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What Is Your Opinion Of The Expat Scene In Thailand?


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In addition to many good expats living in LOS, a great many of the farang expat population consists of misfits, drunks, crooks, perverts, anti-social types, or people that have escaped to LOS to take advantage of the the cheap housing, women, and whiskey. I think most farangs with any common sense tend to be more guarded and careful in choosing who they socialize with due to the vast number of losers and western society rejects living in LOS.

Its expats like you that i cant stand, the ones who like to boast about other farangs being as youve said to make themselves look better.

I have to agree. Sure I see these types around but are they living here full time? Most farang I know are from work and all really decent, some with families, some young and single but hardly as the poster described. I think the people he is describing are here as short timers not on working visas or retired. If your not working or have a pension the cheap housing, women and whiskey will run out at some point and you will have to return home if you are working then you have not much time for these activities.

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I had a big loy kratong party since I last posted in this thread. Maybe 20 people. Roughly divided between males and females, expats andThais, straight and gay, young and old. A good time was had by all, and less than four bottles of beer, no liquor, all evening.

Did you eat hay?

Actually I was wondering what they were smoking....... :o

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most - 99% - lack morals and to a lesser degree honesty - from my experience.

example - a good friend i grew up with now living in singapore who was always honest and sincere and morally upstanding - now married and because of work that takes him all over the asian region - along with EVERY married expat i know - does the night moves when out of town or thier wives are out of town, and then go back to their lives/wives.

this doesn't happen occasionally - but regularly enough to say always. it is a bit sad from my point of view. i would just choose to stay single or at least get divorced if i wanted to play the night moves so often.

many come out here with good intentions and much better ideals - but eventually ALL go the way of the locals.

well - let me add, there are some people out here with good ideals and who do not do the night moves, but in my experience, and i know a lot of people out here, i know none that do not slowly rot from the inside out. on the surface they look normal, but when out drinking it is obvious in the conversations. most of my friends are upper level management/executives. these guys have a good life and choose their lifestyle - it is what they want! they are living the boys life into mid-life and beyond

so before i get an earful, just take calm in your assertions in that you are not a part of my circle - so YOU could very well be an upright and outstanding individual

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most - 99% - lack morals and to a lesser degree honesty - from my experience.

example - a good friend i grew up with now living in singapore who was always honest and sincere and morally upstanding - now married and because of work that takes him all over the asian region - along with EVERY married expat i know - does the night moves when out of town or thier wives are out of town, and then go back to their lives/wives.

this doesn't happen occasionally - but regularly enough to say always. it is a bit sad from my point of view. i would just choose to stay single or at least get divorced if i wanted to play the night moves so often.

many come out here with good intentions and much better ideals - but eventually ALL go the way of the locals.

well - let me add, there are some people out here with good ideals and who do not do the night moves, but in my experience, and i know a lot of people out here, i know none that do not slowly rot from the inside out. on the surface they look normal, but when out drinking it is obvious in the conversations. most of my friends are upper level management/executives. these guys have a good life and choose their lifestyle - it is what they want! they are living the boys life into mid-life and beyond

so before i get an earful, just take calm in your assertions in that you are not a part of my circle - so YOU could very well be an upright and outstanding individual

Bob Seger over here with the "night moves" I understand what your saying but have the same kind of circle of executives and so on and we go out every once in a while but they all seem to be put off by this type of behavior. For me I don't care or judge and the fact that someone isd getting something on the side really isn't any of my business nor do I think it would make them any less human. Who knows what is going on in that persons marriage or what type of arrangement they have? Night moves :D:o

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I like the term 'night moves' a buddy of mine in Glasgow used to call it 'night hawking' but 'night moves' certainly has a ring to it :D

He's right, I've known some Singaporian dudes as well. If they have the moolah and see the girl and the chemistry's there off they go into the room.

One of them had a real groove going on with the air hostesses, that was his thing, or at least he said it was.

