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Obamas Redistribution Of Wealth Example

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Yesterday on

my way to lunch, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign

that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my waiter

had on an "Obama 08" tee shirt.

When the bill came, I decided not to tip

the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service,

that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan

to redistribute the wealth.

I told him I was going to redistribute his tip

to someone that I deemed more in need -the homeless guy outside.

He stood

there in disbelief and angrily stormed away.

I went outside, gave the

homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had decided he

could use the money more.

The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief but

seemed grateful.

As I got in my truck, I realized this redistribution

experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not

earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did


I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to

catch on.

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It takes a massive amount of gall and a warped imagination to interpret Obama's progressive taxation policies (something both parties have favored for generations now) as an invitation to stiff waiters.

Edited by Jingthing
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As I got in my truck, I realized this redistribution

experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not

earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did


I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to

catch on.

Your little "parabole" is so right.

But as usual, there isn't worse blind that the one who doesn't want to see.

Anyway, Obama The Messiah has been elected. Love, prosperity and joy for every living organisms (animals and plants included) on this planet, He shall provide.

We should bet : how many weeks or months before people start to be disappointed ?

Edited by cclub75
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Yesterday on

my way to lunch, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign

that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my waiter

had on an "Obama 08" tee shirt.

When the bill came, I decided not to tip

the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service,

that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan

to redistribute the wealth.

I told him I was going to redistribute his tip

to someone that I deemed more in need -the homeless guy outside.

He stood

there in disbelief and angrily stormed away.

I went outside, gave the

homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had decided he

could use the money more.

The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief but

seemed grateful.

As I got in my truck, I realized this redistribution

experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not

earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did


I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to

catch on.

You've got to be <deleted> kidding me. You really need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and the other idiots who are spreading this kind of nonsense about Obama. A more realistic version of your twisted story would replace the homeless bum with a family struggling with medical bills from a sick child or elderly parent and replace the waiter with some fat cat like Donald Trump or Michael Jackson. Maybe the 1 or 2 % raise in taxes on these rich guys might even get the fat loud mouth liar Rush Limbaugh some help for his Hillbilly Heroin habit. :o

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Yesterday on

my way to lunch, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign

that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my waiter

had on an "Obama 08" tee shirt.

When the bill came, I decided not to tip

the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service,

that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan

to redistribute the wealth.

I told him I was going to redistribute his tip

to someone that I deemed more in need -the homeless guy outside.

He stood

there in disbelief and angrily stormed away.

I went outside, gave the

homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had decided he

could use the money more.

The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief but

seemed grateful.

As I got in my truck, I realized this redistribution

experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not

earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did


I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to

catch on.

You've got to be <deleted> kidding me. You really need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and the other idiots who are spreading this kind of nonsense about Obama. A more realistic version of your twisted story would replace the homeless bum with a family struggling with medical bills from a sick child or elderly parent and replace the waiter with some fat cat like Donald Trump or Michael Jackson. Maybe the 1 or 2 % raise in taxes on these rich guys might even get the fat loud mouth liar Rush Limbaugh some help for his Hillbilly Heroin habit. :o

Yes indeed Groongthep ! Or what about the John Thain CEO of Merrill Lynch who

received a $15 million bonus when he was hired in December for FAILURE

and is too embarassed to speak to the media :D

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Yesterday on

my way to lunch, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign

that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."

Once in the restaurant my waiter

Stay in the US .. and please never eat out again!

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you guys are really funny and need a sense of humor. this was a joke I received. i live here a long time and tip better than you, I am sure. that being said, this is what obama is proposing but hey, what the heck. raising taxes for the rich, who employ the workers, will mean loss of jobs but thats ok for me, because i am retired, but I do feel sorry for the workers that will loose their jobs because of this. A poor man never hired anyone. I finally closed both my companies in America with over 40 employees each. I was getting taxed and fees to death to where I wasn't making money anymore and stopped. Luckily for me I had real estate and sold at the right time.

have an nice day and try to be civil :o

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I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to

catch on.

Redistribution, as normally proposed, is about reducing the privilege of unearned income recieved by owners (the rentier class, etc.). Your focus upon the 'earned' or 'unearned' aspect of the issue is ironic.

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Normally in "business forum" we discuss business, banking etc.

This topic appears to be pure speculation on Obama's (who isnt even in office yet) financial policies.

We normally let global business issues that have some bearing on Thailand be discussed here, however, I can't see the point to this thread and after complaints by a few members I am closing it before it becomes a political debate.


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