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New 007 Movie


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They could have started with his early childhood just as well.

There's a whole series of books on that very subject (http://www.youngbond.com/) yet to enter the movie mill.

Bring up Bourne 4 and even Mission Impossible for an action spy movie instead.

"The Spy with Alzheimers" and "OctoPussy"

BBB - Bring Back Bob!

(...and Q)

Edited by phaethon
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Saw it in Doha; sure there were bits cut. As a result, did not see half as much of the Bond Girl as we should have..

Don't like the new trend in Bond. Q and Moneypenny and gadgets have to be there. Bond is a suave, intelligent superspy who outwits his formidable foes with only rarely reverting to brute force and indiscriminate use of the PPK. No need to wreck the DB in the first scene either..

The bad guys are really bad but will always get it in the end; this is predictable and should be thus..

There is no need to get into the "emotional" side of Bond; don't know why Hollywood feels it has to be "touchy feely".

Bourne et al is there for the fight scenes and the loud physical stuff; bring back Connery and Moore, even Brosnan...

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Sadly the days of the over the top, clichéd Bond movies are over, now they're more gritty and personal.

I miss Connery, ... Sean Connery, the quintessential Bond,

Best 007 pic IMHO still remains Goldfinger,

It had it all, the Austin Martin, Odd-Job and of course Pussy Galore,

Chained up to a nuclear bomb counting down at Fort Knox with some guy trying to decapitate you with a hat,

now that's writing :o:D

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Saw it Saturday nite at Paragon.

Coudn't stay awake. When my own snoring woke me up, I looked around. Everybody around me sleeping too. Only 9 p.m.

Something has to be wrong with a movie that works like a sedative.

Edited by toptuan
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I agree that Bourne is not a substitute for Bond, but neither is the two latests flicks.

What next? Will he cry and weep?

And the agony of making his first kill?!?!? Jeez, that's the last thing on my mind when thinking about Bond adventures.

And mullying over the "tragic" loss of a chick he knew for a couple of days that is going to be carried into a third movie - I don't know this wuss, it's certainly not James Bond.

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because she did not understand it me thinks :o

Its because she is an intelligent person who wishes go understand all that happens in the movie. She speaks and understand english quite well, thank you. She wants to read the english subtiltles because she is not familiar with all the slang and expressions. And it is one of the best movies ever made. I have seen it many times and still love it.

I know you were trying to be funny and probably did not want to be hurtful. A bit too predictable too.

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"Oooh, don't hit my face you bully!" hahahaha

This made me smile. "Not in the face, not in the face!" :o

I see a Hollywood spoof movie coming!

"On Mondays I use a pink silencer, on Tuesdays a chartreuse one, on Wednesdays it's mauve, on Thursdays...."

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I have edited a post, and deleted subsequent reply to it

gonna ask you all to remain civil. if you find a particular post offensive, simply hit the report button. please do not take it upon yourself to become nasty...as regardless of 'he started it first' - any violations of forum rules will not be tolerated.

PS. to those complaining about Craig as the latest Bond - Daniel Craig was voted 'the best Bond ever' :D (this after many initially criticised him prior to Casino Royale.....

just sharing news...not my opinion... :o

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