When I was asking him why he did his 'night moves' (he had a meek little gf) his response was 'It keeps the relationship fresh, you know' :o

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I tend to recall a heck of lot more 'undesirables' in my home town... but that is just my opinion. I was 'lucky' to fall into a good crowd of Thais and expats comprising of both men and women who were married and single ranging from 23 to 50+. Sure, we went out and drank from time to time, but we were mainly respectful and never took the p*ss with our jobs (mainly teachers).

As for expat strngers, I will happily nod and smile at a one, but not get p*ssed if that nod is not reciprocated. If an interesting conversation sparks up, great, if not, fine. If your expat experience here is one of meeting too many drunken/undesirable characters, I would be asking myself why I kept finding myself in such situations/places where I met such people.

I have come to appreciate LOS and all of its shortcomings (which with perspective and time tend become advantages!) a lot more since living in other parts of the world, and I, for one, will be happy to return shortly to take up a life similar to that described earlier by GaryA.

Cheers folks,


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many come out here with good intentions and much better ideals - but eventually ALL go the way of the locals.

well - let me add, there are some people out here with good ideals and who do not do the night moves, but in my experience, and i know a lot of people out here, i know none that do not slowly rot from the inside out.

so before i get an earful, just take calm in your assertions in that you are not a part of my circle - so YOU could very well be an upright and outstanding individual

Upright when I'm lucky... :o

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I understand what your saying but have the same kind of circle of executives and so on and we go out every once in a while but they all seem to be put off by this type of behavior.

I find this difficult to believe. Perhaps they are a bunch of lying phonies? :o

A supplier of mine based in Bkk and I were having this exact conversation a few weeks ago, he said he has lived in Bkk for 18 years and is still married, he is still married because he is discret about his activities, he is in business and he understands no one respects a whore monger. So i would say your exec friends have a similar level of common sense.

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Fascinating and interesting comments here that really does give an in-sight into the lives and thoughts of the ex-pat population here in Thailand.

Truly though, there are no rights and wrongs as to how we may view our fellow non-immigrant peers living amongst us. But it does bring certain aspects to light, especially for those who are considering throwing in the towel in their own countries and moving to Thailand.

Analysing the comments and general opinions on this thread:

There is certainly no brotherhood/sisterhood here among any ex-pat groups, nor is there likely to be any ex-pat communities such as in other countries like Spain and South Korea. Most seem to mainly indulge in self interests with self imposed segregation either with themselves or close knit circles. Again I am not suggesting that this is wrong, everyone is entitled to live their own lifestyles to what suits them.

What this does mean for those now still living in their home countries and gagging to come over to Thailand, should take into consideration that once they give up their friends and workmates back home, there is very little hope of creating the same sort of social scene with friends they can relate to and will speak their native language in Thailand.

I realized and accepted this prior to moving here 5 years ago, and have learned to enjoy my own company with just a few Thai and Farang acquaintances and that of my wife, Daughter and dogs. There are really no other options where I live and this hasn’t discouraged me from enjoying my life and living it to the full.

But it is beneficial to those future European/American/Canadian/OZ/NZ long term residents to read this thread and note the comments, rather than become disillusioned and feel isolated once they are here.

Edited by sassienie
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Sassienae has raised an interesting topic. I think a lot depends where you are. Pattaya and Chiang Mai seem to have good expat scenes, but Ive spent most of the last 5 years in Bangkok where things are more fragmented. Generalising is hard, but a lot of it depends on your work and social interests. Currently I'm in a condo at Huay Kwang, and have spent most of the last 3 years around Rachada-Suttisan, which I like better (and is cheaper) than Sukhumvit where I lived for several years too.

It'd be good to know exactly how many foreign (Western) expats there are in Thailand by city. I dont think Westerners in Bangkok hang out together as much as the Japanese or Koreans do. Look at the Japaneseification of Sukhumvit over recent years. Thai Visa does a great job for us with its forums, but it'd be even better if the Immigration departmen deigned to establish an English (and other) language call in service where we can ask questions rather than have to deal face to face with the confusion of Suan Plu.

