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Accommodation Needed (ban Kruat Or Burirum)


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Hello to everybody! First, pardon my crap english, that you`ll see in the few thousands rows below;).

.. Ok then, you`ll been warned now:)...

So far, starting from the (OMG!) 31 december 2008, and until 20 january 2009 we are planning with my girlfriend & mother to go to the Ban Kruat city, near of Burirum, in Isaan. I know, i a bit original in expecting of cheap prices at the hi season, but if it can be nearly 8.000 - 9.000 baht per month, or for exact 3 weeks - it will be just great!

So far, it can be somekind of guesthouse, or private home, or any property that capable to let 3 persons feel comfortable under it`s roof;). 2 bedrooms, if absolutely in the dream;).

If someone have any suggestions about that hypotetic accommodation (maybe not availible in the whole Earth, who know) - always absoulte welcome!!!

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Ban Kruat is not a typically tourist destination and it only recently applied for and got (I think) city status, there do tend to be more visitors in the winter period, but they are usually in-tow (if you understand my English)

Most of the private houses are occupied all year round by the people that built/own them and the ones that aren't are meant for real long term rental (years) and would be unfurnished.

There are a couple of resorts that can be beaten down on price if you say you are staying for a month (3 to 4 thousand per room) but you will need to act quickly.

Can I just ask, why Ban Kruat?

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Ban Kruat is not a typically tourist destination and it only recently applied for and got (I think) city status, there do tend to be more visitors in the winter period, but they are usually in-tow (if you understand my English)

Most of the private houses are occupied all year round by the people that built/own them and the ones that aren't are meant for real long term rental (years) and would be unfurnished.

There are a couple of resorts that can be beaten down on price if you say you are staying for a month (3 to 4 thousand per room) but you will need to act quickly.

Can I just ask, why Ban Kruat?

Sure. Actually, ban Kruat is the closest to the my girlfriend`s village, but i can`t live exact in village, as there`s metal roof, nor aircon, you know...

Resorts - thanks about them, already checking by the girlfriend`s brother the price & availiblilty.

Thanks for reply!

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Gospodin komissar. Strazvuitee ! Sawasdee phi my !

Prakhon Chai is close to Ban Kruat with a lot of nice germans and other farangs ! The family of my wifes daughter in law have a nice shack just outside the center of Ban Kruat. Wooden planks with lots of space between each plank. If it is not too windy and no rain and not too many mosquitoes (malarial) maybe yoy could manage. It is a very poor part of the world even compared to some parts of Africa. "Piss poor" as the aussies say. Nothing else about the aussies. They might be a little bit rough but otherwise I guess they are OK.

When in Ban Kruat I always see to that we go home long before dusk. If I forget our daughter in law reminds me. She and her younger sister lives close to my house far away from Ban Kruat. They can't stand it in Ban Kruat. If it is because of the village or because of their parents I am not sure.

But to be serious ! I guess a decent rent for a house with aircon should be 3500-5000 bath for just one month. In Isaan there is no high season.

It is high season all of the year !

If it is your first visit to the area I would say that Prakhon Chai is the best.

By the way. Excuse me if I am nosey. Where do you come from ? :o

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