o

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If you have voting rights,then you should vote or bitch or do what ever you can to make the law comply with your way of thinking..

How many farang have voting rights here?

Farang generally are educated, giving them voting rights is not in the Thai book.

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But if you are a tourist or illegal alien as with most ###### raisers in the states,,then if you do not like what is happening,,get your arse out. :o

Funny KevinN, maybe you haven't been back to the States in awhile. Illegals love it there; fully paid health benifits for themselves and their children and free education. An ILLEGAL alien can get a LEGAL California driver's license to be able to drive to the job that he is working at illegally. Can you imagine being an illegal immigrant or someone who overstayed his visa for 2 years and walking into the land transport office in Bangkok and applying for a driver's license? Illegal aliens in the US can even pay taxes. Tell me where the logic is. Is it in Thailand perhaps?

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I had heard that they can get a calif. drivers license now,,but thats what i mean,,they raise ###### and get what they want and the ACLU makes sure they get what they want,,just like the talk here on the forum the other day about England requiring people to speak and understand english before they could get naturalisation,,use to be that way in the states,now they can get it and never speak one word of english and all official forms have to be printed in a dozen different languages.

Seems to me that you should obey the laws,and if you do not want to,then get your asse out of the place.

But the liberals there will not see it that way anymore. and it is the taxpayer that foots the bills for the govt bennies that they get. And I have never heard of an illegal paying taxes. and most work on a phony SSA card that they buy in the parking lot of the super markets in Chula Vista along with the false drivers license and other papers that they buy. Then go up to the welfare office in Chula Vista with their "FRONT" license plates and sign up for welfare.

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Just what did happen to Lenno?

Did he escape back to Germany?

Who knows the answer?

Original post is nearly 3 years old.........he was posting up until 11/05/03...strangely enough 3 or 4 of his posts were giving advice on visa issues,advising people what visas they needed! :D:D:D

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