It'd be good if ThaiVisa had a Bangkok expat meeting as well as their Pattaya and Chiang Mai ones,

best, Glen

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I am more reluctent to speak with a "unknown" farang than with the average Thai for that matter.

can't seem to find farang people,apart from 1 or 2 really good friends, who share the same values as i do................

taking care of family/friends and lead a simple but good life,

by the way..........what other people do??????????? GOD saves them all or whatever.


In addition to many good expats living in LOS, a great many of the farang expat population consists of misfits, drunks, crooks, perverts, anti-social types, or people that have escaped to LOS to take advantage of the the cheap housing, women, and whiskey. I think most farangs with any common sense tend to be more guarded and careful in choosing who they socialize with due to the vast number of losers and western society rejects living in LOS.
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Also, I often find other westerners either want to know a lot about who you are and what you do, within a short period of meeting you. Actually find it a bit intimidating and off putting. (Whats your age? whats your work? whats your visa? are you single? type questions) Ok, Thai ask this type of questions too, but mainly for small talk, with westerners I often feel probed. Then there is the other westerner that likes to tell you all about themselves within a first meeting and rapid speed (sometimes even go on to say how much they know about Thailand and Thai people..when often they dont even speak any Thai. Of course, if you dont speak any Thai, thats up to you and ok, just when a person preaches at me about knowing Thai people etc, i am surprised when they say they dont speak Thai). There is also the westerner who likes to put down everything Thai from the people to the food, I just can listen to that. Mainly how the express their dislike. Things like "i dont eat that muck" etc. Makes me feel like falling asleep. Also too many make presumptions about me. Assuming im fresh off the plane from Scotland, even though i left the UK at 16. Presuming that I cant speak or read Thai (of course im a long way off fluent, but i can still have a conversation, albeit stunted with Thai people and read some basic Thai.) Stuff like that.

Sorry, im ranting here..its morning and caffeine hasnt kicked in. Anyway, as i said before in a different post, i have met some REALLY lovely expats, and even the ones above are lovely, just that i am quite a solitary and shy person and take time to form friendships (which will then be for a lifetime).

Im sure I am probably considered a bit weird to many that i meet too. :o

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Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

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Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

Reinvent themselves? Why? I have burned no bridges and have friends who come to visit me here once in a while. There are a few expats who have run away from something but they are definitely in the minority.

I DON'T like shoes, socks or long pants. The truth of the matter is that I don't like shopping and wear whatever my wife buys for me.

I think back packs are a great idea. They help to eliminate some of the plastic bags that are scattered to the winds. I read that 7-11 is working to eliminate plastic bags. Maybe back packs will become more popular.

My wife speaks Thai and I only speak enough Thai to get by. I don't mind at all if you don't speak to me.

Police are normal people, some good and some bad. I have had police help me on numerous occasions. I have also paid for traffic violations that I wasn't guilty of. No big deal.

I also have an aversion to tattoos and piercings. I normally avoid those people but I have found that some are very nice people. It's their body so it's up to them.

Live and let live. I associate with people I like and avoid those I don't like. I don't discriminate between Thai and farangs. My major dislike is people who consider themselves HI-SO and think themselves better than most other people. I find that type of people more common than people who want to "reinvent" themselves.

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Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

Do the right thing and all will be well do the wrong thing and pay the price is that right :o

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2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

Look in the mirror why? All my girlfriends tell me how handsome I am every single day when I saunter down Loi Kroh Road.

As far as clothes go, well I am so...muscular, that I can hardly find clothes to fit me, so I will put on absolutely anything that sort of fits.

I'm sexy as he11 though, I hear it every day! :o

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2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

Look in the mirror why? All my girlfriends tell me how handsome I am every single day when I saunter down Loi Kroh Road.

As far as clothes go, well I am so...muscular, that I can hardly find clothes to fit me, so I will put on absolutely anything that sort of fits.

I'm sexy as he11 though, I hear it every day! :o

I admire your ""confidence"",honey :D

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Thailand Expat (rotting from the inside out)

That phrase really go my attention I think I knew what he meant.

But does that have anything to do with being in Thailand?

What is Thailand but dirt, tress water and air. Same things you left to come here. People are a bit different have different customs and social norms.

But coming from America drive 1500 miles in any direction and you find the same thing. Even speak a bit differently then you are accustoming to.

Laws every state in America has different local laws laws.

Arrogant government clerks seen my fair share before I ever got to Thailand

Stupid Governments yep got that in the states.

Corrupt cops yep got um

Inadequate infrastructure with bridges falling down, I would have to say yes.

Poor people Oh Ya

Rich people yep

Stupid drivers Yep plenty

Prostitution in every town

I could go on and on, but this I enough to get the picture, Thailand is a place just like the one you came from its share of good and bad.

So what makes you rot from the inside out, Thailand or us?

I’ve seen it in others and have experienced it myself for short periods of time.

First of all I think we were lied to form the very beginning, or maybe we just confused it, it says the pursuit of happiness, doesn’t mean you’re going to get it, just means you can chase it. So you follow the rules work hard be the best person you can be. Should be a happy retirement. Sorry not true.

I can only speak from the area of being a retiree here, cause I all I know.

Where did your friends come from your work experience, you had something in common that you shared. Many times you tolerated behavior that you didn’t like h just to get the job down. The work world requires sucking in a lot, at times you may no want to. So by the time you actually retire you have pretty much had it with no speaking your mind. Form that world you will meet a lot people and there will be real friends, well my real friends still stay in touch today. I haven’t lost them; the others were people that knew.

We had goals and aspirations that we could gauge our progress by, well heck you did that what’s next?

They don’t tell that physically you can’t do the same things you did before. I love doing physical labor; I love the activity and the feeling of accomplishment. Today I have to hire people to do the work that I would rather do myself. They will never do it the way I want it done. For one simple reason they are not me.

Do I look at me or do I look at them. Them why it’s the path of least resistance. In the end I get what I want but somehow I’m to jaded recognize it. Well somebody is the cause of this couldn’t be me, or could it?

I think that is enough you get the idea.

This morning I was at Lotus. I said hello to a guy about me age, not the slightest acknowledgement. Why you could see it in his face he was so absorbed in his demons had no room for anything else. Good guy bad guy I will never know.

Said hello to guy about 35 with his beautiful wife and new baby. Very friendly he wasn’t fighting demons he was loving life. completely different encounter.

So what is it, being an expat, Thailand or just us?

I have found ways to stop this rotting from inside out, that most of the time work for me. Not always by I know I have my own demons and very little for anyone else’s. Maybe that is it I don’t know. Just a thought.

This Utopia that we were told we get was a fantasy, in the end it’s always real world.

My belief the first step to finding your way is stop looking at others and look at yourself. The path of least resistance will always be to put blame others, places, circumstances. Ect.

When I look at me life today I can decide I’m not getting exactly what I wanted for retirement, thus poor. Or I can look at my life understand I have all that need and most of what I want. So therefore I’m rich. How I look at the will depend on what’s going on between my ears that day.

That Phrase rotting form the inside out really was a wake up call. Made me look at me, where the problems start and end. Believe me I’m as guilty as anyone.

So in my mind being an expat in Thailand has very little to do with how my life is.

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Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

OK schmacko, here's something for you to learn: The word you are looking for is LOSE. "Loose" means baggy; not tight; unfastened. Got it? And don't you dare try telling me that was a typo! You screwed up.

Maybe if you spent a little less of your obviously considerable wealth on propping up the Thai economy and a little more on books you could avoid these irritating mistakes.

I prescribe a trip to UG's store.

UG sort this charlatan out!

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In the small town I live Aranyaprathet there are few expats to be seen. I like saying hello to any I encounter as I would like to meet an English speaking family man to have Sunday BBQs with etc. I did have an American retired chief engineer friend who was great, he had a nice family and we had get togethers. Unfortunately he moved his family back to the USA. There are normal nice family oriented English speaking expats out there its just finding them is difficult at times. I noticed many in my area are German or Italian so the language barrier comes into play as well.

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Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

#8. A quality expat speaks. To the detriment of a majority of everyone else. :o

Hope the kids that you put "thru" (sic) further education manage to at least find a spell-checker.

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I don't understand why you should acknowledge a fellow farang you have never met ?? You dont know them, do you do this in any other situation/country?

Well said that man.


I've got plenty of farang friends, all of whom I've met in either work or social situations. The numpties who grin at me on the Skytrain or 7-Eleven get ignored.

In fact we were always taught to acknowledge people in gereral when you cross paths as a child in the Uk just as our parents did.

What I find odd here is that people dont just not respond they look act as if you are invisible. Im sure it can not be unique to expats in Thailand, however I have not received such cold responses in other SE Asian countries.

Edited by benw10
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Interesting comments here. Obviously all cannot agree. After ten years of living here, this is my take:

1. A majority of ex-pats seem to fit into the catagory of trying to 're-invent ' themselves. Have no ties to anyone from whence they came, i.e. high school chums or University chums (if they ever went); sort of like social mis-fits....sad.

2. Do any of these guys ever look in the mirror? I have never seen such a terrible

combination of dress....stripes with checks; black socks in sandals that have more straps than one can count; Pants that are not pants, nor shorts, but what we used to call 'pedal pushers' that only women wore.

3. What is the deal with all of these backpacks? It seems that men are trying to be more like women, with every possible item carried with them....you are not in high school or college! Stores give you bags for purchases.....LOOSE the backpacks!!! Looks stupid.

4. You live here, learn the language!!! I will not talk to a farang who says they don't have to learn Thai....plain rude!!!

5. Police are a complete JOKE!!! Avoid them like the plague.

6. DO NOT suggest that I move, as I have two homes; a wife; a son; and have put one boy thru University; his sister thru high school; other sister thru private girl's school; and son in private English school. Let's just say, I have contributed to this society and the Thai people.

7. Tatoos and piercings say a lot about a person.............you be the judge.

phonetically: 'tum dee' die dee', tum chua die chua............learn it and remember it!!!

shocked at your ignorance i felt like i was reading a fox news bulletin

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I don't understand why you should acknowledge a fellow farang you have never met ?? You dont know them, do you do this in any other situation/country?

Well said that man.


I've got plenty of farang friends, all of whom I've met in either work or social situations. The numpties who grin at me on the Skytrain or 7-Eleven get ignored.

In fact we were always taught to acknowledge people in gereral when you cross paths as a child in the Uk just as our parents did.

What I find odd here is that people dont just not respond they look act as if you are invisible. Im sure it can not be unique to expats in Thailand, however I have not received such cold responses in other SE Asian countries.

Interestingly or just coincidence (que the Twilight Zone theme), as I was walking down Lung Suan early Sat AM I passed a middle-aged expat who said "Good Morning". Almost startled me.

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I tend to recall a heck of lot more 'undesirables' in my home town... but that is just my opinion. I was 'lucky' to fall into a good crowd of Thais and expats comprising of both men and women who were married and single ranging from 23 to 50+. Sure, we went out and drank from time to time, but we were mainly respectful and never took the p*ss with our jobs (mainly teachers).

As for expat strngers, I will happily nod and smile at a one, but not get p*ssed if that nod is not reciprocated. If an interesting conversation sparks up, great, if not, fine. If your expat experience here is one of meeting too many drunken/undesirable characters, I would be asking myself why I kept finding myself in such situations/places where I met such people.

I have come to appreciate LOS and all of its shortcomings (which with perspective and time tend become advantages!) a lot more since living in other parts of the world, and I, for one, will be happy to return shortly to take up a life similar to that described earlier by GaryA.

Cheers folks,


ay up jim,i didnt think there was any english left in leicester,but you do get a decent curry though lol.

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